Monster Apartment

Chapter 132: Gu Bai The smile gradually solidifies.jpg


When he fell face down on the ground for the third time, Gu Bai finally dragged the jade gourd out again. With a much lighter and crisp collision sound, he groped and climbed onto the jade gourd, carefully moving it to the right place. position, sit well.

What an experience it is to walk in the dark.

From the moment Gu Bai climbed up to this level, which could almost be called an evil swimming pool, he fell into darkness.

Probably because these evil spirits are too large, the last picture that can be seen after coming up is that those evil spirits who had been desperately hitting the wall because of the vitality below them decisively gave up the Jianmu seedlings below and turned to He pounced, drowning his entire being.

I can't see the sky, I can't see the ground, I can't see my body when I look down, and the lighting doesn't have any effect of penetrating the darkness. It still hurts a bit.

Since you can't see your eyes at all, it's quite normal to take a step forward and accidentally kick a stone on the ground—or something else and fall over.

Of course, it's not the worst.

The worst thing is that after going to the fourth level, Sinan is completely useless.

It's not because you can't see, after all, you can touch it when you can't see it, but Sinan is blown up.

Sinan, who was trembling because he couldn't find his way, was overwhelmed and exploded after struggling for 30 seconds.

Gu Bai felt a little embarrassed.

In the dark, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west, and he didn't even know if he was walking in a straight line, and he couldn't find the direction he should go.

In this case, he can't even do divination, because he can't see the hexagram at all, and maybe even because the ground is not flat, the tortoise shell and copper coins roll to the place he can't touch.

But it is not without good news, Gu Bai thought, the biggest good news is that these evil spirits are useless to him.

Secondly, Mr. Si had given him consideration in all aspects at the beginning, and there must be something in the hand rope that could solve this dilemma.

Gu Bai sat on the jade gourd, silently thinking about what this should be, while tugging at the things in the hand rope, trying to find something that could help him.

Gu Bai was not in a hurry.

This confidence mainly comes from Bai Ze saying that his trip will be super smooth, and the fact that he has made it clear that he will support him, and the fact that the barrier that he has promised to hit with iron will seem like nothing to him.

Gu Bai felt that the golden fingers were all driven here for him, and there was no reason for him to be blocked by evil spirits.

Gu Bai rummaged through the things in the hand rope. Fortunately, this mustard space does not need to be seen with eyes, and a single thought can sink into this mustard space to find the necessary supplies.

He sat on the jade gourd, and the gourd was attacked by these evil spirits that almost condensed into essence.

These evil spirits disintegrated into a black mist when they hit it, and then reunited with perseverance and continued to collide.

The jade gourd was slammed around by the evil energy from all directions, like a boat in a gust of wind.

Fortunately, Gu Bai was vigilant - after all, when he was on the third floor, he was hit hard on the butt of the gourd by an unknown force, causing the gourd to lose control, and it rolled up like a ball, tossing him. Enough.

So this time, Gu Bai calmly stabilized the jade gourd. Although he was hit crookedly, at least he was not hit like a ball like before.

But it was really uncomfortable to be bumped and twisted like this.

This is also the reason why Gu Bai didn't take out the gourd before.

Gu Bai rummaged through the hand rope for a long time, and finally found a wilted branch in the corner.

Probably because this thing is too common and ordinary in Mr. Si's eyes, it was thrown in the deepest part of the hand rope, and I never thought that it would be useful.

Misty branches!

Gu Bai took out the branch and fed the poor little branch some spiritual energy to make it no longer so shriveled.

Although the twigs are not as cool and fashionable as those magic weapons, they can come in handy now.

Gu Bai groped and carefully put the branch into his arms to avoid hitting something and breaking it. Then, he regained his energy and drove the gourd to fly in the direction pointed by his heart.

The darkness still caused a lot of trouble for Gu Bai.

He didn't allow the speed of the car, he didn't know how far he was from the ground, and he couldn't see what was in front of him.

The blind driver who was driving without a license was rampaging all the way, and it seemed that he had broken a lot of things. Judging from the damage of the magic weapons on his body, I am afraid they are not ordinary things.

