
Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Peeping


Surprisingly, Sean, who looks thin, frail, and frivolous, is a solid guy. He would come to the confinement room every day to show Feng Hua the photos of the day, and sometimes he would take a video intimately. If it wasn't for the signal in the confinement room being blocked, Feng Hua would have been able to see Feng Yeran's movements all the time.

October 6

Sean went directly into the confinement room that day and took out a large stack of photos from the envelope. Most of them were focused on two people, one of them was Feng Yeran, who looked very fresh in autumn clothes, and the other was a stranger. tall man.

Xiao En proudly introduced that this person is called Xiao Zhijie. He is a rich second-generation, majoring in finance. This time he returns to China to inherit the family business. He and Feng Yeran have known each other since kindergarten. They are good buddies. In high school, when Feng Yeran was hit hard, he was always by his side. Feng Yeran carried it home—Feng Hua immediately remembered that when he went to the bar with Feng Yeran before, the brother He mentioned this person.

"I think, this guy is a little curved." Sean smiled.


"It's just not straight."

"speak English."

"You're still a child... ah well, let me say, you look at me like this, it's scary, I mean, he's probably interested in Feng Yeran, you see... He always stares at Feng Yeran, smiling too softly , still hugging Feng Yeran's waist... Hey, don't burn photos!"

October 7

It was not convenient for Sean to come in that day, so he put the photo under the door.

According to the photos, Feng Yeran did an experiment and wrote a report this morning, went to a meeting in the afternoon, and then got into Xiao Zhijie's car. The two chatted and laughed in the car, then climbed the mountain and walked into In the cemetery, Feng Yeran placed a bunch of flowers in front of the grave, and Xiao Zhijie hugged Feng Yeran's shoulder and whispered something. The owner of the tomb is Feng Yeran's mother, Yao Yumei...

October 9

Feng Yeran was interviewed for an afternoon that day, and he started to have a stomachache on the way, so he came to Feng Hua's side at night. Feng Hua is very happy. But he has always been talking about other people's things, such as the reporter who interviewed him today, the person he admires, his good friend, the woman he likes, by the way, he said, after he was interviewed today, he was in the company unexpectedly. He met the woman he liked - Chen Xuan.

October 10

Sean brought more materials than usual that day, various videos, audio recordings and photos. It turned out that Feng Yeran participated in the high school reunion today. There were many, many unfamiliar faces at the scene. Feng Yeran smiled happily among those faces that Feng Hua did not know at all. Several women sat beside him, and his face was radiant.

Feng Hua opened the video and watched it. The video was ten minutes long, and every second was torture for Feng Hua.

Wearing a long white dress, Chen Xuan sat beside Feng Yeran. Today, she has long, fluffy brown curly hair, elegant makeup, and looks very young. She was talking with Feng Yeran, covering her mouth and laughing from time to time, not showing any indifference at all, but rather attentive.

"I saw your interview last time and it was really good."


"Well, to be honest, I was quite worried about you at the time. Your opponent asked a few sharp questions, and he felt like he wanted to prank you, but your attitude has always been very gentle, fluent, and humorous. , reminds me of you who participated in the debate competition in high school. At that time, we all sweated for you, but you didn't realize it. Every time you said a sentence, you would arouse applause, and in the end your opponent was speechless!"

"You remember that kind of thing..."

"Of course I remember. I often dream about our high school days."

"True or false... I thought you forgot."

Chen Xuan's smile was a bit bitter, she took a sip of wine: "Ye Ran, don't blame me, sometimes I can't help myself."

"Maybe we shouldn't talk today?"

"Yeah." Chen Xuan suddenly raised her head and looked at Feng Yeran, "But I can't control myself, I want to talk to you, at least today I'm free, I'm still the same Chen Xuan, not Feng Boran's wife, I You can also choose which man to stay with and which man to talk to."

After she finished speaking, her face was flushed, and Feng Yeran was obviously restless. There were still people singing on the stage, and many gamers were laughing, and his hand had already covered the back of Chen Xuan's hand, his back was straight, and he said, "Xiao Xuan... Let's go together..."

Before he could finish speaking, his hand suddenly fled away.

But Chen Xuan had already grabbed his hand and stood up. When the video was shaking, she heard her say to everyone, "Ye Ran and I are leaving first, everyone have fun."

The video did not stop, in fact, there were still more than five minutes.

However, Feng Hua immediately closed the video, wishing to delete all the data immediately, and immediately delete everything he had just seen.

October 11

Sean still brought a lot of information, but Feng Hua didn't read it. He threw things aside and stood by the window in a daze.

October 12

Feng Hua just looked at a few photos that day and burned them. Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan are watching a movie in the theater.

October 13

Didn't see photos.

In the evening, Feng Yeran came, with a stomachache and the irritating smell of perfume, the smell of Chen Xuan.

