Monster Apartment

Chapter 58: Gu Bai frowned, realizing that this was not easy!


Watching Xie Zhi's car drive away, Gu Bai began to think about whether he should find a time to take the driver's license test and buy a trolley by the way.

With some savings in his pocket, he can buy a car worth hundreds of thousands.

Gu Bai lowered his head, and while sending the photo of Jade that he just took to his father, he started to check the car.

He looked at the quotations and reviews of a bunch of cars, and went to check the latest gas prices and maintenance costs. Finally, he put down his mobile phone and decided to buy a small electric donkey.

It's better to drive by yourself than to take the subway. After all, the elevated traffic in the S city is often jammed to the point where people can blow their bladders.

Limits are of no use.

The subway is still good, cheap and convenient without traffic jams, although it is a bit crowded.

Gu Bai decided to buy a small electric donkey in the next two days, and by the way, he also placed an order for a small family printer that he had been thinking about for a long time.

With a small electric donkey, at least it is much more convenient to travel to and from the subway station and the community, and you don't have to walk over with your legs.

This time, it was not very convenient to go back and forth from the place of work. Gu Bai had to transfer to the subway twice and then take the bus for four stops.

Gu Bai got off the bus and rode a shared bicycle. He followed the navigation app along the way to find it. When he finally found the place, he was ten minutes late from the agreed ten o'clock.

Gu Bai, who went out at 8 o'clock, sighed. Even though he had already explained the situation in the group, the first thing he saw the brothers and the boss was to apologize.

The boss had already drawn up the contract, and after correcting the amount of remuneration according to the negotiated results, the boss took the contract that the senior brothers had signed, and took them to see the wall that needed to be painted.

Three walls in total.

The left and right sides of the escalator add up to about 45 square meters. The dome is not counted. There is a hanging advertising screen on the top of the escalator. The advertisements of some exhibits in the museum exhibition hall will be played.

In addition, there is another independent wall, which can be seen after getting on the auxiliary escalator. It is three meters wide and two meters high, which is used to divert the crowd.

It stands to reason that this wall should be the LOGO wall of the venue, but because in essence, the moment you step on the escalator, you have already stepped into the venue, so the venue LOGO is directly placed at the entrance below the escalator.

In order to protect the collection of cultural relics, most of the lights in the museum exhibition hall are specially designed and selected, and most of the exhibition halls appear dim.

And for different collections, different colors and different brightness lights will be used to fully display the collections.

"So, in order to allow tourists to have a relatively comfortable transition period, in the elevator section, the brightness of the lights we use will be dim." The person in charge next to the boss explained.

This means that when they are doing mural design, they must take into account the lighting problem.

In the final analysis, it is still serving tourists. The highest priority is not the quality level, style and picture requirements of the murals, but the customer experience.

To gain a foothold in S City, word of mouth is a very important part.

In essence, it is the true nature of the businessman. The senior brother in charge said that this is completely understandable: "We can give you the design draft required by the light at that time."

The person in charge smiled and continued to explain to them.

Gu Bai followed behind the brothers, holding the camera to find an angle to shoot hard.

The person in charge of this exhibition hall is very good, and they even set aside a studio for them. There is a small cubicle in the studio, and the lights installed in the museum will be installed in the elevator.

It's dim, but it's enough for this professional team who only needs to adjust the color under the light to control the color difference and the lighting display effect.

When the person in charge and the boss left, the stern-faced senior brothers instantly let go of themselves, and looked back at the little junior brother who was looking down at the photos.

As soon as Gu Bai raised his head, he found that he was surrounded by his senior brothers, and the bag on his back was also picked up.

Gu Bai was startled and couldn't help but take a step back.

The fat senior brother was carrying Gu Bai's bag and said happily, "Where's the pudding?"

Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "In the second zippered bag."

The brothers divided the pudding and sat together on the floor in this studio, which had no table except for the workbench.

Just when Gu Bai thought they were going to start thinking about how to design, and he had already taken out his notebook, he heard the fat senior brother eating pudding and said, "Has our little white grown taller?"

The other three senior brothers nodded in unison: "I've grown a lot taller, and the second development has been drawn. It seems that I have gained a lot from a trip."

