Monster Apartment

Chapter 19: Become a super soldier with big breasts and strong blond hair overnight


Kyushu Mountain and Sea Garden.

A monster colony that has been established for more than 300 years, fell into a chaos of troops on an ordinary afternoon.

I have never seen a human with such courage!

How dare you form a group to enter the monster den! !

It just scared the monsters to death!

In fact, several monster settlements in China, including Jiuzhou Shanhaiyuan, were all ideas proposed by Bai Ze after he foresaw that the living space of monsters in the future would be infinitely compressed hundreds of years ago.

The main purpose is to let those monsters who have no family but intentionally change themselves to adapt to the torrent of the times gather together for warmth.

The feng shui turns, and after the long mythological era, the era of these creatures all over the earth will finally come.

Those youkai who are unwilling to face the reality that youkai will be transformed into a weaker side are basically slapped to death on the beach by the torrent of the times.

And the ones that are left are naturally the part of the plan to survive.

Those who used to feed on human beings have almost adapted to it after hundreds of years of adjustment. Those who couldn’t adapt to the cold quickly became cold, and only a few were eliminated. Those who remained were all controlled themselves and forcibly changed their recipes. successful.

But changing the recipe does not mean that they can all withstand the temptation of human taste.

There are many monsters living in the community who have changed their recipes, but have not completely cut off their cannibalistic impulses. They generally squat in the community as a dead house.

The community has a formation, which protects the monsters inside from being disturbed by the evil spirits and ghosts born in the human heart, and also protects the humans outside, so that they are also not coveted by the monsters as food.

For this type of monster, one or two humans is fine, but coming to eight at a time is simply fatal!

This is simply a huge test that God has given them!

Especially under the eyes of the building managers of the nine buildings, the monsters who smelled the human odor rushed back to their house one by one, pressed the lock button, and squatted at home trying to control themselves.

The other part of the monsters who have cut off the cannibalistic impulses are still walking around in the community as they want.

Many of them have already entered human society, and have successfully infiltrated human beings and have jobs.

The demons in the community were in a panic, and some demons ran faster when they saw a human than when a human saw a demon.

The other part went to Unit 6, hiding in every corner, and the other part simply cast a spell to hide, and conducted a brutal onlooker on this group of daring humans.

Gu Bai took his senior brother and teacher into the apartment building.

He always felt as if someone was watching them, but he couldn't find it when he looked around.

In broad daylight, Gu Bai felt a little nervous in his heart, so he quickened his pace and led people into the house numbly.

As soon as his door closed, a group of monsters poked their heads from all over the apartment building.

Due to the presence of a well-known war god beast, Unit 6 gathered the most disobedient thorns in the entire community. Under the violent shock of Pixiu, Unit 6 was often the most peaceful, and the speed of changing recipes was also the fastest.

Si Yiming didn't even bother to show up after answering the phone. At this moment, the sixth unit was quiet, except for a group of monsters, muttering over there.

The content of the murmuring was, does the little cub in Room 666 have some ulterior motives with Si Yiming.

There is no strict rule in the community that humans are not allowed to come in. There are two human beings living in Building 9 next door. They lived in it more than a hundred years ago. They came in because they fell in love with the monsters who lived in the community. .

The two human beings have now separated from their ordinary human identities and started to cultivate, and they have lost the human taste of ordinary people, and they can't evoke the appetite of other monsters.

But bringing eight humans back at one time was truly the first time in three hundred years.

A monster smacked his lips: "Is this about to open a harem?"

"Nonsense!" Another monster slapped him on the head, "Room 666 is still a little brat! What kind of harem! You are dreaming!"

Besides, judging from the closeness that the brat has shown recently with Si Yiming, Si Yiming will definitely not let the brat go blind.

Anything like finding a human being doesn't exist, it can't happen.

Si Yiming has never trusted humans very much.

"Is room 666 Si Yiming's cub?" Another monster muttered.

"Fart!" The monster next to him blew his beard and stared, "How could it be Si Yiming who is so cute and cute and even cooks breakfast!"

"… "

"… "

No, you are unreasonable.

