Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 57


In the dark corner, there was a dark shadow, like a sack.

Xie Fei took a breath and stepped forward lightly, as if afraid of disturbing the other party.

When he got closer, he saw a plump panda "thinking over the wall", like a chubby ball of fur.

"elder brother?"

Xie Fei called out cautiously.

Panda's ears twitched.

"Brother." Xie Fei called again.

Panda paused, then slowly turned his head.

Under the moonlight, one man and one beast stared at each other quietly.

Xie Fei heard her little heart pounding, and after a long while, he slowly raised his hand, approaching inch by inch.

Feeling the moist and warm breath in the palm of her hand, Xie Fei held her breath and gently touched the tip of the panda's nose.

More than expected, Xie Fei had long heard that panda's fur was very hard, and now she finally understood what it felt like.

He moved his hand to the right, touched the panda's round, fluffy face, and then a bear hugged him, "It's so cute!"

The panda's body was stiff, and after a while, he raised a paw and lightly patted Xie Fei's back.

For the next hour, Xie Fei spent the next hour cuddling with pandas - kissing and cuddling, smoothing her belly...

At first Yu Li was quite tense, but after eating a few cakes and drinking a few sips of wine, he seemed to give up on himself, completely liberating his nature, and letting Xie Fei do the trick on him.

He even turned into a juvenile body for Xie Fei to hold high.

Only one thing, he always resisted.

"Brother Li, can you really hug my leg?"

"Don't be insatiable!" The panda cub sat on the sofa and scolded with a serious face, shaking his short legs.

"But in a dream—"

"To shut up!"

The stars in the room are immortal, and the dim moonlight is like a dream.

There were only half a cake and a bottle of leftover wine left on the table, and a man and a beast were lying on the sofa.

The cub panda, who slept soundly, hugged Xie Fei's thigh tightly. The latter did not know that his wish had come true, and he was immersed in a dream again.

The four seasons in the cave are pleasant, and the Yaohua will not thank you.

Next to a clear spring in a pond, a man in black robe was holding a fishing rod, sitting quietly by the pool, with a beautiful woman kneeling beside him.

"Master, you have tried to help A Li to exorcise evil spirits, and you have done your best to be righteous." The woman was unwilling and persuaded: "The chalcedony fruit can help you increase your cultivation for five hundred years, do you really want to use it on A Li

The man stared at the calm pool surface and said in a low voice, "Ali has been stabbed with jade bones by the Jiuli people since he was a child. If he doesn't take the chalcedony fruit, it will be difficult for him to transform into a person in this life."

"The owner treats it like this, but it is wild and hard to tame, and it is really unfamiliar."

"Where is it difficult to tame? Ah Li was infected by evil energy, and his intelligence deteriorated, and when I left for too long, it just forgot me."

He raised the rod and hung a silver fish on the hook. "There is no need to talk about this matter, you can go."

A dream is a dream, and some of the broken pictures are like a glimpse of light, and in an instant, the man is in a cave.

On the jade bed, a cub covered with a red brocade quilt lay on its back and slept. The man tucked the quilt for it and walked out slowly.

"Master, Ah Li has been consuming chalcedony fruit for ninety-nine-eighty-one days, and the jade bone should have grown, why can't it transform into a human?"

The man chuckled, "It's playing with me."

"What do you mean by master?"

The man waved his sleeve robe, and a water mirror appeared out of thin air, reflecting the scene in the cave—there was no cub on the jade bed, but a two- or three-year-old child.

The young child was naked, crawling around on his hands and feet, sometimes smirking, sometimes roaring like a beast, showing his millet teeth, looking very funny.

"Master, are you just letting him do this?" The young man with broken eyebrows asked after laughing.

"What's the harm in playing with him?" The man's thin lips raised slightly, but the next moment he restrained his smile: "Since I help him transform, naturally I have to teach him how to behave."

Xie Fei was woken up by the cold, and when she woke up, she found herself alone on the sofa.

What about Yu Li

"Ah—" Xie Fei sneezed, feeling a little dizzy in her head, fearing that she really had a cold.

He rubbed his eyes and went out the door, and saw a person sitting in the Linshui Pavilion from a distance.

"Brother, why did you come out, Axi—" Xie Fei quickly walked into the pavilion, and sneezed again uncontrollably.

