Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 1: Gray disk spider


Gao Peng was carrying a red schoolbag and took out his key card from his pocket, "Ding."

Some old iron doors were pushed open, making a squeaking sound, and you stepped into the stairs. The stairs were a bit old, and there was some garbage accumulated on the ground. Fortunately, there was no strange smell.

Under the dim light was Gao Peng's shadow. Gao Peng lowered his head and glanced at the ground from the corner of his eye. A ferocious dark shadow kept pulling and extending on the ground.

Gao Peng frowned and raised his head, only to see a giant spider the size of a millstone entrenched next to the building lamp, its scarlet eyes flashing, and gray-white spider webs densely covered the top of the stairs.

Gao Peng sighed, "Grandma Chen's little spider sneaked out again. This seems to be the seventh time this month."

Gao Peng, who had long been accustomed to it, turned a blind eye and walked straight up the stairs...

Only the sound of spiders crawling on the ceiling was left behind. Gao Peng paused and seemed to think of something. He turned his head hesitantly and glanced at the giant gray-white spider scurrying back and forth on the top of the stairs.

"This... seems to be a gray-plate spotted spider, right? I remember the teacher said... this thing seems quite gentle?"

Blinking his eyes and hesitating for a moment, Gao Peng took off his schoolbag, took out a piece of white paper, casually crumpled it into a ball, and then took out a lighter from his pocket.

Pursing his lips, Gao Peng hesitated. After all, no matter how gentle the gray disk spider was, it was still the pet of Mrs. Chen's family upstairs... No! That's not the point!

No matter how gentle he is, he is still a monster! Before the Earth-Star Mutation, even ordinary-level monsters were apex predators capable of fighting ligers.

If this monster is angered, he will be a lamb to be slaughtered in this closed stairway, with no way to escape.

With a sigh, Gao Peng shook his head and turned around to continue going upstairs.

Suddenly, he lit the ball of paper with a lighter in his hand and threw it to the ceiling behind him at lightning speed. Then he let go and ran all the way.

"I remember Teacher Zhang said that this guy has a gentle personality."

"Squeak!" A sharp and violent hiss suddenly came from behind. Gao Peng ran up the stairs and glanced back from the corner of his eye the moment he turned around.

I saw the gray-pan spotted spider falling down the stairs with a thud, its eight claws scurrying around in a hurry, and it climbed up the other wall. In the opposite direction of the gray-pan spotted spider's crawling direction, a piece of paper was gradually extinguishing. The regiment fell there.

Gao Peng's eyes lit up and his heart pounded. This gray-plate spotted spider was really afraid of fire!

Damn it! The things that appear in my head are not hallucinations!

At this moment, Gao Peng felt like a man like the wind, running all the way up the stairs, and behind him came the extremely violent scream of the gray disk spider.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang lied to me, who said this thing is tame!"

At this time, Gao Peng's mind was spinning rapidly, but he didn't dare to pause in his steps. Such an enraged monster was no fun. If he was caught up accidentally, he would end up with a terrible outcome.

You must know that this is a monster from another dimension! In the early days of the Earth-Star Change, the lives of countless human compatriots were contaminated in the hands of these monsters. No matter how gentle they were, they could not change the fact that they were monsters.

The sounds behind him were getting closer and closer, and Gao Peng could even clearly hear the slight collision sound made by the gray disk spider as it jumped forward in the stairwell, like sections of steel pipes hitting the ground.

There is also the first floor to your own home!


The gray-plate spotted spider's eyes are blood red, its ferocious mouthparts open and close, and its strong and powerful spider claws are like springs, bending downwards and then springing up suddenly! Each jump can lead to four or five steps.

The distance is getting closer...


A domineering, deep and angry voice penetrated the thick wall and spread throughout the entire staircase. The voice was deep and majestic.

The spider's claws that had just been bent became stiff instantly, and it remained motionless in place. Its scarlet eyes kept flashing, and a series of low squeaking sounds came from its mouth.

But the monster that made the sound before made no sound again.

After hesitating for a moment, the gray-plate spotted spider's red eyes kept flashing, and it raised its claws hesitantly.

"Hiss!" As if being provoked, this voice was even angrier than before!

"Squeaks ~" The just -lifted stalks retracted instantly, and the gray plate spider jumped and escaped the stairs.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Peng wiped the sweat from his forehead. Why did this spider run away

Could it be that I was just going to play a little game of chasing each other with myself, and I went back very happy when I saw that I was home soon.

Gao Peng touched his chin, well... He himself didn't really believe such nonsense.

He took out the key from his pocket and opened the door. "Dad, Mom, I'm back." Gao Peng had a bright smile on his face.

Pushing open the door, the house was empty and quiet, as if this was Gao Peng's own world.

A taupe sofa is placed in the living room, and opposite the sofa is an older TV set.

The house is very clean, there are very few furniture in the whole house, but it can be seen that the owner of the house is very attentive and cleans frequently.

After sorting out his mood, Gao Peng took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door...

Gao Peng walked into the bedroom. The curtains in the bedroom were tightly closed. The blazing sunlight was blocked by the thick curtains, making the environment in the room seem a bit dim.

The bed in the bedroom was neatly made. Gao Peng had a smile on his face and said happily: "Mom and Dad, I finally got the first place in the class in this class exam. You must be very happy."

Gao Peng said to a black and white photo frame.

The photo is a group photo of a couple. The man is gentle and elegant, and the woman is dignified and virtuous. The couple is smiling happily. Through this thin layer of paper, it seems that people from two different worlds can directly look at each other.

The two people in the photo did not answer Gao Peng, and there was still an eternal faint smile on their faces.

Gao Peng forced a proud smile on his face, "My grades have always been very poor before, and you often criticized me for my grades. Now I finally rank first in the class and fourth in my age. You must be very happy, right? I don't have to study. You are worried." At this point, Gao Peng's eyes turned slightly red.

The thinly dressed young man stood quietly in the bedroom. In the quiet room was the young man's wandering thoughts. It was not until the sky outside the window turned dark that the young man woke up and smiled apologetically at the couple in the photo: "Mom and Dad. , the school will organize a tour for us tomorrow. I may not come back for a few days. You don’t have to worry about my safety. The school has also hired special bodyguards to protect our safety. I will also pay attention to my own safety!"

"I heard that the school hired bodyguards from the Blue Shield Protection Company this time."

"I heard that there are many battle masters in the Blue Shield Protection Company. It would be great if I could become a battle master."

"At least half of the students in our class hope to become Royal Envoys!"

In a dimly lit room, a thin young man was talking to himself in front of a picture frame. His hands were constantly gesticulating, his expression was high, and his eyes were shining with bright colors, which contained a longing for the future and a desire for strength.

But no one answered him. At this time, the young man wished that someone would give him a thumbs up and encourage him. Or even if the person in the photo could stand up and oppose his dream, it would be a great thing.

But no, the couple in the photo are cuddling together, smiling warmly.

The room became quiet except for the boy's own breathing.

The young man suddenly felt a little cold. He hugged his arms and looked lonely, but he was soon overcome by the sunny and confident smile on his face, and he turned back to the sunny and optimistic young man.

After leaving the bedroom, Gao Peng carefully closed the door for fear of disturbing the two people in the photo in the room.

No one saw it, but perhaps due to the refraction of the light, the smiles on the faces of the couple in the photo became thicker and sweet.

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