Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 127: Chang'an champion


Although Gao Peng was mainly reading the webpage, he would sometimes pay attention to what was going on at Ah Si's side. His purpose was to exercise Ah Si's courage, not to scare the little guy to death.

At first, Ah Chou was very panicked and kept spinning around in circles, one circle, two circles... then he felt dizzy and passed out.

Rest for a while, then get up and continue spinning.

Gao Peng saw that the little guy was still energetic enough to run around in circles, and he seemed to be quite energetic, so he didn't continue to care about it.

After a while, when Gao Peng looked over again, why was the little guy missing

After getting closer, I found a familiar cyan figure lying on the lawn under the tree roots. The color blended perfectly with the green algae. From time to time, it made a slight purring sound, raised its tentacles, and fell into a resting state.

Gao Peng also admired this little guy's big heart for being able to fall asleep in such an environment.

In the past few days, I occasionally find time to go to the breeder studio to work. Since Gao Peng took the college entrance examination, the work at the breeder studio has slowed down. Two new junior breeders have also been recruited in Chang'an City because of the low price. The reasons have also attracted many customers.

Now, unless Gao Peng takes orders from some big customers, he generally doesn't take orders.

In the past, Gao Peng had to take this job in order to earn living expenses for his few little beasts. Gao Peng would feel guilty every time he used his golden fingers to make money.

Now there is no need to worry about living expenses. Uncle Liu came over two days ago and handed him an unnamed credit card. He said it was a credit card given to him by his grandpa and asked him to make up for his family expenses. He did not say how much money was in it, but just said that he would pay for it. Even though he used...

Gao Peng secretly glanced at the numbers on the card and felt reassured. From today on, the profession of animal breeder can become his hobby.

Eight days after the end of the Gaopeng exam, the first round of the college entrance examination for the first batch of Alliance Envoy students officially ended, and the results were all reviewed on the evening of the seventh day.

In the early morning of the eighth day after the exam, many people got up early to check their scores.

Uncle Liu got up very early, took out a pair of reading glasses from somewhere, put on his pajamas, turned on the heating lamp in the study room, and used a clumsy operation to open the computer and log in to the website to check his scores.

Although he knew the score through special channels yesterday, he still wanted to check it in person before he was sure.

Yuzhou, the 99th floor of Tiangong Building of Nantian Group.

"Chairman." A male secretary in professional attire walked into the office and placed several contracts on Ji Hanwu's desk.

Since Ji Hanwu came back last time, he has had a different secretary, and the original Secretary Liu has disappeared.

"Well, let it go." Ji Hanwu nodded. Said lightly.

The new secretary nodded respectfully and did not dare to look away. The previous secretary was replaced because he was disobedient.

After the secretary left, Ji Hanwu's face showed a hint of solemnity, and he opened the web page carefully, as if he was doing something sacred.

He typed the website domain name word by word to log in to the webpage, and then took out his mobile phone. On it was the admission ticket number sent by Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu was afraid that he had sent it by mistake, so he sent it three times...

It seemed a little funny that two old men with a combined history of more than a century were logging into the web page to check their scores using poor techniques.

Today, the senior management of Nantian Group found that the chairman seemed to be in a good mood and directly approved many experimental projects.

Uncle Liu came to visit the house leisurely with his hands behind his back, just like a wealthy landlord inspecting his 800 acres of fertile land.

Unknowingly, I wandered outside Gao Peng's small villa, and then unknowingly walked into the garden of the small villa - and saw Gao Peng sleeping on the sofa.

"Ahem." Uncle Liu coughed twice through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Gao Peng turned over on the sofa and continued to sleep.

Ah Ban, who was sleeping next to the sofa, was awakened. He opened his eyes in a daze, raised his black legs and rubbed his eyes.


Seemingly recognizing Uncle Liu, the vigilance in Ah Ban's eyes dissipated a little.

Why is this boy so lazy! Don’t worry even after the results are out.

Uncle Liu signaled the two beasts around Gao Peng to hurry up and urge Gao Peng to get up.

Da Zi lay on the ground, looking at Uncle Liu, and fell asleep while watching...

Uncle Liu was very angry. All the pets raised by this boy had the same temperament as him. They were lazy and cowardly, which was called lazy and cowardly for short!

Originally, Uncle Liu checked his scores early in the morning and was planning to come to announce the good news, but he didn't expect that this guy was still sleeping in.

"Dong dong dong." Uncle Liu knocked on the glass window politely.

Gao Peng was woken up and opened his eyes in a daze. When he saw a person standing outside the window, he was startled at first. Then he took a closer look and finally recognized Uncle Liu.

"Uncle, what happened?" Gao Peng rubbed his groggy eyes.

"Get up and check your results." Uncle Liu said happily, just shy of writing the word "happy" on his face.

"..." Gao Peng was silent for a while, then raised his head and glanced at the wall clock hanging in the living room. "Uncle, it's only half past four."

"You can check your results at four o'clock!" Uncle Liu said seriously.

"..." He had already been woken up. What else could he do? Gao Peng had no choice but to get up and open his notebook. At the same time, he opened the door to let Uncle Liu come in so that the room would be warmer.

Uncle Liu waved his hand and declined, "No, I didn't come here specifically to remind you. I just happened to pass by your house during my morning jog. I saw you were still sleeping so I called you by the way." After speaking, Uncle Liu left slowly with his hands behind his back. .

Gao Peng glanced at the blue-black sky outside, with the crescent moon hanging high in the sky, and then looked at Uncle Liu's slowly swaying back.

Then I still thank you for being old

Turning on the computer and logging into the website, Gao Peng found a prompt on the account, "This account has been logged in from a different place."

Gao Peng frowned and opened the prompt. The account login address was: Tiangong Building, Beiyu District, Yuzhou Base City.

Gao Peng, "..."

At the same time, an old man in Tiangong Tower sneezed.

Click on the ranking, and there are rows of search options above, including the names of major bases, as well as a regional filtering option, all in a fool-like operation.

Click on Chang'an City, and there is a student ID search at the top.

Gao Peng entered his student number, the screen flashed, the computer froze slightly for a few seconds, and then a form appeared.

Name: Gao Peng

Age: 18 years old

Score: 710 points

Ranking: No. 1 in Chang'an City

Almost all the other imperial beasts are trying their best to cultivate a leader-level beast. After all, the score of one leader-level beast can equal the scores of 5 elite-level beasts.

Of course, there are also guardian students who train multiple beasts at the same time, but most of them train a combination. For example, if the main beast is a leader-level fire-type beast, then the second and third ones will have to choose the wind type, wood type, or amplification type. , so the cultivation speed is limited.

At the same time, in a villa area in Chang'an City, an angry voice came from a villa: "Why am I second? I also saw it that day. He and I are both three beasts. One leader There are two elites in the class, so why aren't they tied for first place? I'm one place lower than him!"

"Master, he has an elite-level beast that is of the earth type. The monster he challenged is of the wood type. It has exactly 10 points of reward weighting." A female voice came from the side.

There was a pause in the villa, and the next moment there was a frantic sound.