
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Emotions


Stomach pain. It hurts so much.

It's like being burned by fire and being pricked by needles.

want to vomit.

Ah no.

Who can help me.

It's raining.

It was raining lightly outside the window.

So warm.

The gentle birdsong seems to originate from a far away place, and it seems to be close to the ear, and the echo is rippling. Occasionally, the sound of birds spreading their wings seemed to be heard.

The scent of flowers, like a ribbon, slid softly across the nose, with a slight sweetness, and soon diluted into the murmur of water, and the fish swam through it, and the tail swung, making a subtle rushing sound.

Feng Yeran moved on the table in the laboratory and opened his eyes slightly.

The white gauze was agitated, the dark shadows of the birds swept across the gauze, and the pink and golden petals carried sunlight through the gaps of the windows, whirling and fluttering. Feng Yeran rubbed his eyes and heard the slight sound of water not far above his head. When he looked up, he saw a dark blue fish with a gold edge waving its tail and slowly swimming past. Only then did he realize that he seemed to be sitting On the chair in the water, the clear water sparkled, the pages of the book turned slightly, and the room was filled with beautiful tropical fish, as well as some shining, tiny unknown creatures, expanding and contracting like jellyfish, breathing in silence.

"It's so beautiful." Feng Yeran couldn't help saying, "Am I dreaming?"

If this is a dream, it is too real. His hair was undulating in the water, his clothes were floating, and the fish lightly touched his skin, which was slightly cool. Not only could he breathe, but he could also smell a faint fragrance.

Only then did he realize that there was a child in pajamas and bare feet standing beside him.

Little Feng Hua looked up at Feng Yeran with her beautiful big eyes and said with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Feng Yeran suddenly understood.

He couldn't help kissing the little guy's round cheek: "How did you do it?"

Feng Hua touched his cheek with his hand: "What is this?"

"Kiss." Feng Yeran was surprised that he would say such childish words, "It means I am very happy and like you very much."

The little guy blushed a little.

"Okay, tell me how you did it?"

Feng Hua was completely immersed in happiness, as if he hadn't heard Feng Yeran's question at all. His dark curly hair floated over his smooth brow. With a kick of his hind legs, he actually swam with the fish, revealing his clean forehead and dancing with his hands.

When the beautiful illusion gradually dissipated, the interior returned to its ordinary appearance. Feng Yeran came to Feng Hua's simple room and opened the book beside his pillow. Only then did he realize that the stories told to him before going to bed recently were all about the ocean. Feng Hua likes sea creatures very much, huge whales, colorful tropical fish, especially those in the deep sea, wonderful creatures that emit light blue fluorescence. When he opened the video, sure enough, last night, he watched a documentary about blooming flowers, a garden full of sunflowers, boundless lavender...

There is no doubt that Feng Hua has the ability to turn dreams into reality.

Since it was the first time that Feng Yeran was surprised by using such an ability, he began to use it often.

Feng Yeran always wakes up in the warm prairie, falls asleep in the sea of flowers, sleeps in the light of the lake, and reads a book by the river with rolling reeds.

In addition to being able to make his dream come true, Feng Hua can freely spy on Feng Yeran's dream and turn it into a short-lived reality. And this is not all pleasant.

For example, once Feng Yeran just walked into the laboratory, he heard chatter and laughter. Under the orange-red, gentle light, is a large wooden square table with familiar cracks. Ah, the same old table that was broken and couldn't be replaced. Dad was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper, looked up at Feng Yeran, behind his glasses there was a thick, gentle smile, and a strong fragrance wafted out, ah, mom is cooking chicken soup. The kitchen door opened, and the mother, who was wearing a waistcoat, came out of the kitchen with chicken soup, and hurriedly said to Feng Yeran, "What are you doing over there, don't you have a meal!"

Feng Yeran's tears flowed out immediately, and once again felt the stomach cramps, and fell directly to the ground.

The image disappeared in an instant, and Feng Hua, who looked like five or six years old, hurriedly ran towards him, pressing his palm tightly on Feng Yeran's stomach, and bursts of warmth relieved the pain. But it was obvious that Feng Hua didn't understand why this kind of scene would make Feng Yeran like this.

"Ye'er... don't you like it?"

Feng Yeran slowed down for a while, then nodded.

"Why? Ye'er taught me that laughing means happy, they are all laughing. Why doesn't Ye'er like it?"

"Do you know who they are?"

Feng Hua shook his head.

Feng Yeran explained: "The person who reads the newspaper is my father, and I have cut ties with him. That is to say, now he doesn't recognize me as his son. Even if I die, it has nothing to do with him. The woman with Cai was my mother... she died when I was in high school."

Feng Hua seemed to understand but not understand.

"So when I see this, it breaks my heart."

"Sorry, that Feng Hua won't show this to Ye'er in the future."

"It's so good. But don't call me Ye'er, it's weird." Feng Yeran said helplessly, "You can call me dad now."

"What is this?" Feng Hua gently touched the liquid in the corner of Feng Yeran's eyes.

"Fool, these are tears."


"When people are sad, they cry. You'll know when you grow up."

Feng Hua frowned. When Feng Yeran left the laboratory that night, he grabbed the corner of Feng Yeran's shirt and said very firmly, "I... don't want to see Ye'er... cry."

Feng Yeran smiled.

The little guy actually said immediately: "I like to watch it, Ye Er laughs."

