Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 131: Vine stone monster


. The other beasts were fine, but the one that caught Gao Peng's attention the most was a beast in the distance that was entirely made of granite.

The first moment Gao Peng saw this beast, he thought of the mountain giant.

This beast is very much like a miniature version of the mountain giant, but compared to the mountain giant in the legend, this is a smaller version.

Strips of withered yellow vines interspersed around the body, and a small goose-yellow wreath was worn on the top of the head.

: Vine Stone Monster

:Level 23

: Normal quality

:Stone system


: 1. Film department 2. Fear of being photographed

"Try not to take pictures." The owner of the vine stone monster said to several envoys around him who took out their mobile phones.

"It doesn't like to be photographed." The owner of the vine stone monster said helplessly.

Others around him nodded in understanding and then took back their phones.

Reasonable people still make up the majority.

"Is this your beast? It looks very handsome. I have never seen such a beast before." Gao Peng walked over and praised.

"Thank you." The owner of the vine stone monster nodded quickly.

This is a shota with mushroom hair and big eye sockets. Of course, he just has a simple shota face. Those who can sign a blood contract and participate in the second round must be candidates who are at least eighteen years old.

"This beast of yours seems to be very shy." Gao Peng said with a smile. After constant contact, he found that many beasts and even monsters actually have rich emotions. They also have their own joys, anger, sorrows and joys. They are not just a simple Symbols can describe it.

"Well, I'm rather shy." The owner of the vine stone monster nodded. After speaking, he seemed to feel that it was not polite to not introduce himself. He quickly extended his left hand and said, "Hello, my name is Jiang Ke, from Modu."

"Gao Peng, from Chang'an."

"I have been to your Chang'an. Chang'an is the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties with a long history and culture. You have the most famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses there." Jiang Ke smiled shyly, his character was somewhat similar to his beast master. "I heard that you have a lot of terracotta warriors and horses there."

Sure enough, it's not that one family doesn't belong to the same family. Sure enough, the character of the imperial envoy is more or less related to the beast control.

Gao Peng suddenly thought of the personalities of his beast masters, and then quickly stopped the thought.

"Terracotta warriors and horses, yes, there are indeed a lot of them." Gao Peng nodded, "Next time you come to our Chang'an, I will sell you a few kilograms of terracotta warriors and horses." Gao Peng said carelessly.

"Can this still be sold?!" Jiang Ke was shocked. It was the first time he had heard that terracotta warriors and horses could be sold.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Ke asked cautiously: "Isn't this illegal? I won't do anything illegal."

"Of course the terracotta warriors and horses belonging to the country cannot be sold." Gao Peng said seriously, "But I can sell my own things at will. Do you think it is illegal to sell my own things? For example, let's sell your family's ancestral treasures. Is it illegal to give it to others?"

"It doesn't seem like it's a crime." Little classmate Jiang Ke was already dizzy after being fooled.

"That's fine. In our Chang'an, basically every household keeps two terracotta warriors and horses as doorkeepers. These things can ward off evil spirits!" Gao Peng nodded.

"" Xiao Zhengtai Jiang Ke glanced at Gao Peng suspiciously, wondering if it was true. "Does your family really have one?"

Gao Peng laughed loudly and touched Xiao Zhengtai's head, "Hahaha, I'm kidding you, how could there be such a thing in my family? I said you are not tall, and you don't have a high IQ. You are so easy to deceive. Damn, you won’t be able to find a girlfriend with your IQ in the future.”

Jiang Ke's face turned red with anger, he glared at Gao Peng fiercely, and left angrily, ignoring this unreliable guy.

Then Gao Peng saw several other people around him looking at him with strange eyes. Gao Peng touched his face. No acne

"All the candidates have arrived. Let's get acquainted with each other tonight. We will have dinner together in the evening, and then we will distribute voluntary documents to you. If you want to participate in the second round of exams, you must sign a life-or-death voluntary letter!" The door was pushed open, and a man in clothes walked in. He has a bald head in a black trench coat, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a strong back and a strong back, and speaks decisively.

"The location of this test is in the wild. Unlike a safe city, the wild has endless possibilities. Even if you have a distress signal, the mortality rate after this game will definitely not be less than 10%." The bald man Senran smiled and said, "Don't think I'm joking, this is still considering whether your beast masters are at least leader level, whether to sign the contract or not."

"This is not a joke, and I'm not joking with you."

Dinner tasted pretty good.

After dinner, everyone was taken to a hall, and then people in military uniforms distributed contracts with black letters on a white background to everyone, without saying a word during the entire process.

Everyone was prepared to come here, and the contract was signed in advance. Many people were prepared. Gao Peng scanned it briefly. The terms above were simple and clear. You were responsible for your life and death, but after your death, you would not pay anything. Fei’s pension was given to his family, and as a martyr.

After signing the contract, hand it in.

"Since everyone has signed, I will tell you the exam rules." After a pause, the bald man continued: "There are a total of one hundred and ninety-seven candidates, and you are all elites from all over the country! In the end, there are actually A total of one hundred and fifty people have signed the contract. I am very pleased. This ratio is beyond my imagination. It seems that there are not many cowards among you, haha."

"The second round of assessment adopts a points system. We will set up a large number of points pillars in the Dayang Mountain Forest. The points pillars are made of special materials and have a strong attraction effect on monsters. Each time a point pillar is destroyed, a large number of points will be obtained. At the same time, You can also get a certain amount of points by killing a monster. In the end, we selected the top twelve points to participate in the third round. The third round has even been separated from the scope of the Imperial College Entrance Examination. There will be a separate name alliance in the third round. The strongest young envoy students meeting,

Those who perform well in this competition can get a title, and even your beast masters can also get a title. The final round of the competition will be broadcast live around the world, and the scenes of your beast master battles will also be displayed in front of everyone in the world! "

Good second grade

Gao Peng couldn't help but complain.

Who came up with such a middle school name!

However, other people's focus was completely different from Gao Peng's, "Ban the account!"

Some candidates opened their eyes wide with deep desire.

At this age of middle school, at this age full of youthfulness, it is such a sacred thing to be able to obtain a title recognized by the world.

Gao Peng wouldn't admit that he was a little tempted too

Those students who did not sign the contract were sent back. After all, this kind of thing was life-threatening, and the alliance government could not force everyone to participate.

night. Gao Peng received a combat uniform, a full-body one-piece combat uniform, including a gas helmet.

At the same time, there is a quick-acting cardiotonic potion in the combat suit. In an emergency, the quick-acting cardiotonic potion can be activated and can be renewed for one hour! …