Monster Apartment

Chapter 10: Sleep well at night and don't run around


Gu Bai had a dream.

In the dream, he floated in the sky, and below it was the quiet night, and the Kyushu Mountain and Sea Garden was dark except for the street lights.

The surroundings are quiet, and occasionally you can see vehicles passing by outside the community, the lights flash by, and the sound cannot reach the community.

The night sky is clear and clear, and in the heavily polluted city S, as soon as you look up, you can see a dazzling galaxy across the night sky. The silver light of the moon gently shrouded the city under the night, and the city that never sleeps can be seen in the distance, and it is still brilliant like the lights of the day.

This apartment complex is like the only tranquility in a raging fire, and it looks extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful under the moonlight.

Gu Bai foolishly floated up high, looked around, and then lowered his head to look at his bare feet.

He was still wearing Doraemon's short-sleeved pajamas.

He heard a clear dragon roar.

Gu Bai followed the sound and saw that a group of light illuminating the night was hovering in the sky, as if patrolling the territory, walking around the huge city several times.

The light group was full of righteousness and chills, and it hung in the sky and moved slowly and quickly, and finally ran towards Gu Bai's direction at a rapid speed.

Gu Bai gradually saw what was wrapped in the light.

Its head and tail resemble that of a dragon, its body is a horse, its feet are like a tiger and a leopard.

Gu Bai watched it come from a high place and slowly fall, as if he turned his head and glanced at him, then stopped quietly on the roof of the unit where he lived, and raised his head to let out a clear and long dragon roar.

Gu Bai woke up.

He turned off the alarm clock in a daze, yawned, turned over, and stared out the window blankly for a while.

It seemed that he had dreamed something last night. Gu Bai changed his clothes and recalled it, but the dream seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. In the end, only the two dragon roars remained in his memory.

After washing up, he fried an egg and a few slices of bacon, took out a few slices of toast from the refrigerator and made two sandwiches casually to make breakfast perfunctorily, and then climbed up to the second floor.

The four design drafts were packed, but they were kept on the second floor because of Si Yiming's sudden visit yesterday.

Gu Bai is going to take them today and ask the teachers and senior brothers for their opinions.

He picked up the four scrolls that were rolled into a roll, and when he looked up, he saw the only painting scroll still hanging on the wire rope on the second floor.

In the ink painting with strong use of shape and meaning, the roaring dragon head is showing its power to the people outside the painting.

Gu Bai tilted his head slightly, the dragon yin in the dream still lingering in his ears.

He felt that the dream that he couldn't remember last night was probably influenced by this painting.

The spiritual sensitivity of literature and art practitioners is always much higher than that of practitioners in other fields.

They can always grab some details that others can't see from a small and ordinary thing, and extend it, and finally start with this object to complete a work, so as to express their thoughts and feelings .

The so-called design and creation are also the embodiment of this kind of thinking.

Dreaming of something in a painting because of seeing an excellent painting is a very common situation for Gu Bai.

Gu Bai carefully took the rolled painting in his arms, glanced at the ink painting again, pulled his slippers downstairs, stuffed the newly bought laptop into his backpack, and went out the door.

When you go out, it is the peak time for everyone to go out to work.

As soon as Gu Bai closed the door, he turned around and saw Si Yiming who was also going out.

Today, there is no Zhai Liangjun and Huang Yining tossing around. Although the upstairs and downstairs are equally lively, they are also maintained within an appropriate range.

Gu Bai did not reject such a lively atmosphere full of life, and even felt very relaxed and happy.

The kindness that others have received these days has made Gu Bai, who has always been introverted and passive, feel joy and irony from his heart.

He couldn't help showing a bright smile to the boss opposite the door, and across a patio, he took the initiative to say hello: "Mr. Si morning!"

There was a strange pause up and down the floor.

And Si Yiming didn't realize it.

He turned his head to look at Gu Bai, and felt stabbed by Gu Bai's bright smile like a little sun. After being stunned for a while, he nodded slightly to Gu Bai who was standing opposite. A sentence: "Morning."

Gu Bai heard the sound of the residents in this building gasping for breath.

He couldn't help looking up and down, and found that the unfamiliar faces looked at him with incredible and cherished eyes.

The smile on Gu Bai's face disappeared little by little under such gaze, he leaned against the wall, avoiding the sight of the upper and lower floors, and walked slowly to the elevator.

He and Si Yiming went down the same elevator.

When Gu Bai left the elevator, Si Yiming suddenly said, "Sleep well at night and don't run around."

"Huh?" Gu Bai showed a blank expression.

But the elevator door has been closed, down to the underground parking lot.

Gu Bai was walking on the way to the Art Expo Center with his backpack on his back, and was still a little confused by what Si Yiming said.

Fortunately, it's not something that needs to be figured out if you can't figure it out. Gu Bai has never paid much attention to it.

Gu Bai threw away his doubts, walked on the road, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

I always feel that the air today seems to be much fresher, and even the grass and trees by the roadside exude a relaxing fragrance.

He took the pass and took the lead in the park.