Why can't Si Yiming have cute and cute cubs who will cook breakfast

Is it because Si Yiming often beats monsters

The monsters who had been beaten thought of this, were silent for a while, and then nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"Yes! That will definitely not be Si Yiming's cub!"

Gu Bai vaguely heard the loud noises in the corridor, but he couldn't hear what was going on through the door.

The teachers and senior brothers are still working hard to equate this apartment with luxury, which is equivalent to Gu Bai, who is extremely poor and is still wearing street stalls.

Especially from the inside, the decoration doesn't look cheap either.

The apartment in Wuzang District of S City has an actual area of more than 120 square meters, and it is still a mezzanine, adding up to 240 from top to bottom.

No, this is no longer an apartment, but a mansion.

So why did Gu Xiaobai live so miserably

Is there a very important string missing from his dad's mind

Or do you rich people like to do this

The brothers were puzzled.

"Gu Xiaobai, let's go upstairs and have a look!" said the brothers.

Gu Bai responded: "Okay! Don't move the hanging painting! I'll go make tea for you!"

Gu Bai pressed the button to lock the door, and pulled his slippers to make tea for the teacher and the brothers.

After making the tea, before the seniors came down, Professor Gao sat leisurely on the sofa alone, and seemed very satisfied with the softness of the sofa.

"Teacher, drink tea, I'm going to prepare the dishes." Gu Bai put Cha on the coffee table.

Gu Bai didn't have much research on tea, but once Professor Gao tasted it, he felt a little different.

"Xiao Bai!" Professor Gao sat on the sofa and shouted to the kitchen with a teacup.

Gu Bai, who was taking stock of the dishes, responded, "Hey!"

"What kind of tea is this?" Professor Gao asked.

"I don't know!" Gu Bai replied casually.

Everything here is what Gu Bai had when he moved in. If there is anything missing, just call the property and it will be delivered. It is very convenient. You don't even have to choose the dishes. The ones delivered are the best.

At least it's much better than the carefully selected ones in the market.

Gu Bai felt that the property fee in this community would definitely not be low, but since it was a benefit given to him by his father, Gu Bai had no pressure to accept it.

Life is to be a little easier!

Professor Gao drank two sips of tea, smacking his lips, and decided to ask the student to ask him for some tea later.

At this time, the group of senior brothers who went upstairs walked downstairs and shouted to the kitchen as soon as they appeared, "Gu Xiaobai, who painted that picture upstairs!"

Gu Bai replied, "I don't know!"

Professor Gao paused and looked up at them: "What's the matter?"

The big brother replied, "There is an ink painting hanging upstairs, please take a look."

Two of the brothers knew how to cook, and Gu Bai didn't let Gu Bai work alone at the moment. When the others were accompanying Professor Gao to see the painting, they rolled up their sleeves and went into the kitchen.

The kitchen is open, so it is not too crowded for three people.

One rice cooker is simply not enough to cook rice for nine people. While the brothers were helping to wash the vegetables, Gu Bai rummaged through the box and pulled out another rice cooker.

The two senior brothers were washing the dishes, and they felt that the dishes were really watery and outrageous.

"Gu Xiaobai, when did you buy the vegetables?" Senior brother asked casually, "Where did you buy them? It looks pretty good."

"I don't need to buy it, the property here is responsible for delivering it." Gu Bai said while washing the rice, "If you want anything, just call the property and it will be delivered within ten minutes."

The two senior brothers moved their hands and said, "Then you have to pay a lot of money, right?"

"I don't know, the money is paid by my dad."

So your father is so rich, why did you have such a miserable life

The two senior brothers looked at Gu Bai speechlessly.

Before, they thought that Gu Bai might not be his biological son. His father, the scumbag, took care of his life, and Gu Bai's mother died early, causing Gu Bai to be a good baby and have a miserable life.

I heard from the teacher that Gu Bai couldn't even afford oil painting materials when he first entered school, so he used his oil painting homework to exchange materials with his brothers and sisters. Later, the materials were enough, but not a single oil painting homework was left.

The materials are basically used up after just a few days of being exchanged.

I also heard that Gu Bai collected his remaining large and small homework and put them on a treasure to sell them for money, such as watercolors, sketches, sketches and so on. It's okay to hang one up and sell it.

