Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 30


At 11:00 noon, two unusually embarrassed figures appeared at the entrance of the Great Wilderness Inn. If some guests hadn't recognized Xie Fei, they would have thought it was a mountain picker from somewhere.

"Boss Xie, what are you doing here?" the guest asked worriedly when he saw Xie Fei's face flushed and gasping for breath.

"Go shopping." Xie Fei smiled weakly.

"Then you pay attention to your body..." When the guest spoke, he glanced at the bearded uncle beside him, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. He had stayed at the inn for four days, but he had never seen each other.

Xie Fei noticed the look in his eyes, but was too lazy to make up her identity for Yu Li, she nodded and wanted to fool her, but she heard a baby crying. He turned his head and saw a man and a woman walking along the path. The woman was carrying a gift box and the man was holding a baby in his arms.

"..." What a strange combination, Xie Fei complained a little in her heart, and raised a smile: "Mr. An, Mrs. An, are you here so early?"

"Little boss, long time no see!" Xu Lingyi perfectly explained "people are in good spirits on happy occasions". The state is different from when he came to the inn, and his figure is also much rounder. When outsiders look at it, they will really think that the child is a child. she gave birth.

And An Mingyi has also changed a lot, less sharp, more kind, especially his posture of holding the child, as if shrouded in a layer of light of the Holy Father.

Of course, it would be even more beautiful if the child didn't cry all the time...

"Hello, is Mr. Yu back?" An Mingyi's tone was gentle, and a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Xie Fei subconsciously glanced at the person beside her, "I'm back."

An Mingyi followed his line of sight, and his eyes fell on Yu Li: "This is..."


"Thank you, boss, his dad." Yu Li twitched the corners of his mouth and laughed yin and yang.

Xie Fei: "..."

"Hello, uncle." Mr. An, who was busy giving birth to confinement children, didn't know about the farce on the Internet, and really believed what Yu Li said. And Xu Lingyi, who had temporarily cut off contact with her relatives and friends under the pretext of going abroad to recuperate, was also unaware, and said hello.

Xie Fei took a deep breath and revealed a soul-like smirk, "It's too heavy, let's not stand at the door, let's go first."

As soon as the group left, the guests who had chatted with Xie Fei raised their eyebrows, thinking that Boss Xie's father was not Xie Tianrun from Runjiang Group, why did he have a dad again, could it be a godfather? Also, Mr. An, who just held the child, seems to be familiar. Where have you seen him

He tried hard to search from his memory, and suddenly he had an epiphany, as if he was the one who often goes on financial news... President of Shangjing International! That's not right. Shangjing International has a five-star hotel chain in the world. How could it be possible to stay in such an inn

Maybe it's just people who are similar, right

The guest shook his head and walked along the path.

An Mingyi didn't know that his identity was almost discovered. As soon as he entered the front yard, he found that the inn was not only a lot more lively, but also the environment became more and more superior, with vines hanging from his eyes and wild flowers growing. It is a scene of spring. Being in the middle, breathing the natural and fresh air, suddenly reminded him of the feeling of hiking in the virgin forest when he was a teenager.

What surprised An Mingyi the most was that her daughter, who had been crying all the way, actually stopped her voice, and instead opened her eyes and giggled.

An Mingyi stared at Bai Nen's daughter in his arms, his heart turned into water, and couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Xie, you are getting better and better here."

"Occupying a treasure trove of feng shui, the spiritual energy is relatively full." Xie Fei couldn't hold back her expression, "But as soon as there are more guests, there will be fewer rooms. Today, only Mr. An and Mrs. An are temporarily living in the courtyard room. Don't worry, the room is very clean. of."

An Mingyi and Xu Ling naturally wouldn't mind and immediately thanked them.

Half an hour later, the two were invited by Xie Fei to the small building in the backyard.

An Mingyi's purpose is nothing more than to confirm whether the child has awakened his blood, so he eagerly asks when he sees Yu Li.

At this time, Yu Li had already taken a bath and changed his disguise. He only glanced at the baby and said "no" with certainty, and then heard two neat and uniform exhales.

Yu Li's expression was not good: "Why, you still dislike the noble bloodline of the demon clan?"