Yu Li frowned, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, he got up and probed Xie Fei's forehead, but it wasn't hot.

A wave of heat poured into Xie Fei's eyebrows and spread to his limbs and bones, dispelling the chill in his body, only to hear Yu Li's light tone: "Go back."

The two flashed a flashlight and went down the mountain side by side.

Chatting casually along the way is no different from usual.

When she was about to descend the mountain, Xie Fei suddenly said, "Brother, I'm dreaming again."

"What did you dream about?"

"Dream... You turned into a human." In order to take care of Yu Li's fragile self-esteem, Xie Fei said vaguely.

Yu Li's hands with him tightened slightly, but he didn't say a word.

When the two entered the door, Ah Fu was lying on the reception desk watching the beauty makeup live broadcast, and the call for "all girls, all girls" to gather from the loudspeaker kept coming, but Ah Fu didn't feel wrong at all.

Because he was too focused, he didn't realize it until Xie Fei and Yu Li both entered the lobby.


Ah Fu stared at the hands that the two of them were shaking in front of him, and paused, an intriguing lewd smile appeared on his face.

"What is your expression?" Yu Li narrowed his eyes slightly.

A Fu sneered, "A normal expression..."

"Don't have any too dirty thoughts." Yu Li warned with a cold face: "Although Cuicui and I have already established a romantic relationship, he can only be regarded as a probationary boyfriend. Very pure."

"Trial?" Does the boyfriend still have a probation period? This title means spare tire? Afusi fell into a freeze.

Yu Li's face sank, "Do you have an opinion?"

"… No."

When the two immediate bosses left, Ah Fu stared at Yu Li's back thoughtfully, and then the corner of his mouth twitched: "It's been all gone for a night and it's still innocent, huh, I'm afraid it won't work?"

Of course Ah Fu didn't dare to complain in front of Yu Li, but it didn't prevent him from spreading rumors.

But within half a day, all the residents of the inn knew about Yu Li and Xie Fei's love affair, including An Mingyi who was far away in Nanshan City.

Everyone liked to hear it and congratulated them. Soon after, they heard that Yu Li had changed the date of birth on his ID card to May 21, and all the online information was updated.

For this reason, Concubine Xiang also teased him for his good intentions, but Yu Li said boldly: "I remembered, I was originally on this day's birthday, but it wasn't because of someone who changed it."

Concubine Xiang laughed dryly, really too lazy to bother.

As the saying goes, people are in good spirits when they are happy, and Yu Li has been walking with wind these days, looking like a spring breeze.

The fly in the ointment is that he can always feel a secret and complicated gaze falling on him, as if there is a faint pity and regret, but it is impossible to say exactly.

Privately, Yu Li also mentioned to Xie Fei, "I always think they are weird."

Xie Fei was graciously helping him change the sheets at this time, "No, what's wrong?"

Yu Li frowned and was about to give an example when the phone suddenly rang.

While he was answering the phone, Xie Fei heard him say that he was going to Nanshan City on Friday.

"Why are you going to Nanshan City?" Xie Fei asked casually after Yu Li hung up the phone.

"I was about to enter the promotion period for that play, so I was asked to record the theme song."

"You recorded the theme song?" Yu Li can still sing? always feel weird...

"It's not just me, Huo Qing is going too, the opening song of his record, the ending song of mine." Yu Li didn't grasp the point, but instead emphasized: "Originally, the film party wanted me to sing with the heroine, but in order to avoid suspicion, I refused. ."

Xie Fei was a little funny, but didn't refute Yu Li's face, "Brother, you are so kind."

Just as Yu Li was about to be complacent, he heard Xie Fei say, "Then let me kiss you."

"… "

Of course, it ended up being a kiss.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday, and it started to rain early in the morning, and Yu Li and Huo Qing still walked in the heavy rain.

Xie Fei thought she would see them at night, but Huo Qing didn't expect to come back in the afternoon.

"So early?"

"I, I can't record." Huo Qing's face was ugly. After listening to the demo countless times, he managed to control himself to sing the whole song without stuttering, but the treble penetration was so strong that the microphone in the recording studio was caught by him. Several songs were broken, and even the soundproof glass had cracks, so I didn't dare to sing again.

Xie Fei heard the reason, but didn't know how to solve it, "Why don't you ask brother, is he still in the city?"

