
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Experiments


Feng Hua opened his eyes and found himself in a pure red world.

Scarlet floor, blood-stained walls, gurgling bright red liquid overflowing from the ceiling. The colored comic book was still on the ground, Feng Hua stood up, knocked over the milk glass bottle, and the glass bottle slid on the wooden floor. The wind poured in from the narrow bars, the small swing in the room swayed, and pages of paper about the same person fell to the ground, stained with blood. Feng Hua squatted down quickly and picked up the drawing papers one by one, but he couldn't finish picking them up.

The wind became stronger, Feng Hua walked towards the iron window and wanted to close the window, but he couldn't close the window at all - this was not a window, it was an iron railing, a dense iron railing. Feng Hua ran to the door, trying to open it - there was no door, only iron railings, iron railings full of blood. It wasn't a room at all, it was just a cage, covered in blood, like a cage for animals to be slaughtered.

Feng Hua turned into a wild bird that was just caught, banging and screaming in the room. He was a little boy scratching his feathers and sliding along the dirty wall to the ground...

When Feng Hua woke up, the 12-hour craniotomy experiment had ended for a whole day.

He was lying on the hospital bed, his once smooth and beautiful black curly hair had been shaved, and there were many tubes inserted into his body, unable to breathe on his own, and his vision was unclear. When he saw Bai Ying dangling beside him, he subconsciously shouted: Ye'er.

But he couldn't speak.

The woman was talking beside him, unable to hear clearly. He looked hard at everything around him, looking for Feng Yeran's shadow, but he failed because Feng Yeran was not there.

After a whole day, his vision became a little clearer, and he still couldn't speak, but he could hear other people's voices clearly. He still didn't see Feng Yeran. He wrote it down on the paper and asked the female experimenter who was in a hurry. They told him that Feng Yeran just finished the experiment, and now he is busy with his team to study the data and publish it. Countless times, Feng Hua wanted to tear off these tubes, leave the hospital bed, and find the person he was thinking of, but he was actually tied to the bed. The rope that could be easily torn off before the operation has now become his biggest obstacle.

I have a headache every day, I want to sleep after a headache, I have nightmares when I sleep, dreams about a scarlet room, and then wake up, a vicious cycle. What is even more troublesome is that he is now weak, unable to control his ability, and will turn false nightmares into real pictures, and then he will be completely terrified and unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Every day I looked forward to Feng Yeran to see him, but Feng Yeran didn't come.

After half a month, the tube on Feng Hua's body was finally removed, and he was sent back to his former room, but he didn't want to go back, kept shaking his head, and said vaguely "No, scary", but these They were ignored by the researchers, thinking that these were just temporary mental instability after the operation. He kept shouting a person's name in the room, but few people responded to him. A few well-meaning researchers would say to him by the door: "He will be back soon!" "Don't shout, maybe He'll be here tomorrow!"

Once again, he was locked in a small room, supervised by Lao Zhang outside.

On the first night, there was a lot of noise in the room, but Lao Zhang was watching an exciting movie and didn't notice it. For the next three or four days, the room was quiet. Occasionally, through the monitor, Lao Zhang saw him sitting obediently on the swing in the room, slowly swinging, swinging.

In the past, Feng Hua received a routine examination every week, mainly to check his intelligence, psychology and other indicators. This time, due to the large-scale experiment, the follow-up required too many people, and the test was delayed by three weeks.

And the results were shocking.

Feng Hua's pupils were dilated, he couldn't focus, he didn't speak, he didn't move, and he didn't react at all to the outside world, let alone doing any exercises, any psychological tests, or physical training. His body was icy cold, and if it weren't for his still beating heart, he would almost doubt whether he was still alive.

Feng Yeran, who knew the situation, finally came to see him. This was already the 24th day after the experiment. During this period of time, Feng Yeran can basically be said to be sleepless and forget about food and time. For him, twenty-four days is like three days. The experiment was very successful. Feng Hua was taken care of, and he kept it for him. Note, he shouldn't be in trouble.

