Monster Apartment

Chapter 30: Si... Si Yiming's cub?


In the end, Gu Bai still did not achieve his long-cherished wish to carry the tent sleeping bag and cat under the cat until the painting was finished.

Because there is no toilet down there.

It is also because Mr. Si said in a righteous manner that young people should exercise more.

For little monsters, it is not too difficult to climb up and down these stairs. Will Si Yiming watch Gu Bai develop in the direction of the salted fish

Of course it won't.

He took Gu Bai to the market, and after buying enough materials, he took advantage of the night to return to the hotel.

I didn't feel it when I was eating dry food and cooking wild vegetables before. Now, sitting in a hotel eating high-end cuisine, Gu Bai always felt that the taste was not good.

Not as good as his own.

Gu Bai knew about his craftsmanship, and thought that it was probably because of the ingredients.

Even divine beasts have to eat. Although ordinary whole grains are not helpful to them, they can still feel full.

Si Yiming is quite used to it after so many years. The ordinary food of human beings is of course not the same as what they usually eat in their apartment, and the dry food and condiments that have come along the way are from the filial piety of the monsters who are among the human beings. Of course it won't be that bad.

He turned his head and glanced at Gu Bai, and asked, "It doesn't suit your taste?"

Gu Bai was nibbling on a leg of lamb, and when he heard Si Yiming's question, he was slightly taken aback, then shook his head: "It's delicious."

It's just that his five senses are a bit too sensitive now, and the taste of every seasoning is particularly obvious in his mouth. When he bites down, he is full of thoughts about what seasonings are in here, completely losing the joy of tasting food before.

Gu Bai felt that he might have been spoiled.

After nibbling on the leg of lamb, he touched his already full stomach, then went back to the house, took out the draft he had drawn on the road and revised it a little, and digested the big leg of lamb by the way.

This manuscript passed Si Yiming's eyes.

The only correction that Mr. Si made to Gu Bai was that he wanted a white tiger, not a white tiger.

A benevolent beast, a white tiger, with a body as thin as snow, without stray hairs, and when it roars, it is prosperous.

Simply put, it is a white tiger without tiger stripes.

Gu Bai was corrected by Si Yiming during the online draft at that time, and he wiped off the pattern on the tiger. At that time, he was shocked by the stupidity of the tiger who lost the tiger pattern.

Don't talk about the mighty and unparalleled aura, those super fierce eyes are two small peas after the tiger stripes are wiped off, and there is a silly smell all over the body.

Later, he repeatedly adjusted and revised, and finally decided to draw a side face - a side face is always better than a frontal face photo to cover up flaws.

After taking a look at the slate today, in order to prevent the car from overturning, Gu Bai still decided to use the visual error to draw and make adjustments based on the actual situation. Maybe he can even paint the feeling of relief, but the workload will be more than originally planned. of more.

But it doesn't matter, there are still more than ten days before the appointment with the senior brother, and it is too late.

Gu Bai's memory has always been very good. After his physical fitness has improved significantly, his memory has improved.

At this moment, he still clearly remembered where the slate was convex and concave, and how much the convex and concave arcs were.

Gu Bai sat at the table and made changes, until Si Yiming knocked on the door to remind him that it was time to go to bed, and he put down his pen to wash up.

Si Yiming drove Gu Bai to the place early the next morning, and helped him carry a bunch of tools all at once.

Ordinary humans can't see or touch this door, and even the voices of tourists will be blocked by a barrier, and the hall below is even quieter.

After sending the people down, Si Yiming patted Gu Bai's shoulder: "I'll bring you something to eat at noon today."

Gu Bai, who was preparing, was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to refuse, Si Yiming told him to add oil paintings, and he left first if he had something to do.

Gu Bai watched Si Yiming leave quickly, looked around this magnificent palace, and was a little nervous at the excessive silence.

He took out his mobile phone and started playing the March of the Volunteers and the chorus of the Yellow River. As soon as the sonorous prelude sounded, Gu Bai immediately relaxed, and his whole body felt a lot more relaxed.

Gu Bai's playlist is basically full of red songs, what unity is strength, send the Red Army to Yan'an to praise my motherland, etc. These songs have a special meaning to Gu Bai.

The police station that used to be in charge of their community, from the old to the young to the intern police officers, basically knew that there was no adult around Gu Bai, not to mention his parents, nor his grandparents.

How dangerous is it for a child who knows nothing to live alone!

Therefore, in addition to occasionally receiving calls from Gu Bai to their personal mobile phones for help, when they were resting, they would also take the initiative to visit Gu Bai's house to see if they could be of any help.

Xiao Gu Bai is very obedient. He doesn't make noise, doesn't cry, and laughs like a little sun when he sees people in police uniforms.

In their free time, they also teach Xiao Gu Bai to sing, and all they sing are the big red songs that sing praises to soldiers and socialism and praise the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Gu Baigen and Miaohong, who was slowly growing up under such care, felt a sense of security when listening to these songs.

