Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 33


Looking back on her 18 years of life, Xie Fei was most embarrassed than playing hide-and-seek in elementary school. When she was climbing the ladder, she was unfortunately stripped of her pants by a class flower, revealing her naked ass in front of a group of friends. However, compared to this moment, what was that? After all, he was still underage at the time!

Due to being too embarrassed, Xie Fei's mind froze and she couldn't withdraw her hand immediately.

As he was stunned, he felt the top of his head was cold, as if being blown by the gloomy wind, and then he heard the sound of frost and frost that seemed to have been frozen for ten thousand years, with the strength of gnashing his teeth: "Hand, take, open."

Xie Fei hurriedly retracted her hand and shrank into the corner. He found that Yu Li's facial features were a little distorted-because he still had the face of a big bearded man, he even looked a bit hideous.

The word "Pill" kept echoing in her mind, Xie Fei just wanted to hug her weak self.

However, the tragedy didn't happen. I don't know if it was because of the excessive pain that caused the powerlessness, or considering that there were two other people in the car who didn't know it, Yu Li just closed his eyes and inhaled, but his breathing rate was a little faster than usual.

Xie Fei waited for a long time, but before the fury came, and no one spoke in the car, his thoughts couldn't help but spread out again.

The palms of her hands were a little hot, and Xie Fei turned her head to look out the window uncomfortably.

However, even staring at the street lamp, he couldn't restrain him from thinking in a discordant direction.

In fact, it's really a bit too talented, and I can't see it at all. Xie Fei secretly commented with a warm face.

Thinking of the original form, Xie Fei's heart moved.

He observed Yu Li through the reflection in the car window, and seeing that the other party was still maintaining the same posture, he secretly took out his mobile phone, logged in to the search page covertly, and quickly entered a line of words.

In the next second, millions of search results appeared on the page, Xie Fei clicked on one, and saw someone answering—

The ocean is respected by blue whales, which can grow up to 2.4 meters long.

The land is headed by an elephant and can be 2 meters long.

"… "

It doesn't feel like much.

He also wanted to expand his knowledge and found that the car had entered Xining Village.

On the way back from the garage to the inn, Yu Li rushed ahead, and the other three carefully followed.

Xie Fei felt relieved when she saw that Yu Li was striding a lot, it seemed to be alright...

Arriving at the inn, Yu Li kicked the fence door open, attracting suspicious gazes from the guests in the front yard.

He didn't look sideways and moved straight forward, Xie Fei had to stay behind and apologize, while Ah Fu looked like she was about to cry, full of grief: "Boss is so angry, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow. , please let the little one call you master again, and may your immortals be blessed forever, and your longevity will be equal to that of the sky."

Xie Fei: "..."

He felt that the pot was mainly his own, so he comforted Ah Fu: "Don't worry, wait for me to check the situation. If it's not a big deal, you can go back and admit your mistake."

Ah Fu nodded listlessly, and didn't seem to have much expectations.

Xie Fei believed that being a boss should make employees more reliant and trusting. He hurriedly went to the kitchen to squeeze a glass of juice and devoted himself to the cause of fire fighting.

However, the door to Yu Li's bedroom was closed, and Xie Fei knocked on her for a long time but no one answered.

Are you missing out again

Xie Fei tried to twist the doorknob and found that it was unlocked, so she went in by herself.

There was no one in the room, Xie Fei looked around and wondered if she was in the bathroom

Seeing that the door to the bathroom was open, he called out twice first, but also without waiting for an answer, he gathered up his courage and walked over.

Xie Fei covered her eyes with one hand, and then she cautiously poked her head, "Brother, if you don't speak again, I'll really come in."

He pricked his ears and listened, quietly, then opened his closed fingers slightly, and observed through the gaps between them—there was still no one there.

"Did you really leave?" Xie Fei muttered.

"what are you doing?"

A sudden voice sounded, Xie Fei was startled, and turned around to see Yu Li, who had changed his disguise, standing behind him, his face sinking like water.

"Brother, where did you come from?" Could it be that someone was outside just now

Yu Li didn't pay attention to him, but moved his eyes down and looked at his violet sweater. There was a wet spot on his chest, which was the juice that Xie Fei accidentally spilled when he turned around.

