
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Jealousy


"Come out and fool around again?" The man's familiar voice sounded. After he finished speaking, he glanced at the child who was hugging Feng Yeran, and said mockingly, "Why, I haven't seen you for a few years, and even have a child?"

Feng Yeran's body trembled slightly, he didn't look at the man at all, just stared at the woman. The woman was obviously a little embarrassed. She pulled the man and said, "Don't talk about it, let's go, we're going to be late."

"My dad was hospitalized some time ago, and I didn't see you coming back... Ah, yes, it's not your dad anyway."

"I didn't receive the notice." Feng Yeran said.

"Who was stupid to tell you, I don't even think that if Dad sees you, I'm afraid he will be mad at you. fooling around every day, walking for so many years without heart and soul... "

The woman glanced at Feng Yeran, and pulled the man again: "Don't say it, go away."

The man clicked his tongue and left with the woman.

When he couldn't see their figures, Feng Yeran suddenly knelt on the ground with a distorted face. It was obvious that he had a stomachache. Feng Hua hugged him tightly and fed him some hot water. After half an hour, he recovered.

He was lying on a chair on the side of the street, his face pale, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.

Feng Hua asked him, "Who are they?"

"My brother, Feng Boran, and his wife, Chen Xuan."

"Don't they know you're sick?"

Feng Ye laughed at himself: "How could they know such a trivial matter?"

"… "

"Children, don't show this expression. I still have you. When they really know your value, I don't know how they will feel. I'm afraid they want to dig a hole and get in... Haha, I can look forward to it." Feng Yeran smiled, as if he really saw the scene that day. He looked at his watch and said, "It's still early, why don't you fool around?"

"Fool?" Feng Hua remembered that Feng Boran also used this word just now.

"It's just to meet my former friends. They have invited me many times anyway."

※ ※ ※

Feng Yeran took Feng Hua to a bar called "Paradise Lost", frowning at Feng Hua, thinking about whether minors can enter, then shook his head, thinking that this bar is relatively quiet and pure Yes, it still brought Feng Hua into the adult world.

There is a small stage in the bar, a female singer is playing guitar and singing, and tourists are sitting quietly on sofas drinking cocktails. A man at the bar saw Feng Yeran, and immediately came over happily: "Long time no see, I thought I would never see you again!"

Feng Yeran punched him: "Yes, Brother He, long time no see."

"Who is this child?"

Feng Yeran looked at the somewhat restrained child and said, "My brother."

The man called He Ge reached out and tried to touch Feng Hua's head, but was avoided. Feng Hua hid behind Feng Yeran and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Brother He smiled and said, "Where's that guy?"


"The kid who used to follow your butt!"

"Ah, you said Xiao Zhijie, he has been abroad for several years!"

After a while, He Ge brought the two of them into a spacious room with all kinds of game equipment, and the music was full of rhythm. Brother He and Feng Yeran used their mobile phones to communicate with their old friends. An hour later, a number of people came. Those men and women were dressed in fashionable and revealing clothes, with tattoos on their arms and necks, and some had nose and lip rings. The person Feng Hua had never had contact with, he was very cautious, sticking tightly to Feng Yeran's side, pulling him several times and wanting to leave.

But Feng Yeran, who was deliberately decadent, didn't want to leave, and chatted with his friends.

These friends were very interested in Feng Hua at first, but after a while, they began to talk about topics that Feng Hua could not understand.

Feng Hua was drinking orange juice and watching Feng Yeran chatting with others enthusiastically, he felt incredible, and even felt a strong blow—someone fed Feng Yeran potato chips, then looked at him and laughed; some were walking on high heels The woman sat down between Feng Hua and Feng Yeran, holding Feng Yeran's arm, covered in perfume; someone stood up, twisted their waists in the singing, and came to pull Feng Yeran from time to time to let them He danced with her—Feng Yeran was so popular, there were so many people around him, and they touched him so rudely—

- Mingming, Feng Yeran belongs to him and Feng Hua's. It was Feng Hua alone!

It was the first time Feng Hua became emotional, he went over to Feng Yeran several times and said, "Let's go!"

But Feng Yeran was still motivated, he took a sip of light wine, shook his head, and let him go play games.

Feng Hua didn't allow him to drink, but Feng Yeran continued to drink, he couldn't hear Feng Hua's voice at all, and he didn't even look at Feng Hua at all!

Feng Hua was quite frustrated and puzzled for the first time. He gradually became silent, stopped playing games, and sat on the side, staring at Feng Yeran and everything around Feng Yeran. The heavy metal music seemed to be hitting his chest, and for the first time he felt a dull pain, as if his whole body was about to explode. There is always an illusion, as if he has been used to this feeling for a long time.

Then, the group of fox friends began to play games.

They kept doing behaviors that Feng Hua didn't understand at all, but Feng Hua knew that it was an intimate behavior. They burst into laughter, and their voices almost drowned out the singing in the bar. They shouted "tongue kiss" "tongue kiss" "tongue kiss"! Two scantily clad girls stood up. One drank a glass of wine and walked towards the other girl. Suddenly, she lifted the other girl's cheek and buried her head—

Feng Hua's eyes were suddenly covered by familiar fingers, and his palms were slightly hot.

When the fingers were released, the two girls were already separated, with mottled red lips.

