Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 143: Parasitic species



"Quack." A blue-skinned frog lying on a boulder moved and looked at Gao Peng.

Monster name: Blue-skinned frog

Monster level: level 8

Monster quality: normal quality

Monster status: healthy and happy

Monster likes: Quietly basking in the sun

Monster weaknesses: 1. Thunder type 2. Hates noise.

Hmm... This should be a close relative of the green frog.

These two monsters are extremely similar in name and appearance. If they were not close relatives, Gao Peng would not believe it even to death.

It's just that these blue-skinned frogs have much better personalities than green-skinned frogs, and they don't like to spit at other creatures.

"Bah." A blue-skinned frog closest to Gao Peng spat at Gao Peng.

Gao Peng quickly raised his right foot to avoid the spit, and looked at the blue frog lying on the mossy boulder speechlessly.

This blue-skinned frog narrowed its eyes into two crescent moons and croaked excitedly.

The other blue-skinned frogs around also shouted happily when they saw this, croak croak croak

Gao Peng, "..."

Why is their bad taste not shown in the attribute column? It could not be that this habit of spitting has evolved into the instinct of the blue-skinned frog.

Gao Peng was speechless.

I thought that the blue-skinned frogs in the Jiangnan area could change their evil ways, but I didn't expect them to be skinnier than the green-skinned frogs in Chang'an.

There were at least thousands of blue-skinned frogs in this creek at a glance, and Gao Peng had no interest in competing with these frogs.

Cross the creek and go deeper into the dense forest in another direction.

It seems that there is a stream nearby. The water vapor in the air is very rich and a bit humid.

"Let's look further ahead." Gao Peng said uncertainly. There should be no integration pillars in such a remote and humid place, but it's hard to say.

We’ve come this far anyway, so we can’t possibly go back the way we came.

Suddenly, a blue-skinned frog rushed out of the bushes around him. This blue-skinned frog was stained with a lot of mud and looked a little embarrassed. It seemed that it was a blue-skinned frog that had separated from the group.

Then the blue-skinned frog lay on the ground and looked at Gao Peng blankly, his eyes wide open and extremely cute.

Gao Peng frowned. What attracted him was not the blue-skinned frog, but the back of the blue-skinned frog.

The vine roots emerged from the skin, and the blue-green roots emerged from the skin, and then disappeared into the skin. As they surged, there seemed to be snakes swimming under the smooth skin.

There are also some vine roots exposed to the air, constantly absorbing moisture and various nutrients in the air.

Above the vine roots are several green leaves that look like ferns.

Gao Peng looked at the blue-skinned frog.

He couldn't see any emotion in the blue frog's eyes, which were as empty as a rag doll in the cupboard.

Gao Peng suddenly thought of the Second Frog Seed in Elf Baby, which also had plants growing on its back.

But it doesn’t quite look like it.

After looking at Gao Peng twice, the blue-skinned frog jumped back into the depths of the jungle.

Gao Peng frowned and said to Ah-Dai, "Let's go inside and take a look first."

After walking in, the scene inside made Gao Peng's heart tighten.

This is a spacious open space with a large number of monsters crawling on the open space. Most of these monsters are not high in level. The highest one is just a level 18 ordinary quality yellow-spotted black-eared gray wolf.

But it couldn't stand the large number. There were at least seventy or eighty monsters in the open space. There are big ones and small ones. The largest one is as big as a car, and the smallest one is only as big as a watermelon.

But these monsters all have two things in common.

They all stood quietly, with only their deep and slow breathing proving that they were alive.

Another thing they have in common is that they all have ferns growing on their backs or somewhere on their bodies, with light green roots embedded in their blood vessels.

Parasitic species!

It is already obvious that it is a parasitic species.

Gao Peng looked around cautiously. He was originally planning to retreat, but a white sand stone pillar stood quietly in the center of the open space.

The strength of parasitic species can be strong or weak, mainly depending on whether the creatures they parasitize are strong.

Although there are many monsters here, the quality is not high, so there is no chance.

Based on the experience of humans fighting various monsters in the past few years, to deal with parasitic monsters, one only needs to find the parent body of the parasitic species and destroy the mother body, which can basically destroy most of the combat power of the parasitic species.

The mother body of a parasitic species generally does not have strong combat power. It mainly relies on the parasitic host to fight, and the mother body has various life-saving abilities.

In a sense, it is similar to the Royal Envoy.

"Ouch!" The yellow-spotted black-eared wolf that had been lying on the ground slowly stood up, stared at Gao Peng expressionlessly, and then slowly walked over. All the monsters in the open space gathered around.

He stared at Gao Peng and his party expressionlessly, making threatening sounds in his mouth.

The dim wind blew gently through the leaves, and the only sounds left in the air were the footsteps of the monsters surrounding them, and the low and hoarse roars.

Gao Peng found it very funny. Originally, he was worried about whether this parasitic beast would have any back-up plans, but looking at the lusty and lustful behavior of these parasitized offspring, it seemed that the parent body of this parasitic species was not very powerful, otherwise it would not be possible. This is the performance.

After all, if a predator is about to prey on prey, will it actively reveal its presence and scare the prey away

It will only do this if it feels guilty or unsure.

"Found it!" Gao Peng looked somewhere. There was a dense shrub. There were some centipede-like ferns lying on the ground on the edge of the shrub. They looked very much like kidney ferns, also known as centipede grass.

Monster name: Blue fern

Monster level: level 21

Monster quality: elite quality

Monster attributes: parasitic

Monster Weakness: Fire

"Da Zi, destroy that plant!" Gao Peng said to Da Zi.

Da Zi nodded fiercely, and then quickly rushed towards the blue iron kidney fern.

The monsters who had been calm suddenly rushed towards Da Zi like crazy.

"Dumb, stop them and buy Da Zi time."

Ah-Dai nodded. There was a large stone half a meter in diameter under its feet. Ah-Dai bent down and picked up the large stone, directly lifting it and throwing it.

The yellow-spotted black-eared wolf that rushed the fastest was hit by a boulder before it could dodge. It immediately suffered a bloody head and fell to the ground with a thud.

Dui roared angrily, rushed forward and grabbed a python-like monster with his left hand. He lifted an earthworm-like monster upside down with his right hand and used it as a weapon in his hand to spin wildly.

bang bang bang

It was as if two whips were waving in the hands, pulling out long afterimages.

The monsters were beaten to pieces, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere. The two monsters in Dumb's hands were even worse, their bones were smashed, and the ferocious gap almost penetrated their heads.

The football-sized blue-skinned frog was hit in the waist by the "snake whip", its eyes were squeezed out, and its bones made a snapping sound.