"He recorded very smoothly and smoothly. He said he wanted to go home to get something, and we split up and left."

Xie Fei knew that Yu Li had an apartment in Nanshan City, and nodded. Seeing that Huo Qing's shirt and pants were stained with obvious mud stains, he asked, "Did you fall?"

Huo Qing's face became even more stinky, "I met a liar."

It turned out that the location of the recording studio was only two stops away from Xiaoxianguan. Huo Qing was addicted to Taoist culture recently, and the theme of the new album was also related to Taoism, so she wanted to go shopping while there were fewer people on the working day. Who would have thought that as soon as the car was parked, he was stopped by a 14- or 15-year-old monk before he reached the mountain gate.

"Will I be fooled by this kind of low-level deception?" Huo Qing sneered, how many times the news had been reported, and he was too lazy to pay attention.

But the little monk was very strong and courageous, and he actually held him tightly and wouldn't let him go. While the two were pulling, Huo Qingyi struggled to get rid of his arm. The little monk didn't stand firm and fell back, but was rushed in the alley. A battery car that came out crashed into the air.

"The perpetrator ran and ran away on the spot, and it was me who sent the little monk to the hospital."

Xie Fei was surprised: "Is he okay?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the person is in a coma or a coma."

Huo Qing didn't know the little monk, the other party didn't even have a mobile phone, and he didn't know who to contact. It was impossible for him to wait. After helping to pay for the medical expenses, he left the contact information of the agent and went home.

"That's good." Xie Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, both of them thought that this matter was over, and no one cared about it.

Who knows that late at night, the bitter master came to the door.

"Well, do you have a man here, he looks like he is in his twenties, he is about this tall, very thin, and he stutters." A young monk who looked underage stood outside the fence gate. Wearing a Taoist robe, he asked while gesturing.

Ah Fu, who was welcoming the guests, immediately became vigilant, "What's the matter?"

"You just need to find him." The little monk frowned. Although he had cultivated Dao since childhood, his temper was not very good. In addition, he was worried about exorcising evil spirits, so he became impatient.

Oh, the comers are not good, maybe they are here to trouble the idols...

Ah Fu raised his hand to close the door, "No!"

"Impossible!" The little monk took out a button from his arms. "This is something on his body, with his breath. I found it here with a compass, there is no mistake!"

"What kind of compass ghost plate, if I say no, there is no."

"You, you... Are you trying to cover up and harbor evil spirits!"

Ah Fu sneered, "I think you're here to disrupt the scene, and I'll call the police if you make trouble again!"

The little monk jumped up and shouted: "You call the police, if you don't report it's a puppy, I will cooperate with the police!"

"It seems that no one has it yet. I cooperate with the special department of the state, and I will scare you to death by saying it!"

So, as soon as Xie Fei came out of the lobby, she heard the mentally retarded quarrel between the two like kindergarten children. There was a string of ellipses in her heart. She could only be glad that it was too late and there were no other guests in the front yard.

"What's the matter?" Xie Fei stepped forward, only to find that the little monk looked familiar. Isn't that the one he saw when he went to Xiaoxianguan to burn incense on New Year's Eve? Could it be the one who stopped Huo Qing

"It is you… "

"You've seen me—" The little monk suddenly stopped, and hurriedly took off a compass from his waist.

Xie Fei glanced at it subconsciously, and saw that the pointer of the compass was spinning wildly.

He hadn't figured out what was going on when the little monk suddenly grabbed his arm, and King Kong glared angrily: "Bah! The evildoer is not going to be presumptuous, Sanqing is on top, if you don't hurry up, you will be captured!"

Xie Fei: ? ?

Singing a big show this is...

The little monk was full of shock. He had never felt such a powerful evil spirit in anyone. Even the ghosts he had surpassed were far inferior, but he was not afraid at all and firmly believed that the brave would win!

Just as he was trying to pull out the peach wood sword, the back collar was suddenly grabbed and the person was lifted up.

The little monk was terrified, his two short legs kicked in the air, trying to turn his head to look back.

Xie Fei looked surprised, "Brother, are you back?"

Yu Li responded lightly, "Where is the lunatic?"

A Fu immediately complained, adding fuel to the story, Yu Li sneered and threw the little monk out, as if throwing rubbish in an understatement.

