Monster Apartment

Chapter 14: Mr. Si likes to eat desserts


Mr. Si decided to start looking forward to the little boy facing him from today.

However, recently, there have been more and more strange beasts jumping out of the deep mountains, symbolizing great ferocity, and disasters have occurred frequently in various places. After the meeting, Si Yiming was informed on the way back that there was another flash flood.

Si Yiming didn't want to worry about this, but the news that followed the news was that a mallard flew out of Lutai Mountain, which made Mr. Si have to be vigilant, put down his expectations for sweets, and left S without stopping. City, galloped away to G province.

Gu Bai knew nothing about this, and he was still immersed in the joy of finally having an idea. Every morning, he got up early in the morning and rushed to the park. He was full of energy, and his whole person was full of vigorous vitality.

"Good morning, Mr. Xiao!" When Gu Bai went out, he greeted the yawning security guard.

The security guard was yawning, seeing Gu Bai's energetic look, he couldn't help but smile: "It's so early today?"

"Yeah!" Gu Bai nodded, "Did you work the night shift last night?"

Seeing the other party nod, Gu Bai simply took out a bag of milk cookies from the backpack behind him and handed it to the other party: "Thank you!"

The security guard was stunned for a moment, the tip of his nose moved slightly, and the sweetness of the milk and the coke aroma of the cookies quickly took over his sense of smell.

He was not hypocritical, and simply reached out and took the bag of biscuits: "Thank you!"

Gu Bai watched the security guard who opened the bag without hesitation and ate deliciously, and even brought the little brother who praised him for his delicious roast. He said goodbye in a good mood, and walked away briskly.

Human beings are social animals with obvious conformity and empathy, and their psychology and living conditions are easily influenced by those around them.

For example, Gu Bai's recent energetic activity has had a very big impact on his senior brothers.

More than half a month has passed, and this group of artists, who are like vampires, dwindle like salted fish in the daytime, and finally return to their normal human state.

When I was working, I was very active, and recently I have been arriving earlier than each other.

In their words, after I never stayed up late, my waist didn't get sore, my legs didn't hurt, and I got more energy to paint.

What's more, there is a little brother who brought them a loving breakfast made by himself.

The raw materials used by Gu Bai to make small cakes, breads and desserts are all sent from the property, and the quality is excellent. Even the most basic white sugar is clear and crystal clear, just like pure white snowflakes.

The raw materials are good, and Gu Bai's own craftsmanship is not bad, so the things made will not be too bad.

Anyway, it's much more delicious than those noodles in the convenience store.

The younger brother said that these loving breakfasts are considered his heart, and if they are not, they are considered tuition fees for them. A group of big men who eat desserts and eat happily have no opinion.

There is nothing wrong with the little junior brother who is willing to use the tuition fee to give his heart to him. He is a little more comfortable with himself, and they eat happily.

Gu Bai spent three days deciding on the design of the 3D wall and handing it over to the teacher.

His design is actually not complicated. Because of the need to undertake the third exhibition hall and integrate the wall design with the exhibition hall, his design drawings include the third exhibition hall.

The two broken walls are in the square in front of the third exhibition hall, and the wall on the left is smaller.

Gu Bai was on the left wall, along the black eaves line of the third exhibition hall, made an extension line to the eaves line on the wall in the field of vision, and then added a three-dimensional geometry of cracks to the end of the extension line. Below is a bunch of scattered geometric blocks.

As for the taller wall on the right, while Gu Bai did the same treatment as the left wall, he also drew a huge child in perspective proportion, holding a small black geometric square in his hand. Holding up his fleshy hand, he tried to put the block in his hand back on the gap in the building, but his head turned around and reached out with his other hand to reach the other small block behind him.

Standing in the normative field of view of the 3D wall, it emphasizes the minimalist geometric design of the third exhibition hall, and the content on the wall extends this design.

Combined with the whole, the outstanding effect is that the third exhibition hall is an unfinished building block puzzle, and the children on the wall on the right are the people who spelled this building.

There are many details to be displayed on the wall, such as adding the details of the square covered by the wall on the wall without any sense of violation, such as specifying the frame to highlight the three-dimensional effect, and determining the shadow position according to the light, etc. Wait.

As we all know, the 3D three-dimensional wall is made outdoors, and it is often not as convenient and simple as indoors, because there is a fixed lighting direction indoors, and many problems need to be comprehensively considered outdoors.

Gu Bai has already taken this into consideration, so he did not make a particularly complicated design.

At least Professor Gao looked at the design draft and felt quite satisfied.

"Send it back for review," he said.

After passing the teacher's level, Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

To be able to satisfy the teacher, the boss will generally not be too entangled.

Gu Bai suddenly became more relaxed, and he went to help the brothers who were working hard under the sun with the drawing tools.

During the time when Gu Bai was struggling with the design, the team had already prepared the budget and prepared the materials, and even the portion that Gu Bai might use could be evenly distributed.

The completed picture of the previous wall design has also been drawn, and the first wall has also been tried out. Gu Bai also participated in it. Now that it has entered July, it will get hotter and hotter as we go further, and it happens that the hand is too hot. If there is no other work to do, they simply start work early and finish early to avoid suffering.

The people who were busy under the big sun saw Gu Bai walking with a small jump, and the senior brother with a lollipop in his mouth laughed: "Have you finished the design?"

