
Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Analysis and Postscript


one. Parse

1. The created world is physical, not illusory

The world created by Fenghua is not a dream. He created the world in a large wasteland. Although the substances that make up the world are almost all copies, from the effect of the new world (the world in the final chapter), these creatures have life. From this point of view, he and the creator No difference. The end of the world, time, etc., are clearly explained in the "Reality" chapter.

2. The structure of this essay

Feng Hua couldn't accept Feng Yeran's death, so he chose to forget Feng Yeran's death and the love connected with death, and chose to use painful obsessions as the driving force to constantly create and destroy the world. For him, love means the end, but rather what he manages to forget and avoid. (For a detailed explanation, see Chapter 31 Reality)

The first part of this article, "The Wall" (Christmas in 2232 to Winter in 2239), is a complete world created by Feng Hua. At the beginning of this world, the carrion already smelled of charred meat, indicating that this was not the first story to be created. At the end, Feng Hua burned everything. The world he generally creates is similar to The Wall. The time is longer or shorter, the storyline is more or less twisted, and things after the winter of 2239 are mixed, but they all end in destruction;

"The Roof", not a complete world, is more like material, still partly true and partly false (the twist is mainly the ending of the story). Bai Ying (Feng Yeran's will) guided Feng Hua and let him know that something happened from the beginning of 2240 to July 2240;

"Door and Door" is still not a complete world, as the material, this part is almost real, but incomplete. From Fenghua's perspective, the description spans from September 2240 to January 2242. During this period, in fact, what Feng Hua resisted describing the most was the part he chose to forget. Feng Yeran died in December 2241. He couldn't accept it at all. When he described it, he was already insane, so the time and logic were a bit confusing, and it was quite a stream of consciousness;

"Chimney" is not a complete world, time and space are chaotic. Fenghua was in the wasteland (he created the world in the wasteland), and he saw the end of the world (the world he created at that time, with his own cognition as the end, also had the end of time, until the day Feng Yeran died) , the rose garden and the castle are more like a combination of reality and fantasy. Chimney's cruel and sweet two fairy tales, telling stories from different angles, told Feng Hua what he had always forgotten:

That is, no matter which world or material he was in before, he had forgotten Feng Yeran's death and the experience of being loved. Only when he thinks about it can he get the key, truly build a house, obtain the truth, and save himself.

Feng Yeran had tried other ways to save him, such as making him lose his memory, but all failed. In the end, in order to stop him from self-tortured obsession, Feng Yeran wrote "Golden Notes", which provided Feng Hua with a blueprint for him to create a brand new world, in which "thirst for love and "The Never-Never Monster" can truly be loved, can have a lifetime of happiness, and fulfill their wishes.

3. In the created world, is Feng Yeran a brand new individual, or does he retain the original "Feng Yeran" emotion

Regarding this point, the dialogue between the director of the final chapter and Lao Zhang gave the answer.

If you carefully observe "The Wall", you will find that Feng Yeran's "imposed emotions" are mentioned in the text. For example, when he was confessed by Feng Hua in front of the world, the text wrote:

"Ah, there was a voice screaming, screaming inside him. Not a sound of pain, but ecstasy. There was an unfamiliar ecstasy swelling and rushing through his body, making him terrified. He rushed in. In the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, he was almost taken aback. His face muscles rose, he was smiling, almost wanton and excited, and it was hard to restrain - it was still his face, but he felt unfamiliar. He rinsed his face with cold water over and over again in an attempt to cool the inexplicable, imposed emotion. In less than ten minutes, the grotesque emotion receded like a tide. (Chapter 14 Temptation)"

And, everyone should still remember that Feng Yeran would be very eager for Feng Hua when he was drunk. These emotions actually originated from the original and real Feng Yeran. His memories and emotions are buried in the "replicator", and after being stimulated, it will slowly recover, accelerating the "replicator"'s love for Feng Hua.

That's why, in the final chapter, in the new world with "Golden Note" as the blueprint, Feng Yeran always felt that he was waiting for someone, and soon had a strong impulse: "He wants to protect the people in his arms well. Man, give him everything. (Chapter 32 Gifts)"

4. Symbol

The "symbols" of this article are everywhere.

The most obvious, say, the bells. This frightened Feng Hua, because the moment Feng Yeran died, he heard the bell ringing near the church;

Another example is the cross: "I had a dream. I dreamed of countless little people dancing on the cross. Starting from December 20, I danced for ten years. But in the end, the cross fell to the ground and shattered. The little people also It's broken. Bang bang bang bang. Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap (Chapter 28 doors and windows)." The cross refers to the cross in front of Feng Yeran's tomb. To dance on the cross is to dance the dance of death all the time. Feng Yeran's death began, and he jumped for ten years. Yes, he has been creating and destroying the world, tirelessly, but if this goes on, there is only a painful death waiting for him. So in the end the villain was broken, he thought everything was nothing;

… (too many)

5. Feng Hua has always wanted to die

If you are careful, you may see many similar shots.

