Monster Inn Rectification Report

Chapter 69: previous dust


Xie Fei gave Xie Yao an embarrassment without any scruples. He knew that the program team would cut this part. After all, he was the first party of the sponsor's father.

Also because of his attitude, everyone remembered the delicate relationship between Xie Fei and Xie Yao, and they exchanged glances, either sympathy or embarrassment, and they were eager to watch the excitement.

On the other hand, Xie Yao, who was kneeling on the ground, blushed and felt ashamed that he had never knelt down for Xie Fei? Even if he twitched and roared in front of everyone's eyes at the beginning, it was not as shameful as one ten thousandth of the current moment! By the way, the last time I lost control was also after seeing Xie Fei. Recalling the feeling of oppression just now, Xie Yao was in shock. Could it be that Xie Fei really has the mysterious ability to restrain him

He hesitated for a moment whether to continue the original plan, when he heard a chuckle: "Yo, this kneeling posture is really standard."

Xie Yao couldn't control his expression management, and stared at him fiercely, seeing Jian Yiyi laughing and gloating, he didn't shy away from looking at him at all.

"It's okay." Yu Li responded suddenly.

Jian Yiyi glanced at him in surprise, but saw that Yu Li was staring at Xie Fei with a faint smile on her lips.

Xie Yao naturally heard it, his five fingers on the ground clenched tightly, grievance and malice intertwined in his chest, and his impression of Yu Li, a former idol, became more complicated, but in the end, his eyes fell on Xie Fei who was smiling. The hesitation that had just been born also dissipated in an instant. He is not what he used to be. With the guidance of the mysterious man, he can even resist the backlash of his faith, and if Xie Fei is so powerful, why can he only stay in the village without revenge on him and take back the Xie family? Well, how can it compare to Xie's hundreds of millions of industries

As long as he can get Xie Fei's personal items to cast a spell, this person will never be a threat again!

Xie Yao lowered his eyes to hide the killing intent in his eyes. He wanted to stand up, but he felt a heavy weight on his body. Instead, he lay on the ground. His spine was in pain like being pierced by thousands of needles.

Seeing that Xie Yao couldn't get up, the guests finally realized that something was wrong, and they were about to step forward to help, but were pushed away by Assistant Xie Yao.

"Yaoyao!" The little assistant rushed to Xie Yao's side and held his arm.

Xie Yao felt that the pain seemed to have weakened a lot. With the help of his assistant, he endured the discomfort and stood up straight.

"Xiao Xie, are you too tired, do you want to rest for a while?" The director came over and rounded up the scene.

Xie Yao smiled weakly, "Thank you Director Zhang, I'm fine, don't delay the shooting because of me."

The director showed some satisfaction in his eyes, and patted him on the shoulder, "Yes, young people can endure hardships, let's go, let's go first."

A group of people came to the hotel lobby, and even the well-informed stars were amazed by the luxurious and high-quality decoration style in front of them - the colors are strong and harmonious, the space is exquisitely arranged, and there are obvious local characteristics.

Several cameramen arranged for the director to take the next shot, and Xie Fei walked to the people with a small box.

"Now it's up to me to release a new mission." Facing all the cameras, Xie Fei was still generous and her smile was impeccable: "There are 50 small balls in the box in my arms, and each ball contains the national flags of different countries. Wherever you go to the national flag, you need to cook the country's most distinctive food and eat it all. All kinds of ingredients have been prepared for you. Once you complete the task, you can get relevant clues for tomorrow's reasoning session. The more crucial clues you have…”

A guest raised an objection: "If we draw some unknown country, how do we know what its special food is?"

"Yes, some countries have a lot of specialties, do you want to cook them all?"

Xie Fei pointed to the nearby staff and said with a smile: "Ask them, hotel staff are scattered all over the place, and they can be found in bars, yoga studios, swimming pools, gyms, etc. Each staff member wears the corresponding national Logo, but hidden in the details, as long as you find the right person, you can get the recipe."

