Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 45: That can't be done!


The hairless blood hyena lay quietly on the ground. There was a penetrating wound on its right leg, and the bones were almost visible.

In the eyes of others, a hairless blood hyena with such a serious leg injury is obviously a soft persimmon, and the persimmon must be picked softly.

But Gao Peng didn't think otherwise. As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn't bark.

This blood hyena was so calm after being severely injured. Maybe he didn't know how crazy and desperate he was in his heart. Moreover, he was of elite quality. If he really tried his best, he might not be weaker than this steel-bristle iron pig.

The most important thing is that this hairless blood hyena has certain resistance to poison.

"Since there is no one, let me be the first to challenge." Gao Peng stood up. He was really afraid that the instructor would be persuaded by this group of people to let them challenge the hairless blood hyena.

The iron cage opened with a bang, and the steel-bristle iron pig that had been hitting the barbed wire suddenly stopped, panting heavily, and its small blood-red eyes stared at the open cage door and Da Zi who climbed in from outside the cage door.

Being captured by humans originally frightened this steel-bristle iron pig, but now a threatening monster broke into this small space, which made it extremely alert, and finally it couldn't help but become ferocious. !

"Hmph~ho!" A low roar came from his throat, his limbs stamped on the ground, and then he crashed into Da Zi arbitrarily and unreasonably.

It's like a chariot with meat bombs, and the sharp spikes are like the sharp blades on the chariot.

The speed was extremely fast, and it was carried by the howling evil wind and hit his face with a strong fishy smell.

Just as he was about to step on Da Zi's back, Da Zi suddenly drew his back back, as if a bow bounced high, and just in time to avoid the hoof.

The limbs under his feet suddenly contracted and jumped upwards. In the blink of an eye, he jumped two to three meters high and hung directly on the back of the steel-bristle iron pig. The sharp feet were like hooks and deeply grasped the subcutaneous fat of the steel-bristle iron pig.

No matter how hard the steel-bristle iron pig struggled, it could not get rid of it.

Da Zi held on tighter and tighter, and some electric sparks exploded when the two tentacles on his head accidentally touched while shaking.

"Hiss!" He lowered his head and bit hard on the back of the steel-bristle iron pig's head. The sharp jaws bit through the steel-bristle iron pig's back. The two fangs penetrated deeply into the flesh, and the venom was injected along the fangs.

"Hmph!" The steel-bristle iron pig seemed to be aware of the danger and jumped wildly on the spot. Suddenly, Fu Zhi's soul was wrapped in Da Zi on his back and he crashed into the barbed wire fence.

After being hit a few times, Da Zi felt dizzy and let go of his legs, taking the opportunity to escape from the back of the steel-bristle iron pig. Then he nimbly climbed up the barbed wire fence and reached a place that no matter how hard the steel-bristle iron pig tried, it couldn't attack.

In Gao Peng's eyes, the status bar of the Steel Bristle Iron Pig keeps changing from weak injuries to mild injuries, moderate injuries, severe injuries...

Finally, it lasted until it was severely injured before it stopped changing. At the same time, the poisoned state superimposed behind its name also disappeared.

At this time, the steel-bristle iron pig was like an exhausted old man crawling on the ground feebly, his eyes filled with despair, and his big tongue sticking out along the edge of his lips.

Da Zi waited and watched for a moment, and finally determined that the prey had little resistance before slowly climbing down from the barbed wire fence. His cold feet made a crisp sound when they hit the concrete floor.

It's like Death is walking towards its prey to reap its harvest.

"Okay, you passed today's training." Instructor Zhang Renbai said helplessly. He didn't know what to say. Originally, this monster was a target for training for five students, but after the first battle, it almost Wasted.

"Your centipede is very poisonous and has good fighting awareness." Even so, he couldn't help but praise him.

"But if you want to train your beast's combat effectiveness, it's best to make it use less poison during training. Otherwise, it will be difficult to greatly improve its combat effectiveness during training. Once it encounters an enemy that is immune to toxins, it will lose most of it. Combat strength." Zhang Renbai kindly reminded.

Gao Peng nodded humbly to show that he heard.

The other four people were stunned. Just now, the steel-bristle iron pig, which was like a bully running rampant in a cage, just rushed to the street

Now the steel-bristle iron pig in the cage is weak, and foam can be seen faintly coming from the corner of its mouth.

It seems that you can... beat up a drowned pig

This group of people looked excited.

"Here I go, I think my beast can participate in the second round of battle." The owner of the yellow-tailed scorpion said.

"Oh, you only have the ability to beat up a drowned dog."

"Yes, I can only beat up your teddy that fell into the water."

There seemed to be some conflict between the two people and they kept arguing.

The cage opened, and the yellow-tailed scorpion cautiously walked in from outside the cage. It first provoked the steel-bristle iron pig, but found that the steel-bristle iron pig did not respond. The sharp tail hook on its back continued to swing left and right from four directions, southeast, northwest, and northwest. After testing the directions in each direction, I felt relieved - this pig was not a threat to it.

I couldn't help but wave my big claws ferociously!

This sentence is vividly interpreted as the villain will run wild when he succeeds.

In the end, the steel-bristle iron pig was poisoned to death by the yellow-tailed scorpion with a sullen expression on its face.

The yellow-tailed scorpion stepped forward crazily, tore a piece of pork, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Then... ...


There are still residual purple toxins in the steel-bristle iron pig's body.

This piece of meat was mixed with its own poison and Da Zi's poison. After taking a bite, the yellow-tailed scorpion became dizzy and kept spinning in circles as if doing Tai Chi.

His master covered his face in shame.

The tail of the yellow-tailed scorpion was stuck in the gap of the iron cage, a pair of large pincers covered its head, and it hissed loudly outside the iron cage, like a child who refused to admit defeat.

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard." The owner of the three-tailed teddy dog covered his belly and laughed. "You also said that your yellow-tailed scorpion is so strong that it actually got poisoned after eating a piece of meat."

Listening to the owner's laughter, the three-tailed teddy dog tilted its head and glanced at the owner, then turned its head and looked at the body of the steel-bristle iron pig in the cage, its eyes gradually glowing...

"Wait, what the hell are you going to do!" The owner of the three-tailed teddy dog was suddenly shocked and angry.

"That can't be done, that can't be done! That one can't be done!!!"

Zhang Renbai felt very tired. He compared the teams of other instructors and then compared his own team.

In order to deal with today's situation, Zhang Renbai narrowed his eyes. He already had an idea...