In the park, a studio was specially set aside for them to do design and materials for them.

Gu Bai came early today, and when he entered the studio, he found that he was the first one today.

They go to work every day from 9 to 5, which is a very standard one. It's only 8 o'clock at the moment, and the group of senior brothers who are free to work and rest are addicted to stepping on the dots, and they won't be in a hurry until the last second.

Gu Bai put his design drawing on the table, took out the newly purchased computer, connected it to the WiFi in the campus, and prepared to touch the fish while waiting for others, and then check the PPT of the defense.

At the end of June, the defense should arrive in a few days, and Gu Bai had already prepared everything.

Professor Gao is one of the defense tutors. Now that Gu Bai has a computer, he plans to follow the guidance of Professor Gao. It is best if he can get an excellent rating or something. Regardless of his resume, the school will give some money as a bonus. .

No matter how small the mosquito's legs are, it is still meat, especially after Si Yiming nodded and agreed to introduce a stock to Gu Bai, the amount of principal means how much profit he will have in the future!

That is a legend that picks up a steel shovel and throws it out and can get back a million!

Gu Bai felt that he invested all the small money he could get in the past two months. Maybe when it came out, he would have the money to buy a toilet in the suburb of S city.

A full toilet!

Thinking about it, it's a little exciting!

Professor Gao is not too young. He has long passed the age of staying up late and indulging, and has entered the old-age life of a veteran cadre in advance, so he is the second to come to the studio.

When he arrived, Gu Bai was sitting with his back to the door, opening the web page to search for information.

Professor Gao knocked on the door, reminding Gu Bai that someone was coming.

Gu Bai looked back and saw that it was Professor Gao, and smiled: "Morning teacher!"

"Morning." Professor Gao nodded and sat next to Gu Bai, "What are you checking?"

"Check out the dragon's information, the neighbors asked me to buy a painting." Gu Bai explained, then clicked on the minimized PPT, and touched his nose a little embarrassedly, "This is my defense material, teacher Can you help me take a look?"

Professor Gao liked Gu Bai very much, and he took him out to try to cooperate with his team. Naturally, he didn't mind doing such a small favor.

Gu Bai revised and refined a lot of places at the suggestion of the professor. Several senior brothers also came one after another. After asking Gu Bai, he unfolded the four design drafts that were rolled up on the table, and gathered a crowd over there to watch. .

Gu Bai's conceptual understanding of the theme of inheritance is actually very young, but fortunately, he is very daring in painting.

He paints whatever he has realized and thought.

Inheriting the theme of whoever he has learned from, there is whoever is in the painting.

His design ideas are straightforward and clear. He kicked a straight ball that scared people to death, but it also made a group of big men standing in the studio feel a little helpless and moved.

The younger brothers found their help and gave feedback to the paintings. It is really good to be remembered clearly after helping others.

But in the end, several senior brothers pondered and pondered, and still chose the picture with Professor Gao.

The design draft can also see some famous halls.

For example, in the one with Professor Gao, the composition and general coloring are much clearer and clearer than the other three. Obviously, Gu Bai already has a complete painting in his mind.

There is a saying in strategists that if you don’t fight an unprepared battle, the same is true for painting. If you don’t have a map in your heart, you will always have regrets when you draw it.

The first big exhibition Gu Bai participated in just after graduation was very important to him, and it was best to be a great success.

This helped him build his confidence and eliminate his fear of work.

All of them are experienced people, and they are well aware of the influence of mentality on a literary and artistic worker.

No one wants to draw a little junior brother who is full of spiritual energy, cute and cute, and makes snacks and is especially delicious. Just after graduation, he fell into a big trouble.

I heard from the teacher that Gu Bai has neither a mother nor a father to support him. It's completely different from their situation where he has the support of his parents to turn over.

Especially when the younger brother is still very poor.

So after the work in the afternoon, the teacher patted his butt and left. Gu Bai was surrounded by the loving eyes of the seven senior brothers, and he gave him a small class and taught him the small details of modifying the design.

A group of people stayed in the park until the sun was sinking, and then swarmed to the small restaurant for a meal.

Gu Bai never felt that group activities turned out to be such a pleasant thing. When he was a child, his father never came to hold parent-teacher meetings for him, and other children didn't want to play with him. Every time a group activity was done, he was alone. Gu Bai didn't look forward to this kind of activity.

But the feeling of getting along with Gu Bai now is completely unmoved.

Gu Bai was holding a bottle of Fanta and watching the brothers making a fuss with a straw in his mouth. He felt that even his heartbeat became more active and vigorous. There was a satisfying soreness in his chest, and he seemed to be overflowing. It seems to have affected his vision.

Gu Bai now looks at his senior brothers, all of them have three-meter-thick soft light filters, as if they are the best and most handsome people in the world.

When they were about to go back to their respective homes, the eldest senior brother suddenly stopped and suggested, "How about we let Xiaobai try to do the two broken walls alone?"

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: I can buy a toilet right away! ! [Excited rubbing hands.jpg

Si Yiming: Who do you think is the best and most handsome