"Of course not, this girl is unlucky." Xu Lingyi denied it, and wanted to take the child from An Mingyi, but was avoided by the other party. She moved for a while, and got used to An Mingyi's exclusive desire for her daughter, and said helplessly: "Baby is also strange, he always cried a lot on weekdays, and he never cried again when he arrived here today, and he slept soundly. "

"What a fuss." Yu Li said disdainfully, and sneered.

On the other hand, Xie Fei often heard Yu Li talk about various mysteries that were both true and false, and now he can explain one or two things. He roughly explained the influence of spiritual energy on all living beings, and let the two understand the principle in a simple way.

An Mingyi was thoughtful, while Xu Lingyi glanced at her sleeping daughter, then glanced at Xie Fei's pink cheeks, and couldn't help but think: "Little boss, can you keep a room for us for a long time? Every weekend Or if there is time during the holidays, we… At least my baby and I will come and stay, and the room fee will be paid as usual.”

Xie Fei was a little reluctant at first, but thinking of An Mingyi's thank-you fee that was like giving away charcoal in the snow, she finally agreed with a smile.

On the same day, after obtaining the consent of the An family and his wife, Xie Fei invited the other two permanent residents of the inn to the small building during dinner time.

An Mingyi and Lu Xiping had known each other before, and they were people who had seen big scenes. Although it was a bit unexpected to meet at this time, their attitudes were very casual. On the other hand, Yan Lai was somewhat restrained. First, An Mingyi was too imposing; second, the other party had a prominent identity, and he was completely different from him.

"I don't know what kind of blood Mr. Yan is, is it convenient to say?" Before entering the seat, An Mingyi asked suddenly.

Yan Lai didn't want to say anything, and didn't know how to refuse, so he could only answer in a very low voice: "Chicken demon, how about you, you?"

An Mingyi was silent for a while, "Hippocampus."

Yan Lai couldn't hold back, and laughed and croaked.

After the embarrassment, the atmosphere between the two became a lot more harmonious.

During the banquet, everyone chatted casually. Yu Li didn't move his chopsticks very much to keep his figure, but Xie Fei occasionally gave him some vegetables, and he ate them.

When Xie Fei mentioned that he wanted to expand a garden next to the garden and build a few more guest rooms, An Mingyi said abruptly: "Mr. Xie, are you interested in working with me?"

"What cooperation?" Xie Fei looked puzzled.

"I went out in the afternoon and found out that the mountain behind the village has not been contracted yet." An Mingyi gave a surprising answer: "I want to build a resort hotel on the mountain."

Xie Fei was stunned, "Mr. An doesn't know yet, the new high-speed rail line may go through Xining Village, and then the whole village will have to be demolished."

"I know." An Mingyi nodded indifferently, showing the true face of a capitalist: "But as long as the government does not announce it to the outside world, there is an opportunity to operate and push the plan in a direction that is beneficial to us."


Yu Li suddenly knocked on the table, and said impatiently, "Eat well, and we'll talk about it after we have something to do."

Xie Fei and An Mingyi looked at each other and both ignored the topic just now.

After the meal, the others dispersed, but An Mingyi stayed behind.

Of course he was sincere about the resort hotel, mainly for his daughter. Xining Village has good feng shui and is suitable for maintaining health. He hopes that every time his daughter comes over, he will have a large, spacious and luxurious house of his own. In comparison, the conditions of the inn are still too rudimentary.

Of course, as a businessman, An Mingyi also has profitability considerations, and prefers that this transaction will not lose money.

And the reason why he proposed to cooperate is entirely out of the psychology of repaying his gratitude. If Xie Fei and Yu Li hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have the chance to have such a lovely daughter.

An Mingyi believes that Xie Fei will not reject his cooperation plan. First, the target customer groups targeted by the hotel and the inn are not the same, so it will not have a great impact on the business of the inn; second, the inn does not need to bear any operating costs, only You need to lend a name, and you can get two dividends for nothing every year.

But after he finished speaking, Yu Li smiled coldly: "Mr. An is quite discerning and chose a blessed land. But without this inn, Xining Village would be nothing but an ordinary village. You hung up the inn. The name of the inn, the blessing of the inn, so you have the nerve to take 80% of the profits?"

An Mingyi was stunned and didn't quite understand.

"Mr. An might as well guess how long I have lived."

An Mingyi could naturally think of Yu Li's extraordinaryness, so he chose a more conservative number: "Five hundred years?"

