Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 54


It has been three days since Yu Li came back, and he also brought back news that the media had not reported.

"The shooting resulted in 4 deaths and 36 injuries, 9 of the injured were shot, and the rest were caused by stampede." Huo Qing's studio is affiliated with M Entertainment, Yu Li's news is all heard from the company, "The murderer is a local Man, who has been arrested, according to the police investigation, is a shooting range employee who just got divorced three days ago, and the crime was not premeditated, but a whim while driving by."

"So it's revenge on the society?" Xie Fei was helping Yu Li to pack her luggage, and she couldn't help but stop when she heard this, "But why did he sneak into the concert with a gun? Isn't there a security check?"

"Kupene is already legal to carry guns, and the security check is handled by the local area, which is far less strict than that in China."

"It's too dangerous. Fortunately, brother, you don't have to do a world tour." Even if Yu Li himself is not hurt, if this kind of thing happens, the celebrity will inevitably be affected by public opinion.

For example, this time, Huo Qing was also one of the victims, but was criticized by the media and netizens. The studio was also surrounded by relatives of the dead and injured. It was said that even the staff were beaten. Most of the people who went to his concert were international students, and their immediate family members should have flown to Kupeni to deal with the follow-up matters.

Xie Fei fully understood the family's anger and grief, but also sympathized with Huo Qing.

"Although I don't have a tour, I have to go abroad in a few days." Yu Li suddenly said, "The animal protection organization invited me to be a public welfare ambassador and made a tailored wildlife documentary for me."

"... Tailor-made for what?" Xie Fei slowly asked a question mark.

"I-I mean wildlife protection documentary." Yu Li realized that he had missed two words and explained anxiously.

... It still sounds weird, and the "animal protection organization" inevitably reminds Xie Fei of the previous complaint about the live broadcast of panda mating, and always feels that there is an indescribable transaction hidden in it.

He didn't know why Yu Li suddenly changed the subject and asked subconsciously, "How long will it take?"

"It has not been decided yet, at least more than half a month."

"Isn't it possible that I haven't seen my brother for a long time..."

Hearing the reluctance in Xie Fei's tone, Yu Xin became proud, "If you want to come with me, you can arrange it."

Xie Fei really wanted to go, but when he thought of going for so long, he couldn't worry about leaving the inn, so he shook his head: "Forget it..."

Yu Li's face suddenly sank, and after a while, he hinted unwillingly: "Those countries are also legal to hold guns."

"But you don't have to worry, with your current strength, ordinary bullets can't hit you at all, right?"

Yu Li choked, he couldn't express his demands clearly, and he became sullen.

Seeing that the topic of the two had completely gone astray, Ah Fu, who followed along to hear about the idol's situation, couldn't hold back any longer: "Boss, you haven't said what happened to Huo Shen yet?"

Yu Li was not happy at all, and immediately became impatient: "How do I know, you go and ask him!"

In other words, Ah Fu would have shut up early, but now his fear of idols has overcome his fear of violence - before that, he thought he just liked Huo Qing's music rationally. The most common star dog.

"I can't ask this?" A Fu muttered aggrievedly, "I deliberately calculated a few hexagrams, but Huo Shen's fate seems to be disturbed..."

Xie Fei and Yu Li looked at each other, and at the same time thought of the same situation with Bai Yan, who was almost sucked into an "egg" by Gu Xiaoyun.

The wind suddenly picked up outside the window, blowing the bamboo grass and whispering. Xie Fei turned her head and saw that the sky had quietly turned dark.

"I have already notified the Demon Management Bureau and asked them to stare at Xie Yao." Seeing Xie Fei's worried expression, although Yu Li was still unhappy, he comforted him generously: "If it is really related to him, as long as he has more Changes can also be stopped in time.”

Xie Fei was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Brother, what is the sorcery of the black koi?"

"I don't know the specifics. It's probably to draw power through a curse."

"Then what if he curses me?"

"Hey, he's just a fish, you're—"

Yu Li suddenly stopped speaking, Xie Fei suspected that the other party wanted to say the word "dragon".

But is he really a dragon—that Yinglong, who has existed in legends for thousands of years, with respected status and noble bloodline

When Xie Fei left and returned to her room, it was already raining.

