Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 10: Devil mantis


"Where did your black violent ape go?" Murong Qiuye frowned. Logically speaking, the personal safety of these beast masters was not her responsibility.

But looking at Hai Lanyu who was crying like a child, her heart softened.

"There." A Blue Shield company security officer wearing a blue security uniform pointed to the woods in the distance behind him.

Hai Lanyu hadn't wiped off the tears hanging on his face yet, so he just stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared next to him. "how do you know?"

"Because uncle was standing a hundred meters behind you just now." The security guard of Blue Shield Company said with a smile.

"Then why don't you find my Black Tyrant Ape!" Hai Lanyu asked loudly, his blood vessels even bulging out of anger.

The security guard placed his index finger lightly on his lips. "Shhh."

Hai Lanyu felt cold, lowered his head and saw a dark shadow covering him silently.

The screams of other students could be heard beside me.

He turned his head suddenly and almost hit something. He looked up and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

The ferocious mouthparts opened and closed, and the compound eyes without any emotion stared directly at him, like a cold killer looking down at his prey. He could even clearly see the squirming hairs in the mouthparts, and the cold light shining in the mouthparts. Sharp teeth.

The huge body is slightly curved, and a pair of sharp jointed limbs are like beheading swords, making it look like the loneliest sculpture in the world.

"My baby's temper is not very good, especially when someone yells at me." The security guard said with a smile to Hai Lanyu, but in Hai Lanyu's eyes, it was like a devilish smile.

"Sir, you scared the students in my class!" Murong Qiuye said suddenly angrily.

Like a lioness protecting her calf, she stepped forward and pulled Hai Lanyu behind her to block him firmly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intimidate this young gentleman. It's just that he yelled at me first, so my pet couldn't help but come out." The security guard called out his devil mantis, which was two meters long. The tall mantis turned its head and glanced at Murong Qiuye. Its head could rotate 180 degrees, its strong lower limbs slightly bent, and disappeared into an afterimage.

"Now it can be proven that I have no malicious intent." The security guard spread out his hands and took a deep look at Hai Lanyu who was standing behind Murong Qiuye. His tone was a little indifferent: "I just want to tell you that our mission is only to be responsible. Protect your individual safety. As for your beast control, it is not within the scope of security. Your age should be considered an adult. Since you are an adult, you must be responsible for what you do. Not everyone is your parent. I have to pamper you and pamper you."

After speaking, he sneered and turned to leave.

Hai Lanyu's face turned blue with anger, his knuckles were clenched tightly, and his body couldn't help but tremble. But he didn't dare to get angry.

Hai Lanyu gritted his teeth and his chest heaved violently.

When Murong Qiuye saw this, she secretly sighed in her heart. She wanted to say words of comfort but didn't know where to start. She knew that these half-grown children had the strongest self-esteem.

She was a teacher before the disaster. She has been a teacher for more than ten years, so just now she was accustomed to protect Hai Lanyu immediately. Although the law now lowers the standard of adulthood to 16 years old, in her eyes These are just a bunch of kids.

"Let's go find it." Murong Qiuye called his beast master and walked towards the direction where the black violent ape disappeared.

Many students in the class hesitated for a moment, but finally followed them one after another, and they all carried their beasts with them.

The beasts and students gathered together one after another. The scale was already quite large, and it looked like a large area.

Hai Lanyu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and he could be regarded as letting go of his worries. So many people would never be in danger in the past.

Gao Peng also followed. What really reassured him was not the small pets brought by the classmates around him. At least in his eyes, these were just a group of small pets.

Having stayed in the city all year round, I have never seen blood. It is like the difference between domestic pigs and wild boars. Although domestic pigs look bigger than wild boars, if they really want to fight, they will probably be chased away by wild boars.

What really reassured him was the afterimages of the devil mantis that were pulled out from the surrounding branches. The devil mantis stayed on the branch like a lifeless dead branch. It disappeared in a flash and appeared on the ground in front of it. It remained on other branches. Same pose.

I'm afraid that even Teacher Murong's mutated silver-winged bird can only become prey in front of these devil mantises.

The data of a devil mantis was randomly selected.

[Monster Name]: Devil Mantis

[Monster Level]: Level 15 (Elite)

[Monster Quality]: Elite

[Monster attribute]: Wood type

[Monster status]: Healthy (calm)

[Monster Weakness]: Fire Element

This is the most powerful monster Gao Peng has ever seen, with elite level and elite quality. Each Blue Shield security personnel is equipped with a devil mantis. The level difference between these mantises fluctuates by 2-3 levels. Their strength is Slight up and down.

There are so many devil mantises that they may encounter fatal danger unless they encounter leader monsters. But this is a suburb. Elite monsters may have a low chance of escaping from the border, but leader monsters are absolutely impossible, just like fishing nets. Small fish will only slip through the gaps, but big fish will never be missed.

Searching along the direction where the Black Tyrant Ape disappeared, we found that the mountain behind Mingjing Lake was not that big, but the vegetation was relatively lush.

It didn't take long to find the traces left by the Black Tyrant Ape. There was a pool of blood on the ground, and there were some thick yellow liquid around the blood that gave off a disgusting smell.

"It should be around here." Murong Qiuye said calmly, "Students, be careful, don't go too far, everyone stays together."

The security personnel of the Blue Shield Security Company also ordered Devil Mantis to protect the safety of these students.

One of the security personnel, who was dressed like a captain, looked in a certain direction with an interesting look, "It seems to be the style of that thing." With the guess in his heart, he relaxed and stopped worrying. If it was that thing, there would be no threat. It's quite big, and it's completely within the controllable range. It's just these fledgling students... I can't help but smile on my face. I might have nightmares at night.

The bloodstains seemed to be going in this direction.

Murong Qiuye lowered his head to examine the blood stains on the ground. The blood stains were scattered among the dead leaves and disappeared behind a moss-covered boulder in the distance.

"Lingque, go and check if there is any danger behind that boulder?" Murong Qiuye gave the order.

The silver-winged bird that had been hovering at low altitude over the woods swooped down with a crisp cry!

The silver wings were like sharp knives, cutting off the branches along the way, and finally stopped on the branches behind the boulder and looked down, with sharp eyes filled with cold light, staring at the boulder and letting out a sharp cry!

At the same time, a cry like a baby came from under the boulder...