After Feng Hua and Feng Yeran treated the stomach pain, Feng Yeran was about to fall asleep. But Feng Hua still stubbornly hugged Feng Yeran into the hot water and took a bath for him. Feng Yeran woke up in a daze and couldn't believe it: "How did you hug me? Are you so strong?"

After taking a bath, he finally didn't have the smell of others. He was lying on Feng Hua's cot, talking about what he had seen and heard these days. He didn't lie, he talked about his friend Xiao Zhiring, about recent interviews, and the woman he likes. He said that he knew there was no result, but he couldn't help but want to be with that woman, feeling stupid. Now he seems to have long forgotten that Feng Hua had confessed to him.

"You are stupid." Feng Hua said.

"Haha, when did you little guy become so arrogant?"

"Always talking about other people's things, obviously I'm by your side."

"Ah well, I was wrong."

Feng Yeran turned over and hugged Feng Hua: "Then tell me, what have you done these days?"

"Daze, sleep, miss you."

"... Silly child, it's numb to death."

"I go to sleep."

That night, Feng Yeran slept next to Feng Hua, just like he used to. And Feng Hua did something that he regretted unceasingly. He spied on Feng Yeran's dream, almost self-abuse—

Feng Yeran, who was still a student, was wearing a school uniform, and from time to time she turned her head to look at the long-haired girl in the back right, Chen Xuan;

Feng Yeran wrote a note to Chen Xuan and threw it at her, but the note hit the head of the boy in front, causing a note war;

Feng Yeran carried the fainted Chen Xuan into the infirmary;

Feng Yeran was running wildly on the playground, and Chen Xuan shouted 'Come on' beside him;

The two became the same desk, Chen Xuan pouted and drew a line in the center of the desk, then stared at Feng Yeran;

Feng Yeran, who had just woken up, saw a big piece of bread in front of him, which was given to him by Chen Xuan;

On Halloween night, Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan danced by the bonfire, then Chen Xuan stood on tiptoe and kissed Feng Yeran's face;

Feng Yeran yelled at the fireworks, over and over again: Chen Xuan, I like you!

Chen Xuan, I like you.

Chen Xuan, I like you.

Chen Xuan, I love you...

Feng Hua forced himself to get out, but at the moment when he pulled away, he heard the slight breathing of the two, which came from Feng Yeran's dream. He couldn't imagine what happened at all. No matter how high his IQ was and how many books he had read, he didn't understand too much. He was almost horrified to see the changes in Feng Yeran's body. Reaching out my hand unconsciously...

He seemed to see the dense silk thread again, the silk thread called Chen Xuan, tightly bounding his Feng Yeran, polluting his Ye'er... As long as he thought about it, all Feng Yeran was thinking about was Chen Xuan, he felt disgusting...

As soon as he ran into the bathroom, he vomited. Another sleepless night.

On October 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, for five consecutive days, Feng Huadu stayed quietly alone, or in a daze, or painted, or read books, completely ignoring what Sean brought back. material. But Sean was not attacked, he still followed Feng Yeran unremittingly, and tried his best to take pictures of him.

On October 19, Feng Hua saw the photo, which he shouldn't have seen.

Sean's shots are very, very clear, and dense, frame by frame, and flip through quickly, almost like watching a movie.

Feng Yeran and Chen Xuan, wearing a half mask, danced at the banquet. Chen Xuan was wearing an open-back black evening dress, snuggling into Feng Yeran's arms, and the two danced in an almost hugging manner.

Then they stared at each other, affectionately.

Feng Yeran pulled Chen Xuan out of the dance floor, and in the half-darkness, he tore off Chen Xuan's mask and bury his head in kissing her. Chen Xuan raised her head and responded eagerly, hugging Feng Yeran's back.

Several times, it seemed that Feng Yeran noticed someone was filming them and looked up at the camera.

… (harmony)

Around him, the layered photos instantly burst into flames, like a group of disgusting, struggling ghosts.

Feng Hua burst into tears, like a child who shattered a beautiful glass bottle.

—To be continued

The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for throwing 2 mines, hugging and chewing~

Thank you very much for the landmines thrown by Yanzi, soothe your little hearts~

Thank you so much for the mines thrown by the braised fish balls, I am indeed much slower now

Thank you very much for the mines thrown by 26493910. In fact, the manuscripts have been consumed these weeks

Thank you very much for the 3 mines that Ming Lan threw, very little written

Thank you very much for the mines thrown by the silent rotten girl, but I will finish the test next month huh~

Thank you very much for the 2 mines thrown by Air Fuel, you can update it soon haha~

Thank you very much for the landmines thrown by the gap, bear with you~

Many thanks to Wang Mumu for throwing mines, Mua~


Regarding "Monster", you need a strong little heart>