Yu Li neither admitted nor denied, "Then you might as well guess, why do I stay in the inn all the time."

An Mingyi narrowed his eyes.

"The inn was originally a blessed place. Wherever it opens, it will become the next Xining Village. And I..." Yu Li raised her thin lips, "You can seal it at any time and choose another place to start over."

Xie Fei suddenly realized, and finally understood why Yu Li said that he didn't need to pay attention to the demolition. He listened to the cooperation plan proposed by An Mingyi before, and he was guilty of taking advantage of it. Now, looking at it, the inn itself is the most valuable bargaining chip, which belongs to the core competitiveness, so he decided to continue to wait and see.

An Mingyi never imagined this possibility, but he didn't think Yu Li was lying to him. The other party seems to have rejected him, but since he is willing to talk to him, it means that there is an opportunity for cooperation: "I don't know what Mr. Yu means..."

"Five-five points, half of each." Yu Li asked confidently: "The hotel belongs to the inn. In other words, we are Party A, providing land that is nourished by spiritual energy; and you are Party B, responsible for construction, development and operation."

An Mingyi was silent for a long time, weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

The balance between emotions and interests is gradually tilted, and the former occupies the absolute top-even if he can't make a penny, his original intention is for his daughter, and he should build a castle and a paradise for her.

And in the long run, considering the current ecological environment of Xining Village, as long as the resort hotel operates properly, it will not necessarily lose 50% of the profits, not to mention that as long as the hotel becomes a benchmark, there will be additional hidden profits.

"I agree." Once An Mingyi made a decision, there was no hesitation.

However, the resort hotel is a big project, and it cannot be carried out immediately after both parties reach an agreement. There are many processes and people involved, at least An Mingyi has to convince the board of directors first.

It's useless to continue talking in depth, An Mingyi saw that it was late, so he went back to his room first.

As soon as the person left, Xie Fei immediately jumped up from the sofa: "I want to have a hotel? A resort hotel?"

Even in his previous life, he had never had such a glorious moment.

Seeing Yu Li nodded reservedly, Xie Fei jumped up when she was happy: "Brother, you are my real brother, you are amazing!"

Yu Li's face was hot, and he felt a little breathless. It must be because Xie Fei was too heavy! He wanted to push him away, but his body was honest and motionless, so he could only reprimand with a blushing face: "I won't change it again!"

Xie Fei smiled and let go of her hand, knelt on the sofa, "Brother, how much does your endorsement cost?"

The suffocation disappeared, but Yu Li felt a little tight in his chest. He pretended not to care and said, "What's your intention?"

"General An plans to build a platinum five-star hotel, so it should be worthy of your coffee spot, right? When the hotel opens, would you please be the spokesperson? I am Party A, and I have the final say." Out, Xie Fei thought happily.

"Hey, wait until you get your grades."

"No problem, just wait for me!" Xie Fei was confident.

Yu Li was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, he meant something: "Didn't I wait for you all the time?"

Xie Fei just thought that Yu Li had expectations for his career, she nodded hastily, and suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Who, it's almost 12 o'clock..." Xie Fei put on her slippers and went to open the door. It turned out to be Concubine Xiang, saying that a lady named Yuan Yajiang was looking for him.

"Yuan Yajiang?" The name was a bit familiar, Xie Fei was shocked, isn't this the original owner's mother? Did you really come to the door

"Where is she?"

Concubine Xiang's red lips lifted, "I was locked out."

Xie Fei: "..."

In the bleak night wind, a middle-aged lady with delicate makeup stood outside the fence gate, trembling uncontrollably. Yuan Yajiang is not cold. She is completely angry. In her more than 40 years of life, this is the first time someone dares to shut her up in person!

Yuan Yajiang was so angry that her lungs were about to explode, and she wanted to turn her head and leave, but since she had something important to do, and because she hadn't seen Feifei and her own son for a long time, she could only wait patiently.

Across the fence gate, she saw a young man appear in the cold front yard.

Under the dim light, the outline of the young man gradually became clear, Yuan Yajiang's throat choked, she took a step forward with excitement, and suddenly thought of something, she stooped her legs, and stood there with a proud posture.

