Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 35


Seeing Yu Li's reaction, Xie Fei couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

What exactly is the North Pole... Polar Bears? Arctic fox? Arctic rabbit? It can't be an arctic shell, can it

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a howl, and when he turned his head, he saw a woman in her twenties rushed into the police station with her mouth covered.

Xie Feiyuan didn't take it seriously, but when he passed the gate of the police station, he heard the uncle of the courtyard chatting with someone: "This is the third time. Why do people always report missing cases recently."

Xie Fei turned back subconsciously, the woman's back had disappeared behind the office building.

Because of the delay for a while, it was a little late for the two to go to the morning market.

Fortunately, the things Xie Fei wanted to buy were also highly fungible. They walked around until the morning market dispersed, and the shops opened one after another, before they bought seven, seven, eight, eight.

On the way back with three wheels, Xie Fei heard a very old shout from the street—

"The rattle drum and the windmill are turning, and the glaze is drawing a candy man."

He followed the sound and saw that it was an old man selling painted candy. The other side was thin and thin, and he was sitting on a small stool curled up, looking a little pitiful.

Presumably aware of his scrutiny, the old man looked at him and smiled kindly.

"Brother, shall we buy a candy man?" Xie Fei suddenly suggested.

After a while, he heard Yu Li's cold reply: "It's just you."

Xie Fei translated it by herself as "permit to pass". She rode a bicycle to the old man, stared at the turntable engraved with the zodiac signs and said, "How much does it cost to turn it once?"

"Twenty." The old man squinted and smiled.

"… "

Xie Fei's hypocritical sympathy has disappeared, but he is also a person who can make money now, twenty is twenty, "Then I will transfer it once."

He got out of the car and walked to the front of the turntable, flicked his index finger, and the pointer made of bamboo pieces rotated along the way.

"I belong to the dragon, let me change to a dragon." Xie Fei bowed her hands together.

The old man smiled meaningfully. His turntable was secretly equipped with a mechanism. At most, it would turn out a time-consuming animal, such as now...

"Oops, it's a mouse—"

The old man was pretending to be pity, and saw that the pointer that was about to stop inexplicably turned a lot more, and stopped abruptly in front of the "Dragon Picture".

I'm blinded? ? !

The old man suspected that he was hallucinating, and saw the teenager in front of the booth clapping his hands excitedly: "It's really a dragon!"

"… "

Okay, the dragon is the dragon, anyway, there is no business at this point, at most it just takes some time.

The old man took an iron spoon and scooped some thick sugar juice that had been melted by high temperature, and skillfully poured it back and forth on the marble plate, gradually outlining the outline.

Xie Fei has loved to see the sugar man since she was a child, and now she can't take her eyes off it, when she suddenly hears a cold snort, "Are you drawing a dragon?"

The bearded man was obviously quite unhappy, with a look of disgust: "Whether you can draw, let me come!"

The old man wasn't angry either, and still smiled: "I add twenty more to my paintings."

"Come on, get up!"

The old man gave in decisively.

Xie Fei looked at the old man again, there was nothing amiable, he was clearly a profiteer. However, seeing that Yu Li is full of momentum, he is still looking forward to the upcoming face-slap scene. After all, Yu Li has mastered so many folk skills, and it is not surprising that he can draw sugar figures.


"Mom, why are there no centipedes on the plate?" The five- or six-year-old boy pointed at the turntable with a puzzled face.

The woman dressed as a tourist beside the boy looked embarrassedly at the person who "painted" and said with a dry smile, "What centipede, uncle painted a horse."

"But there are beards."

"That's not a whisker, that's a horse's mane."

Following the conversation between the two, Xie Fei watched Yu Li's movements become more and more stagnant, and finally threw the spoon in anger: "Okay!"

The few tourists who were watching in front of the stall were all silent, only the old man calmly glued the bamboo sticks to the sugar man, and then shoveled it with an iron piece and handed it to Xie Fei, shouting: "Come on! Long Yi!"

Yu Li's face became even more stinky.

Away from the stall, Xie Fei held a candy man in one hand and a cart in the other. He carefully peeked at Yu Li, who had a sullen face, and before he said a word, the other party hurriedly asked, "What are you looking at? I have seen a dragon. Or have you seen it?"

Xie Fei thought to herself that I had seen it before. It really wasn't like what you drew, but her mouth was very well-behaved: "You."

Yu Li probably didn't expect Xie Fei to be so obedient. Instead, he choked. It took him a long time to find a point of criticism: "Why don't you eat it, are you dissatisfied with my dragon?"

"No, my brother gave it to me, I can't bear to eat it." Xie Fei knows the art of language very well.