But fortunately, there are so many things in Gu Bai's pocket to protect himself, and he didn't knock himself out of the way when he went on a rampage.

Under the circumstance of being swayed by these evil spirits, Gu Bai reached his destination firmly.

Without hesitation, he slammed his head into it.

The moment he rushed out of the darkness, Gu Bai saw a flashing electric light emitting a dazzling purple light hitting his head.

Gu Bai had Bai Huya tied to his wrist, but he had nothing to do with him. The lightning that looked like a thunderstorm turned a corner and shattered the jade gourd under his butt.

Even the evil spirits that entangled Gu Bai and rushed out were also smashed into pieces, and evaporated instantly.

Gu Bai, who had lost his means of transportation, quickly flashed to the side. At least he stood firmly on a raised dirt slope next to him, and did not fall out of the pothole.

Yes, a pit.

Gu Bai silently looked at the pit next to Breakthrough that only one person could pass through.

Unexpectedly, there is a pit between the fourth floor and the fifth floor.

Gu Bai retracted his gaze, looked around, and found that the surrounding area was densely covered with electric light, and the light was even a little dazzling.

Gu Bai watched it for a while, and keenly noticed something unusual—every time these electric lights slashed down, the piece of land he was standing on would be shattered a little.

And looking into the distance through the layers of electric light, it is a circle of cliffs.

It's as if these electric lights are trying to cut a huge hole here.

Gu Bai stood on the dirt slope, looked up at the sky, and was a little surprised to find that there was no electric light in his area.

He probed into the dark pothole below, and those evil spirits were rolling around unwillingly, seeming to be very shy and afraid to come up.

He thought of the electric light that had just shattered the evil energy, he hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out a leg to test it on the edge of the pit.

Those evil spirits went crazy again, and they rolled up and covered his calf without hesitation.

Gu Bai's eyes flashed with lightning, and the lightning that had just hit him head-on fell again, smashing and burning the evil energy entangled in his legs, but his legs were unharmed.

Gu Bai retracted his feet and looked up at the sky again. There was still no electric light above his head.

Gu Bai was stunned for a long while, then tried to stretch out his feet to hook a bunch of evil energy up, and then a flash of electric light smashed the evil energy cleanly.

Re-stretch, and then split.

Stretch and split again.

Gu Bai looked at the electric lights that were persevering and burrowed into the ground next to him, and then looked at the evil spirits below the pit that dared not come up. climbed up.

After climbing to the top, Gu Bai took out a lot of magic weapons for attacking from the hand rope, and threw them down at this huge pit without hesitation.

For a time, a huge explosion resounded through the fifth layer of the outer sky.

In addition to the bright electric light, the explosion's firelight and Baoguang almost covered up the original electric light, and then rumbled all the way to blow up most of the pit.

The gravel and the blown up soil crashed into the fourth layer of the outer sky, and the original electric light, like the medicine, instantly became countless times thicker, and rumbled towards the big hole on the side. .

Gu Bai watched these electric lights chasing the evil spirits on the fourth floor all the way, and even hacked directly into the fourth floor to chase away the evil spirits chasing him. He couldn't help but let out a "wow".

Let's just say, since the immortals of the year set up a garbage recycling plant like the Shenzhou Great Array, they must have a place to deal with garbage.

From this point of view, according to normal circumstances, the evil spirits thrown out by the Shenzhou Great Array should be sent to the fourth layer of the outer sky by the immortals—or the formation or something after they entered the outer sky.

And then these evil spirits will be dealt with by the thunder and lightning of the fifth layer of heaven and outer heaven.

Therefore, the third layer of Tianwaitian is always safe and sound as the residence of immortals.

Before, because of the accident of the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, there was a flood in the Tianhe River. It is estimated that some messy things washed away by the Tianhe water, such as sediment or other things, blocked the pit between the fourth and fifth floors for garbage disposal. Hole.

Garbage recycling plants have no processing procedures, and after so many years, garbage will naturally become saturated.

The garbage thrown by the Shenzhou Great Array has no place to go, so it naturally stays on the ground and the third layer of the outer sky. These evil spirits can only rely on the sun to dispose of them a little.

No wonder the immortal dwelling on the third floor was cold.

