Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 132: The competition begins


. What kind of king would I be? Gao Peng thought about this problem seriously.

But this question is more difficult. After all, there are too many titles that suit him. Gao Peng feels that he has a rich variety of beast masters, and all the titles suit him quite well.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Peng felt so happy about it.

After concluding the meeting, Gao Peng returned to the room provided to them by the alliance.

This area is a small villa. Each candidate has a separate courtyard. In the courtyard is the candidate's own beast.

Back in the yard, Gao Peng found Ah Ban digging a hole on the ground. The sharp spider claws scratched the tiles on the ground, and then exposed the cement underneath. Ah Ban was a little confused, shouldn't there be soil under the ground? When it was digging holes in the garden two days ago, what it dug out was dirt. How come it ended up here like this gray-white hard stuff.

After all, it was a concrete floor. Ah Ban dug his claws until his claws hurt. Finally, he smashed the ground twice in anger and screamed in anger.

"What's wrong?" Gao Peng, who had just returned to the yard, saw Ah Ban sulking there.

"What's wrong with it?" Gao Peng asked doubtfully.

"Puff, puff, puff." Ah Si floated over slowly, like a leaf floating in the wind.

Then take advantage of Gao Peng's unpreparedness and attack Gao Peng unexpectedly! Bang!

It covered Gao Peng's head.

Ah Chou happily danced on Gao Peng's head, and then covered his master's head.

Ever since Ah Chou discovered that Gao Peng was very resistant to its appearance above his head, Ah Chou had another hobby.

Every time he sees his master being embarrassed, this naughty little guy will be very happy.

"Okay, okay." Gao Peng had no choice but to ask Da Zi what happened.

Gao Peng discovered that as time passed, these beast masters gradually grew, became stronger and stronger, and became more and more intelligent (not IQ, but wisdom!)

For example, Da Zi used to be stupid and do stupid things. But as time goes by, just like a child growing up, Da Zi’s character gradually becomes more down-to-earth and steady. Now he only occasionally does stupid things. .

"It's digging the ground, burying it." Da Zi waved his full forehead, and the tentacles above his head kept shaking.

Gao Peng suddenly realized that Aban liked to bury himself in the soil and sleep because of his habit. This was a new habit born since his evolution.

Because the soil in the back garden of the villa was very soft, Gao Peng allowed Ah Ban to do whatever he wanted.

It turned out that he forgot to tell Aban that this was not a villa. Not only that the ground was a cement floor, but also that it was wrong to dig up other people's land like this. After all, this was other people's land, not his own home.

"I want to sleep, sleep." Aban said to his master aggrievedly.

"Okay, sleep, but you can't dig in the soil." Gao Peng gently touched Ah Ban's head.

Aban screamed twice in grievance, Gao Peng tried to comfort him, and finally all his joints and limbs were gathered together and he lay down on the ground.

After a lot of soothing, Gao Peng put Ah Ban to sleep. Just as Gao Peng breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Da Zi lying aggrievedly behind him and looking at him silently. He didn't know how long he kept looking at him in this position.

Gao Peng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew that this stingy guy was unhappy again.

He quickly stepped forward to comfort Da Zi, and it was only after Da Zi was put to sleep that Gao Peng stood up and rubbed his sore right hand.

As Gao Peng stood up, Ah Chou, who had been lying on top of him, let out a dissatisfied sound, as if he had been awakened.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that Gao Peng finished pacifying all the beasts. Gao Peng could not fall asleep until they fell asleep.

They have just arrived in the Jiangnan area, so they must be a little acclimatized, and Gao Peng can understand that.

Dayang Mountain Forest is not far from here, only more than ten miles away.

"Attention all candidates, attention to all candidates." The loud trumpet echoed over the villa, the sound of helicopter propellers rotating was heard in the sky, and several white searchlights shone down from the helicopter, turning into white beams of light. Wandering in the night sky.

"The first round of exams starts from now!" the loudspeaker on the plane kept echoing. "Please note, all candidates, please note that you have twenty minutes to prepare. You will officially set off in twenty minutes. Go in the direction guided by the helicopter's searchlight and arrive at the target location within the specified time."

The sound of the plane's horn continued to echo overhead.

All the testers in the villa were woken up and quickly got up and put on the combat uniforms they had given out yesterday.

Opening the door, Gao Peng found candidates filing out of the surrounding rooms.

Twenty minutes passed, and the helicopter in the sky made a buzzing sound and then flew north.

It was now 6:20 in the morning, and the sky was slightly dim.

"Follow me." Gao Peng spoke concisely and walked towards the beast. Aban was lying on the ground. It was already ready!

Then Gao Peng walked past Ah Ban.

Ah Ban, "???"

Ah-Dai squatted down, then stretched out his arms. Gao Peng sat on the arms, then climbed up and finally sat firmly in the middle of Ah-Dai's neck.

There is a circle of relatively thick bones on the back of Dumb's neck, which is just right for someone to sit on.

"Zhizhizhi?" Ah Ban tilted his head in confusion.

"Your back is tight against your butt." Gao Peng tried to comfort Ah Ban, "I ran too fast for a while and I was afraid that my pants would be worn through. You know this."

Regardless of whether Ah-Ban understood it or not, Gao Peng patted Ah-Dai on the head and said, "Follow me."

Dui nodded, picked up the big purple thing on the ground and swung it around his waist like a belt. He stepped forward with his big feet and ran towards the direction of the helicopter.

Ah Ban jumped up and followed him.

On the helicopter, two photographers held cameras to capture the following imperial envoys from two different angles.

For this Royal Envoy Competition, the Huaxia District temporarily set up a TV column to capture these Imperial Envoys 24 hours a day. Of course, in order to prevent some unexpected situations, it is basically not a live broadcast, but a recording. The actual broadcast time is longer than the shooting time. It's a full two hours late, and these two hours are responsible for editing and post-production.

As he shuttled through the dense forest, Ah-Dai's feet landed steadily with every step, and he opened his legs. The strong blood-threaded heart in his body beat actively, continuously providing strength to Ah-Dai.

Ah Ban's speed was not slow at all. When encountering some relatively high obstacles, he directly sprayed spider silk at the thick tree trunk above his head, and then used the traction of the spider silk to jump high to avoid the terrain.

Ten minutes later, the fastest envoy had arrived, reaching the finish line almost at the same time as the helicopter stopped.

In the sky, the volcano vulture stretched its wings to its fullest, and on its back climbed a tall young man. The young man looked a little embarrassed, because the photographer on the helicopter next to him kept taking big shots of him. If he was very sexy, It doesn't matter if he is sitting down, but the problem is that he is hugging the volcano vulture's neck tightly, his hair is extremely messy by the strong wind, and he is lying on the back of the beast in an unsightly manner. It would be too embarrassing if this appearance is spread out. Got it!

After hesitating for a moment, the young man shouted loudly: "Can you please stop filming me!"

Unfortunately, the helicopter propeller was too loud and the photographer couldn't hear what the young man said.

In response to a K gesture, the photographer facing the young man told another photographer beside him: "He asked us to take more pictures."
