Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 34


Xie Fei was pushed out of the door with her clothes on, and at a glance, she saw Ah Fu who was squatting in the corridor.


The heavy closing of the door made Ah Fu, who was already frightened, fall to the ground in fright, sobbing in despair: "I know, I know, he won't let me go..."

Xie Fei is still in the humiliation of being caught, no matter how thick-skinned he is, being caught searching for J, cough is really... too humiliating! But seeing A Fu's snot blistering from tears, he still persuaded in a good voice: "Brother A Fu, don't worry, he is not angry with you, and he will never come to trouble you tonight."

Find me too...

"Really?" Ah Fu was skeptical.

"It's absolutely true." Xie Fei pulled him up, "Wait until tomorrow when he's out of his anger, then go and admit your mistake."

Ah Fu sniffed and nodded, but his heart was still uneasy. After Xie Fei returned to the room, he stood by himself for a long time. After all, he couldn't save himself from the panic that he had nowhere to put. He changed his body and turned into a palm-sized bat and flew away from the small building. .

It was nearly ten o'clock at this time, and there were guests walking, chatting, and falling in love in the front yard, courtyard and garden, but the backyard was quiet.

A bat blended into the night and quietly circled to the back of the small building.

It was lurking in a tree, its dark brown eyes stared straight at a certain window, and after doing several psychological constructions, it spread its wings, gliding down on the window sill, and peeping into the room with its furry face against the glass.

It was clearly the cold winter and the twelfth lunar day, but Yu Li was wearing only a vest and was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to it.

Bat couldn't observe each other's expressions, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

It waited patiently for a while, but couldn't wait for Yu Li to turn back. The uncertainty brought about by the unknown gave birth to fear in his heart.

Suddenly, the bat saw Yu Li jumping up, the other party stood there for a while, then turned around and flew back to the big bed, with an expression it had never seen before and could not imagine... Rolling around with the quilt rippling Go, like the kelp has become fine.

"… "

very scary.

I'm blind.

The bat stood up with all its hair on its body, and it seemed to smell the pollen of spring through the glass. It turned its head and almost fled.

Compared with such Yuli, it would rather not be able to see the sun tomorrow!

In the next room, Xie Fei really doubted that she would not be able to see the sun tomorrow - every muscle and every bone in her body was screaming and protesting to him as the master.

He took a shower with the last of his energy, climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, but he didn't expect to be able to dream even when he was so tired.

The dream is no longer a snow field, but a green mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the man in black did not hold the red umbrella, and there was no murderous intent in his eyes. Instead, he looked at the boy opposite him with a smile.

"Bold! How dare you enter my dream!"

The young man was born exactly the same as Yu Li, but he was a few years younger, and his hair grew longer than his waist, and the top of his hair was casually tied into a bun with a thin bamboo tube. He was dressed in a dark purple robe embroidered with silver-patterned butterflies. When the wide sleeves were carried by the mountain wind, the butterflies seemed to come alive and walked gracefully through the purple clouds.

The man smiled and said: "Ali's cultivation is growing, and he can detect that I am in a dream."

"Bah!" The young man looked unhappy, and said without pretense: "Don't say anything nice, after you have been away for more than ten years, I am not a fool, how can I still not learn such superficial spells!"

The man was silent, his deep pupils stared at the young man quietly, the latter was staring at a guilty conscience, and said sternly: "What are you looking at?"

"Ali is missing me." The man suddenly realized.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The boy blushed and scolded his neck: "It's clearly you—"

"It's me who misses A Li." The man changed his lip kindly, with an apology on his face: "It's just that I felt a sudden sensation, so I left without saying goodbye, which made you worry."

"Who cares about you." The young man snorted coldly, kicked the stones on the ground dissatisfied, and said indifferently: "Hey, if you really miss me, why would you disappear without saying a word, I think you are a liar."

"Don't be pissed." The man showed his palm and turned into a small wooden box exuding pearly light, "I have a gift for you, maybe to please you?"

"What?" The young man took the box suspiciously, opened it and saw that it was actually a piece of silver-white, crescent-shaped scales, and suddenly exclaimed: "This is... your reverse scale?!"

"With it, A Li can always find me, no matter the sky or the ground." The man smiled suddenly, and his tone contained a deceitful charm: "Now that I hand over the scales to you, do I miss you enough?"

When Xie Fei woke up, there was still the man's lingering voice in his ears. Even though he was separated by a layer of dream, he still felt the heat in his ears.

- I dreamed of that person again, this time with Yu Li.

Unexpectedly, Yu Li was quite cute when he was a teenager, his temper was somewhat similar to that of now, and he was more naive.

The scenes in the dream ran through her mind like a revolving lantern. Xie Fei couldn't help but guess what the relationship between Yu Li and the man in black was. Unlike a couple, it seemed a little ambiguous...

He suddenly tasted a little lemon, and then he thought, maybe the owner of the cave is his previous life

Xie Fei is not an idiot, she has found something from the clues, but Yu Li refused to say it, so he didn't ask.

Anyway, the owner of the cave has been dead for thousands of years, and he is still alive and alive. If he has time to worry about these meaningless things, it is better to worry about whether the spiritual formation has changed again. After all, there are many guests living in the inn now.

Xie Fei put on her coat and hurried downstairs. She stood in front of the small building and took a picture with her mobile phone. Everything was normal.

He listened intently, and there was no cat or dog barking, so he felt relieved.

Suddenly, the pleasant wake-up bell rang.

Xie Fei glanced at the time on her phone, it was half past six.

He had to go to the town to catch the morning market today, so he hurriedly went back to his room to clean up, and pushed the tricycle out the door.

It was still dark, and the only sound in the alley was the sound of wheels running over the bluestone road. The cold wind of the morning poured into her neck, and Xie Fei hurriedly pulled on her scarf.