"You little guy, don't keep calling me Ye'er, you should call me brother, brother Yeran, or dad."

The little guy actually looked a little shy, and shrank into the bed at once, and after a while, he whispered, "Ye'er, see you tomorrow!"

Feng Hua's growth rate is different from ordinary people. It only took two years to grow into seven or eight years old. Not only learned Chinese, but also English. The learning ability in other subjects is also amazing and memorable.

In addition to his amazing learning ability, he also has a strong ability to heal and repair. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid Feng Yeran would be hard to stand up now. Every time he had a stomachache, Feng Hua would put his palm on his stomach, and the warmth would come, and the pain would gradually disappear. Later, I went to the hospital for examination and found that the malignant tumor was effectively controlled.

The ability of his dreams to transform reality has sometimes had negative effects because he could not distinguish between right and wrong emotions. But now he has become more cautious, and gradually learns to distinguish Feng Yeran's emotions, which will only create a beautiful scene for him. This is also pleasing.

He is so good, he should be a child who is spoiled, but that is not the case. Feng Hua's childhood was definitely not a happy one. The particularity of his birth, his excellence, and the tragedy brought about by his birth were all destined to be spent in a laboratory, full of pain. And he is a very obedient and obedient child. He does not reject blood drawing, injections, taking medicine, intubation, and experiments. He is not afraid of pain. As long as Feng Yeran asks him to do it, he is willing to do it.

In order to see his self-healing ability, cut his wrist with a knife, then let him repair the wound by himself, and count the time;

In order to observe how he converts the dream into reality, and what is the abnormality between his brain structure and human beings, he needs to be irradiated with XER light every week. This light may temporarily blind him and make him insomnia, but he does not reject it. He will hypnotize him, use the computer to control his dreams, make him twitch in the dream, give him a headache, and he has not refused;

In order to see if he could create a terrifying illusion, a researcher actually showed the eight-year-old him a horror movie, and let him be chased by a realistic dream, screaming in a closed room, when Feng Yeran discovered it , lying sweaty and pale on the floor. When asked why he didn't refuse, he said: They said, you agreed. You also want to know if I'm capable of making scary pictures. Does it have the effect of creating fear...

Feng Yeran often feels very guilty and regrets it very much. What a smart kid, what an advanced bloodline, if he is not an experimenter, if he is not the only experimental result in the world, then he is just an ordinary child now, watching animation at home, playing with friends outside Bar. And Feng Hua, who was only two years old, has already been subjected to countless experiments, and countless experimental reports have been written from him. The partial exposure alone has created a steady stream of benefits for everyone, and it will be officially announced to the world in the future. I don't know what kind of earth-shattering event will be, how much sensation it will be.

But he couldn't do anything. Feng Hua's only value to the research institute is his research value. If he doesn't even have research value, he has no survival value either.

The only thing Feng Yeran can do is to try to save his life and reduce some pain for his growth.

But even if Feng Yeran couldn't sleep because of his guilt, he found that Feng Hua was really like a child with nothing to do, his eyes were still so pure, he didn't seem to have any worries, and he didn't know what anger was. And those eyes are like a puddle of water. When immersed in the shadows, they are completely dark, but once the light shines in, they are so blue and beautiful, and Feng Yeran's figure is always reflected in them.

Feng Yeran will watch him in the surveillance video. Feng Hua always sat obediently alone, drawing and reading, squatting and writing something, observing something. He was used to being in the dark, as if the darkness made him feel safe. Whenever he heard Feng Yeran unlock the lock, he would run over immediately, like a puppy.

He likes to act like a spoiled child very much, especially the sound of Feng Yeran calling him, and he often asks, saying, "Ye'er, call me by my name."

Feng Yeran had to look at him and call out his name slowly, only then would he be satisfied.


Feng Hua likes Feng Yeran to call him that, and likes to observe Feng Yeran's expression, watching the subtle movements of his eyelashes, lips and tongue when he calls out his name, watching his slightly curved eyes, The upper teeth lightly bit the lower lip, and then the lips were slightly opened, listening to his round and gentle voice, the air he gently exhaled - it seems that just like this, he can forget all the pain, as long as this, he is already satisfied similar.

But if he can't see it. Several times, after Feng Hua finished XER light, he was temporarily blinded. As usual, he kept begging Feng Yeran to call him by his name, his voice slightly hoarse: "Call it again."

Several times, Feng Yeran saw the scars on his long cuffs, his slightly red and swollen eyes, and his hoarseness. It was also because he was in so much pain that his throat broke when he was being tested. Although he is already eight years old, he is probably older, but he was only two years old. How many times has he treated himself, how many beautiful dreams he has created for himself, and how many benefits he has created for everyone, but why is he treated like this!

Feng Yeran's eyes instantly turned red, and tears rolled in his eyes. He tried to control his trembling voice: "Feng Hua, I'm sorry."

Feng Hua was puzzled.

Feng Yeran held his slender, tiny wrist: "It hurts a lot."

Little Feng Hua's puzzled expression slowly dissipated. He propped himself up and fumbled for a long time before finding the position. He gently kissed Feng Yeran's tearful right cheek, and said, "I don't feel pain."

"Ye'er needs me, I'm glad. So don't cry."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the landmines and rocket launchers that Yuyu also feigned, come and let you touch Xiao Fenghua>