Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 125: Physique that attracts thieves


... Do you have the constitution to attract thieves

Gao Peng thought about this problem seriously.

Sitting on the sofa, he looked at the three stupid thieves kneeling on the ground in front of him.

One of them lowered his head in guilt, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Have we met before?" Gao Peng suddenly asked.

"No way, boss, you are overthinking." The man smiled awkwardly.

"… boss?"

Realizing that he had made a mistake, the man shut up and remained silent.

Gao Peng originally didn't think of this person for a while. This familiar boss voice instantly reminded him of this person's identity.

Isn't this the furniture company employee wearing a hat

"I said you..." Gao Peng frowned, "Why did you come to steal my house? Do I look like that kind of rich man who is stupid and rich?"

"Well." Xiao Yan opened his wings and laughed, and didn't know what he was laughing.

"Pa." Da Ziren stood up and slapped Xiao Yan on the back of the head.

Just laugh your ass off, master, can you laugh too

"I, I..." The man's lips moved, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. He almost wanted to cry without tears.

What other reason could there be for stealing things? Your family looks rich, there are few people, and the terrain is remote, so I will definitely steal from you!

What else can I say

But he didn't dare to say that because he was afraid of death.

That skeleton managed to scare him away. It's scary to see a skeleton appear behind you in the middle of the night.

There are skeletons in the family, and this boss is not a good person at first glance (╥_╥).

Gao Peng rubbed his eyebrows in embarrassment. These three people had a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, and they simply gave up after finding out that they couldn't escape.

Although if you kill them and bury them in the soil in this suburb, no one else may find them.

But Gao Peng has his own rules. He is not a holy mother. If others blame him, he will forgive others with a smile. It is his temper to retaliate directly.

But he has a strong balance in his heart, and justice is at home in his heart!

"I won't kill you either... Seeing as you don't have murderous intentions, you should be glad that you just want to steal things." Gao Peng yawned. He was woken up in the middle of the night and was still a little sleepy.

The other two people glanced at the boss gratefully after hearing this. The boss really had a clever plan! I actually saved my life because of this.

Da Zi called the police.

The person on the phone asked, "Hello, this is the Guangcai Road Police Station in Honghe District."

Da Zi, "hiss, hiss"


When Da Zi saw no response from the other party, he couldn't help but become anxious, "Hi! His?"

On the other side of the phone, the policeman who answered the phone looked confused.

Gao Peng grabbed the phone and said, "Idiot, I asked you to call the police just to dial those three keys. Can others understand what you are saying?"

Gao Peng grabbed the phone and explained the situation here in a concise and concise manner. The reply was that he would be on duty immediately.

About ten minutes later, a police car arrived and handcuffed the three people. They did not ask Gao Peng to go back to the police station and made a simple note on the scene.

According to the conversation, Gao Peng learned that these three people were habitual criminals, but they had not been caught because they were more careful.

"It's best to be careful when you're alone at home at night. Chang'an City is not very peaceful at night." The leading police officer reminded Gao Peng responsibly.

Gao Peng nodded to express his understanding and poured a glass of water for the policemen who had come from afar.

"I won't drink any more water." The policeman's cell phone rang, he responded hastily, smiled at Gao Peng, then turned and left.

"Well, where's Ah Clan?" Gao Peng suddenly realized that Ah Clan had been nowhere to be seen since returning home.

It seems that I didn't see it during dinner at night.

"Da Zi, look for Ah Chou." Gao Peng patted Da Zi on the head.

Da Zi nodded, slowly climbed upstairs, and soon climbed down with a jellyfish in his mouth.

Gao Peng found that Ah Chou, who had always been naughty, suddenly became very quiet.

"Come here." Gao Peng waved.

Ah Chou hesitated for a long time, then flew to the right and circled around a long way before landing on Gao Peng's head.

Gao Peng glanced at Xiao Yan and seemed to understand why Ah Chou was so cowardly...

It was the first time he saw Ah Chou being so cowardly. He almost thought he was possessed by Ah Ban.

"Huh?" Xiao Yan was dissatisfied with Ah Si's behavior of avoiding it.

Ah Chou's tentacles contracted inward and grabbed Gao Peng's face.

Gao Peng looked at Xiao Yan standing on the ground with one leg, and suddenly felt that this one-legged red-crowned crane setting seemed a bit familiar.

Remember carefully.

Gao Peng suddenly thought of something and looked at Xiao Yan with a strange expression. Could it be that this little guy will go in that direction if he continues to evolve

Divine bird, Bi Fang.

An auspicious beast in ancient China, it is also known as the pet of the God of Fire. It is said that there will be signs of fire wherever Bifang is.

In mythology, Bifang has one leg and the shape of a crane, but its feathers are blue instead of white.

But this is just a myth...

Gao Peng suddenly felt a little strange. Gao Peng had always thought that this was a wrong judgment made by the ancients who happened to see the sleeping red-crowned crane.

Because the red-crowned crane folds one of its legs when sleeping, it gives the illusion that it has only one foot.

Then at this time, an ancient man happened to see the red-crowned crane sleeping in the "Golden Rooster Independent" posture, and immediately shouted: "Yaoshou, one-legged monster ~ This is a mythical beast! A mythical beast!"

Now that you are telling me that it is probably true, Gao Peng still suffered a great shock in his heart.

But all the beasts appeared, and Gao Peng felt that his ability to accept them was quite strong.

He touched Ah Chou's head and comforted the stupid little guy.

"Go to bed." Gao Peng checked the time. It was already three o'clock in the morning. He heard that staying up late often is bad for the kidneys.

The next day.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Gao Peng was awakened by the sun. He opened his eyes in a daze and got up to cook.

Da Zi held the small steel basin in her mouth and ran outside the kitchen to look at her master's busy back. From time to time, she tapped the steel basin with her little paws to make a clanging sound, with a look of anticipation on her face.

After the soup was cooked, Gao Peng poured some of the food in the pot into the big purple basin, and then Da Zi lay on the small steel basin and ate.

Then Aban dragged a small steel basin forward with his spider claws, just like children queuing up for meals in a primary school cafeteria.

Ah-Dai held five Yinxue pine needles tied together in his mouth, puffing away the clouds.

Xiao Yan looked at the beasts lining up to receive food and sneered, "Hey~" He had an inexplicable sense of superiority in his IQ. Look at these stupid reptiles, they are so happy to eat some food.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, do you want to eat something? The fish soup I cooked today is delicious." Gao Peng poked his head out of the kitchen and shouted.

"Hoo ho ho ho." Xiao Yan sneered, don't look away, I won't eat it.

The aroma from the kitchen wafted into the living room. Xiao Yan's nose twitched and she swallowed.

Rolling his eyes, Xiao Yan cleared his throat, "唳唳唳"

The man in the kitchen didn't respond.

Why is this person like this!

Gao Peng happily poured the remaining fish soup in the pot into a bowl. There was still one fish head left today. This was definitely the most sumptuous lunch Gao Peng had ever eaten...