The little monk was thrown three or four meters away, and sat on the ground with his buttocks full of daze.

After a long time, he got up, sternly said "you wait for me", and ran away angrily.

Yu Li didn't even bother to give alms with a single glance, so he took Xie Fei's shoulder and went back to the house.

After entering the door, he sat on the sofa, "Where did that dwarf come from?"

Xie Fei also sat down next to each other and said her guess, "...I don't know how to find this place, Mr. Huo didn't leave an address."

"Didn't he explain? He found it with a compass." Yu Li put his arms around his chest and commented arrogantly: "The shorty has a good bloodline, he is a good seedling in cultivation, and he naturally has some magical skills, but unfortunately he is only half a bucket of water. "

"Bloodline?" Xie Fei was taken aback, "Could it be that he—"

"Crane half-demon."

Huh, that sounds like a lot of coffee.

Xie Fei recalled carefully, except for Yinglong, this might be the most immortal bloodline he had ever met.

He suddenly remembered that on New Year's Eve, Yu Li once said that he smelled two kinds of demonic auras from him, one is Pipi shrimp, and the other is mostly from this person.

"Then he's really not a liar?" Xie Fei was startled suddenly, "He said that Mr. Huo is haunted by yin spirits..."

"Yes." Yu Li affirmed.

" knew that?"


"Yin spirit haunted... What do you mean?" Xie Fei asked hesitantly. Is that what he meant

Yu Li smiled maliciously: "Ghost."

"… "

That is to say, every time I get along with Huo Qing, there are actually ghosts around

Do you think that only demons are too monotonous, and the development of the plot finally leads to a supernatural road of no return? !

Xie Fei asked with a white face, "Brother, why didn't you remind me?"

Yu Li plausibly said, "Aren't you afraid? Don't worry, they're just lonely ghosts, and they won't affect that rat."

Xie Fei didn't even have time to think about why the Yin spirits gathered around Huo Qing, and only asked nervously, "Why did the little monk call me a demon?"

The strangest thing is that the little monk doesn't seem to realize that A Fu and Yu Li are the real evildoers... uh, the demon clan.

Yu Li suddenly raised his hand and touched his throat, "Remember what's here?"

"Reverse scale?"

"The master of Niscale was once cursed, contaminated with evil spirits, and never got rid of it." Yu Li rubbed his fingers and retracted his hand, "That dwarf is so close to you, with the sensitivity of his five senses, he naturally senses it."

Xie Feihan's hair stood on end, "Difficult, do I have..."

"Since you've dreamed of the battle of the deer, don't you know who cast the spell?" Yu Li half-smiled, with a sarcastic tone: "With that stupid big man's resentment, it's enough to keep all evil from invading and all ghosts. avoid."

After Yu Liyi's explanation, Xie Fei realized that every time he approached Huo Qing, the lonely ghosts around him would run away and huddle in the farthest corner to keep warm.

In an instant, he was no longer afraid, but laughed out loud.

Yu Li glanced at him, took out something from his pocket, loosened his hand, a gold chain dangled from between his fingers, and a pocket watch that looked old at first glance.

Xie Fei stared at the pocket watch dangling in front of her, and asked in a daze: "This is..."

"Didn't you go to great lengths to peek at my old photos? There's one in it, and I'll give it to you."

Xie Fei took it curiously, opened the watch cover, and saw a pale, thin, handsome face, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, with no expression on his face, a faintly ascetic and morbid beauty.

Obviously, this is a photo of Yu Li just after he successfully lost weight, and it must be his proud work.

"Thank you brother." Xie Fei happily thanked: "You are super handsome."

Yu Li's back was even more straight, and he declared domineeringly: "You have a different identity now, you must act magnanimously, and you can't do sneaky behavior again. If you have a request, you can directly mention it to me. As long as it's not too much, I will consider it."

"Then I have a request now." Xie Fei's eyes lit up.

Yu Xin was ominous, and it was not easy to go back on it on the spot, "... Say it."

"I want to brush my hair."


"It's not that I haven't fucked!"

Yu Li stood up abruptly, and asked angrily, "You think about Lu Lu Lu all day long, do you really like me, or do you only like pandas?!"

The author has something to say: A Li: He gave me a name.

A Li: Give me a chance to be human.

A Li: Teach me how to be a human being.