But the problem is serious. The first time, when Feng Yeran opened the door, Feng Hua didn't run over to him like a puppy and act like a puppy; the first time, when he called Feng Hua's name, Feng Hua didn't respond, just sat like a doll. On the swing, lifeless.

Feng Yeran didn't expect this kind of thing at all, he grabbed Feng Hua's arm and called his name repeatedly: "Feng Hua! Feng Hua! What's wrong with you? I'm Feng Yeran! Brother Yeran? Why didn't you? Reaction? What's going on?… I'm sorry, I've been too busy at this time, I should come and see you! But I left a note for you, and I put it on your bedside, didn't you notice? Feng Hua, silly boy, don't scare me!"

Feng Yeran kept talking, sometimes shouting loudly, sometimes whispering guiltily, his eyes were red. But Feng Hua didn't even look at him. He simply didn't know what to do. He called several colleagues who took care of Feng Hua, and inquired about the situation of old Zhang Fenghua carefully, but there was no valuable information at all.

It was time to go to bed, and Feng Hua remained motionless. The 12-year-old child who was so lively before, is now like a wooden man, sitting quietly with his head down .

Feng Yeran carefully washed the child, applied medicine, changed clothes, carried him to the cot, and then slept on the bed himself, hugging his cold little body tightly.

During this time, the things he had almost forgotten came back to his mind—

Feng Hua, the child created by Feng Yeran himself, the child named by him;

He once said that he liked to see Feng Yeran's smile, and wiped Feng Yeran's tears with his tender hands, creating so many wonderful illusions;

He took Feng Yeran to watch the wonderful night sky and said that he remembered every word Feng Yeran said;

He likes to sleep with Feng Yeran, he likes to act like a spoiled child, he said that he wants to be with Feng Yeran forever;

His life is very small, he waits for Feng Yeran in his room every day;

He blushed in the crowd, and gave Feng Yeran a golden flower;

He said he could be used as he pleased;

Having only lived for four years, he has already helped Feng Yeran treat hundreds of stomach pains and suppressed cancer cells for Feng Yeran;

He is still tender and fragile, he has undertaken countless experiments, and his flesh has been cut open countless times;

This time, a craniotomy experiment was carried out...

But when he woke up, he couldn't see Feng Yeran for twenty-four days. Is there any sequelae of the operation, is he blind again, is he having nightmares, what has he experienced... At such a young age, will he feel that he has been abandoned? !

Thinking of this, Feng Yeran was almost overwhelmed by regret and self-blame. His stomach was cramping, he hugged Feng Hua tightly, and kept saying, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry! It was my fault! Feng Hua, I won't be like this again, talk to me, okay..."

His hot tears soaked Feng Hua's pajamas.

That night, Feng Yeran didn't fall asleep until midnight.

When I woke up the next day, I was pleasantly surprised to see Feng Hua sitting at the head of the bed looking at him, with a soft smile on his face, as if he had recovered most of the time.

Feng Yeran asked quickly, "Aren't you angry anymore?"

Feng Hua nodded, holding the small note Feng Yeran left for him before he left, with a blush on his face. The small note reads: Forgive me Feng Hua, I'm afraid you won't see me for a while after you wake up. In order to publish, I have to do a lot of things. But it doesn't matter, there are brothers and sisters to take care of you, I will come back to see you immediately after I'm done! Thank you for agreeing to do this experiment, it was really hard work, I hope you recover quickly! ^_^

This note was placed under Feng Yeran's pillow at first, but it fell to the ground by accident and was not found. Now Feng Hua is like holding a treasure, holding it in his hand happily, watching it over and over again.

Feng Yeran finally breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to take him into his arms, and murmured, "It's really a little monster who doesn't worry."

※ ※ ※

After this incident, no matter how busy Feng Yeran was, he would still take time to see Feng Hua. He immersed himself in the laboratory with other researchers during the day, and went to Feng Hua's small room with relevant documents at night, sitting and reading documents, writing reports, writing diaries, and so on. On the other hand, Feng Hua would read comics, watch videos, drink milk, or, like a puppy, would lie on the sofa and watch him.