Xie Fei was the first time she saw the original owner's mother, and she was unhappy after only one face-to-face meeting. The other party didn't look like a mother, but rather like a debt collector.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Yuan Yajiang question: "Who is that woman? It's so rude!"

Xie Fei frowned, looking unhappy.

Yuan Yajiang felt sour in her heart, her son whom she hadn't seen for a long time showed her face for the sake of a fox, and when she recalled the feisty appearance of the female demon, she couldn't help guessing: "It's your girlfriend? Feifei, you should Clearly, I will not allow such a person to enter Xie's house."

Xie Fei rolled her eyes on the spot and didn't bother to argue with the other party. She pushed open the door and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm your mother, so I can't come and see you?" Yuan Yajiang was quite righteous.

Xie Fei snorted: "I've been in bed for so long, until today, have you come to see me?"

Yuan Yajiang wanted to say that her mother had difficulties, but she had to scolded: "How did you talk to your mother, this is your upbringing?"

"Why did you talk to Cuicui?" Yu Li followed uneasy, and happened to hear Yuan Yajiang's last sentence, and suddenly became angry: "Who allowed you to yell here?"

Yuan Yajiang has long been accustomed to being looked up to and obeyed by others, but tonight not only was he thrown at the door by Hu Meizi and his own son contradicted him, but now there is another person who doesn't know how to behave or respect. She was about to get angry when she suddenly felt a familiar face, "Are you... that star surnamed Yu?"

Yu Li walked over to Xie Fei and smiled, "You're not waiting in front of Xie Yao's bed, what are you doing to disturb Cui Cui? With such a filial adoptive mother as you, Xie Yao's dead mother will also be under Jiuquan. Grateful."

The ridicule with every word like a knife completely angered Yuan Yajiang: "What's your business? You are an actor, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at our Xie family?"

As soon as the word "player" came out, the air instantly froze. Concubine Xiang, Ah Fu and Yin Su, who were eavesdropping on the side, shuddered and shed a crocodile tear for the initiator.

However, the expected volcanic eruption did not come, because Xie Fei suddenly held Yu Li's hand, with a solemn tone like an oath: "Brother Yu Li is of course qualified! When I was desperate, he was always helping me take care of me. , where are you?"

Yuan Yajiang was stunned, first glanced at the hands they were shaking, and then moved to Yu Li's handsome face - the other's expression fully explained what it means to be "overjoyed". Yuan Yajiang gave birth to a subtle feeling, that feeling was enlarged a little bit and turned into a woman's sixth sense, "You, you..."

Xie Fei still didn't know, and declared confidently: "A year ago, I had nothing to do with the Xie family, and now there is no need to have it anymore. I have decided to move my household registration to the name of Brother Yu Li, please cooperate with me."

"You, do you like him?" Yuan Yajiang turned around for a while: "Are you gay?"

Xie Fei was stunned, but after understanding Yuan Yajiang's brain circuit, he did not deny it.

His silence was interpreted as acquiescence, and it was not only Ms. Yuan, but also Mr. Yu who was affected.

Where can Yu Li still remember being angry? After the initial panic, the volcano brewing in his heart instantly turned into snowflakes, and his whole person was about to float to the sky!

Although his mind was still dizzy, Yu Li had already grasped Xie Fei back instinctively, with a proud and turbulent face.

What else did Yuan Yajiang not understand? She shook her body, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

The author has something to say:

Mother Yuan: Are you gay

Cuicui: Please take a look at the article classification, thank you.

A Li: Modern Fantasy [Pure Love].

Summary of comments:

1. Scolding scumbags or unilaterally scolding Lu slag or feeling distressed for Yu Meiren (excerpt: Lu Da scumbag, when he died, there was a tear in the corner of his eye, then the resurrection grass blossomed, and then the skull was weathered or something, and he was resurrected! Amnesia! finished! ending!)

2. Life perception, such as losing, will cherish Yunyun.

3. If you want such a father, the gold master's father is also a father

4. Dad will not be so good, only godfather will

5, father and son car exhaust

6. Congrats to Mr. An for his daughter, and congratulations to A Li for his daughter (Excerpt: I don't scold Lu, they are both scumbags at best, and I have nothing to do with rain. I'm more curious about Mr. Hippo and his daughter)

I have been thinking about the above for a long time, who is Mr. Hippo, oh... Hippocampus.