After all, evil spirits don't matter who you are, they all attack indiscriminately, and they don't make sense at all.

For now, the divine beasts that are still on the ground can only be suppressed and expelled for a short time, and I have never heard of anyone who can destroy this thing.

Moreover, the evil qi is still continuously generated, unless human beings are wiped out, there is no way to eliminate it from the root.

No wonder the immortals guarded the Jianmu seedling.

Maybe they want to try if they can have some other hope - for example, if they can't go to earth, they can try to continue to go to heaven!

As long as they break through these layers of evil spirits, they still have a chance of survival.

It's a pity that the wood grows too slowly.

They did not wait for this chance to come.

Gu Bai felt that in this situation, if he didn't come up, the ground would be cold in a few hundred years.

No wonder his trip went so smoothly, Gu Bai thought.

It seems that God's desire to survive is quite strong. In order to save himself, he will be thrown down if cracks occur in the sky patching stone.

Gu Bai looked at the rubbish that was quickly shredded and burned by the electric light. After a while, he noticed that the dark evil spirits below had a faint trend of fading, and finally had a sense of saving the world.

Gu Bai thought for a while, pulled out a bamboo raft from the hand rope as a new means of transportation, and went around the fifth-floor pit filled with electric light. After throwing four down and blowing through the remaining half of the hole, he touched the branch of the fascination, patted his butt and turned his head away.

Gu Bai followed the direction in his heart and bypassed this electric and light-filled pit.

He sat on the bamboo raft and passed through the thick cloud of robbery floating above the fifth floor. As soon as he made his head on the sixth floor, the bamboo raft under his butt was shattered by a gust of wind.

Gu Bai was so frightened that his head was about to fly. He was about to land on the ground to stabilize himself, but then another gust of wind came over, and it felt a little painful when it hit him, and it blew him away directly.

- If you want to say what it feels like to be used as a racket by Gangfeng, it is probably the feeling of a humanoid centrifuge.

On the sixth floor, Gu Bai was shot all the way by Gangfeng, like a ball, and he felt that his brain was about to be shot out.

But it's weird, and it doesn't feel unbearable.

Although I don't want to experience it a second time at all.

When Gu Bai finally felt that he was out of the shrouded range of Gangfeng, he was sent directly to the seventh floor without being gentle at all.

There was lightning and thunder around, and deep purple robbery clouds spread over the sky, and every thunder and lightning almost tore the sky apart.

The lightning seen on the ground is a thin strip with the naked eye, and the lightning here is so thick that it almost occupies the entire field of vision.

The gang wind here is much more terrifying than the sixth floor. They carry the thunder calamity that falls from the sky. Those electric lights are carried by the gang wind and roll into different shapes of thunder balls.

These thunderballs savagely collided with each other, ripped apart, and rudely shredded each other, mixed together, and shattered by the huge lightning that fell from the sky.

Even the light in this place was an ominous blood color, dyeing the thunder and lightning through.

Gu Bai had no doubt that as long as he took a step outside, he would be instantly smashed to pieces.

It's as terrifying as a meat grinder.

Gu Bai, who had been going all the way smoothly, was hit by this scene after being beaten as a ball, and his face was frozen with fright.

But fortunately, after he was thrown up by the Gangfeng on the sixth floor, the place where he fell was a safe area like the eye of a storm, allowing him to lie on the ground and slowly recover.

Gu Bai lay on the ground, staring at the extraordinarily low sky on the seventh floor.

He saw the turbulent and turbulent river water behind the electric light, roaring, rolling and boiling.

It didn't strike down on purpose, it just flowed casually, causing the entire seventh-layer Tianwaitian to tremble unceasingly.

Gu Bai turned his head with difficulty and saw the mountain supporting the sky.

It stood there tenaciously and silently, and in this dark red light, one could vaguely see that the color of the soil that condensed the mountain was somewhat mottled.

Gu Bai looked at it stupidly for a long time, and suddenly remembered what Mr. Si said to him back then.

- Your body is as fat as a mountain.

Gu Bai: …

Also, it's really a mountain.

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: The smile gradually solidifies.jpg

Si Yiming: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!