Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 135: The third form of salted fish


"Da Zi, why did you rush out without me giving the order just now?" Gao Peng pinched Ah-Dai's two tentacles and lifted them up.

Da Zi's head was lifted up together, and he stared at the owner in confusion, and let out a series of meaningless screams, "His, hiss, hiss?"

Gao Peng gently touched Da Zi's head and kept comforting it. "Don't pretend to be stupid. Why did you just rush out without my consent?"

"Buji Island." Da Zi raised his head aggrievedly, looking pitiful.

Gao Peng, "... There's no point in trying to be cute!"

Da Zi cried into a ball in grievance, hugged tightly, and turned into a sad purple dumpling.

After Gao Peng pressed him repeatedly, Da Zi finally told the truth, "I smell a bear and want to eat it."

Are you a centipede who wants to eat a bear? Your instinct is quite rampant.

Gao Peng was shocked.

"Then can you beat it?" Gao Peng asked. The wounds on the black wind bear just now, apart from some wounds similar to sharp cuts on the chest and limbs, the only fatal injury was Duan's headshot. Punch.

Although Da Zi has advanced to the leader level, his attack methods mainly rely on thunder to paralyze the enemy and then inject poison. It is difficult for the jaws and feet to have the final say when facing large creatures with rough skin and thick flesh.

"Fight, I can beat him! What a hot chicken!" Da Zi opened his body excitedly and kept waving his two jaws and feet.

In a daze, Gao Peng saw the figure of the mantis bully on Da Zi, the centipede bully

According to the normal age, Da Zi is now equivalent to a human child of eleven or twelve years old. His personality has become irritable, restless, and aggressive. This is normal.

In fact, this is not a bad thing. After all, the beast master is full of aggression, which brings more possibilities for fighting. This is a good thing.

"Next time you want to attack other monsters, you can, but you must get my permission, you know?" Gao Peng said seriously.

Da Zi nodded sadly.

"As punishment, you won't eat anything today." Gao Peng said to Da Zi.

The two tentacles that were constantly shaking on Da Zi's head suddenly froze.

"This is your first offense. I will only punish you by not eating for one day." Gao Peng said calmly, "But I am your emissary, and I am also responsible for not educating you well, so I will accompany you. I will not eat today either."

Da Zi was stunned, and the owner didn’t eat either

Originally, the cut bear paw was intended for snacks, but just now Gao Peng suddenly wanted to warn Da Zi, so he gave the bear paw to Ah Ban.

A-Ban made loud noises when eating, squeaking and smacking his mouth from time to time. The fresh bear meat was eaten by A-Ban and it felt like a delicacy.

Gao Peng's face turned dark. Didn't you see that two people here are on a hunger strike

"Go out and eat!"

Ah Ban raised his head and tilted his head in confusion. "Bah, bah." The mouthparts kept moving, as if eating gluten.

"Dumb, throw this guy out."

Ah Ban quickly raised his two paws and, like the legendary dog-legged creature, carefully climbed out of the cave sideways.

In the past, Da Zi would have rushed up to fight with Ah Ban, but today Da Zi just lay on the ground silently, weakly rolled his eyes and glanced at Ah Ban, and then continued to lie in the cave.

In the early morning of the second day, the sky was slightly dim, and the faint light penetrated through the gaps in the vines hanging in front of the cave, spilled into the cave, and shone on the extinguished bonfire.

"Candidate Xiao Nuoyan has been eliminated. Candidate Xiao Nuoyan has been eliminated." Repeated voices echoed over the forest.

Someone was eliminated? Gao Peng got up from the ground and rubbed his hungry belly. This must be the first candidate to be eliminated.

... ...

"Through the positioning device on each candidate, we can see where they are now." In the show, a host and a guest sat opposite each other.

Many people in front of the screen made surprised sounds.

The guest sitting opposite the host was young and looked to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a white bottoming shirt and looked youthful and sunny, with a warm smile on his face.

"It's Yin Wu! The imperial capital enters the clouds, Long Yin Wu." Someone said in surprise, "Don't Yin Wu not like to participate in these programs?"

The Pearl River Delta of Yangcheng, the magical city of Jinling and Longmen Gathering, and the important city in the west of Yuzhou are currently the three major gathering areas for young and strong people in Huaxia District. The strong people active in this area are generally young, with many young people and full of youthful vitality. Therefore, It is also the most attractive to young emissaries.

Of course, in addition to these three places, the Imperial Capital is also an area where powerful people gather. However, for some reasons, the Imperial Capital is relatively depressed. The powerful people are generally older. Some older Royal Envoys and powerful people like to stay quietly in the Imperial Capital.

Ruyun Long Yinwu was one of the few strong young men in the imperial capital and was extremely famous.

After becoming famous, some of Yin Wu's experiences and background were revealed.

He was born as an official, and his father was an important member of the alliance government. Before the disaster, he liked to fight crickets.

It is said that the beast he is now famous for evolved from a cricket king that he raised before the disaster.

"You can see that in order to get higher scores, these candidates all go to the center of the forest. The scoring pillars are basically set up in the central area of the forest. The candidate with the highest score now is... Jun Moyi."

Through the playback of drone footage in the sky, you can see a giant black python swimming around in the forest, killing monsters in a brutal way.

"The number one ranking is a girl, which is beyond our expectation." The host was a little surprised. "I wonder what Teacher Yin Wu thinks?"

The host's implication was to ask Yin Wu to analyze Jun Moyi, who is currently ranked number one. After all, although Jun Moyi is unsmiling, he has good looks and is still a girl, which will definitely arouse the curiosity of many viewers.

"It's not bad. The breed of this black python should be the Black Anaconda. The scales of this Black Anaconda are shiny, the body is strong, the quality should be high, and the training is good. Judging from the battle scenes, this kind of The Black Anaconda should often participate in battles and be more proficient in fighting." Yin Wu analyzed in a deep voice.

"..." Host, I asked you to analyze the Royal Envoy, not to talk about the Royal Beast.

Many viewers in front of the screen smiled knowingly. They had long heard that Ruyun Long Yinwu was a single dog for ten thousand years. When they saw him today, he certainly lived up to his reputation. This is due to one’s ability to be single!

"Teacher Yin Wu's analysis is very reasonable and very professional at first glance." The host smiled.

"That's ridiculous." Yin Wu nodded lightly.

"Let's take a look at the candidate currently ranked at the bottom -"

A picture appeared on the screen, and green light points flashed one by one in the Dayang Mountain forest. Each light point represented the candidate's position.

Then one of the outermost green spots grows larger.

This light spot is at the outermost edge, almost at the outermost edge of Dayang Mountain.

"This candidate should be quite cautious. It seems that he should be making some preparations." The host smiled.

The screen turned, and a high-altitude drone shot emerged.

In the picture, on a large protruding rock, a young man is lying on it in a large shape like a salted fish, staring blankly at the sky.

Beside him, a centipede, a spider, and a skeleton were all lying quietly in the open space, looking up at the sky.

The atmosphere in the recording room was instantly awkward.

It seemed that Da Zi was lying uncomfortably, so she turned over, with her paws facing the sky, revealing her white and yellow belly, and her goose-yellow paws spread outwards, looking naive.

Countless viewers in front of the screen laughed out loud, preparing? What preparations are you making? Salted Fish Style 3—Salted Fish Turn Over