Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 145: The assessment is over


(Period is a "like" to call the building, there is no need for likes in the text.)


This crystal core is the core of a leader-level parasitic monster. Parasitic monsters are always rare, so this crystal core will definitely fetch a good price.

Hmm... But I don't seem to be short of money at the moment.

Gao Peng suddenly realized this, pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt ashamed of his thoughts.

Making money is like picking up dirt with a needle, and spending money is like surfing the sand.

Thinking of the days when I only added one egg to every meal some time ago, they are long gone. Gao Peng couldn't help but fell into deep contemplation.

Let Dui destroy this integrating column, leaving moss all over the area in this area, like a thick carpet of bacteria, covered with green threads.

I tried setting it on fire, but the flames only burned a small area and then went out.

Sighing, it seems that this thing's flame resistance is not weak.

Originally, Da Zi's lightning attack was the best solution, but it would take too much energy to completely clear such a large mushroom field, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Anyway, the mother body of this monster has been destroyed, and what is left are some daughter bodies. Perhaps one day these daughter bodies can re-evolve into a new leader-level mother body, but that is already a brand new life entity.

The moss on the ground squirms slightly, constantly absorbing various nutrients from the soil, and becomes thicker and thicker.

Ferns are originally very ancient plants and can be called living fossils.

The adaptability and evolutionary power displayed by this plant at this moment amazed Gao Peng.

When you step on it, it feels like you are stepping on soft sand.

Thick moss wrapped the soles of Gao Peng's feet, and Gao Peng's eyes flashed.

... ...

"We can see the scores of these candidates. Ye Han is currently ranked first with a score of 778, which is not much different from Jun Moyi who is second. There is only a 10-point gap between them. Oh, Jun Moyi has increased It’s 4 points, and we’re chasing very closely.” The host nodded and said, and the picture on the big screen behind him turned,

A high-altitude drone is tracking and shooting, and a giant black python can be seen passing through the sparse woods.

The drone flew downward, passed through the branches, and entered the forest where the light was not too bright. Some trees were affected by the battle, with residual marks on them, and some trees were even broken.

On the ground, lay the corpse of a monster. The corpse was twisted and shapeless, like a shabby dry rag. The blood had been squeezed out and flowed out into a large pool, staining the soil red.

"Yes, their competition is very fierce. The Black Anaconda did not eat the monsters at all. It was just for killing, hoping to get a lot of points quickly."

"Well, do you still remember the owner of the salted fish turning face expression pack that was widely circulated on the Internet?" Suddenly the host said.

Sitting opposite the host was another guest. Yin Wu was replaced for some reasons... Of course, he himself didn't like participating in this kind of show, but he had a very stubborn temper. After knowing that someone above wanted to replace him, he endured the pressure and persisted with his bad temper for several periods before patting his butt and leaving gracefully.

"Of course I remember. Are the salted fish and its owner still there?" The guest nodded.

"That candidate has not yet been eliminated. Let us check his current ranking." The host smiled mysteriously.

Name: Gao Peng

Rank: 15

Countless people opened their eyes in front of the TV, sixteen? !

The salted fish ambassador actually reached 16 people.

We agreed that everyone would be a salted fish together, but you secretly turned over!

Gao Peng's smiling face on the screen was so disgusting to many people.

You are clearly not a salted fish! How could a salted fish be like this!

"Fifteenth place? This ranking is not low. There are currently 121 candidates left in the Dayang Mountain Forest. This fifteenth place includes all the points of the eliminated contestants and is awarded the third round of the exam. His qualification is to be among the top 12 in the overall standings, which is very close, so it’s not like he has no chance.”

Gao Peng sneezed and rubbed his nose in confusion. Who is praising me

There was a faint buzzing sound like bees flying overhead. Hearing Da Zi's reminder, Gao Peng raised his head and saw a drone hovering in the sky, with the camera pointed at him.

Gao Peng looked solemn, and the camera was looking at him.

Stand up straight and look like you are working hard. You must establish an image of hard work in front of the people across the country.

The drone filmed for a while and then flew away.

Although Gao Peng has been hanging out on the outside, he actually scored a lot of points, destroying two points pillars and killing 3 boss-level monsters.

Even the many students in the forest did not gain as many points as Gao Peng.

In fact, there are many powerful leader-level monsters deep in the forest, and these students have no choice but to run away when they encounter them. This is a very embarrassing fact, and it is also the reason why these students are sighed by the audience.

It looked too embarrassed.

After all, anyone who always sees the scenes of messengers being chased away by monsters will be disappointed with these messengers, who look too weak.

Neither Gao Peng nor these imperial students knew what was going on outside. Gao Peng continued his own rhythm, methodically and steadily scoring points from the outside.

In addition to destroying point pillars, you can also gain points by killing monsters.

Just like Gao Peng said at the beginning, although the score obtained by surviving on the outside will not be very high, the advantage is that it is very stable, and it is not easy to encounter powerful monsters and be eliminated.

In the remaining days, five ambassadors with higher scores than Gao Peng were eliminated, and one of them was "permanently eliminated."

Although it is easier to gain points deep in the forest, the danger is also greater, so be prepared to be eliminated at any time.

"The assessment is over. The scoring is now stopped. All candidates are asked to choose a safe area to wait for pick-up." The bracelet Gao Peng wore on his left hand made an electronic sound.

Gao Peng yawned and looked at the tired beast masters, thinking that he had tried his best. Although I haven't found many points in the past few days, I have killed a lot of boss-level monsters. All thanks to A-Ban's successful promotion to the boss-level in the battle. After A-Ban was promoted to the leader-level, his defense has also been greatly enhanced. Coupled with the control of spider silk, the combat power has been greatly enhanced.

Do your best and obey destiny.

He has tried his best and will not regret it no matter what result he gets.

Two hours later, Gao Peng, sitting on the plane, saw the city below him.

After spending a week in the wilderness, I finally saw the hustle and bustle of the city.

At night, Jiangnan Base City is shrouded in a bustling night scene, with neon lights shining in the night sky and busy traffic on the streets.

A week of running around made the imperial students extremely sleepy. When they returned to the hotel arranged by the government, they quickly fell asleep.

The candidates' scores are also released at the moment the competition ends.

Gao Peng's ranking was fixed at 11th.