Watch him open the thick black diary and write smoothly on it with a pen, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning. Wonder what he's writing? I really want to see it. In fact, as long as I want to see it, I can see it clearly even if it is 20 meters away, but Ye'er said that I can't see it. If I see it, it will make him angry. Feng Hua thought vaguely, and gradually fell asleep.

As long as he is with Feng Yeran like this, he will not have nightmares, only those colorful good dreams. I dreamed that Feng Yeran held his hand and led him out of the small house. The two walked into the jungle along the winding path, listened to the gentle birdsong, and got into the waist-high reeds. Feng Hua looked up at the smiling Feng Yeran, and looked at the clusters of reed flowers carrying sunlight, mixed with gold and light pink, swaying like waves against the sky blue background.

Feng Yeran, who was writing a diary, felt the fluffy touch, and was a little surprised to find that there were reed flowers scattered around, which seemed to be stained with the color of sunlight. He couldn't help but stop writing and looked at the child sleeping soundly with his head tilted on the sofa, it seemed like he had a good dream. As Feng Yeran thought about it, he took a blanket and draped it over Feng Hua.

※ ※ ※

A month later, the preparations for the official press conference have been completed.

Feng Yeran asked, "Feng Hua, are you willing to attend the press conference?"

"What do I need to do?" Feng Hua asked.

"You don't need to do anything, just stay on stage well, well, of course you need to answer some questions."

"Will there be many, many people?"

"Well, many, many, they will look more excited and will keep taking pictures of you. The host will ask you a few simple questions. It doesn't matter if you are too nervous, we will prepare the answers for you, just memorize them. ."

"Will you be by my side?"


"Alright then... But." Feng Hua paused and said, "If I go, you have to give me a present!"

"what do you want?"

"I'll tell you when I want it!" The little monster smiled slyly.

The on-site press conference was even hotter than expected. Feng Yeran and the director were the keynote speakers, while Feng Hua, who was twelve years old, was wearing a small suit for the first time, standing behind the white curtain, breathing a little short. When the white curtain was lifted, he was so excited by the strong light that he couldn't help blocking it with his arm - countless cameras were facing him, constantly taking pictures, his appearance was reflected on the big screen, thousands of people in the exhibition hall Everyone stared at him intently, and at that moment Feng Hua, who was already a little afraid of the crowd, trembled almost uncontrollably. But he knew that he could not embarrass Feng Yeran, so he closed his eyes.

But no matter how much you close your eyes, you can still hear the sound. The sound of countless shutters, the voice of commentary, the surging applause, the sound of crusade, the sound of admiration, and even, it seems that their whispers can be heard:

"Isn't this Feng Mu's second son, I heard that he ran away from home for many years."

"Feng Boran is probably going to explode with anger now. He is actually catching up with his younger brother who is twelve years younger than him."

"I heard that Feng Yeran and Feng Boran are rivals in love. They had a lot of trouble over a woman, and then they ran away from home!"

"I fucking wish they were more arguing! These two guys have been making the most of the show over the years."

"Look at that poor child who was brought to participate in this after the craniotomy. His hair hasn't grown back yet. He will suffer in the future."

"Don't be fooled by the skin, it's a monster. If it shows its original shape, we'll have to vomit immediately. Well, it's not too much to experiment!"

"Why is it a man? So is his brother, what kind of butler does he do, what we want is a beautiful girl, the one at home is not smart at all, the power was cut off yesterday, and I was stuck. Inside…”

"Hahahaha... Is your baby okay?"

"What do you care about men and women? I think this boy is already very good. He is much purer and more beautiful than the female stars in the magazine, and he belongs to the Adesel family. "

"Damn, I'm all wet!"

"What the hell are you fooling around with! How much does this boy cost? If we buy him, I'm afraid we'll make a lot of money in the future..."

