Monster Apartment

Chapter 135: The text is finished


After Gu Lang crushed six SLRs and eight lenses in just four days, Gu Bai finally completed a set of design drawings.

Since the teacher and senior brother expressed their desire for him to prove his innocence with strength, Gu Bailian also set up a few tripods and took the equipment to take pictures of the design process in all directions.

The filming was not professional, but compared to the previous time when there were people staring at him and there were only a few ordinary equipment and the existence of Gu Lang, Gu Bai was obviously a lot more comfortable.

Gu Bai collected the stack of drafts and design drawings—the design drawings were made by a computer, and they were fairly detailed, but he was probably the only one who could understand the drafts.

After packing up his things, Gu Bai walked over and took off the filming equipment, and looked up at the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of his house.

Gu Lang pulled a cushion and leaned against the corner formed by the floor-to-ceiling windows and the wall, playing with the new DSLR in his hand.

He is not very interested in human society, but he is still a little thoughtful about the things his good cub gave him - although he accidentally crushed a few with his strong hands.

However, thanks to the crushed SLRs and lenses, Gu Lang quickly learned how to use the computer and shop online.

Anyway, the money is on Gu Bai's account.

Gu Lang didn't feel anything wrong when he got up, and Gu Bai didn't feel anything wrong either.

During the time when Gu Bai was addicted to painting, Gu Lang kept fiddling with the DSLR in his hand.

He finally reluctantly controlled his own strength, and felt that it was much easier to operate this thing in his hand than Gu Bai, who was still stupid and had no thinking.

Gu Bai looked at Gu Lang, who was sitting lazily in the corner and basking in the sun, and felt as if he saw a big lion resting lazily with its tail flapping.

It had been a long time since he had been with his father quietly for so long.

The last week we spent together was the summer vacation after his college entrance examination.

Gu Bai bent the corners of his mouth, and continued to pack his equipment and tripod without making a sound.

Gu Lang listened to the rustling of the pen and paper for four days, and now he finally heard something else, so he raised his head.

When he got along with his good cub, he always restrained a little, whether it was suffocation or temper or something else, he restrained a lot.

Not because of anything else, but because he was accustomed to staying with Gu Bai—to be precise, it should be the rare peace and composure he got by the side of Butian Shi.

Gu Bai is still packing up.

The busy days of the past few days have made the large studio on the second floor very messy, and there are traces of paint accidentally dripping on the ground.

Add to that the sketches and sketches hanging, and the finished paintings lined up against the walls, making the large, otherwise spacious studio a mess—even a little crowded.

However, Gu Bai himself likes crowded and narrow places, probably because the house he used to live in is very small, so this kind of narrow and messy place makes him feel extra safe.

Although he did have an obsessive-compulsive disorder to clean up everything after painting.

Gu Lang watched as his darling boy was busy spinning around like a small spinning top in this slightly cluttered studio.

The light poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the well-lit studio, but the temperature in this room remained the same and remained fairly cool.

The sun seemed to favor the small spinning top in the room very much, flowing on him, lingering with a layer of golden streamer.

Gu Lang looked down at the camera in his hand.

In the past few days, he has pressed the shutter a lot of times, and most of the protagonists are his darlings who are addicted to painting.

The people in the picture are unaware of the camera, and most of them are quietly and earnestly watching the work they are doing.

Gu Lang flipped through the pictures and clicked his tongue slightly.

There was no such good thing in the past - in the case of Gu Lang, who didn't really want to deal with human beings at all, the impression that he lost a lot of things was still in a very early age.

There has never been such a prop that can record the picture so clearly before.

Most of them rely on the painter to save some precious pictures.

But the age is different, the level of the painter is different, and it is impossible to record everything honestly.

Gu Lang looked at the clear and gentle picture in the camera, and looked at Gu Bai in the picture, and paused slightly.

"These human things are not bad," he said suddenly.

Gu Bai raised his head when he heard the sound, and before his mind could react to what he had just heard, his old father took several pictures head-on.

Gu Bai was stunned, and touched his nose shyly.

Gu Lang took a few more pictures, but he just thought how good he was in taking pictures.

"Dad, do you like this?" Gu Bai asked.