Sure enough, Yu Li's expression softened a little, and his voice also took on warmth: "Cough, this time there is a little flaw in the painting, you don't have to confess it."

Xie Fei: "..."

After successfully coaxing Yu Li, the atmosphere along the way was very pleasant.

When she arrived at the inn, Xie Fei heard from Concubine Xiang that Lu Xiping, who was in a hurry to return home yesterday, came back, and brought an old lady in a wheelchair, who was waiting for him in the backyard at this time.

"Old lady?" Xie Fei was taken aback.

Concubine Xiang smiled: "It's Mr. Lu's grandmother."

Xie Fei thought she would meet a sick old man, but she was a little surprised when she did.

The old lady in front of her was at least seventy or eighty years old, but she was very fashionably dressed - her hair was dyed silver-white after styling, her face was well-dressed, her earlobes were adorned with two delicate pearls, and she was wearing a well-crafted rose red. With a button-up coat, even in a wheelchair, it doesn't look like a patient at all.

The other party smiled gracefully when he saw him: "This is Boss Xiao Xie. He is really a smart child. Thank you for taking care of my Xiping."

Xie Fei hurriedly greeted her and said with a smile, "Hello, Grandma Lu."

"Hello." The old lady seemed to like him very much, with closeness in her eyes, but she was stunned when she looked at the bearded man. After a while, she asked, "Have we met?"

Yu Li shook his head and said in a low voice, "Hello, old lady."

There was a momentary daze in the old lady's eyes, and she smiled after a while, "I just think your temperament is a little familiar, maybe because you are old and remember it wrong."

Xie Fei was about to coax the old lady, when she saw Lu Xiping wink at him, he immediately realized that the other party wanted to chat with him privately, and changed his mind and said, "Grandma Lu, can I borrow your grandson for a while, I want to invite him Do me a favor."

The old lady nodded with a smile: "Go."

Xie Fei temporarily handed the old lady over to Yu Li, walked out of the backyard with Lu Xiping, found a corner and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Mr. Lu?"

Lu Xiping was rarely serious, "Grandma will be staying at the inn during this time. I have to take care of me nearby. Can I have an extra bed?"

"no problem."

"Can I move you downstairs?"

"Isn't your room bigger?" Lu Xiping moved to the garden early, and he even bought a top-end suite for the local tyrant.

"Your yard should be cleaner." Lu Xiping smiled bitterly: "I won't disturb you for too long, at most half a month, maybe a few days. My room is temporarily reserved for my grandmother's personal doctor."

Xie Fei was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Lu Xiping took out the cigarette subconsciously, put it back in his pocket after a pause, and said as calmly as possible, "Grandma's time is running out."

It turned out that Mrs. Lu was nearly 90 years old. She had a major operation two years ago, and her health was not very good. She fainted suddenly two days ago. The doctor diagnosed that the old disease had relapsed. .

"I hope grandma can spend her last days peacefully, my family..." Lu Xiping said vaguely with a gloomy face, "The house is a mess, and this time I secretly picked her up."

Xie Fei sighed, "Then I'll clean up the room first."

He didn't know how to comfort Lu Xiping. No matter what he said, it was an understatement. When he went back to talk about it with Yu Li, he accidentally heard a gossip.

"Everyone in the circle knows that Lu Xiping has a background, but few people know that he is the only grandson of the gambling king."

"Gambling, gambling king?"

"Lu Shengnan." Yu Li walked to the sofa and sat down, looking up at him: "It's the old lady you just met. Lu Xiping and his mother have the surname of Lu."

Xie Fei had an expression of "shocked my whole family", and listened to Yu Li's story as if she were out of her body.

Lu Shengnan was abandoned by his patriarchal father when he was very young. After a few years as a homeless boy, he got the appreciation of a big boss by chance, and broke into a foundation with his own ability. When she was thirty-eight years old, the casinos under her name had spread all over the country, but Lu Shengnan suffered too much when he was young, and it was always difficult to have children, so he decided to adopt three girls. Who would have guessed that two years later, Lu Shengnan would be pregnant with a pearl and gave birth to a daughter. Unfortunately, the daughter has been in poor health since she was born.

At that time, Lu Sheng's husband was dead, and his daughter was gone. Apart from his huge family property, Lu Xiping was the only blood relative left, so he was naturally very spoiled. In order to accumulate wealth for Lu Xiping, she tried her best to whitewash the casino business, but worried that she was too old to take care of the other party for too long, so she deliberately did not let Lu Xiping participate in the family business, only giving money but not power, in order to comfort several forces adopted daughter.

