Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 122: A gift from grandpa



After leaving the college entrance examination venue, there was a long queue outside the exit, all candidates waiting for the next round of exams.

These candidates were extremely anxious and looked at the sounds of fighting in the examination room from time to time.

Sitting on A-Ban's back, Gao Peng felt that his butt was very tight. A-Ban's head was hard and covered with sharp thorns, and it shook up and down from time to time. It felt so sour...

"Ah Si." Gao Peng turned around and said to Ah Si floating on his shoulder, "I'll get something."

He took out a gray cushion from Ah Si's pocket and placed it under his buttocks.

He felt much more comfortable now. He moved his body and Gao Peng felt very good.

Returning to the small villa in the suburbs, the villa built by Uncle Liu's family opposite has been built for a long time. In the past, Neon Country had a technology called one-family building. Building a house was like "building blocks". Later, this technology was circulated around the world. , and then improved by countries around the world based on their own national characteristics. Therefore, as long as the materials are ready, the construction of a villa can be completed in just a few hours at the earliest.

In front of Uncle Liu's small villa is a lawn, on which lies a lazy big black cat.

It was the cat named Ruanruan, Gao Peng remembered.

Unfortunately, this cat is not soft and has some prickles.

Finding Gao Peng back, the cat yawned lazily, then turned over on the grass, turning over to bask in the sun.

Walking into the yard, the grass in the front yard was originally planted with paradise grass, and the green paradise grass was neatly planted - this was the scene when Gao Peng went out in the morning.

Now there are many potholes, the lawn has been forcibly turned up, and yellow-brown soil is scattered in the yard, making it a mess.

Then the door of his villa was smashed, the broken wooden door was uneven, and a few white sawdust flew out.

Revealing the empty interior of the villa.

Gao Peng had an ominous premonition.

He quickly rushed into the house and saw that almost all the furniture he had just bought was in tatters and fell to the ground. The sofa in the center of the hall was gathered together and had several holes in it. Gao Peng almost fainted.

What a pity!

Gao Peng, who has always been diligent and thrifty, felt so heartbroken when he saw this scene.

Gao Peng felt his heart twitching.

Complex expression...

Did a hundred huskies just pass by your house

There was movement from the sofa in the center of the room, the sound of claws scratching on the sofa.

The look in Gao Peng's eyes became dangerous.

This guy who demolished his own villa still dares to stay at the crime scene? Are you drifting away, or am I, Gao Peng, unable to lift it

With a gentle wave of his hand, Da Zi and Aban understood and surrounded him from left to right.

Dumb glanced around twice, then silently took a step forward to protect his master behind him.

The wood spirit jellyfish Ah Chou made two puffs of puffs and covered Gao Peng's head.

"This can't give me strength! How many times have I said this!" Gao Peng pulled Ah Clan off his head. Ah Clan made a dissatisfied sound and twisted his green body.

Da Zi had already rushed to the left, and then suddenly rushed upwards. Ah Ban rushed up from the right, "Hey!"

There was a scream, and the next moment Ah Ban retreated like lightning, moaning in pain, and kept covering his injured joints. All three or four legs around him stretched out to cover the injured area firmly.

Da Zi had already pounced on him, and then there was a violent noise from behind the sofa, and then Gao Peng saw several white feathers rising into the sky.

Finally, the movement slowed down, and Da Zi's voice came from his mind, "Can I eat it?"

What kind of monster is this? Gao Peng stepped forward and looked down from above.

In the middle of the sofa, Da Zi firmly pressed a snow-white monster, with a pair of wings exposed from under the body, and a few feathers scattered on the ground around it.

bird? !

Gao Peng thought it was a dog, thought it was a monkey, and even guessed it was a tiger, lion or other beast, but he never thought that all these things in the villa were destroyed by a bird.


Sharp cries kept coming from under Da Zi.

"Ahem, Xiaopeng." A face suddenly appeared outside the window, startling Gao Peng.

After taking a closer look, I realized it was Uncle Liu.

"This is a little pet sent by your grandpa. If you like it, accept it. It took a lot of effort for your grandpa to get this little monster." Uncle Liu smiled, and then nodded to Gao Peng. Then he turned around and left.

Uh... This is the beast my grandpa gave me

Gao Peng looked down at the white bird under Da Zi. Its wings kept waving and it made a shrill cry, "唳, 唳, 唳!"

"Ah-Dai, lift it up." Gao Peng ordered Ah-Dai.

Dui stepped forward at the command, bent down and grabbed the white bird's wings with his left hand, and then lifted it up directly.

This is actually a white crane.

Only then did Gao Peng see clearly the true appearance of this monster.

It is a white crane as white as snow, with a tuft of red hair on its chest. It looks like a red-crowned crane, with a blood-red pattern on its head. The most peculiar thing is that this red-crowned crane only has one leg.

The red-crowned crane with one leg is quite unique.

At this moment, the red-crowned crane was pinched by Dumb's neck, and no sound came out of its throat. Its wings kept flapping, the whites of its eyes raised, as if it was dying, and then its head dropped and its tongue spit out weakly.

Gao Peng frowned slightly, "Ah-Dai, squeeze it gently first, don't crush it to death."

Dui relaxed his right hand a little.

Then the red-crowned crane suddenly came to life, opened its beak, waved its wings, and laughed triumphantly at Gao Peng, "Hoo, ho, ho, ho, hoo~"

Gao Peng, "..."

"Let's eat roasted crane tonight." Gao Peng turned to Da Zi and said.

Da Zi's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

"Hey! Hey!" The crane seemed to understand. It kicked Dumb frantically with its only one leg, struggling desperately.

Hehe, are you going to continue pretending to me like this

Gao Peng sneered in his heart. Of course, this sentence was just a joke. A lord-level cub was roasted and eaten. Gao Peng did not have such luxury.

To be honest, when Dumb lifted the one-legged crane just now, Gao Peng glanced at the attributes of the crane and was shocked.

He was not shocked by the attributes of this monster, but rather shocked that his grandfather could give such a monster cub to him casually.

Gao Peng couldn't help but think deeply...

[Monster Name]: Red Flame Single Flamingo (Infancy)

[Monster Level]: Level 6

[Monster Quality]: Epic quality (current quality, it will be downgraded to perfect quality after being promoted to the leader level, and it will be downgraded to elite quality after being promoted to the lord level)

[Monster Attribute]: Fire

[Monster Characteristics]: (not awakened)

[Quality Requirements for Promotion to Legend]: Five hundred kilograms of Heavenly Flame Liquid Crystals, more than three Xuanyuan Fruits, Fire Marrow Star Pulp...

Gao Peng just glanced at that request and ignored it. What are these things? I have never heard of any of them! God knows where to get it.