Gu Lang was stunned for a while, then lowered his head and fiddled with the SLR in his hand for a while, and the whole person seemed a little dazed.

Gu Bai packed up while waiting for his father to finish in a daze.

In Gu Bai's memory, his father never seemed to show any signs of interest or liking for a certain thing.

Gu Bai didn't understand it before, but now he understands a little bit.

When you can't even fill the most basic stomach, who will have extra spare thoughts to think about whether they have anything they like.

If you have to say what you like, it's probably just eating.

Gu Bai felt that when he asked such a question, his father would not be able to come back to his senses for a while.

Sure enough, it wasn't until he started to wipe the floor that Gu Lang slowly recovered and said casually, "Well, I don't hate it."

Gu Bai nodded, and after wiping the floor, he bought his dad a complete set of professional equipment and a large number of photography books.

Then he lowered his head and touched the hand rope, hesitated for a while, but still did not hand over the hand rope that his old father gave him, but pulled out a golden armband from the hand rope and handed it to Gu Lang.

Gu Lang took it, still a little confused.

"If you're not going to stay in one place, you still have to have something close by, Dad." Gu Bai said, tucked two cards into his arm, and stuffed some bits and pieces of self-defense stuff inside. .

At the end, he whispered again: "I think it's good to have a little contact with human society..."

Gu Lang listened to what he said, thought about it, and responded.

Gu Lang himself has no idea. Anyway, as long as he is not allowed to be in the company of those divine beasts, he can basically hear it.

What the darling says is what, Gu Lang thought.

Gu Bai put an armband on his old father, and when he saw Gu Lang answering seriously, his whole person seemed a lot clearer.

He pulled Gu Lang downstairs and said, "Go, accompany me to the construction team."

Of course, the construction team is not a construction team of ordinary people.

There was not much time left until the exhibition, and the human construction team could not meet Gu Bai's requirements at all.

A group of monsters engaged in rapid construction, under the gaze of gluttonous can frighten the demons, quickly reached an agreement with Gu Bai, and they dispatched their nests to digest Gu Bai's design with the fastest speed in their life. His request was fulfilled.

The second building of the S City Art Expo Center has changed a lot in just one week.

During the construction period, Gu Bai still filmed the process very honestly.

Anyway, when it was finally released, it had to be sped up and edited, and Gu Bai wasn't worried about being exposed at all when it came to timing.

The end of construction is naturally the official start of painting.

It was rare for Gu Lang to stay in one place for so long, and he patiently met with Gu Bai's teachers.

- The eyes of those humans looking at him were a bit strange, but when he frowned, those humans went back.

This made Gu Lang feel very boring.

He finally lost his patience when Gu Bai started to paint, and left with the money from Gu Bai and his SLR slapping his butt.

Gu Bai was a little lost, but he still regained his energy and started to draw.

By the time Si Yiming was busy with a bunch of things, Gu Bai had already come to an end.

As soon as Mr. Si came back, he went straight to where Gu Bai's breath was.

As soon as Si Yiming walked in here, he was shocked several steps back by the terrifying pressure coming from the pavement.

—Accurately speaking, it was not coercion, but rather shocked by the picture Gu Bai drew inside using the inside of the entire building as the canvas.

It is a world that ordinary people should never be able to see, and in the eyes of monsters, the imagery contained in this spirit painting is enough to scare off a large group of monsters who have never seen tribulation thunder.

Even Si Yiming entered rashly without any thought, but was shocked back.

Mr. Si felt ashamed.

Gu Bai vaguely heard a movement, he turned his head and clearly caught Si Yiming breathing deeply at the door in the relatively dim space.

He waved his hand happily: "Mr. Si, you are back!"

Si Yiming also waved his hand. After he was mentally prepared, he looked around carefully and felt that he should invite his colleagues and enemies to come and see.

He couldn't be the only one to be embarrassed.

Even if no one sees it!

"What are you going to do?" Si Yiming stepped in and asked.

"This is the seventh layer of Heaven and Beyond." Gu Bai replied happily, "But I don't know why, after the teacher and the others came here two days ago, they are no longer willing to come in and see."

Si Yiming: "..."

It is enough for ordinary humans to endure this kind of shock once. They have not practiced and cannot perceive the deepest beauty of the spirit painting, but if they watch it a few times, they will have nightmares.