"He had many, many dreams, most of which he couldn't remember, and occasionally he could only recall a few fragments-dream of another vague self, standing in the room observing himself, with a detached expression, full of irony in his expression [Questioning the meaning of this world]; I dreamed that the iron railings on the iron windows were gone, and the turbulent autumn wind came in from the outside, as if it was cheerfully inviting myself... [Death Impulse] (Chapter 8 Punishment)"

"He walked to the window, the flames seemed to spread around him, and this feeling made him happy. [Sick nostalgia and longing for fire]

He stood by the window and opened it.

The wind spread on his face, blowing his hair, as if inviting him warmly: jump down! Jump in!

Feng Hua frowned, wanting to throw away that inexplicable impulse. [Death Impulse]

He inadvertently looked downstairs.

In the white snow, he saw himself.

I saw myself lying on the snow with blood on my head. The blood is red, and the brain is pink and milky. And around, there are more and more of themselves, big or small, they are wandering on the snow, like walking dead. [Schizophrenia is very serious]

There were a few researchers standing not far away, but no one thought it was weird.

No one seems to have found the dead body on the ground. [The corpse is the self, the main character]

The youngest self seems to be only four or five years old.

He knelt down in front of his dead self, slumped down, stuck out his tongue, and licked the brains on the ground.

Delicious look.

As if it was a pile of strawberry ice cream. (Chapter 20 Panic)"

The interpretation of the second paragraph varies from person to person. In my opinion, this passage not only contains Feng Hua's death impulse, but also shows his increasingly serious personality split. He feels that his true personality is not accepted, so he is obliterating his own master personality. Here are preparations for his later madness and outbursts: "In your heart, what is Feng Hua like? An obedient experiment? A mindless baby? A puppet who won't get angry and won't resist? If you don't know me, do you deny my existence just because you can't accept my scary side? (Chapter 21 Warmth)"

So, why did Feng Hua want to die in the world he created, in fact, it was because he knew that all this was a cycle of pain, which was essentially meaningless.

6. About the ending

Feng Hua squandered too much of his own power. In the early days, in order to treat Feng Yeran, after ten years of repeated creation and destruction of the world, he was already covered with white hair.

All his remaining power is only enough for him to create the last world.

The length and completeness of this world are all unknown.

But this is the best ending for them, they have achieved their common wish in this world.

Feng Yeran's gift saved Feng Hua, and Feng Hua also fulfilled Feng Yeran's wish.

In the wasteland, the last "Xanadu" created by monsters.

two. postscript

This article has been written for a long time. It started in November last year and has been serialized until August this year, and it is finally finished.

Thank you very much for waiting for my update.

The structure of this article is the most complicated I have written so far, and I have also experimented a lot in terms of writing techniques. For example, the chapter "Door and Door" is written from the patient's point of view, completely using stream-of-consciousness techniques to make the time completely chaotic. The chapter of "The Chimney" tells the fairy tale about "Monster and His Royal Highness" from different angles. Speaking of which, "Nirvana" also writes about dark/fairy tales, haha.

I quite like the scenes in this article. Every time I write, I feel like I'm there, it's a very magical feeling.

The inspiration for the structure came mainly from The Golden Notes by Doris Lessing. Lessing, a 2007 Nobel laureate, was impressed with the structure of her "Golden Note". She writes back and forth in the order of free women (novels), black notes (memories), red notes (political life), yellow notes (the novels created by the heroine Anna), and blue notes (diaries), insane in the middle and late stages, Finally, living together with Saul. Both of them are writers. They healed each other after going crazy. They gave each other a sentence. They started writing with this sentence, and the golden note became the blueprint for the future. "The Golden Note" gave me not only structural inspiration, but also a little bit of content inspiration, such as the crazy mating/mating grasshopper (chapter 13), and the scene where Feng Yeran and Feng Hua eloped, It was also very inspired when I watched "The Golden Note".

Compared with "Nirvana" and "Madman" next door, this article is really too sweet.

I personally liked this article very much.

In addition, this article was written without any website recommendation at all, which seems to have almost never happened (excluding short stories). In the past, "Mad Men" was still recommended at least in the early stage. So I’m really thankful for your comments. The kid who cast mine, seriously, if I want to stay here all the time, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on. The three-dimensional life is too busy. I still have one more article. Thesis, due at the end of the month = =

For new articles, I have to start work slowly after I finish writing the dissertation.

Personally, I still like suspense very much. There is no limit to the sexuality of new texts. I am more fraternal, and I love BL, BG, and GL. The previous ideas were "Yin Marriage", "Twin", "Useless Children", "Diary", etc., but I have changed a bit, so the final article shall prevail. Well, if you find that the new pits in your collection are suddenly replaced by other new articles, don't hit me.

I can see all my news on my weibo "Little Demon's Nest"!

Love you guys! ya da >

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