Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 115: The college entrance examination is coming to an end


The company that sells cars has branches in major base cities, and the branch in Chang'an City happens to have existing cars. The next day, Gao Peng received a text message to pick up the car.

When he got home in the evening, Gao Peng wanted to pack up the furniture at home, but looking around at the familiar home and familiar environment he couldn't do it.

Since his parents left, he has not touched the position of any furniture in the house.

He hoped to create a familiar atmosphere for himself, as if his parents were still at home and by his side... Although he knew it was self-deception, he just couldn't help but want to deceive himself.

Arriving at my parents' bedroom, the air in the dusty room was filled with a faint smell of dust.

The curtains were closed, and the indoor environment was dark.

"Dad, Mom, I'm moving out... Don't you always say that children will move out when they grow up... I think I have grown up now." The boy is still the same The young man’s shoulders are no longer so thin.

"... That's a big villa. I bought it with my own money... I can live well in this world by myself. You don't have to worry about me. Grandpa seems to have met some people." Trouble... I will help my grandpa after I finish the college entrance examination... After all, he is the only relative I have..." His voice became lower and lower, and finally he was a little choked.

After a long silence, the door closed.

... ...

Gao Peng moved into the small villa the next night. The old house was not sold, and Gao Peng would not sell it.

What made him strange was that there was a large number of construction teams rushing to catch up on the project in the open space across the street. It was already past ten o'clock and they were still working late? !

There seems to be a strange person mixed in the construction team.

Wearing a traditional Chinese tunic suit, with his silver-gray hair combed straight and his back straight, he looked energetic, like a supervisor supervising the progress of these workers.

As if he noticed Gao Peng's gaze, the man turned his head and smiled.

Uncle Liu? !

Gao Peng was shocked.

"Hey, Xiaopeng, why are you here?" Uncle Liu looked surprised.

Gao Peng was silent, how many times have I told you, Uncle Liu, your acting skills are really not good!

I know you must have had a dream when you were young.

In the end, Gao Peng accepted the fact that Uncle Liu built a small villa next to him. After all, the big black cat's soft level that day made Gao Peng accept that Uncle Liu was actually a hidden master.

For a free-spirited player like him, it feels quite safe to be able to live next to Uncle Liu.

In the next few days, Gao Peng drove his big truck to and from get out of class.

The school is located near the suburbs, and there is a large parking lot nearby. Gao Peng's cars are basically parked there.

The twenty-meter-long large truck lay across the parking lot like a Big Mac. It took up several parking spaces, which really attracted everyone's attention.

Even Mu Tieying jokingly called Gao Peng an old driver. The driving skills must be extraordinary for such a big car.

The only thing that made Gao Peng uncomfortable was that until the day before the college entrance examination, Da Zi and Dui failed to advance to the level of leader beast master.

They have all reached level 20, which is the limit that the elite level can reach, and they have not yet been able to break through to the leader level.

Both Da Zi and Dui have met the criteria for promotion, but they still need an opportunity to break through.

Either it takes time, and maybe one day a breakthrough will come naturally, or it needs an opportunity to break out.

Ah-Ban has also reached level 18. Gao Peng found that Ah-Ban's appearance has skyrocketed since he was promoted to perfect quality.

The pitch-black carapace is like a cold battle armor, with undercuts at the joints and limbs. The curved undercuts emit a cold light, and are intertwined with uneven thorns. Even the eyes have a thin layer of carapace that can point downwards. Covering eyes.

It looks much better than the gray and plain look at the beginning.

"Gao Peng, the results of the cultural college entrance examination are out, what's your score?" Tan Qianjin came over during afternoon training and lightly poked Gao Peng's arm.

Gao Peng shook his head, "I haven't had time to check yet."

"...The results came out last night." Tan Qianjin was speechless.

"Oh, let's check it later." Gao Peng replied.

"Tell me your exam number and I will help you." Tan Qianjin was very enthusiastic.

He was always enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

Gao Peng told him the exam number, and Tan Qianjin helped him check it, and then he let out a shocked yell: "Fuck you!"

"What's wrong?" Gao Peng was surprised.

"674, you are simply inhuman!" Tan Qianjin was about to burst into tears. "With your scores, you can basically apply for most schools in the country."

"Oh, it's not bad." Gao Peng was a little disappointed. It was more than ten points lower than he expected. But he is not a god after all. In addition, he has been busy training beasts and neglected studying in the past few months, so it is normal for his grades to drop a little. Yes, after all, he had secretly done the test papers from previous years, and his score was more than ten points higher than this.

If you give up, you will get something. If you want to get something, you will lose something.

Looking at the pretentious Gao Peng, Tan Qianjin really wanted to throw the mineral water bottle in his hand at his head.

He wanted this result even on his knees.

But you dislike it.

... ...

In the tense atmosphere, the imperial college entrance examination finally came.

This time the exam took place on a large plain in the suburbs. Because of the special nature of the Royal Envoy exam, there is almost no possibility of cheating in the exam. After all, this is a head-on 1v1 challenge, unless you can convince the monster being challenged to let it act with you. ... ... But the possibility is almost zero.

The first round of exams will last for two full weeks. All the imperial students in Chang'an City will take the challenge on this great plain. At the same time, the exam site will be broadcast live on the television station.

This also made many candidates excited. I can finally be on TV? !

The director of the TV station smiled from ear to ear looking at the soaring ratings.

Regardless of the reason, in the past two weeks, the Royal Envoy Examination has become the focus of everyone around the world. It is a grand ceremony for the whole world and a stage for the new generation of blood around the world.

A cordon has been set up outside the plain, and yellow cordons isolate all unrelated people.

At the same time, there were a large number of soldiers armed with live ammunition on guard outside.

No one is allowed to interfere in the college entrance examination. This is the common consciousness of the two major forces, the Alliance Government and the Royal Envoy Alliance. Absolute fairness must be guaranteed!

Only an absolutely fair environment can create the credibility of the college entrance examination and make the college entrance examination a golden brand that everyone can trust. There is absolutely no room for error! !

In the sky, flying beasts hovered in the sky, alerting all directions like radars.

As early as the day before, all candidates reported the levels of monsters they needed to challenge.

Gao Peng chose one leader-level monster plus two elite-level monsters.

Just leave it to Ah-Dai, Ah-Ban, and Da Zi.