Holding the pen and notebook, Gu Bai was stunned for a while, and couldn't help rubbing his head.

He really didn't notice the change in his height.

The brothers took out the tape measure from the drawer under the workbench and measured it for Gu Bai.

"Oh!" The fat senior brother exclaimed, "It has grown six centimeters!"

"From my shoulders to my chin."

"It's so enviable." The fat senior patted his belly, "It's nice to be young."

"I'm jealous. I'm jealous that you got up in the middle of the night to cook and eat."

The fat senior brother shook his head: "That's the mountain treasure sent by Gu Xiaobai! It's not fresh after a long time, so don't eat it and waste it."

Gu Bai listened to your brothers and sisters chatting and chatting, and couldn't help squinting and laughing.

He still likes this kind of liveliness. After experiencing Mrs. Spirit Snake's all-round motherly care without dead ends, he is even more greedy for this kind of warmth that is unique to human beings.

Unfortunately, his father can't count on it.

Gu Bai thought regretfully.

Maybe his father finds him a stepmother to improve the situation a little.

But just like his father... Whether it's looks or family background, I'm afraid no girl has the courage to stand in front of him.

After all, his father always has a vicious expression of wanting to eat people. He really can't blame others for being regarded as a villain and a bad guy.

The senior brother in charge ate the pudding contentedly, and then said with a serious face: "It's alright, let's finish eating and get down to business. With this workload, we can be diligent in the one-month construction period, and we can finish it several days earlier."

When it came to business, several senior brothers restrained a little bit, ate the pudding in a few bites, and began to discuss.

Here, the one who is especially good at design is the senior brother in charge.

The theme of myths and legends has actually been painted rotten as early as 800 years ago. There are so many folklore and legends. Many times when I go on a business trip to do projects for some government departments, I will collect some local cultural folk customs and hidden legends that are not known to others. .

Gu Bai hasn't done these things yet, and his knowledge of myths and legends is still limited to some things mentioned in the textbook and the teacher casually.

Experience and insight are the flaws of every young person.

That's why a gleam of light leaking from the hands of the masters and the seniors can benefit the newcomer climbing up.

Gu Bai sighed that he really had too little knowledge, and frantically took notes in his small notebook.

"Gu Xiaobai, do you have any ideas?" Senior Brother asked.

Gu Bai looked at this and then at that. Although he was surrounded by familiar people, Gu Bai still couldn't get used to being so concerned.

He pursed his lips, finally took a deep breath, nodded lightly, and whispered, "Yes."

The brothers suddenly became interested: "Tell me."

Like this purely commercial project, the old fritters basically discuss it with their feet.

The reason why they are so calm is because they know very well what the needs of the business are, so most of the ideas they put forward are allusions.

The reason is very simple, because most of the Chinese people are familiar with these stories.

For example, after the painting of Kuafu Chasing the Sun, even a child can point to the painting and say to the parents: "Mom, I know this, it's Kuafu Chasing the Sun."

You don't need to have any literacy at all, you will immediately understand the content of this painting, and you won't be able to understand it at all and think "wow, it's a pity that you can't understand it" and then turn your head and leave.

When people invite you to paint, money must be spent with value.

For example, the labyrinth wall and 3D wall of the S City Art Expo Center, which attracted a lot of attention at the beginning, have played their due value and attracted a large number of tourists to watch and take photos, bringing great benefits to the entire Art Expo Center. flow.

—Although a part of it is due to Zhai Liangjun, but it is indeed a good mural painting.

Another example is the Prairie Art Exhibition, which caters to different needs. The fundamental requirement for the exhibition to invite them to do murals is to make the entire exhibition hall more harmonious and coherent.

Talking about the current one, the demand for such a project at the entrance of the museum is, firstly, the transition of light, secondly, to calm people down, and thirdly to arouse people's interest.

Most people will suddenly feel calm when they enter a dark and empty environment, and the museum needs this calmness. It is even better that it can arouse people's interest and inquiry at the same time.

To put it simply, the paintings here must first be able to match the dim lighting to make people feel calm.

Secondly, the picture should be interesting and eye-catching, and at the same time, it should be easy to understand and should not be too advanced.

Finally, there must be a factor that can whet the appetite and the desire to explore - such as certain details that can be noticed by people of a certain cultural literacy, so that they can see, identify, speak, and arouse the curiosity of others .