"I think I draw pretty well." Gu Bai scratched his head, puzzled.

Mr. Si thought for a while, and finally nodded: "It's good."

At least after this painting is finished, with this building as the center, there will be no more abnormal events in a radius of hundreds of miles.

"This picture is very different from your previous style." Si Yiming commented.

Gu Bai shook his head: "I haven't finished painting yet, and the theme this time is the storm."

Mr. Si thought that even if it was a storm, it was a little too hard to move the scene of the seventh layer of the sky.

However, Gu Bai was very happy when he was full of energy, so he didn't plan to say anything more.

After Gu Bai finished decorating the picture on the wall, he climbed down the ladder and began to paint the last step.

Si Yiming looked at the Jianmu seedlings that were rapidly taking shape under Gu Bai's hands, raised his eyebrows, and walked out of the building, deciding to find a few monsters who work in the promotion and marketing outlets to add more fire to this exhibition.

In mid-September, the annual large-scale art exhibition was held as scheduled.

This exhibition is divided into two pavilions.

The first floor is a regular exhibition, mainly painting and sculpture, and the third floor is a photography exhibition.

The second floor is more special.

The whole building of the second building is a complete work.

The name of the work is "Tianwaitian", and the author is Gu Bai, a cutting-edge artist who has recently gained fame.

Someone entered, and some people ran out with a change of face as soon as they entered the door. These people are relatively sensitive.

There were also some people who walked in strong, stayed strong for less than two minutes, and walked out with a pale face. This is the vast majority of ordinary people.

The remaining small part, after walking in, came out after a long time. When I went in, I carried a notebook, and when I came out, the notebook was full of things.

In this part, after reading the previous promotion, I came here to find out.

This is a building that does not appear to be anything unusual from the outside.

But once you step into the exhibition hall, the pressure and panic that come upon you fill your chest, and it is almost impossible for people to raise the thought of careful exploration, so they turn their heads and run away.

But he wasn't someone who didn't hold on to his instinctive fear and stayed behind.

The interior color of the whole building is a deep dark red, the fabric that blocks the light is very special, and the light is also specially studied. The sunlight in September shines through the fabric with special material, and the whole space presents a transparent dark red. .

Clear like a deep red gem.

And the picture inside is not as elegant as a gem.

It looks very dark and cruel, the deep purple electric light tearing apart the sky, spreading out countless terrifying thunder and lightning.

The wind wrapped the thunder and shattered the land and the air, smashing and bursting, and the shocking rumbling could almost be heard.

The whole picture looks terrifyingly distorted.

Directly opposite the entrance of the exhibition hall, through the dense layers of electric light on both sides, in the field of vision that is full of twists and flows, you can see a towering mountain peak.

The top of the mountain was submerged in the cloud layer, and behind the cloud layer, a pitch-black turbid liquid was tumbling turbulently, and it looked like it was about to break through the obstacles of the sky and poured down.

Many people often feel uncomfortable and suffocated when they see this place, can't bear it, and turn their heads and leave.

The rest of the people, after carefully looking at the distorted pictures, finally set their eyes on the end that is not the main body of the picture, but has a surprisingly high sense of presence.

At the bottom of that mountain, there is a little bit of gold that is the exact opposite of this picture.

It was a small seedling.

The purple trunk, black tree lines, and verdant leaves are exuding golden light, and a small mass barely illuminates the surrounding area that is no more than the size of a palm.

The strong vitality that revealed, let the tourists who had just stepped into the building feel the tense atmosphere suddenly relax.

It stayed there quietly, indifferent to the sinister surroundings, exuding vitality with effort and surging.

Like the flames of the struggle, the last struggling hope in the dark.

Many people who came to Gu Bai, a cutting-edge artist who recently gained fame, breathed a sigh of relief.

—I was still thinking about when this person changed, and when I finally saw that little bit of gold, I suddenly realized that this person has always been like this.

Looking at people through paintings, there is always hope and warmth in the hearts of the people who paint.

Noticing that the tourists here finally relax, and then looking at the surrounding pictures, it no longer looks so amazing.

Gu Bai did not go to the exhibition hall.

