Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 31: Special training


An hour passed quickly, and most of the students had basically achieved their goals. Only a few students were still struggling to "match wits and courage" with their own beasts.

For example, there is a short and fat boy in the group next door. His animal is a golden husky, which is a variant of husky and its quality is still elite.

But his elite quality only increased his burden at this time. Many people around him had completed their tasks and snuggled up with their own beasts, while his golden husky, the beast king, was still running freely and wildly on the free plains, barking as he ran. , "Aow~Oow~Aow... ...Woof!"

As Sahuan'er runs, no one can stop her desire for freedom, and her four legs stretch freely.

"Come back, come back!" the short, fat boy yelled at the top of his lungs.

The golden husky looked back at its owner. The owner's anxious look seemed to make it happy and it ran faster.

Others around him looked at the boy sympathetically, and some even patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother, what are you saying is wrong with raising a husky? You must choose a husky as your pet. Sometimes it will even unite with the enemy's pet to bully you."

Suddenly the running golden husky stopped, its brows raised high, like three fires, and it looked ahead with a dull expression. In front of it stood a majestic silver giant wolf.

He was two heads taller than other Silver Moon wolves, and his body expanded more than once. He lowered his head and looked at it coldly.

The silver hair was filled with mercury, and just one look made me feel cold in my heart, and a low roar came from deep in the throat.

"Woof, woof... woof?" The golden husky tried to blend in with the enemy. Silver Moon Wolf slowly stepped forward, raised its claws high and then pressed them down arbitrarily and unreasonably, stamping on the golden husky's head.

The golden husky did not resist, but lay on the ground in aggrieved manner.

Only three people in the ten groups did not complete this level of training, and the three people were left alone by the instructor to train alone. The remaining thirty-five people will undergo the second step of training.

Before the training, instructor Zhang Renbai first took a fire brick and placed it on the stone platform.

Then he signaled Silver Moon Wolf to attack the fire brick.

Silver Moon Wolf glanced at Instructor Zhang, then slowly stepped back a few steps, leaned forward, and in a moment turned into a silver afterimage and rushed out!

The moment he came into contact with the stone platform, he suddenly jumped up, twisted his waist like a strong and powerful spring, and swung out his silver-gray tail like a steel whip behind him! There was a cracking sound in the air.


The tail collided with the fire brick, and the fire brick exploded with a dull sound the moment it was hit.

The fire brick fragments flew in the air for more than ten meters before falling. The Silver Moon Wolf followed the inertia and sprinted forward for several meters before stopping steadily. Its sharp wolf claws deeply scratched the cement floor, leaving white scratches.

"A well-trained special forces soldier can easily defeat several untrained adults with bare hands. If he relies on complex terrain, he can even kill more than ten untrained adults. The same goes for monsters! After special The difference between training and no special training is huge.”

"When it first followed me, it was also an ordinary Silver Moon Wolf cub." As he spoke, Zhang Renbai touched the Silver Moon Wolf's head, and the Silver Moon Wolf narrowed his eyes in contentment, "The Silver Moon Wolf's tail is not Their strong point, but after accumulated training over time, its tail has gradually become stronger, and its swing speed has become faster and more accurate! This gives it an additional means of attack in addition to its teeth and claws. This is a kind of training for me. approach, developing its attack diversity and, beyond that, enhancing its advantages.”

After speaking, Zhang Renbai smiled and said to the instructor of another team not far away: "Lao Li, show your Silver Wolf's special skills again."

Over there was a lean soldier with a dark complexion. He glanced at Zhang Renbai, nodded slightly, looked at the beast at his feet, slid out a pebble in his hand like magic, and threw the pebble into the sky.

The silver wolf lying beside him lazily stood up, looked at the pebbles above his head, bent his limbs downward, and then jumped up.

The head was flicked and bitten, followed by a crisp sound, and then it fell to the ground, its mouth opened wide, and scattered pebbles and some debris fell to the ground.

What a terrifying bite force!

Gao Peng's pupils shrank, this was a pebble, not an ordinary stone. The hardness of pebbles is much higher than that of ordinary stones. Being able to easily crush pebbles with one bite means that if it bites a person, it can easily bite the person in two.

This terrifying biting force is unbelievably strong.

"I've demonstrated it to you. Now it's up to you to train yourself." Zhang Renbai said, "But I suggest that it is best to start with simple materials at the beginning. For example, to train your bite force, you should choose some wood at the beginning. , and then gradually increase the hardness, and also prepare a large amount of food and medicinal materials, which can improve the training effect."

After speaking, Zhang Renbai pointed to a large camouflage truck parked behind him. On the truck, soldiers directed the beasts to carry down the sealed wooden boxes one by one.

The ones carrying the boxes in the car were some monkey-like beasts with reddish-brown hair. There was a bunch of bright red hair on their heads and complex patterns on their faces. These monkeys looked only about 1.5 meters tall, but they were not very strong. It’s small and the box is easy to lift.

"Those boxes contain your training materials. A few people from the tenth group will move our training materials over."

Many boys raised their hands enthusiastically, as if this was the most glorious job in the world.

Gao Peng's attention was focused on the beasts who were moving boxes on the camouflage truck. After the boxes on the truck were moved, the soldiers below took out a few devil's peppers from their arms and handed them to the monkey. The monkey accepted them happily. I gnawed on the chili pepper.

It was indeed the devil's pepper after the disaster. The monkeys' cheeks were as red as their buttocks after eating them, their mouths were opened wide, and the red hairs on their heads stood up high, becoming extraordinarily bright as if they were on fire.

The box was quickly moved over, and when the box was opened, it contained a series of simple training props such as iron sand, wooden hammers, wooden boards, and nails.

Gao Peng lowered his head and looked at Da Zi, wondering what else Da Zi needed to improve on.

speed? Centipede's speed is not slow to begin with. You can choose to increase its speed to make it its advantage. However, speed should also be the most difficult attribute to train.

Attack power? It's also possible. Da Zi's jaws are originally like a pair of sharp vise, the bite force is not weak, as long as the prey bitten by it is rarely able to break free, or the puncture ability of the jaws and feet can be improved, thereby increasing the lethality. . But these seem to be a bit redundant, because Da Zi has the thunder attribute after evolution. When it is promoted to a boss-level monster, it can temporarily release its attributes. In addition to the thunder attribute, Da Zi also has poison attributes. Its current real killing move is not this The sickle-like jaws and feet are not its scissor-like jaws, but its deadly venom.

Defense? With its hard carapace, its defense is not its weakness. The defense of scaly creatures is generally higher than that of beast-like creatures.

Gao Peng was troubled for a while and didn't know where to start.