Gu Bai hummed a song and painted the slate with primer, and dealt with some areas that he had considered last night and had to be filled.

And what is Si Yiming doing

He should have gone all over the west to find the white tiger, but because the little brat didn't eat well last night, he changed his mind halfway down the stairs, changed back to the prototype and headed east.

The ingredients for Kyushu Shanhaiyuan are supplied by the rabbit spirits living in the Mirage of Penglai Mountain.

They have lived in the mirages of Penglai Mountains overseas for generations. They have worked diligently and diligently to cultivate the land and practice quietly.

Except they would fight with the monsters who attacked the fairyland idea of Penglai Mountain Mirage, they never made any troubles on weekdays.

Si Yiming came over to ask for vegetables and finished dishes. Relying on his big customer, the rabbit spirit did not hesitate at all. The patriarch personally cooked, except for the vegetables grown in the fairyland and the beef and mutton raised. Also comes with a lot of seafood.

- The dishes were rich enough to put on a large table, and then Si Yiming picked up two meat and one vegetarian food and a few kinds of seafood, and ate all the rest by himself.

Of course, this is not stingy, but Si Yiming is very aware of Gu Bai's appetite.

It was as small as a cat, and there was a big table for him to eat, but he couldn't eat it. It was not advisable to waste food. Gu Bai couldn't finish it, so of course he smiled.

After you finish eating, you can go to collect a circle of specialty snacks from Penglai Mountain and bring them to Gu Bai. It's one thing for the little brat to not get paid, but he can't be cheeky and really refuse to give it.

Si Yiming finished his food in a hurry, and then turned to go to the monster market in Penglai Mountain to search for special products. Gu Bai, who was separated from him by the whole country and the sea, was still diligently preparing for it.

The exciting rhythm rang in the empty hall, probably because of the special material, even if it was a perfect echo-style building, there was still no echo.

So Gu Bai didn't hear anyone walking down the stairs.

Bai Hu rarely returned to his nest.

Unlike Si Yiming, who only needs to inspect a small area of S City and is responsible for observing a monster settlement, the area in charge of Baihu covers the entire western region of China. The place is always far away, even if their mythical beasts run all over the west, it only takes half an hour, but half an hour is enough for those beasts to make a big mess.

So he basically asked for foreign aid every three to five.

And the foreign aid he asked for the most was the Pixiu, who had a very small area under Si Yiming's jurisdiction and had a very strong fighting power.

But even if there are several foreign aids, Baihu is always busy all the year round, rushing around to suppress this and kill that.

This place is said to be his nest, but it is actually one of the points guarding the land of Shenzhou. Each point must be guarded by a divine beast with suitable attributes. He has to come back every once in a while to brush his presence. , but after brushing and turning your head, you have to continue to work, and each time you come back, you don't stay very long.

But Bai Hu never expected that when he came back this time, he would find a growing cub in his den!

He froze in place, still holding a pack of beef jerky in his hand, and looked at Gu Bai, whose back was facing the entrance, and was stunned for a while. Numerous past romantic affairs flashed through his mind, thinking if he had fallen, and now he came to the door. At last, the tip of the nose smelled a smell of money, and suddenly a chill rose, shook his head, and walked towards the little cub in front of the slate.

When the distance was very close, Gu Bai heard footsteps. He thought it was Si Yiming coming back, but when he turned around, he saw a stranger.

He was shocked, staring at the man who was getting closer and closer, and the whole person was stunned.

The person who came was tall and strong, wearing a very casual leather jacket and jeans, but he looked very upright and belonged to the type who would be the first among passers-by to ask him for directions if he got lost.

But Gu Bai didn't get lost at this moment. He was still in this suspected historic site when he suddenly saw a stranger and didn't know what to do.

The little monster cubs who were so frightened when they saw him, and some of those little monster cubs who turned into herbivores, kicked their legs and pretended to be dead as soon as they saw him, so when they saw Gu Bai He was not surprised by the dazed expression on his face at the moment.

Bai Hu approached Gu Bai and sniffed again.

Gu Bai's breath melted into the world, like colorless and odorless boiled water, and he couldn't smell anything famous at all.

But he's been with Si Yiming all the time recently, so he's full of Pixiu.

Gu Bai wondered if this person was a little perverted.

He took two steps to the side, squatted down carefully, carefully picked up the mobile phone that was still playing the red song, carefully dialed up Si Yiming's number, didn't dial out for the time being, and then said carefully: "You... you it is good?"

Bai Hu looked at Gu Bai hesitantly, and couldn't help pinching the beef jerky packaging bag in his hand, also with a bit of caution: "Si... Si Yiming's cub?"

Gu Bai: …

Gu Bai: ? ?

Um? ?

The author has something to say: Gu Bai: @ Dad