Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 28: Group


I glanced at Gao Peng and walked upstairs. Since the troops had brought all these beasts, they must not just bring them for a tour. There must be many opportunities later.

During the first period of class, Murong Qiuye entered the classroom from the front door, smiled apologetically at Teacher Zhang who was in class, and knocked on the door, "All students who have applied for the Royal Envoy Specialty Student, come out first."

There was a crash, the sound of the stool being pushed away.

Nearly half of the students in the classroom stood up...

Teacher Zhang, who was giving a lecture on the podium, joked: "It seems that many students in the class like to be ambassadors. Not bad, not bad. This emerging profession is very promising. We are all young people chasing dreams."

It made the students in the classroom burst into laughter.

"Hey, Gao Peng, have you also signed up to become the Royal Envoy's special student?" Tan Qianjin was surprised and whispered next to Gao Peng, "Aren't you a beast breeder? And your grades are so good."

"Your grades are pretty good, so why did you sign up?" Gao Peng continued.

"Hey, it's not just for childhood. I've loved keeping pets like cats and dogs since I was a child, and one of my favorite cartoons I used to watch was God's Pet Baby. The pets in it are so handsome!" Tan Qianjin was beaming with excitement, "I I don’t want to miss it, I am the man who wants to become the strongest messenger.”

Gao Peng couldn't help but smile when he heard Tan Qianjin's words.

Whose youth is not perfect

Who hasn’t had a fantasy.

Who has never dreamed of becoming the hero of a story

He believed that Tan Qianjin’s words were definitely the sentiments of many students in the class. At this age, it was the time of youth and passion.

"What if the strongest ambassador is a man? Do you want to be his man?" Gao Peng asked with a smile.

Tan Qianjin was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Ah, bah, bah, bah, the strongest ambassador I'm talking about is an adjective, not a noun!"

We quickly went downstairs while talking and laughing. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of people standing downstairs, and this number was still increasing.

All the students who came downstairs gathered together and formed a large square.

Murong Qiuye turned around and said to the students in his class: "You go first into the square formation, and then just follow the command's arrangements."

Gao Peng and his party nodded and walked into the square formation, just like a drop of water melting into the sea without causing any waves.

After all the students gathered downstairs, a colonel wearing a military cap strode out in front of the group of soldiers. He looked around at everyone present and said, "I am your chief instructor. My surname is Chen. You can call me Instructor Chen."

There were only a few sparse responses.

Instructor Chen’s black eyebrows were pinched together, as if a dark cloud was hanging down, “Louder, do you hear me! Answer me!!!”

The sound sounded like thunder, and many students who were more courageous and sensitive trembled and raised their heads in fear.

"You are such a bear and you still want to be an imperial envoy? It's better to go back to shit!" Instructor Chen roared, walking back and forth as if a tiger was patrolling his territory.

"What is an imperial envoy? Do you think you can become an imperial envoy just by signing a so-called blood contract? That's bullshit!" Instructor Chen growled in a low voice. "Without a firm mind and an iron will, you will pee in your pants the moment you see a real monster in the wild. Your legs will be as soft as noodles and you won't be able to run away!"

The scolding was merciless, and many students present showed dissatisfaction on their faces, and some students were muttering softly in the crowd.

"You. Come out." Instructor Chen suddenly pointed to a student in the crowd.

"Huh?" The student was stunned.

"Oh shit, get out of here quickly, what were you muttering about just now?" Instructor Chen stepped forward with his hands behind his back.

"No, I didn't say anything." The student who was called out was not tall, only about 1.7 meters tall, with a pale complexion and wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which is also a common appearance for many high school students.

"You can't pretend that I'm deaf. If you were a soldier under my command, I would kill you." Instructor Chen narrowed his eyes. "Return to the team."

The bespectacled man's remaining courage was completely wiped out by being called out in public, and he had no energy to show off or refute at this moment.

"Everyone stands in a large formation, and the person in the back faces the person in front. Go faster." Instructor Chen said.

They quickly stood up and the number of people was counted. There were 2,316 people in total.

"Ask me one last time, if anyone has quit, this is your last chance. If you don't quit, you will have no chance after that." Instructor Chen said casually.

A group of people looked at each other.

After a long time, a student walked out of the team hesitantly.

With the first there is the second.

Finally, a total of thirty-six people came out.

Instructor Chen did not say bad words to these students, nor did he ridicule them. He just nodded silently, walked up and patted one of the students on the shoulder, "Study hard. Studying is also a good way out."

The student was a little surprised, as if he had not expected that the extremely vicious instructor Chen would say such a thing.

"Okay, go back to class." After Instructor Chen said, he turned to look at everyone in the phalanx, "They are not deserters, they just made the last choice, but you are different, you chose to stay Next, from now on, if any of you give up midway, you are a real deserter! I don’t want any deserters to appear." Instructor Chen looked gloomy, "Starting from the first row, every 38 people will be divided into one group, a total of sixty groups. , I’ll give you ten minutes.”

Gao Peng was placed in the tenth group.

The instructor in charge of him didn't look much different from other instructors. He wasn't the legendary beautiful instructor. He was just a dark, tall, thin non-commissioned officer, not much different from other non-commissioned officers.

"Everyone stand up. Although this is not military training, you still need to have basic qualities. You must remember your group number and don't make a mistake tomorrow!" The sergeant's surname is Zhang, a very common surname. His full name is Zhang Renbai. , has been joining the army for five years, that is, he joined the army before the disaster.

The training lasted for about ten minutes, roughly informing everyone about the training time and training process, and then they were dismissed directly.

The efficiency is so high that people are amazed.

On the way home, Gao Peng was thinking about the bad news that Instructor Chen said: "There are many more students who have actively signed up to become Royal Envoy students than I thought. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing."

"Our maximum quota limit is 1,200 people. After one month, only 1,200 people will continue to stay on the training ground for training. The rest of the students who have not reached the standard can only continue to go back to the classroom to pick up their textbooks. Those who want to stay Just fight for me! Show your skills and your beliefs!"