Entering the exhibition hall with this curious and good mood, you will have to be more involved in watching the exhibition, and the overall atmosphere in the exhibition hall will be much better.

Although most of the museums open to want to charge some ticket money, but there are actually so many thoughts that hope everyone can learn more about the stories behind each cultural relic and collection.

- At least don't look at it with an ignorant face and leave.

You know, every pattern and every crack in those cultural relics collections has many stories hidden behind it.

I hope you can listen to their stories.

For those who carefully maintain and protect these things, this kind of careful thinking is probably their highest desire for the public.

Gu Bai heard that the ideas of the senior brothers have completely included the two points of calming and easy-to-understand pictures.

The most difficult point is how to arouse the curiosity of tourists.

After listening to the senior brothers, they took the information bag given to them by the person in charge and analyzed the project requirements this time. Gu Bai hesitated for a while, but under the encouragement of the senior brothers, he expressed his thoughts: "You all know Xuanwu, right? "

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when the discussion was over, and Gu Bai put his laptop back on his backpack.

The notebooks were written with some opinions and suggestions from the seniors, and Gu Bai, like the seniors, went back and made a design draft. The design draft was given to the person in charge after three days, and after that, it was uploaded directly. Open the wall.

Gu Bai's idea was not directly adopted, probably because it was the first time they heard about the sleazy operation of Aurora and Human Reincarnation.

But in order not to discourage Gu Bai's enthusiasm, they still made their own suggestions and asked Gu Bai to publish a design draft as well.

Gu Bai naturally knew that the senior brothers were taking care of him. He didn't have any opinion. On the way home with his bag, he saw a bookstore. He also ran in and listened to the boss. In the bag, I carried it back happily.

Those Mr. Xie at home should have already read it, and he should be very happy with a few new ones.

Gu Bai returned home happily with the book in his hand.

Before going home, he knocked on the door and asked Si Yiming what Uncle Yu was.

After getting the answer and inviting Mr. Si to come to the house for dinner today, Gu Bai put the book in the bag into the small bookcase in the living room, took off his coat and went up to the second floor.

Today, he didn't plan to draw the design draft over there first, but planned to draw what Uncle Yu wanted first.

Ever since he knew that the evil spirits were the dark ones he saw when he was out of his body the night before, Gu Bai had been extremely vigilant about this thing.

Uncle Yu came to him and said that recently the evil spirits are getting more and more powerful and he can't bear it anymore. In Gu Bai's eyes, it is a matter of life and death.

Yesterday, after Uncle Yu left, he made a draft. This draft was drawn by Gu Bai. It was pure fantasy, without even a reference.

A piece of land, tentatively, can be understood as a landscape painting.

What is usually in a landscape painting

The sky, the earth, the water, the green grass, the lush trees and the mountains in the distance.

Gu Bai swayed his imagination at will, and today after he drew the draft, he was ready to start coloring.

The soil should be fertile black soil, with green grass and flowers, and a stream like a silver band of light pouring down from the mountains.

In the distance there are mountains and mountains, and behind the mountains, there is an extremely tall tree that reaches into the sky.

Gu Bai lowered his head and dipped it in paint, smeared with water on the palette, smeared on the tree trunk, and immediately withdrew the brush in his hand.

He looked down at the pen in his hand and was stunned.

"Why is it stained purple..." Gu Bai muttered softly, washing off the color from the pen and replacing it with normal brown.

Brown smeared a few strokes, and he didn't think something was wrong.

The trunk of this tree should be purple.

Gu Bai thought.

He was in a trance for two seconds at this idea, holding the paintbrush and holding the palette, looking at the trees in the picture that reached the sky, he suddenly didn't know what to do.

and many more.

Gu Bai gestured at the tree in the painting.

Why is this tree so tall behind the mountains

Gu Bai looked at the picture he drew with his own hands in confusion, but he couldn't remember why he drew such a tree yesterday.

He was stunned for a while, feeling that something must be wrong.

Gu Bai pondered for a long time, put down the paintbrush and palette in his hand, and hurriedly went to find the beast in the town hall.

The author has something to say: Gu Bai frowned, realizing that this was not easy!