The guests cleared their doubts and stepped forward to draw small balls. Xie Yao was afraid of being ugly again, so he asked his assistant to help him go forward.

The closer he got to Xie Fei, the heavier his legs became. He could only lean his entire body on the assistant and pull out a ball with difficulty.

There is a red and blue flag in the ball. The center of the flag is printed with a pattern composed of palm trees, Frigian liberty hats, and various trophies, but it is very unfamiliar.

Xie Fei smiled when she saw it, "Congratulations, the food in this country is very simple, and it is a simple one."

Xie Yao was not at all surprised that he was able to draw the best lottery, but he always felt that Xie Fei had bad intentions. He smiled perfunctorily, hinting that the assistant would help him leave, and looked around at the surrounding staff, trying to find the one corresponding to the flag in his hand.

But when everyone got the recipe and went to the hotel kitchen to make food, Xie Yao was still scurrying around like a headless fly. The director couldn't wait any longer, and secretly gave a hint, Xie Yao realized that the person he was looking for was in the banquet hall, but he passed by several times, but he ignored it like a ghost hitting the wall.

Strange, what kind of trick did Xie Fei do

Xie Yao frowned deeply and had no clue.

He took a deep breath and walked up to the staff. After learning the answer from the other party's mouth, he finally understood the deep meaning of Xie Fei's smile.

The flag belongs to Haiti, an African country. Due to the lack of materials, the country has derived a special delicacy - yellow mud cakes dried with yellow mud, salt and cooking oil.

The production is indeed simple, but it also means that he has to eat soil.

Xie Yao's face turned green, how many bacteria and parasites were in the soil!

But what can he do? Under the camera, he can only squeeze out a smile, pretending to be in a good mood and laugh at himself: "I didn't expect that it was still early before Double 11, so I would have to experience eating dirt in advance."

Xie Yao completed the production of the yellow mud cake with the laughter of the guests, but I don't know whether the soil was not clean, or his stomach could not bear the destruction of the cake. After a while, he felt a stomachache and went back to the room arranged by the program team. He began to vomit and have diarrhea, and the assistant was so frightened that he immediately took him to the hospital.

"If you don't go, you can just buy some medicine for me." Xie Yao categorically refused and insisted on finishing the show. How could he leave before he got Xie Fei's personal belongings

Just when Xie Yao was being tortured, Xie Fei quietly came to Yu Li's room.

The hotel is built beside the mountain, located above the clouds and mist, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Every guest lives in a high-end landscape room, but Yu Li has an independent suite in the hotel, which can overlook the panoramic view of Xining Village.

"Brother, what happened to Xie Yao in the afternoon? Kneeling when he saw me." Xie Fei smiled when she thought of that scene, "In the end, she also smoked a yellow mud cake. Isn't he a koi carp, so bad luck?"

Yu Li had been busy for a day. He had just taken a shower and his hair was dripping with water. He took the hair dryer and plugged it in, with a disdainful expression.

Xie Fei was startled: "But when I saw him at the event last year, wasn't everything good?"

"Back then, the reverse scales in your body just manifested." Yu Li explained in a slow voice: "Now more than half a year has passed, the reverse scales have been repaired continuously, just like a dull knife being re-sharpened, and its power has increased greatly. Usually it doesn't matter, but you hate him. , the pressure unintentionally released is enough for him."

"Repair?" Xie Fei touched her neck subconsciously, "Is there something wrong with Niscale?"

"Niscale has been away from the main body for so long, even if there is a spiritual seed to warm up, cracks will inevitably appear." Yu Li said while bowing his head.

"What about all the repairs?"

Yu Li paused, "Reshape your body."

"Am I going to be a monster?"

Xie Fei was startled, and immediately became excited. If she had known that she might become a demon before, she would have been shocked, but after so much, and the person she liked was also a pure demon, her mood had already changed.

