Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 141: molt


The white albatross entrenched in the sky seemed to have received some instructions, and swooped down with a shrill cry.

A strong wind blew up, causing the leaves to rustle, and a huge black shadow fell on the ground, illuminating a large black shadow.

Gao Peng raised his head and saw a white afterimage falling from the sky, pulling out a long phantom.

As if threatened, the nightmare stick insect crawled on the ground and hissed in fright.

Several legs stood up diagonally like spears, flashing with cold light.

The wind roared, and the violent wind pressure pressed down. The white power covered the surface of the wings like a shield, forcing the nightmare stick insect to retreat continuously.

It spun around in mid-air, cleverly avoiding the spear-like upright legs, and instantly landed behind the nightmare stick insect.

The sharp claws as black as steel instantly grasped the nightmare stick insect and tightened it inward. Masses of debris erupted from the surface of the body and clawed deeply into its body.

The wings danced vigorously, the powerful muscles pulled inward, and then suddenly shot up into the sky.

Just grab the nightmare stick insect and fly into the sky. The nightmare stick insect keeps struggling, like a frightened little daughter-in-law.

Then it flew higher and higher, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye, leaving only a small black dot.

Just flew away like that

Gao Peng raised his head in a daze, a little speechless.

Da Zi and Dui, who had been maintaining their offensive posture, were stunned, and then looked at each other awkwardly.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This nightmare stick insect really put a lot of pressure on them.

The Nightmare Stick Insect, which was treated as seriously as a life-and-death enemy just now, was immediately captured by a level 38 Bright Albatross.

Gao Peng felt a little dazed. There seemed to be a figure sitting behind the bright albatross just now.

After it was confirmed that it was safe, several beasts gathered together. Gao Peng touched the wound on Da Zi's back distressedly.

The wound began to heal and stopped bleeding, but the white and tender muscles could still be vaguely seen through the wound.

Not to mention, the meat is quite tender, just like fish.

One of Ah Ban's legs was torn into half, and he stood there pitifully, without the slightest bit of ferocity that he had before as if he was dead.

Although he has changed from eight-legged Ah-Ban to seven-legged Ah-Ban, the problem is not big, except that one leg is temporarily broken.

For spiders, a broken leg is not a permanent disability;

When it sheds its skin next time, the previously broken leg will grow back, but it will be slightly smaller than the other legs. Then it will shed its skin twice more, and the regrown leg will be no different from the other legs.

The above is the normal spider healing effect before the disaster.

After mutating and evolving, Aban's healing will only be more terrifying. It will probably only take one molt to completely grow new spider legs, which will be no different from other old legs.

It's just that Aban's movements will be slightly affected before the next molt.

Ah-Ban, who had a broken leg, suddenly walked outside, and then found his broken leg out of nowhere. The black spider leg was held up. Ah-Ban stared at the broken leg without moving, as if he was remembering something. .

Da Zi came up and kept circling around Ah Ban.

Ah Ban stretched out his spider legs and scratched his head in confusion, wondering what the boss was doing.

Finally, Da Zi stopped in front of A-Ban, staring at the broken leg held by A-Ban, drooling continuously.

Ah Ban seemed to finally understand what Da Zi was thinking. His eight eyes widened instantly. I treat you as the boss. Why do you have such thoughts

Ah Ban squeaked angrily, appearing very excited.

Da Zi shook his head and awkwardly raised his paws to point at the wound on his back, but his legs were too short to point at. Instead, he stumbled and rolled, fell to the ground twice and stood up in a daze.

Getting up from the ground and shaking his head, Da Zi crawled to Ah-Dai and said something to Ah-Dai.

Duan was a little confused at first, but then he understood. He hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and touched the wound on Da Zi's back.

Da Zi nodded happily, shook his head at Ah Ban, and kept asking for credit.

A'Ban saw the wound on the boss's back and fell into deep thought. The boss had really tried his best to avenge it and was injured. So there seems to be nothing wrong with giving his unwanted limbs to the boss, right

Da Zi glanced at Gao Peng guiltily while claiming credit. In order to prevent his owner from understanding what he said, he specially communicated through complex animal language.

Gao Peng is a little funny. Although he can't understand animal language, he can understand sign language.

Since these royal beasts at home watch Square Baby every day, they have become more and more understanding of human nature, and now they even learn sign language.

Gao Peng had no interest in intervening in Da Zi and Ah Ban's decision to decide on the ownership of their broken legs. He was just thinking about how they should proceed next, whether to continue in depth or move outward strategically.

Here he met a level 35 nightmare stick insect. Although Gao Peng knew that this might be a small probability event, it still made him a little scared...

Now that Da Zi Aban is injured, what will happen if he encounters other monsters again.

Gao Peng would only strive for things like points within his ability.

"Let's go, let's find some nutrients for Ah Ban first, let him shed his skin and grow his legs." Gao Peng made a quick decision.

None of the beast masters had any objections.

At night, under the bright moon, a bonfire was raised in the jungle. Next to the bonfire lay the body of a mountain wind howler. This was the native overlord of this forest, and now it became food for one person and four beasts.

Aban injected his mouthpart into the food's body, then squatted next to the food and quietly watched the changes in the food. Finally, some kind of change occurred inside the body until it turned into a thick juice.

Ah Ban excitedly rushed forward and swallowed the food into his belly.

This leader-level mountain wind roar beast has dual attributes of wind and earth, and its body is rich in energy.

After Ah Ban swallowed it, he lay down next to the campfire, then closed his eyes, and the skin on his body fell into some weird state.

Gao Peng saw clearly that Ah Ban's level should be raised to level 20 after this molt.

Gao Peng originally trained A-Ban into a human shield, but unfortunately the training time for A-Ban was a little short. Currently, the level is only 19. His defense power is very good for the same level, but he is not strong enough to face leader-level monsters. .

The skin on Ah Ban's body lying on the ground continued to harden, as if it had formed a layer of scabs. Although the color was darker, it had lost its luster.

Da Zi had already fallen asleep lying on the side, and then Ah-Dai stood there on guard and defense.

Ah-Dai does not need to completely fall into a deep sleep when resting. It can maintain its current state of false drowsiness and be alert to the fluctuations in the surrounding air. At the same time, the beating of its blood-streaked heart also becomes extremely slow. As long as a monster with a heartbeat approaches from all around, it can cause Ah-Dai to fall asleep. of attention.

There was no words for a night, and the next day, Ah Ban had turned into a scab, and the black and gray scab was as silent as death.

Suddenly, cracks appeared on the surface of the scab.

A jet-black and shiny foot broke through the scab, and a brand new Ah-Ban with eight legs emerged from the old shell!

The level has also jumped to level 20, which is only one step away from the boss level.