"I'm sorry!" Xie Fei hurriedly put the water glass aside, tore off a towel and wanted to help Yu Li wipe it, but she grabbed her hand as soon as it touched her chest.

"Are you determined to seduce me today?"

"I do not… "

"Heh." Yu Li sneered, "Why, I finally realized the crime I committed 24 days ago around 11:15 in the middle of the night, worried that I will punish you?"

Xie Fei was bewildered by this string of super-long attributives, and she slowly recollected it - oh, it's the "boyfriend" thing.

He wanted to laugh a little, so he could only hold back, knowing that if he continued to tear it apart, it would only make the situation worse. After all, Yu Li's thinking was often independent of another world. Lead the topic: "Then will you punish me?"

Yu Li was silent for a moment: "I'm not domestic violence."

Xie Fei was stunned for a moment, then laughed out of her dimples.

A few days after Yuan Yajiang fled in embarrassment, Yu Li threw him a household registration book, which showed that he had officially become a family member of Yu—although Yu Li was still angry at the time, he still fulfilled his promise.

He and Yu Li are now a real family.

"Then will you punish Brother A Fu?" Xie Fei took advantage of the situation to ask, anxious for the staff's urgency.

Yu Li asked without showing any emotion: "That bat asked you to intercede?"

"No, I think Brother A Fu is a bit pitiful." Historical experience told Xie Fei that if she wants to pass the customs, she can only deny it but not admit it. He deliberately sighed: "Brother A Fu was slandered for no reason, and he accidentally involved you, He felt ashamed and shameless to see you, saying that no matter what you want to be punished, you should be punished, and he took it calmly..."

"Hey, he has such a high level of consciousness?" Yu Li was not deceived and pointed out a clear path for Xie Fei, "It's not impossible to ask for mercy for him."

Seeing Xie Fei looking at him expectantly, Yu Li added without hesitation, "please please me."

"..." This condition would be too simple if it were normal, but Yu Li has been angry for a long time, and Xie Fei is a little bit blind. After thinking about it, she asks, "How can I please you?"

Yu Li just twitched the corners of his mouth in confusion, and walked past him into the bathroom.

Xie Fei frowned, feeling that it was not simple.

He followed behind Yu Li, and when he saw that the other party opened the closet door and rummaged through something, he quietly leaned over. Before he could see clearly, Yu Li had closed the cabinet door and turned his face at the same time.

Xie Fei was stunned when she brushed the elastic, warm skin on her lips.

Suddenly, Yu Li covered his face and jumped back, knocking the objects on the shelf behind him to the ground.

"You said you didn't want to seduce me!" Yu Li couldn't hide his blushing without the black skin he had when he changed his face, and even his movements were full of girlish coyness. He covered his face and scolded him sternly, completely lacking the momentum he should have as a demon tyrant.

Xie Fei's shyness was instantly diluted, he held back his laughter and felt itchy in his heart.

But he didn't know how to explain it. There were so many coincidences today that he had a little doubt about his own motives, so he could only be silent.

However, Yu Li's face is really soft...

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yu Li snorted coldly, gestured to wipe his face, hesitantly lowered his hand, and then lifted it up again unwillingly. After several repetitions, he slammed down the wall in a dreary manner, and the tiles immediately spread like a spider web. of cracks.

In the end, Yu Li decided to stop embarrassing himself, and endured the shame and said, "Put your face up." After speaking, he quickly emphasized: "Don't close your eyes, don't open your mouth!"

Xie Fei: "..."

Okay, don't describe it like he wants to kiss.

The pungent smell of alcohol wafted in the air, Xie Fei stared at the glass vial and cotton swab in Yu Li's hand, and realized that the other party was trying to wipe the medicine for him.

The cotton swab touched the bloodstain from the scratched side of the face, which was cool and tingling.

Xie Fei stared at Yu Li intently, even the blinking frequency was deliberately controlled. Who knew that the other party was still picky: "What are you staring at me for? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

"...Brother, you are so handsome."

"Don't think Xiao misses me!"

