Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 11: The scary centipede


The stench filled the air, dead leaves were lifted up, and the thick smell of corpses swept through the entire forest space in the blink of an eye.

"Ugh." Many students couldn't stand the irritating smell and knelt on the ground and kept retching.

A huge creature slowly crawled out from behind the boulder. It was at least four or five meters long in a rough sweep, and its thick jointed limbs made a crunching sound when stepping on the dead leaves.

The white-haired joints are irregularly twisted downwards, and the dark blue back shell is like a boulder covered with moss. The most disgusting thing is that there are heads on the back shell, and in the gaps in the back shell, there are Some yellow pus seeped out from time to time, and some of the pus was semi-solidified, with a lot of soil and dead leaves stained on it.

Some of the heads may have shriveled up from being left for a long time, like dried bacon.

Some heads were still stained with fresh blood, and their eyes were wide open.

Hai Lanyu almost cried, he recognized the identity of the head, it was his beast-controlling Black Tyrant Ape!

Some heartache and some sadness.

After all, this black violent ape cost a lot of money to buy, which was equivalent to the price of a car before the disaster. It died just two days after buying it, and his father would definitely scold him when he returned.

"Uh-huh!" The terrifying giant centipede cried like a baby.

Could this be the terrifying human-faced centipede? Gao Peng was horrified. The teacher also introduced this creature in class, but it was just a negative example, because the emergence of the terrifying human-faced centipede is very meaningful. Moreover, the appearance of the terrifying human-faced centipede is easy to identify, because it is rare among low-level monsters to be so disgusting.

It is said that the terrifying human-faced centipede is a malignant mutant. It was originally supposed to be a giant centipede. However, because the disaster caused a lot of casualties and panic when it first occurred, a large number of corpses accumulated in some areas and there was no time to clean up.

In the early stages of the disaster, these monsters were very active and more likely to mutate.

Therefore, some giant centipedes eat corpses for a long time and eventually mutate, and they also develop the bad habit of inserting the heads of prey on their back shells! Perhaps because it has been eating human corpses for a long time in the first place, the terrifying human-faced centipede has a special liking for the heads of primates.

According to researchers' investigation, the reason why the terrifying human-faced centipede places the head of its prey on its back is to frighten its natural enemies and scare away other competitors. Because apart from the potent corpse poison it mutates, the only thing worthy of praise is its huge body. In terms of size, the adult terrifying human-faced centipede is five to six meters long, which can be considered a medium-sized creature in the wild.

"Everyone, please be careful not to get too close to the terrifying human-faced centipede. Its venom can be ejected from its mouth with a range of more than ten meters. Its venom also has a certain degree of corrosive effect, and it is also very disgusting... . .." Murong Qiuye frowned, but she was not in a very good condition at the moment. This was the first time she had encountered such a beast.

"Besides spitting venom, the only way the terrifying human-faced centipede fights is to use its small size to suppress its prey, and then inject the venom into the prey through its fangs. Just don't get close. The movement of the terrifying human-faced centipede They are not very fast. They are usually used to staying in boulders or caves and waiting for their prey to come to them. However, for the sake of safety, it is best to take a few steps back." Gao Peng spoke calmly, then quietly took two steps back.

Teacher Zhang mentioned the weakness of the terrifying human-faced centipede in class, and the book also said so. But who knows if the terrifying human-faced centipede will mutate into any new abilities, and if there will be any omissions in those records, Gao Peng will not put his own life and safety on a few words, a few pictures, or a few pages.

The retreat of the crowd seemed to make the terrifying human-faced centipede relax a lot. After all, humans are an excellent prey in their diet...

Just like a shark that has eaten people will no longer be wary of people, a tiger that has eaten people will also insert humans into its diet.

The terrifying human-faced centipede looked at this group of dark people and took two steps back. His eyes couldn't help but light up. He took two tentative steps forward and then stopped again. A pair of tentacles on his forehead stood up alertly.

Then it saw this group of humans taking the same two steps back.

The terrifying human-faced centipede felt calm and had no worries now.

The limbs stepped wildly on the dead leaves beneath him, making a series of clicking sounds. As the body continued to squirm, the human head on its back and the head of the Black Tyrant Ape also squirmed. Its hollow eyes looked directly at the people in front of them, as if they were laughing at everyone in hell.

The terrifying human-faced centipede completely walked out from behind the boulder, striding majestically and twisting its body towards the crowd. From time to time, it made sounds like a baby crying, just like a landlord inspecting his land, invincible.

[Monster name]: Horrible human-faced centipede

[Monster Level]: Level 12 (Elite)

[Monster Quality]: Normal

[Monster attribute]: Corpse type/Poison type

[Monster Status]: Slightly Injured (Proud)

[Monster Weaknesses]: 1. Light system 2. Fire system

Light system, fire system... When he focused on the two words light system, the subtitles suddenly became dim, like ripples in water, and a row of fonts resurfaced.

[Restraint method]: 1. Light attack (can cause extra damage to the terrifying human-faced centipede) 2. Strong light irradiation (can cause a strong shock effect on its larvae, and long-term exposure to strong light will affect its mutation) 3. Light Datura grass crushed into powder can greatly expel the terrifying human-faced centipede and cause devastating injuries to it...

There are many more to come, but these things alone have shocked Gao Peng, because there are many things that are not mentioned in the books. Maybe the books only selectively select part of the knowledge to describe, but he is sure that there are many. The knowledge was definitely like nothing he had ever seen before.

On the branches, devil mantises appeared quietly at some point.

This is Blue Shield Security Company's standard beast, the Devil Mantis. Just looking at the data, every Devil Mantis can easily hunt down the terrifying human-faced centipede.

It was dark now, and only a few spots of light shone in the woods from the gaps in the branches. With the flickering light of the torch, the body of the devil mantis perfectly blended into the darkness.

"Bellbird!" Murong Qiuye suddenly called.

The silver-winged bird that had been standing quietly on the branch turned into silver lightning and swooped down from the branch. Before the terrifying human-faced centipede could react, it flew past its back shell, and a head hanging on its back shell was caught. Cut off and throw away.

A large stream of light yellow liquid spurted out from the fracture. The liquid became thicker and thicker, changing from light yellow to yellow and finally dark yellow. The thick liquid covered the wound and stopped it.

The terrifying human-faced centipede let out a shrill scream, and sprayed a large mouthful of thick black liquid into the air.

The fallen leaves corroded the dead leaves until they emitted white smoke.