Monster Apartment

Chapter 131: Build wood seedlings


The gourd is very big, and sitting on it will not rub your butt because of the shape of the gourd.

Sitting on it basically can't feel the arc, and even feels soft under the buttocks, like a lazy sofa.

Gu Bai rampaged in this space with no obstacles at all, and after personally proving the danger of driving without a license, Sinan in his hand finally began to rotate slowly.

The handle of the small spoon starts to spin, which means it's time to reach its destination.

This was adjusted by Bai Ze before he came.

When Sinan began to turn violently into a small fan, Gu Bai put away the big slap in his hand, looked up at the sky above where the end was still invisible, hesitated for a moment, and touched the hand rope. Several pieces of dark purple jade came out, which were crushed one by one.

The light purple light spots exploded, covering Gu Bai's body closely, and then gradually dimmed.

Gu Bai raised his hand, covered the top of his head with a series of collision sounds, lay on the jade gourd, took a deep breath, and slammed into it.

It's not the same as what Mr. Si said, that it takes the head iron to break through a thick and hard barrier to reach the upper floor.

Gu Bai, who had crushed several defensive talismans, felt that he had only lightly smashed through a layer of something similar to a water curtain. The impact was there, but he was not hurt.

Gu Bai was stunned for a while, and just as he was about to sit up, he felt as if the gourd had been kicked from behind his butt, and even the gourd and the man turned in countless circles uncontrollably, and then broke open with a "crashing" sound. The water hit the ground heavily.

Most of the gourd smashed into the ground, looking extremely heavy, and the watch on Gu Bai's wrist, the only thing that was not a magic weapon, was also damaged by the shock.

This was much more exciting than a roller coaster. Gu Bai got up from the gourd and sat on it, shaking his dizzy head. There was a little water vapor all over his body, but he didn't get wet.

He slowed down for a while before he came back to his senses from the whirlwind, and realized that there was a barren and vast wilderness in front of him.

There is an endless black and hard ground, and the sky is bright, but looking up at the place where it should be the sky, it is not the blue in the eyes of human beings, but there are countless dark and hideous things rolling.

It looks a little familiar.

Gu Bai stared blankly for a long time, his mind was still a little bit lost because of the rotation just now, when he finally realized what it was, he suddenly took a deep breath.

On the top of the head, isolated by this piece of heaven and earth, are the evil spirits that are many times thicker than the land of Shenzhou under the heavens.

They were firmly blocked on the sky, looking thick and sticky, almost condensed into a liquid in the actual sense.

Although I had heard Mr. Si say before that the Shenzhou Great Array would throw the evil energy generated by the human beings on the entire earth into the sky, but Gu Bai did not expect such a situation.

It's just like a wasteland of evil spirits. It's been piled up for thousands of years. If you throw anything into it, it's probably going to be refreshing and then come out crazy.

Or simply die in it.

Gu Bai has seen monsters that have been affected by evil energy. They go crazy and basically don't recognize their six relatives, and sometimes they choose to self-destruct.

And unfortunately, the place above that looked like a pool of evil spirits was also one of the problems he had to overcome.

Gu Bai looked at the tumbling and boiling darkness, shivered, withdrew his gaze, and began to look around.

Behind him is a lake, the water is clear and translucent, you can clearly see the blue sky below, and at the end of the lake is a huge cloud waterfall that is exactly the same as the sky outside the sky where he just came - the pure white below can be used as a cloud layer. The situation is not the same. The cloud waterfall on this layer has a few traces of gray and black haze.

It was probably because of the evil energy of the layer above it.

It doesn't look like a fairy's residence at all, but it is dead silent, not even a shred of wind.

Even the roar from the cloud waterfall was filled with an unhappy dullness.

Gu Bai shook the heavy jewelry magic weapon on his body and sat upright on the jade gourd, driving the flying gourd to pull out the tough ground that was smashed by it with difficulty, and then he took out Sinan again and started Find a way.

The speed of the jade gourd is not slow, and there is no day or night in the sky. After the watch was smashed, Gu Bai didn't know how long it flew.

He finally saw some undulating traces in front of this flat, charred land.

Gu Bai flew closer and noticed that the undulations piled on the ground looked like the wreckage of a building.

Those wrecks stood there silently, without the slightest bit of vitality, nor the appearance of a fairyland, but a lot of gray-black mist was cast from various gaps.

It looks like the evil spirit left here.

Gu Bai cautiously moved away, looking at the dark earth, he felt that the immortal might have really died.

Gu Bai is not sure about the influence of evil qi.

He flew in the direction of Sinan's guide, and when Sinan's small spoon handle began to turn into a small windmill, he saw a vague figure in the distance.

There were still quite a few figures, all dressed in white, forming a small circle, which was particularly obvious on this charred land.

Gu Bai was slightly startled, hesitated for a while, but cautiously approached.