- The initial fear was gradually replaced by anger. The more I listened, the more intense the flames burned in my heart, and Feng Hua's fists were pinched white by himself. Although he didn't quite understand it, he knew those were dirty, disgusting words. He couldn't figure out why the people below were like this - like wearing beautiful smiley masks on ugly and vicious faces, contemplating their own wretched and vicious plans amid warm applause.

He didn't care what those people said about him, but as soon as he heard them say bad things about Feng Yeran, he had the urge to strangle them immediately. But he promised Feng Yeran that he could not move around or be disobedient, so he stood quietly and diligently.

Occasionally, he would look up at Feng Yeran. Watching him introduce to the audience enthusiastically on stage, he seemed very enthusiastic and professional. Gradually, I realized that most people are not that bad. They are sincerely praising the results. In the crowd, there are countless girls, middle-aged women, and even some men staring at it with an abnormal excitement. Feng Yeran on the stage, Feng Hua seemed to see an odorous ribbon gushing out from them, wrapping around Feng Yeran's body. Those ribbons shortened the distance between them. At the banquet after the press conference, they stood beside Feng Yeran with wine and tightened their ribbons... The woman took Feng Yeran's arm, and the man hugged him He wrapped his neck around his neck, and even stuck it to him, bringing him into a space that he couldn't see - completely tying Feng Yeran with those layers of ribbons that were full of disgusting smell!

Once again, Feng Hua felt the incomparably annoyed feeling, just like in the bar last time, even more serious. He was not far away, and there were many people taking pictures of him, and many people approached him to talk to him, but he seemed to be put into a plastic bubble that could not be opened, and he couldn't hear other people talking and didn't care about other people. In everything, there is only Feng Yeran, the only light in a terrifying, dark world.

He was gradually deprived of oxygen in the bubble, his heart was aching, and he was short of breath, but his back was slightly cold. He hated those ribbons, hated all the cloudy, eager, expectant, longing, and longing gazes toward Feng Yeran, and hated those sweaty fingers that touched Feng Yeran. For him, those eyes and those touches were like silt that would pollute the clear spring water. He was afraid that Feng Yeran would be polluted, and that Feng Yeran would be farther and farther away from him! Something was surging in his heart, and he seemed to be constantly admonishing him that he should do something right away in order to prevent worse things from happening!

So he tried to call Feng Yeran's name in the bubble: "Ye'er! Ye'er!"

Feng Yeran didn't hear it.

Feng Hua worked hard to remove the bubbles, walked through the crowd step by step, and walked towards Feng Yeran, his pace getting faster and faster, until he ran and hugged him tightly from behind!

His movements were too clumsy, knocking Feng Yeran forward. The clear wine overflowed the glass, soiling Feng Yeran's gorgeous clothes.

The lady next to her covered her red lips and screamed from her fingers.

Feng Yeran frowned slightly and wanted to turn around, but found that Feng Hua was hugging tightly. He was only twelve years old, but his strength was so great that he could not move. Feng Yeran asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Feng Hua buried his head under Feng Yeran's back, and his fingers tightly grasped the front of Feng Yeran's clothes stained with liquor, his finger bones turned white. He begged in a low voice: "Ye'er, let's go home." Like a wronged, wayward child.

Feng Yeran felt his slightly trembling body, breathing rapidly, and smiled. He didn't blame Feng Hua, just put the wine glass on the waiter's tray. He held Feng Hua's icy little hand and squeezed comfortably: "Well, let's go home."

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Many thanks to Kongming Yinyuan for throwing 3 grenades and 1 mine, wow you are so enthusiastic!

Thank you very much for throwing 1 landmine and 1 rocket launcher from Iceland Ryoko. Look at my surprised expression!

Thank you very much for the grenades thrown by air-fuel, especially the students, I know you don't have much pocket money!

Thank you very much for the grenade that Zhang Naiyin threw, it was really expensive...

Thank you very much for the 6 landmines that Yuyu also pretended to throw, but I am very moved >