But to be fair, how much money does it take to turn your brains to homework

Let’s not talk about the issue of whether it can be sold or not. In the aspect of traditional painting in the Academy of Fine Arts, many people just throw it away after finishing their homework. After all, the homework task is really too heavy. Every day is spent staying up late to catch up with homework, and it is almost overwhelming.

To be able to think of selling homework for money in this spare time is already very irritating.

After all, unlike the major of computer graphics, the traditional painting market is limited, and it is really not easy to sell.

Computer board painting can also become famous for outsourcing or commercial illustration during classes in the university, and the increase in the number of fans and popularity is visible to the naked eye.

But as far as the various industries of traditional painting are concerned, basically all are based on qualifications.

No matter how high the popularity of the Internet is, it is not as useful as a compliment from a famous person.

Famous artists boast that their worth can jump several layers in a row. If a famous artist says something wrong, the worth of a new and cutting-edge artist may be knocked down.

Traditional painting is an extremely slow industry that burns money and returns very slowly, and the possibility of overturning is still very large.

After this series of operations, Gu Bai looked particularly miserable, so miserable as if he was going to sleep in a bridge hole in the next second. In the eyes of the brothers, this poor but very persistent persistence and love for the mural industry. Junior Brother, it is really pitiful and cute.

But now it seems that Gu Bai's father seems to value this child very much.

Such a good house, but also took the initiative to undertake the rent, water and electricity properties, which is a lot of expenses every year.

So here comes the problem.

Why didn't Gu Bai's father give Gu Bai money

Does he have a brain hole

The things in the minds of the two senior brothers were extremely complicated, and Gu Bai had already finished scouring the rice, took out a jelly and was ready to chop the bones.

Professor Gao and the others returned to the living room, and got together to figure out who the author of the ink painting upstairs was.

There are not many ink paintings in Huaguo, and there are only a handful of people who can paint to that level.

But for everyone like that, it is impossible not to sign after the painting is finished.

"The brush strokes look like the old gentleman who has long since passed away." Professor Gao said.

When they were thinking about it together, there was a bang in the kitchen.

A group of people were startled, turned to look at the kitchen, and found that the two big men in the kitchen were looking at Gu Bai, who was half a head shorter than them, in horror.

"What's wrong?!"

"Gu Xiaobai chopped the bones and chopped up the chopping board!!"

"The marble cooking table is cracked!!"

Gu Bai was at a loss and panicked: "I, I, I, I didn't use much force!"

"… "

"… "

The house was in chaos, even worse than the community just now.

Gu Bai, the murderer of the chopping board, was finally ordered by the two senior brothers to stay away from the knives and let him wait in front of the pot to cook.

At least he didn't kick him out of the kitchen directly.

Gu Bai was wearing an apron, and he simmered the corn bone broth first, then stood in front of the pot, looking at his hands thoughtfully.

Not right.

He's been in really bad shape lately.

First of all, not to mention a lot of heat resistance, in the dark environment at night, he can see things clearly. In addition, his sense of taste and smell has become extraordinarily sensitive.

Now even the strength has increased.

He used to be out of breath after carrying a ladder for twenty meters by himself, but there is a distance of more than 150 meters between the studio and his wall. Said to be panting, not even breathing.

I painted it in the sun all morning, and I didn't see much sweat.

Not right.

Although Gu Bai felt that it was a good thing that his physique had become awesome, he still felt a little uneasy.

He was thinking about whether he should go to the hospital for a full examination.

But when this thought came together, he quickly shoved it back.

What if you do check out something terrible

Wouldn't he spend the rest of his life in the hospital.

Gu Bai thought hard while cooking the vegetables.

When the food was finally brought to the table, Gu Bai sent a text message to his father.

He said: "Dear dad, I feel like I've changed a lot lately.

Gu Bai paused, and then sent two more messages.

Dad, have I undergone any human experiment

For example, you can turn into a super soldier with big breasts and strong blond hair overnight after taking a serum. I prefer this.

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: Am I going to become a superhero! ! ! Am I going to join the Avengers Alliance! !

Dad Gu: ? ? ?