It was always rainy before and after the Qingming Festival, and it never stopped for many days.

Shrouded in the mist and rain, the misty mist in Xining Village, with pink walls and black tiles, is like an ink painting.

On this day, before the morning light broke, one person walked into the "painting" facing the drizzle and stopped at the entrance of the Great Wilderness Inn.

At that time, Ah Fu was on duty in the lobby, and when he heard the noise, he raised his head and was stunned.

Across the fence gate, he saw a man standing outside the gate wearing a hooded sweater, a hood, a mask on his face, and a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose that looked particularly abrupt in the dark.

A-Fu shuddered, rushing out as if caught by evil, hurriedly opened the door, and said with a trembling voice, "Huo, Huo, Huo..."

The man froze and turned to run.

"Huo Qing!"

"Impossible! You can recognize me like me?!" The man turned his head and asked incredulously.

"I know you turned into ashes!"

After finishing speaking, he realized that the lines were too villainous, and A Fu hurriedly patched: "I mean, as your fan, I can recognize you no matter how you make up."

"… my fans?" The man was suspicious.

A Fu nodded again and again, "I stock up on your albums, and I can sing every song!"

Huo Qing looked at Ah Fu's obvious imitation of his stage makeup, and believed half of it for the time being, but still couldn't help complaining: "I can, can wear a three-layer mouth and a mask!"

"But God Huo, your temperament is unique!"

"..." Huo Qing coughed uncomfortably and asked tentatively, "I'm here to find Yu and Yu Li, does he really, really live here?"

This is also the reason why Huo Qing did not run away on the spot.

And the reason why he knew that Yu Li lived here was that a policeman named Liu Tianchang told him.

Since he returned to China, the other party has found him, introducing himself as the director of a special department and the person in charge of domestic cooperation in the investigation of the shooting case.

He didn't know how the shooting was related to the special department, and he didn't know why the other party asked him to see him... He was barely half his peers, and Yu Li, a popular idol, actually lived in the village? If it wasn't for Liu Tianchang's complete documents, he would simply suspect that the other party was playing tricks on him.

But instead of staying in the city and being chased by the media, it is better to take an obedient run. What if there is an unexpected harvest

"Old, cough, Mr. Yu does live here, but he's still sleeping..." Ah Fu realized that something was wrong with Huo Qing, as if he stuttered suddenly? In the past, whether it was on the spot or in interviews, it was very agile, right? He didn't dare to ask, and worried that Huo Qing would leave immediately if he couldn't achieve his goal, hesitating whether to risk his life to wake Yu Li.

Huo Qing breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was there, he pulled down the three-layer mask: "It's okay, then I-I'll wait for him to wake up. Excuse me, do you still have a room?"

He left in a hurry, and he didn't think about getting accommodation beforehand. Now that he has revealed his identity, he doesn't have to worry too much, so he should relax. The tragedy happened at the concert, and the dead and injured were all the people he liked. get up? In comparison, career influence and public opinion attacks are trivial.

Afton felt embarrassed. Many people came to Xining Village to travel in the spring, and the hotel room had long been booked.

"No?" Huo Qing frowned slightly.

"Yes!" Ah Fu gritted his teeth and decided to love the head iron!

So, Ah Fu directly took Huo Qing to a certain suite in the garden - he didn't arrange for Huo Qing to live next door, because he was reluctant to aggrieved idols to live in a lower courtyard room, it was a true love!

However, as soon as they entered the garden, they saw Yu Li holding Yinsu.

In the dark of night, Yu Li still had sleepiness in his eyes, and looked over with his eyelids raised.

"Old, boss." Ah Fu shrugged in guilt, but he quietly canceled the order for a room...

However, Yu Li ignored him at all and just stared at Huo Qing: "It turned out to be a mouse again."

Huo Qing looked confused, "What?"

Yu Li waited here before dawn, naturally not because of insomnia, but because he knew Huo Qing was coming.

In fact, he asked Liu Tianchang to find Huo Qing, so as soon as the person arrived, Yinsu came to call him.

The day before yesterday, he also went to "Idol Training Camp" to become a flight instructor, and took the opportunity to meet Xie Yao, but apart from seeing that Xie Yao was weak, there was no other gain.

Therefore, he didn't hold out much hope that he could find anything from Huo Qing, and calling people over was just to try his luck.