He landed on the ground, clattered down the jade gourd, took out several talismans from the hand rope, pinched them and slapped them on his body, and took out a few attacking instruments, feeling that he With a single thought, he could transform into a fort and bombard the enemy in a destructive manner. He took a deep breath and dragged the jade gourd one step at a time to approach the circle of people.

Then he shouted from a distance: "Hello!"

There was not even an echo in the open land, and the people in front were not moving.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Gu Bai looked at it carefully for a long time, but he still couldn't see the specific situation.

Those people seem to be covered by something, and they can see the figure from a distance, but when they focus on it, they can't see anything clearly.

But looking at the posture in this circle, they are probably either suppressing something or guarding something.

Gu Bai looked at those figures and leaned more towards the latter.

Gu Bai stood where he was, people ignored him, and he was too embarrassed to approach - well, he admitted, it was mainly because of cowardice.

After all, such a large area was so quiet that only the roar of the cloud waterfall could be heard, and a few white-clothed men suddenly appeared in a place where the wind couldn't even blow.

What if the family raised their heads and had no faces.

Gu Bai's scalp tightened, and he was taken aback by his own imagination.

He was silent for a long while, looking at the circle of figures in front of him, he still felt that he should finish what he should do first.

He quickly climbed up the jade gourd with a completely different neat movement from the time he came down, as if a ghost was really chasing behind his butt, patted his butt and hurried away.

But after a while, Gu Bai, who had just fled away in a hurry, turned back slowly.

He still cares.

Gu Bai thought about it carefully, in addition to the possibility that people raised their heads without a face, there is another possibility that the five people in this circle are already dead.

This barren land does not have a breath of life, whether it is the water leading to the bottom or this dark land, there is no life at all.

Likewise, there is no spiritual energy at all.

There is no life, so there is no vitality, even the wind does not pass from here, it is too quiet.

Gu Bai is quite calm about the word death. When he was still a human, he lived in a tube building and watched a lot of funerals.

All things in this world will one day reach the end of life. There is nothing to fear about death.

Gu Bai landed on the ground lightly, slid off the gourd, then dragged the mouth of the gourd, slowly leaning forward step by step, the colorful and messy magic weapons hanging on his body, colliding with each other and making ding ding dong dong sound.

The content of Gu Bai's humming was actually a careful greeting.

What are you, sorry for disturbing you, etc., I whispered the last sentence after taking a step, full of sincere apologies.

After all, he seemed to be disturbing other people's sleep.

Gu Bai didn't dare to shrink the gourd and carry it, thinking that if there was an emergency, he would run on the gourd quickly.

He dragged the mouth of the gourd and dragged the jade gourd, which was about half a meter taller than the others, and walked forward with a humming humming, carefully probing every step of the way. A dirt tunnel was plowed.

Gu Bai slowly approached those people.

When they got close, there seemed to be the sound of something shattering around. With the crisp sound of Qing Lingling, the bodies of the five people who were only about five meters away from Gu Bai exploded, accompanied by a strong air wave. , almost to fly the weak, pitiful and helpless Gu Bai away!

Gu Bai was blown back a lot, and finally leaned on the jade gourd to raise his hand to cover his face, and then heard the sound of the magic weapon hanging on his body shattering one after another. Fried to smithereens.

When the air wave subsided, Gu Bai finally let go of his hand and saw the big hole that had been blown up.

And the jingling magic weapons hanging on his body have been blown up by two-thirds.

Gu Bai was silent for a while, patted his fast-beating little heart, then resignedly raised his hand to clean up the magic weapon that had been blown up and destroyed, and took a look around the situation.

It doesn't count if you remove the surrounding area that was blown up by the air waves. The effect of the explosion alone created a big pit with a radius of about a hundred meters here.

In the middle of this huge pothole, there is a small circle of platforms that are quite well protected.

Gu Bai lowered his head and looked at the piece of white light that fell on his feet... The structure of the suspected radius bone, then raised his head to look at the small platform that was still intact in such an amazing explosion, and fixed his eyes on it. When I went, I could clearly see a small tree seedling growing quietly in the middle of the platform.

Green leaves, purple stems, black flowers.

Delicate and small, not as thick as a baby's arm.

Gu Bai was stunned for a while, then raised his hand and touched the small purple woodcarving Pixiu that he was wearing on his neck, then recalled the picture he had inadvertently painted for the old elm tree, and said "Ah" in astonishment.

A purifying vitality centered on the seedlings spread rapidly.

The windless and quiet land suddenly blew a cool wind, with a slight fragrance and a wind sound like a song.

It was a song that Gu Bai was familiar with and hummed when the spring breeze woke up the earth.

Gu Bai stared at the young seedling on the platform.

Is that... Jianmu's seedling

Could it be that this is what Bai Ze said!

Thinking of this, Gu Bai raised his feet and was ready to take a look to confirm. As a result, the evil spirit above his head, who was blocked from the third layer of heaven and outer heaven, seemed to have noticed the change below, and started to "bang bang" like crazy. ' hit the wall against them.