"Can I still transform into a dragon?"

"Can you still fly?"

Yu Li's expression was indifferent at first, but after listening to Xie Fei's questions, he sneered and said, "You will be happy in this way, your vision is too narrow."

"Of course I'm happy! Becoming a monster means that I can live forever like my brother, and I can always accompany my brother." Xie Fei plausibly said: "I know that even if I die, my brother will have a way to resurrect me, or find my reincarnation. , but of course it's better if you don't die."

Seeing that Yu Li's face was moved, Xie Fei said with a smile, "However, I'm also looking forward to my brother helping me open my eyes."

Yu Li put down the hair dryer, shook his half-dry hair, and hooked his hand at him.

When Xie Fei obediently stood in front of him, Yu Li raised his hand to reach his neck, but before he could touch it, Xie Fei had goose bumps all over.

But Xie Fei didn't dodge, but endured Ren Yuli's movements until the other's fingertips touched his throat: "Ni Scale, all his memories are sealed."

"Reverse scale, sealed all my memories."

In the dream, Geng Chen gave Yu Li Hou the reverse scale and said so.

When Xie Fei fell asleep with Yu Li in his arms, she dreamed again of the scene she once dreamed about, but before this dream, at the beginning of the dream, Geng Chen was in a vast and majestic hall.

There is a huge skeleton in the hall, and it looks like a dragon in shape, while Gengchen is kneeling in front of the skeleton, as small as an ant.

His eyes were tightly closed, and the boundless starlight flickered behind him, arranged and combined into various mysterious runes. A dark red star fell from the sky, and the trailing star trail was like a bloody scar.

Geng Chen suddenly opened his eyes and bowed his head: "Thank you Zulong, my disciple has realized it."

As soon as the picture turned, it was like a movie switching the camera, Gengchen has come to a green mountain.

Just like the dream half a year ago, Yu Li found out that Geng Chen had sneaked into his dream, and was very angry, and in order to coax him, Geng Chen gave him the only piece of inverse scale.

Only this time, Xie Fei did not wake up directly, he saw the follow-up of the dream in the dream.

When he heard that Ni Scale had sealed all of Geng Chen's memories, Yu Li pouted, "I have no intention of spying on your memories."

Gengchen smiled and said, "You can't even peep at it. Only I can see my memory."

Yu Li was stunned, and then said angrily, "Then why are you giving me away!"

"Ali doesn't want it, just give it back to me."

"Don't think about it!" Yu Li hid the wooden box behind him, and suddenly frowned, "Why do you want to seal up your memory?"

Gengchen didn't answer, but said, "Ali, come here."

Yu Li hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward with vigilance in his eyes, and then gestured to Gengchen to sit with his back. Gengchen took off his bamboo hairpin, used his fingers as a comb, and re-combed the boy's hair.

When the hairpin was ready, Gengchen flicked Yuli's acupuncture point, the latter fell asleep, and Gengchen disappeared.

After that, countless fragmentary pictures flashed one by one, such as floods raging, dragons were evil, a man named "Yu" led the human race to manage the floods, and a black dragon with wings collapsed in the sky and landslides. Soldiers dissolve themselves in the flood, draw the ground into rivers with their tails, and stabilize the mountains and rivers with their spirits.

When the flood subsides, the person who manages the water will be famous for eternity.

There is no more dragon in the world.

The author has something to say: Xie Yao: I didn’t expect that it was still early before Double 11, so I would experience eating soil in advance.

Cuicui: No, it's already here. Everyone is going to eat dirt.

[short story]

Legend has it that Da Yu's son inherited his father's business. In order to quell the flood, he first asked for soil, then killed Gonggong, and then Yinglong came out of the mountain to help Da Yu control the water. Yinglong also helped to kill the water monster Wuzhiqi.

But I also said that this article is not a popular science article, and it is just like this after an adaptation of the legend. In the official history, only Da Yu is not Yinglong.