Unlucky, but an unexpected discovery.

"Do you know about groundhogs?" Yu Li asked casually, following Yinsu's soft feathers.

Ah Fu was shocked, while Huo Qing looked dazed.

He couldn't hear Huo Qing's answer for a while, Yu Li thought he was ignorant and sneered: "A rodent that likes to scream just like you."

Huo Qing's expression changed dramatically. Since he woke up from the hospital, he couldn't help but want to scream when he spoke. If he hadn't been firm in his mind and restrained his desire, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to go out to meet people now.

Even so, he had a problem with stuttering—whenever he wanted to scream, he would hold it back and stutter.

The doctor said that this was some kind of post-traumatic stress reaction, but how did Yu Li know

"What, what do you mean?"

Then, Huo Qing heard the words of science and metaphysics intertwined, rigor and nonsense.

But he did not show obvious resistance and doubt, and could even be called calm.

First, as a person at the top of the pyramid in the industry, he also has his own channels, and he has heard some rumors, but he doesn't take it seriously.

Second, he fell off the lifting platform. In fact, his internal organs and bones were damaged, but he recovered miraculously within a few days, but the hospital was ordered to shut down, and the outside world did not know.

Now that Yu Liyi said, he has believed 90% of it, otherwise many things would be difficult to explain.

"Tsk." Seeing people start to be in a daze again, Yu Li felt bored, turned around and left.

But halfway through, he turned his head and smiled maliciously, "By the way, spring is here, friendly advice, recite more sutras, and calm your mind."

When Yu Li's back disappeared at the garden arch, Huo Qing turned to look at Ah Fu, and asked blankly, "What does he, what does he mean?"

Ah Fu smiled awkwardly, and said hesitantly, "Spring is the season when animals are in heat..."

"… "

The early morning wind poured into the neck along the neckline, Huo Qing's temples were like snow, her hair was like frost, and her heart was full of desolation.

"Huo Qing is a groundhog half-demon?" When Yu Li went upstairs, Xie Fei just woke up and was still brushing her teeth.

After listening to the gossip given by his brother, Xie Fei spat out the foam in her mouth, "No wonder, Brother A Fu said that Huo Qing was born in opera in elementary school, and his high pitch is very good. I remember you said, brother, a person with demon blood. Even if you don't wake up, you still have extraordinary talents in the field of matching your own blood."

Yu Li nodded, "It is estimated that he woke up when he fell off the lift."

"Did that brother find anything?"

Yu Li shook his head, "But I told you the day before yesterday that the koi looked very weak, and it cannot be ruled out that the power of the curse was too arrogant. The object of his curse could only be Huo Qing alone, but he was implicated. For so many innocent people, each cause and effect will fall on him."

Xie Fei thought thoughtfully, "It seems that even if Xie Yao really did it, there won't be any action in a short time."

Yu Li was about to speak when he heard someone running upstairs.

"Boss, I found-"

As soon as Ah Fu rushed into the room, he saw Yu Li, like a chicken strangled by the throat.

He was too excited, how could he forget that the boss was still there? !

"What did you find?" Yu Li asked.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that I recommended a Huo Shen album to the boss before, but I haven't found it yet..." Ah Fu dodged his eyes and said stumblingly: "I, I remember that I have to go shopping today, I'll go first now…”

He exited the door in a panic, and did not forget to give Xie Fei a vague look before leaving.

So half an hour later, Xie Fei came to Ah Fu's room.

"Brother Fu, what did you find?" Xie Fei asked curiously, he wasn't interested in listening to Huo Qing's albums.

Ah Fu first locked the doors and windows, and then looked around again. He didn't even spare the bottom of the bed, the cabinet, the drawer, and even the back of the curtain. After working for a long time, he said mysteriously, "I found the picture of the boss!"

Xie Fei was stunned, and immediately realized that it was a photo of Yu Li's original form!

"How did you find it?" He asked several times in between, but Ah Fu almost pulled out all the bricks he could pull out, but he still found nothing.

"Decades ago, I saved a little private money on the floor, but today I found the photo box when I withdraw the money." Ah Fu shook his head and sighed: "As the saying goes, it is not in the wall, but Under the floor!"