Gu Bai was not sure how the invisible evil energy caused such a big movement, but he could probably guess what was going on.

He lowered his head and glanced at the radius at the side of his foot, thinking of the five figures in a protective posture surrounding the small platform just now, and guessed something.

These five immortals are probably the last immortals who survived and guarded the last life of this dead place.

Unfortunately, it finally fell.

In order to protect this young seedling, he used his own body of death to block the vitality of Jianmu before he died, lest after they fall, the evil qi that was staring at them would descend desperately and devour this final vitality. .

They are guarding the seedlings of Jianmu, presumably trying to finally try to reconnect the sky and the earth—perhaps to get out of here, or to reconnect the heaven and the earth.

Gu Bai was not sure, but looking at the dilapidated and pitiful appearance of the immortal residence, he felt that the immortals were guarding the Jianmu seedlings in the hope of being able to escape from here.

Gu Bai was stunned for a while, and realized that the evil spirits on his head that were going crazy and wanted to ram down had no chance of breaking the barrier in a short time. He glanced at the Jianmu seedlings over there, and let go Yu Huluzui's hand lowered his head and picked up the immortal bone.


Gu Bai took the immortal bones and looked around, went to pull out the immortal bones that were buried in the soil, and then carefully placed them beside the building wood and covered them with clothes.

Anyway, in the end, these immortals have been guarding for so many years, and it is too miserable to die without a whole body.

And think about it carefully, let the body explode, let Jianmu see the sun again, this seems to be his pot.

Gu Bai carefully removed all the soil from the immortal bone, feeling extremely guilty.

How to deal with the immortal's corpse and Jianmu seedlings, Gu Bai thought that he might have to ask Mr. Si before he went back to make up the sky.

"Seniors first... uh, get some sunshine." Gu Bai bowed apologetically to the five skeletons that he had placed, and said solemnly, "I'll go to mend the sky first."

There are nine layers of heaven outside the sky, and Bai Ze said that the place to mend the sky is above the fifth floor.

No one except the deity of Nuwa knew exactly where it came from. Bai Ze said that if he died, he would be able to give a route to and from the sky.

The route on the jade slip seems to be quite tortuous. According to Bai Ze, the Tianhe impacted down after the sky leaked and hit some weak spots left by the barriers below.

Later, although it was more or less repaired naturally, there were still some small problems in the end.

That is why Mr. Si said before that he wanted to hit his head with iron.

However, it seems that because of his special circumstances, he didn't hit his head, as if he just passed through a layer of water curtain, and came up easily.

But thinking about it carefully, he came down from the sky when he was a bare-ass little fool, and he didn't seem to have any problems at that time.

Gu Bai looked at Sinan who was spinning around in his hand, threw a tortoise shell and a copper coin to think about it, checked the jade slip that could no longer be used as a reference, and looked up at the dark sky.

It's not the same as the situation on the second floor where the world cannot touch the earth, the sky on the third floor is clearly there, it is a very obvious and tough barrier, and people can't bear it when they see it. The shaky evil spirit was firmly blocked from the outside.

Gu Bai sat on the jade gourd, looking at the black man who was getting closer and closer to him, he couldn't help lowering his head to sort out the things hanging on his body.

Although... Although he has already arrived here, he has a heavy responsibility and cannot step back, and he may even be able to enter and exit at will, but the place to be afraid is still too scary.

Gu Bai looked at the darkness that was getting closer and closer, and he could vaguely see that the disordered darkness had produced some strange shapes - they looked like humans and beasts.

They seemed to sense that there was a living being approaching, and the evil energy that had become restless because of the strong vitality rushed over with a ferocious face, then slammed into the invisible wall, and suddenly collapsed into a thick black fog.

Gu Bai was so frightened that he stopped in mid-air.

He really had never seen this battle.

Gu Bai moved up carefully, stared hard at the black mist that rushed forward one after another, and after looking at it for a long time, it seemed that it was no big deal.

Gu Bai held the jade gourd, trembling in his heart while slowly moving up.

He dug out a lot of talismans and magic weapons again, put them in his hands, and finally touched the top barrier.

Gu Bai hesitated for a while, then carefully stretched out... a finger.

He raised his hand and poked the hard barrier lightly.

Then the barrier seemed to not exist, and easily accommodated his fingers.

Gu Bai was startled, hurriedly retracted his fingers, looked at his own fingers in a panic, and then looked at the evil spirit that was locked up and went crazy as it hit the wall and kept dissipating, and was stunned for a long time.

Then he punched the black ink above his head.

And this fist is like a stab in the air, and it easily penetrates this hard barrier.

Gu Bai: …

Gu Bai:

Gu Bai withdrew his hand with a serious face, and finally confirmed one thing.

He seems to be… really biological.

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: I, Gu Bai, are my own.

Gu Lang: ? Wake up, my darling, Dad is here! ! !