There are too many people on the one hand, mainly because he has read all the works before starting.

It is not the first time that Gu Bai has painted such a large-scale work. He had accumulated such experience when he helped the rabbit spirits paint the dormitory in the Penglai Mirage.

This time, it is also very easy to draw large paintings.

He is very confident in his works, but even so, he still cares about comments.

Gu Bai was holding the tablet, and on the tablet was a social account that Mr. Xie tossed him.

A new video was posted on the account in response to the outside world's doubts about Gu Bai's work in "Tianwaitian" this time.

Countless people questioned that it was a team work rather than a solo work.

And this video was released as a slap in the face, and after being promoted by a series of monsters buried among humans, it became unbelievably popular.

Many people went to the exhibition after hearing the news, and most of them were shocked and instantly fell under the big pants of art.

Gu Bai became famous.

I don't know how many people in art and social accounts are praising him, and many people still question it.

He has a good temper, but he is still somewhat unhappy in the face of overwhelming doubts.

He puffed up slightly, took this account and Mr. Si's account willfully, and liked those who spoke for him one by one.

After clicking likes, Gu Bai felt very satisfied that he had won.

He looked at the comments at the bottom of the video, and his face flushed red when he was praised by those who said that immortals painted.

Mr. Si and Mrs. Snake learned a new dish and were tossing around in the kitchen.

The aroma of rice wafted out of the kitchen, revealing a peaceful and warm smell.

"Go wash your hands." Mr. Si stuck his head out of the kitchen and said.

Hearing this, Gu Bai put down the tablet, rubbed his warm face, got up and walked into the kitchen: "Come on, come on!"

While Gu Bai was washing his hands, he glanced at the eggplant pot in the bowl.

Smells good, but looks a little bad.

Mr. Si's next pot is the fried egg with spring onion that he has mastered.

Gu Bai glanced at the beaten egg and whispered, "Mr. Si, I want to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes!"

Si Yiming was about to pour the egg liquid into the pot for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Gu Bai.

Gu Bai's face was still red, and his eyes were shining brightly at him.

Mr. Si thought for a while and said, "You kiss me first."

Gu Bai dried his hands and simply tweeted.

Mr. Si changed his face: "Kiss again."

Gu Bai paused, and then kissed obediently again.

Mr. Si pointed to his thin lips: "And here."

Gu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned over and took a bite on Mr. Si's mouth.

This bite is a bit fierce, but Mr. Si enjoys it very much.

With a satisfied smile, he turned his head and went to the refrigerator to get two tomatoes.

Gu Bai looked at Mr. Si as he rolled up his sleeves and tossed tomatoes seriously, he couldn't help laughing, raised his arms and hugged the man in front of him.

Mr. Si moved for a while, turned around and patted his back: "What's wrong?"


Gu Bai rubbed his Mr. Si and smelled the smell of his home from him.

He raised his head, grabbed Mr. Si by the collar and pulled him down, gave him a savage snort, and buried his head in Mr. Si's shoulder again under Mr. Si's astonished gaze.

Mr. Si, who was attacked, rubbed his head helplessly: "What happened?"

Gu Bai rubbed his neck and hummed, "Mr. Si."


"I like you so much."

Si Yiming made a move, and an unstoppable smile filled his eyes.

He lowered his head and kissed the tip of Gu Baihongtong's ear, and replied vaguely and softly, "What a coincidence, so do I."

——End of text——

The author has something to say: Xinkeng's "Small Shop of Earth People" is for pre-collection, click on the column to collect it, you deserve it as a professional sweet writer _(:з"∠)_


Liu Ze, Yan Shuai has long legs and a net height of 1.8 meters. He is a golden bachelor with excellent career prospects. Today, after picking up a golden finger, he made a solemn decision—

He fired his boss who was addicted to overtime and went home to farm.

Turning face and ruthless mourning

Chicken flying dog jumping hilarious daily sweet text.

Because the author has been opening the pit seamlessly since July last year, I am really tired and want to take a break for a while to save the manuscript, so the new pit will not open in about a month, at the latest in mid-July.

You can click on the extras, but your author's old problem can't be corrected. As soon as you arrive at the extras, you will be bald. You point, and I will pick and write a few.