Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 121: The first round is over


Although monsters with intelligence are rare, it's not that they don't exist, they're just rarer.

Therefore, Gao Peng did not have any thoughts of recovering this dead leaf mantis.

After all, this is a monster meant for challenge. Gao Peng can't defeat this mantis and take it home. This is not the wild.

I have never heard that among the rules of the college entrance examination, you can take the defeated monster home with you.

Before the dead leaf mantis walked away arrogantly, he first looked at Ah Ban warily, and then realized that this monster seemed a little timid

Cowardly? !

The dead leaf mantis's eyes lit up, it likes to bully cowardly people.

Aban protected his head with his thick limbs and carefully looked at the mantis.

This cowardly display makes the dead leaf mantis even more aggressive.

When the limbs are spread out, there is a membrane-like layer of yellow dead leaves on the inside of the blade arm that is sticky and stained together. As the limbs are spread out, something similar to the membrane wings of a bat is formed.

This makes the dead leaf mantis visually larger.

When facing an enemy in the wild, the dead leaf mantis will open its arms to make itself appear larger, in order to intimidate prey or natural enemies.

Aban was stunned. What was this guy doing

Ah Ban, who grew up in the city, had never seen this new method of intimidation. He just thought it was a bit ugly and couldn't help but take two steps back in disgust.

In the eyes of the dead leaf mantis, Ah Ban is afraid, which further fuels his arrogance! It seems that the weakling opposite has been frightened by me.

It will continue to intimidate!

The dead leaf mantis danced, swaying from side to side, staring at Ah Ban nervously, and then kept getting closer.

Aban pondered, could it be in

Then Aban suddenly released his limbs in front of his head,

The withered leaf mantis shuddered, stopped vigilantly, and continued to watch.

Then it discovered that the spider had not made any next move, so it couldn't help but relax a little, and continued to dance strangely towards Ah Ban, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Ah Ban's front claws stood up, and then his body bent slightly, his jointed limbs swaying left and right, and his body swayed back and forth. Like some weird dance.

What the hell? !

The dead leaf mantis was stunned.

It would never guess that this funny spider was imitating its previous actions. It just thought that this spider was preparing for some kind of attack.

Just now, Ah Ban looked at the dancing mantis with dead leaves and thought of the dancing scene in Square Baby. He thought the mantis was playing with it, so he imitated it.

Gao Peng pondered, did he do something wrong

"Ah-Ban, it is intimidating you. It wants to attack you. You should fight back against it now." Gao Peng called Ah-Ban from the bottom of his heart.

Then he clearly saw the cowardly spider stiffen, and its dancing movements stopped.

This mantis isn't playing with me? Aban's mood became very complicated at this moment.

It's now! The dead leaf mantis burst out at Ah Ban's stiffness.

It turned into a greenish-yellow afterimage and headed towards Aban, its sharp jointed limbs pulling out two arcs.

One at a time and one at a time, they slashed at Ah Ban's head, making a crisp sound.

The Mantis Bully flew away solemnly, tilting his head to look at his two blade arms, which trembled slightly.

Two small white dots appeared on Ah Ban's dark skull.

He straightened his crooked neck and looked at Aban solemnly.

The head of this spider is a bit hard.

But it’s not a big problem! The Mantis Bully thinks this is just a small problem. Since it was born and dominated the Cat Claw Valley, it has never met any opponent except the dozen or so wolves that captured it two days ago.

The Mantis Bully spread its wings on its back and glided to Kong to fly behind Abara's butt. To deal with such a large monster, he had to attack from behind! This is the experience of the mantis bully.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it took off, its face was sprayed with milky white spider liquid, the wings behind it were stuck, and it fell from the sky. The spider liquid was extremely sticky, making the Mantis Bully's wings stick to its body and unable to open them at all. It was very unaccustomed to losing control of its wings all of a sudden. It squirmed when walking, and then fell down again with a thud. On the ground.

The dead leaf mantis that fell on the ground was stunned. It stared at Ah Ban blankly, and then straightened its neck, as if it was unbelievable.

How could it be.

Ah Ban was also stunned, as if he didn't expect that the mantis monster that was so powerful just now could be so weak. He couldn't help but crawl forward and look down at the dead leaf mantis from a high position.

Well, it seems that the strength gap between this mantis and Aban is a bit big.

Gao Peng was a little speechless, but it made sense.

Although there is attribute restraint between monsters, first of all, neither Ah Ban nor Dead Leaf Mantis has been promoted to the leader level, so they cannot use elemental abilities, so their attribute restraint is not strong.

The second is Ah Ban's quality. This mantis is two qualities higher, and its level is one level higher than it. The gap between the two is actually not small.

The mantis bully raised his head in despair. Ah Banhao crawled forward and kept playing with the mantis with his jointed limbs, as if he was playing with a toy.

While rolling on the ground, the withered leaf mantis continued to become familiar with its own body and the unfamiliar sense of balance after its wings were temporarily disabled.

Then at that moment, it exploded, and the blue-gray sickle slashed towards Ah Ban's eyes!

Ah Ban turned his head and avoided the vital point.

The sickle finally hit A-Ban's forehead, but this blow also made A-Ban feel very painful. In anger, A-Ban raised his limbs and stepped on it hard, poof.

The mantis was impaled on the spot, and then the second limb and the third

Finally, the seriously injured dead leaf mantis was carried down.

Ah Ban gently licked the blood stained on his feet, and the red light in his eyes gradually became brighter

"Okay, your exam is over." The staff came over and said to Gao Peng, returning the admission ticket to Gao Peng.

Gao Peng took the admission ticket and said thank you.

"Don't linger in the examination room. Go out first after the game is over." the staff said.

Gao Peng nodded to express his understanding.

After the first round of the exam, Gao Peng turned around and left the arena with a few beasts. After stepping out of the arena, Gao Peng breathed a sigh of relief. He should be able to pass the first round, right? After all, there are only 8 people in Area A for reference.

After walking away, Gao Peng took out the jellyfish Ah Chou that had been kept in his pocket.

Ah Chou had been holding it in for so long, and his stomach was full of anger. Gao Peng calmly spit out three words, "Drink juice."

Ah Si suddenly turned from anger to joy and no longer cared about the trivial matter that the owner had just done to him.

The reason why Gao Peng didn't release Ah Chou was because this little guy was very dishonest and would accidentally cover his head.

He noticed the drone flying overhead. He didn't know why, but that drone always liked to linger in Area A.

It would be embarrassing if I showed up to the TV wearing a stupid look.