"The painting is ready! The teacher said that it can be submitted for trial!" Gu Bai was so happy that he raised his head and smiled, revealing his eight neat and white teeth, which were shining in the sunlight, and the joy almost blinded people's eyes.

Senior Brother touched his pocket, found a strawberry-flavored Alpine, stuffed it into Gu Bai, took out another design drawing, handed it to Gu Bai, and patted him on the shoulder: "The finished draft of Wall No. 8 is What you drew, go and draw number eight, the lines have been drawn."

Gu Bai nodded, carried a ladder, and the wind under his feet passed by.

As soon as Gu Bai left, the senior brother smacked his lips and whispered to the eldest brother next to him: "Damn, it was the first time I worked with the teacher, and the design was beaten back and changed a dozen times!"

The person who was coloring next to him raised his head and rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, did you have the foundation of Xiaobai's talent back then?"

The person with the candy in his mouth can confidently say, "No!"

"Then hold on."

"… "

Hold on hold on.

The senior brother with the sugar in his mouth hummed, looked down at the cell phone that had just received the private message, and turned to look at Gu Bai, who had slipped up the ladder and was holding the bottom of the first layer of paint.

Obedient and easy to use, where can I find a little junior brother who has a high talent and a deep foundation and can make delicious little cakes.

There are many places to cooperate in the future.

For example, the project that newly contacted him just needed two people.

He took the candy in his mouth, looked left and right, and decided to strike first, lest the younger brother be pulled away by others first.

He walked over and asked Gu Bai for a WeChat ID.

Only then did Gu Bai realize that he hadn't exchanged contact information with his senior brothers.

So after finishing the first layer, he went to ask for the phone one by one, received six kind and loving smiling faces, and finally faced the distressed look of the senior brother who gave him the lollipop, very puzzled.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

The senior brother nodded, indicating that it was indeed what happened.

He said, "I'll book you a project first. If we talk about it, it will be a small project for two people starting in September."

Gu Bai was stunned, and without hesitation he took a sip: "Okay!"

Senior brother couldn't help but stuffed Gu Bai with a candy.

Thanks to that baby face, Gu Bai is so well-behaved that it makes people unable to control his candy-filled hands.

Gu Bai never expected that he would receive an invitation for a new project, but he felt that the sky was extraordinarily blue and the clouds were extraordinarily white, and everything became extraordinarily cute.

He couldn't help rubbing his forehead, wondering if he was really getting rich buff by Mr. Financial Legend Secretary.

When Gu Bai came home humming a song, he happened to meet Si Yiming.

Just as he was about to say hello, before he could say anything, he was frightened by Si Yiming's gloomy face and swallowed it back.

He got out of the elevator as quiet as a chicken, walked quickly to the door of his house, opened the door to go in, but was stopped by Si Yiming.

Gu Bai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Si Yiming who was approaching, and shrank his neck cowardly.

Mr. Si is in a bad mood.

With a straight face, it is simply to scare people to death.

Gu Bai recalled the fear of meeting for the first time, and asked in a low voice, "Yes, is there anything?"

"Do you have any other desserts?" Si Yiming asked.

Gu Bai was stunned: "Huh?"

"I'll buy it." Si Yiming said.

Gu Baimu was stunned: "No... No... But I can do it again."

"Then do it, do more, and give it to me before eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Si Yiming said.

Gu Bai saw that Si Yiming was obviously unhappy, but his expression gradually eased, and nodded: "Oh, good."

Si Yiming nodded: "Go."

Gu Bai foolishly went home for dinner, and when he started to pass the egg whites, he realized something like a daze.

Mr. Si likes to eat desserts.

Gu Bai sighed.

It doesn't match his character and appearance at all.

Gu Bai didn't know what Mr. Si's concept of "doing more" was. Anyway, he made a lot of different things, and tried to make some new flavors according to the recipe. The next day, he knocked on a large bag of desserts. The door of Si Yiming's house.

Si Yiming was very satisfied, he took out ten pink grandpa Mao and handed them to Gu Bai.

Gu Bai thought for a while, and took two of them.

Si Yiming felt that this little monster was too simple. He didn't accept the money that Pixiu took out.

"I won't be here any time soon, be nice." Si Yiming told the little brat kindly, "Sleep well at night, don't run out, and find Zhai Liangjun if you have anything."

Gu Bai didn't understand where and what identity Si Yiming's warning came from.

—No matter how you hear it, it should be said by someone who considers himself a protector.

The last person who said this to him was his father.

Gu Bai felt that he and Si Yiming were not familiar to that level. He felt a little helpless, and finally nodded under the gaze of the other party.

Satisfied, Si Yiming watched Gu Bai go back to the house and stuffed a bag of desserts into his Qiankun bag.

He went abroad for no other reason.

Just because the mallard he didn't catch today is said to have flown out of the border and headed east.

He needs to get the bird back before it can cause an international dispute among unnatural creatures.

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: You care so much about me, are you my long-lost mother

Si Yiming:…

Fuluo: On the mountain of Lutai, there are birds, whose shape is like a rooster with a human face, the name is Fuluo, its name is self-named, and when you see it, there are soldiers.

There is a bird in Lutai Mountain, which is shaped like a rooster but has a human face. It is called Fuluo, and its cry is the pronunciation of its own name. As soon as it appears, there will be war.