Her good intentions and hard work were pretty good. At least the adopted daughters of the Lu family were quite fond of Lu Xiping, but the three of them were fighting for power and profit, and the conflict had already come to the fore.

"No wonder Mr. Lu said the family is in chaos." Xie Fei suddenly realized and sighed, "I really didn't expect Mrs. Lu to be the king of gambling. I thought the king of gambling should be a man."

"She was indeed like a tomboy when she was a child, with a very tough temper." Yu Li didn't know what to think, and suddenly chuckled: "Bitter Winter was cut off her thumb and thrown out of the casino, but she was only ten years old. But he didn't say a word."

Xie Fei recalled that Lu Shengnan seemed to be wearing a glove on his right hand. Was it a broken finger

He felt a dull pain in his phalanx, noticed something in Yu Li's words, and asked curiously, "Brother, have you seen her when she was a child?"

"I saw that she had a good temperament, and it would be a pity to die, so I brought her back and raised her for two days." Yu Li raised his chin, triumphantly: "Speaking of which, Lu Xiping should have called me grandpa."


Seeing that Xie Fei's expression was wrong, Yu Li realized that his words were ambiguous, and immediately panicked: "I mean seniority!"

Xie Fei said in her heart that we should call you ancestor according to our seniority, but I didn't expect that Yu Li and the Lu family still have such a relationship. No wonder Yu Li is not bad to Lu Xiping, at least he is willing to help in the matter of Yu Jincheng.

"Ah! Didn't Mrs. Lu look like you before? You are so popular now, she should have recognized you long ago? Don't you think it's strange?" Xie Fei suddenly thought of this question.

"I can't recognize it, at most I think people are similar."

"But you are so easy to be like that, she said that your temperament is familiar."

Yu Li was silent for a moment, "The me back then was a little bit different from now."

"Could it be that Yi Rong became another face?" Xie Fei guessed.

"Why are you asking so much?" Yu Li suddenly became suspicious: "Have you finished today's fitness plan?"

Xie Fei: "..."

Is it noon? It's too hard to cover up!

Xie Fei managed to avoid the torture for the time being, but she was pulled over to practice hard at night. Fortunately, the next day, Yu Li went with the crew to film the final filming scene. Before leaving, he didn't even think of installing a monitoring app, which gave Xie Fei a chance to be lazy.

Xie Fei devoted herself to the business of Christmas renovation. The inn is not only full of stars and pine cones, lanterns and decorative garlands, but also many small landscapes with Christmas elements.

By December 23, the inn had been completely renewed. Xie Fei took a lot of pictures and posted them on Weibo, and made some special arrangements, looking forward to the festival.

He was confident that as long as Christmas passed, the inn's reputation would be enhanced.

Just when Xie Fei was rolling up her sleeves and preparing to have a big fight, a group of thugs were having a meeting in an old house in Shaoyang Town.

The only person sitting at the scene was a man in his 40s. Unlike the gangsters, he looked like a literate person in both appearance and temperament, but his words were not very polite: "Go! A bunch of trash! It's been so long. If you can't take down an inn, what's the use of raising you?"

He glanced coldly at the trembling bald man in front of him, and reprimanded with a sullen face: "Especially you, let you intimidate and threaten you, but you were beaten like shit; let you put snakes, you were bitten by the motherfucker; let you pretend Set fire to scare people, you are good, you can step on a little bit and be sent to the bureau by the innkeeper, and you are accused of being such a shameful exhibitionist, how can you be so capable, you are simply talented!"

The bald-headed man who had just been pulled out of the bureau was also full of grievances and defended fearfully: "Third, third master, that inn is too evil, a woman can fight better than several men, and a ten-year-old baby can also be beaten. It's terrifying. And I did throw a snake into their yard. Who knew that when I threw it, a bird picked it up and threw it on me, and I was bitten..."

As for the last accusation, the bald man was so ashamed and angry that he could only stammer: "I may have been hit with a very rare snake venom..."

The third master got angry when he saw his useless cowardice. He grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it on the bald man, "Do you have any reason?!"

The bald man shook his head and said he didn't dare. The third master was stunned and waved his hands tiredly: "I heard the news that the high-speed rail line will be announced soon, and it will not be before the Spring Festival at the latest. Once it is announced, the houses in Xining Village will be destroyed. No buying and selling, you have to get this done ASAP."

But the bald man was really scared, "But..."

"But what, I think you hurt!" The third master interrupted him directly, stunned, and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "If the conspiracy doesn't work, then we will come to conspiracy."

The author has something to say:

Bald man: Obviously I have a lot of roles, but I don't have a name.