"Why are you looking for private money?" Xie Fei asked.

Ah Fu's expression froze, and his eyes began to roll around.

something wrong!

Xie Fei narrowed her eyes slightly and her voice was a little deep, "Brother Ah Fu?"

Although Ah Fu had never seen Xie Fei get angry, he had an instinctive fear of the host, and shrank his neck and said, "I-I canceled a customer's order... But I have already communicated with him!"

It turns out that the consequence of A-Fu's love for Tie Tie is to extinguish the anger of the guest by the pigeon at the cost of paying three times the room fee.

But Ah Fu ran out of money. Although his salary was a lot in the past few months, he had used it all up in the past few days - mainly used to vote for Huo Qing, buy fans, ask the navy to fight against the gang, and so on.

No way, he can only play the idea of private money.

After Ah Fu confessed, Xie Fei was silent for a long time, until Ah Fu's legs became weak and he couldn't help but want to kneel before he sighed deeply, "You are working too hard."

"… what?"

Xie Fei shook her head and did not elaborate, but stared at the silver dollar in Ah Fu's hand, "You have to sell this first, right?"

Afu nodded pitifully.

"Don't sell it." After all, it's an antique. It's not easy to keep it for decades. Xie Fei said, "I'll give you a cushion first, and then deduct it from your salary, but it's not an example."

A Fu was overjoyed, "Thank you boss!"

Xie Fei was still thinking about the photo, she cleared her throat and asked, "Where's the photo?"

Ah Fu sneaked around again, and found a rusty iron box from the bottom of the bed.

Xie Fei took it and took a deep breath. When she touched the lid of the box with one hand, she glanced at Ah Fu again. The two of them showed intriguing smiles at the same time.


The dusty box was opened, revealing the photo of the knockback in the box.

Xie Fei was beating drums, as nervous as she was about to announce the results of the college entrance examination. He took out the yellowed and moldy photos on the back and found that there were three in total.

The first is a giant panda with its back to the camera.

"Why can't I see the face?" Xie Fei was a little disappointed, and only looking at the back didn't seem to be different from other pandas.

Ah Fu said embarrassedly, "I took a candid photo, I remember there was a front..."

Xie Fei pouted and opened the second one, and saw a giant panda with clear black and white, round head, round ears, and great appearance!

It's his dream bear!

Looking closely, he could even catch a hint of familiarity from the panda's expression, which was Yu Li's usual indifference and arrogance.

The corners of Xie Fei's mouth turned up a little, and her cheeks slowly turned red, "Brother Fu, can you send me this photo?"

"As long as the boss likes it, I will give you all three."

"Thank you." Xie Fei happily announced: "Your salary will not be deducted."

Ah Fu didn't expect such unexpected joy, so he immediately smiled.

Xie Fei stared at the photo for a while, and then reluctantly switched to the third one, and the uncle's smile on his face instantly froze.

There is only one fat man in the photo.

A big fat man with a visual measurement of more than 200 pounds and wearing a singlet.

The fat man is still combing three to seven points, with a pair of black-framed mirrors on the bridge of his nose, and he can vaguely make out a little Yu Li's existing outline.


After a brief silence, a burst of laughter broke out in the room.

Ah Fu and Xie Fei threw themselves on the bed at the same time, laughing breathlessly.

"What are you two doing?"

Suddenly, another person's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

The two of them were stagnant on the bed, their necks stiffened and they turned around, and it seemed that they could still hear the stuttering sound like an old puppet from the neck bones.

When the door was opened, Yu Li stood against the light, his face ashen.


Xie Fei's hand holding the photo instinctively shrank, but inadvertently caught Yu Li's attention.

There was suffocating silence in the air.

After a long time, Yu Li looked away and locked onto Xie Fei.

"Brother, I—" Xie Fei's scalp was numb, and just as she was about to explain, her words were blocked back in her throat.

Yu Li looked very calm.

Like a deep sea, like a dark night.

More like before the storm.

In the silence of Wan Lai, Yu Li slowly raised the corners of his lips:

"What other surprises I don't know about?"

The author has something to say: Liuli: Die!

Today is unprecedentedly thick and long, I thought 3,000 words could be written here.

Well, it's the singer in the copy, and he's not A Fu's CP, A Fu doesn't have a CP.