Feng Yeran retracted the right hand that covered Feng Yeran's eyes, and squeezed the wine glass: "Children can't watch."

"I'm not a child."

"You are."

The woman beside Feng Yeran leaned towards Feng Yeran with bright red lips and whispered to him, "Is the child you brought really your brother?"

"What's wrong?"

"I always feel that his eyes are a bit wrong. Although it is very cute."

"There's something wrong."

"It feels... a little scary." Said, the woman turned her head and glanced at Feng Hua.

The colorful light of the bar spun down and flowed down, and the moment the woman met Feng Hua's eyes, the whole person seemed to be thrown into the ice cave—

Feng Hua was standing beside her, staring at her, his face pale and expressionless. Under the light, the usually blue and beautiful eyes seemed to be dyed with a circle of red, bloody red, and the lower eyelashes were slender. He was obviously still so young, but for some reason, he felt that he was looking at people condescendingly, and, without emotion, as if he was looking at a beast, or a dead beast.

The woman felt horrified. At a certain moment, she seemed to really feel some force pinching her neck. She instinctively stood up, trying to get rid of this inexplicable fear.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yeran asked.

The woman stood panting and took a sip of strong wine. She even reached out to touch her neck, but there was no pain, and the suffocation disappeared. A few seconds later, he looked at Feng Hua again, only to find that the look in his eyes had completely disappeared, replaced by the most innocent and lovely expression of a child, a lovable expression. He yawned, looked at Feng Yeran with watery eyes and said, "Brother, let's go back quickly, I'm sleepy."

Is everything just an illusion

But Feng Yeran actually stood up this time, said goodbye to everyone, and pulled the children out of the bar.

The two took the air train back to the institute. Because it was relatively late, there were not many people. One big and one small sat on the seats, with endless and colorful lights behind them, and a bright crescent moon hung above the sky.

Feng Yeran smiled happily: "It's the first time I heard you call me brother."

Feng Hua rested comfortably on Feng Yeran's lap, as if he hadn't heard Feng Yeran's words, and said, "So Yeer knows so many people."

Feng Yeran was too lazy to correct him: "Yeah, but since I went to the institute, I haven't had much contact with them. I'm still so enthusiastic to see me today, I'm quite moved."

"But, Ye'er belongs to me alone, right?"

Feng Yeran was stunned: "Why are you acting like a spoiled child today?"

"You are mine alone?"

"You little guy is so disgusting!" Feng Yeran coaxed while patting Feng Hua's back, "Yes, yes, although your brother Feng Yeran is very popular, he is a little fool Feng Hua I'm alone, so in the future I'll have to take care of the little fool."

After listening to Feng Hua, he was very, very satisfied. He kissed Feng Yeran's finger under his head, his favorite finger with delicate skin and slightly hot palm, and fell asleep safely.

※ ※ ※

After returning from this trip, Feng Yeran went to the hospital for a detailed examination, but the result was not optimistic at all. Sure enough, although Feng Hua was able to suppress the growth of his tumor, he couldn't kill the tumor either. His disease is still spreading, spreading, transferring in his body. His lifespan is simply unknown.

Feng Yeran was walking on the road in a gloomy mood. Maybe he will die one day, can he really wait until Feng Hua becomes an adult and is officially exposed to the public? Why not expose it earlier? Ah, for lack of more detailed evidence - data! Usually those small experiments are not enough, he needs to study the data in his brain more deeply! Just like what the dean suggested before, directly opening the skull to obtain the most detailed and real information about Feng Hua's brain, the division of labor in various parts of the brain, the area where special functions are generated, etc., maybe more things can be researched because of this. The experiment can provide you with detailed and real data. When the time comes, plus the on-site display, no one dares to doubt the success of the experiment, and no one dares to doubt the great potential of Feng Hua!

But craniotomy is a major operation! Will it hurt Feng Hua's brain? Are there any side effects? Feng Hua... Is he willing? It must be painful, painful, more painful than any previous little experiment, right

Feng Yeran was confused. His ambition and his conscience were constantly torn apart, and he was in great pain. Every day he wanted to ask Feng Hua, but he couldn't open his mouth.

It was Feng Hua who finally spoke. Obviously, the dean had already communicated with him about this.

As soon as the dean left, he saw Feng Yeran. Without any hesitation, he said to Feng Yeran in a soft and waxy voice: "Ye'er, you can use me. Because, I am yours too."

After Feng Yeran heard it, he was both excited and moved. He squatted down and hugged Feng Hua tightly, and said, "Thank you! Thank you! My Feng Hua, thank you!"

After Feng Yeran let go, Feng Hua looked at him and frowned slightly: "Why are you crying again?"

"I don't know if it's right or wrong, it's still too cruel for you... I'm afraid, I can't stop... You're still so young... "

"It doesn't matter." Feng Hua smiled, "Ye'er, I'm much stronger than you think, so make the most of me, it's ok."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the mines thrown by the braised fish balls, the children of Fenghua have finally started to black~

Thank you very much for the mines 20656871 threw, alright~

Thank you very much for the landmines that Yuyu also pretended to throw, I have been waiting for a long time~

Thank you very much for the mines thrown by the evil people, tigers touch tigers~

I am very grateful that I am not a landmine thrown by a rotten girl. I am worried about saving the manuscript, and the code is gone >