"… "

so hard.jpg

When the Band-Aid was put on her face, Xie Fei looked in the mirror and found that there was a peach heart on her head. She couldn't help but wonder, "Brother, how could you use such a cute thing."

"It was given to me by an actress." Yu Li frowned and said casually, "But I don't know her very well, and we haven't spoken a few words, we just know each other."

"… Oh."

Yu Li stared at him coldly: "You go outside and wait, I'm going to change."

Xie Fei was obedient and obedient. He waited in the other party's bedroom for a while, and saw Yu Li, who had changed into a vest and sweatpants, came out.


Seeing Xie Fei questioning his order, Yu Li raised his chin and asked high above, "Don't you want to please me?"

"You asked me to take it off here." Xie Fei was wearing a down jacket today, and he opened the zipper generously: "Don't scold me again."

Yu Li looked unhappy, but didn't make a sound.

There was no air conditioner in the room, and Xie Fei had goosebumps as soon as the down jacket left. He endured the cold and pulled the hem of his T-shirt with his arms crossed. Let you take off your coat, why are you-"

"Flimsy." Xie Fei helped to say everything.

Yu Li was suffocated, and after a long while, he shook his finger and pointed in the direction of the big bed: "Go up!"

Xie Fei raised her eyebrows, not worried that Yu Li would do anything discordant, the other party was more innocent than him, so she simply sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I-I'll let you get on the treadmill!" Yu Li suspected that Xie Fei didn't want to please him at all, but just wanted to piss him off!

Xie Fei was silent, turned her head and saw the treadmill in the direction parallel to the big bed. At the same time she realized it, she had an ominous premonition.


"I have specially customized a scientific fitness plan for you." Yu Li's originally straight mouth curled up slightly, obviously quite proud.

"… "

"Your body is too weak, otherwise you wouldn't be besieged by a group of mortals and have no power to fight back."

"… "

Xie Fei was just afraid of hurting those old men and women, and he didn't know if he fought badly or not! The other party just to toss him, and also found a high-sounding reason.

However, Yu Li has been holding back his breath for almost a month, and he may not know what to do if he holds it back.

He nodded as if at home: "Okay, just keep your mouth shut and spread your legs, no problem!"

Xie Fei thought her physical fitness was enough to deal with Yu Li's difficulties, but after more than an hour...

"Brother, I, I can't do it anymore, really..."

Xie Fei sat slumped in sweat, as if he had just been salvaged from the water. He was panting, and his arms on the floor kept shaking.

I think his physical strength is among the best among his peers. Although he does not usually have the habit of exercising, he does not do much heavy and rough work. He also has to go up and down mountains from time to time, and the amount of exercise every day is definitely not small.

But he is only a human after all, how can he be compared with the thousand-year-old demon

"Tsk, it's less than an hour and a half." Yu Li sneered. Although he was sweating a lot, he didn't catch his breath at all.

Xie Fei lay down on the floor like a dead fish, and said feebly, "I tried my best, brother, are you happy, did I please you?"

Yu Li originally wanted to say, "Am I so easy to coax?" But staring at Xie Fei's wet eyes and the beads of sweat hanging from the corners of his eyes, he felt as if the other party was crying, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. even want to compromise. But he was really unwilling that the momentum he had finally built up disintegrated, and he easily succumbed to the coquettish indulgence of the other party, so he said dryly: "At least, at least for a month."

"Okay, I will definitely insist." Yu Li is often absent anyway, as long as Yinsu is bribed, who knows if he will insist.

Perhaps Xie Fei answered too readily, Yu Li revealed doubts, half-squinted and said, "Give me the phone."

Xie Fei didn't know why, so she still got up with difficulty, took out her phone from the pocket of her down jacket, and handed it over to the other party.

Yu Li had already entered his fingerprints into all of Xie Fei's electronic devices, and when he pressed his thumb, the screen was immediately unlocked, "I'll give you the next monitoring app, just—"

On the search page that has not been closed, a whole page of search results is still displayed, and the titles of different lengths have the same red mark—

Which animal is the largest.

Yu Li: "..."

The author has something to say:

Liuli: I don't know whether to be happy or angry, sad.