But he never expected that a person suddenly jumped out of the dark alley, Xie Fei braked abruptly, and almost cried out in fright.

By the moonlight, I could only vaguely recognize the man with loose hair and a black trench coat on his body.

wait, windbreaker...

In this situation, Xie Fei had to have a certain association - an exhibitionist? ! !

As if to respond to his guess, the man grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands and yanked—

He didn't pull it apart, and when he was halfway through, he was kicked several meters away with a scream.

"..." Xie Fei turned around and saw the familiar bearded man: "Brother."

"I heard you running up and down in the morning, and everyone was woken up by you!" Yu Li was a little bit mean that he didn't have three hundred taels of silver in this place. explain it.

Xie Fei didn't care about this, and asked worriedly, "Is he still alive?"

Yu Li sneered: "You can't see it yourself?"

Xie Fei immediately jumped out of the car and ran to the "Exhibitionist", only to see the other side curled up on the ground, yelling "Aiyo yo".

"Are you alright?" Xie Fei opened her phone and took a picture, her expression instantly frozen.

He had read it right just now, the other party was indeed wearing a black trench coat, but there was nothing left of the shaggy hair, only a bright bald head covered by a wig was left.

"No hair and no sky, it's you!"

Xie Fei never imagined that the "exhibitionist" was actually a bald man who came to the inn to be forced to move out and was later taught by him to be a man!

The other party was also shocked, and the words "Why are you again" were written naked in the fearful eyes.

There are thousands of words in their hearts, and in this cold winter morning, they silently looked at each other.

In the silence, Yu Li slowly paced over and lightly kicked the bald man's waist, "Stop pretending, get up."

"Can he still get up?" Xie Fei raised her head in confusion, "Brother, are you showing mercy?"

Last time, Brother A Fu broke his back after such a kick... No, his arm was broken, his nose was blue and his face was swollen for many days, but looking at the bald man, it seemed that the situation was not that serious.

"He's not that fragile." Yu Li sneered, "Awakened anyway."

"What?!" Xie Fei was shocked, even the bald-headed man had the blood of the demon race. Is he doing wholesale? That's not too picky.

The bald man couldn't understand what the two were talking about at all, let alone why the bearded man who was more like a bad guy than him said he was pretending, his ribs should have been broken, wouldn't he be afraid of a life lawsuit? !

It's a pity that no one cared about his inner roar, Xie Fei asked vaguely after awakening: "Brother, is he..."

"Naked Man Lan."

"… don't know."

"A kind of orchid, the scientific name is Italian red door orchid."

"And this kind of orchid?" Xie Fei suddenly realized another thing: "Orchid, plants? Plants?"

"All creatures except humans can do it, but plants are inherently less spiritual, and the chances are far inferior to animals." Yu Li glanced at the bald man: "This one is also considered the son of heaven."

Xie Fei nodded her head if she understood, took out her phone from her pocket, and typed a word to inquire.

A set of pictures quickly appeared on the page, and Xie Fei was silent again when she saw the contents of the pictures.

As the text on Encyclopedia describes, Naked Man Lan looks like a naked man wearing a straw hat, no wonder the name is so weird!

Xie Fei saw that he knew the novel and made inferences: "That's why he has this hobby because..."

"Negative effects of awakening."

"… "

Legend has it that men are too fussy and like to play with women, and they will become naked men in the next life... Xie Fei thought about the description at the end of the encyclopedia.

"Nonsense! I haven't even held the girl's hand!" The bald man who was sluggish suddenly became angry, and the next second he was downcast: "Two brothers, don't talk about reading at level 8, I don't understand culture, can't you hear me? I understand. And I really can't do it anymore, I don't have it, please call 110 and call an ambulance for me, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

"I think you're in good shape, and 110 doesn't care about the ambulance." Xie Fei replied lazily, then asked Yu Li, "What should I do now?"

"Of course, as he wished, he called 110."

So just after the police went to work that day, they learned that the exhibitionist who had caused the disaster in Xining Village for many days had been caught.

The police were stunned, but they could only handle the case with force.

It's just that during the questioning process, the bald man always defended tenaciously, insisting that since he was bitten by a snake one day, he suddenly had an impulse, which was as uncontrollable as sleepwalking every time.

How can the police believe that, sneering: "So you still commit crimes with passion."

Bald man: "… "

As for Xie Fei, he left the police station with Yu Li with his chest out after he finished taking the transcript.

As soon as she came out of the office building, Xie Fei thought that the police said that the bald man violated the Public Security Administration Law, and the maximum detention was 15 days, so she asked: "Since his problem is caused by awakening, then he has come out of the bureau. Will the crime continue?"

"When I kicked him, I helped him sort out his bloodline. As long as he is restrained, he can return to normal." Yu Li said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if he can't restrain himself. He already has a criminal record, and if he commits another crime, he will be arrested again."

"Brother, you are really amazing. After a short contact, you can actually clear the blood." Xie Fei's praise was a bit deliberate, mainly because he calmed down at this time. He remembered that he had provoked Yu Li again last night. In a hurry, worried about the other party turning over old accounts.

But Yu Li had already gotten carried away: "Small meaning, unfortunately he and I do not belong to the same bloodline, otherwise the high position has absolute dominance over the low position, and I can even pull out his bloodline."

"What is the same bloodline?" Xie Fei asked curiously.

"Like me and the North Pole—"

"Arctic what?"

Yu Li was dizzy: "How unreasonable it is! You want to lie to me again!"

The author has something to say:

Cuicui: Let out a regretful sigh.

Italian red door orchid, see the picture in the old place.

Comment yesterday on Fancy Smile.

For example: give give give give give give give give

Another example is this: Hahahahahahaha the Republic of Congo