Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 56: I have a colorful hat


Gao Peng opened the bedroom door with a dark face.

Da Zi ignored the owner, crawled out of the bedroom angrily, and then huddled in a ball under the sofa.

"Stingy guy, come out here. Where did you learn that sentence just now?" Gao Peng pulled Da Zi out from under the sofa.

Da Zi was a little flustered, spinning around in circles with his head hidden under his butt, like a child who had done something wrong.

Gao Peng just teased him, but didn't really care.

Although the IQs of these beast masters are not as high as those of adults, they are definitely not low. They have very strong learning abilities, and there is no telling when they will learn them secretly.

After comforting Da Zi, Gao Peng processed the silver-leaf grass he bought as required and then fed it to Da Zi.

Da Zi needs to take the processed silver leaf grass for 2 weeks continuously. He has been taking it for 6 days now and needs to take it for 8 days before he can take the thunder leader monster crystal core.

However, the leader-level thunder monster crystal core is still a relatively rare thing and is not often available on the market.

Of course, it is not too rare. As long as you are willing to buy it, you can buy it after spending a certain amount of time.

Gao Peng found out that the average price of the recent transactions of the leader-level thunder monster crystal core was 300 credits.

A normal leader-level monster crystal core only has one or two hundred credit points, which can be increased to three hundred. Firstly, the number of thunder-type monsters is not large and relatively rare. Secondly, thunder-type monsters are generally very lethal and difficult to hunt.

After all, this is not a game, it is a real and naked hunting that requires going deep into the wild. If you are not careful, you may be killed by a thunder-type monster.

Of course, don't think that three hundred credit points are very high. Just kill a monster and you can make enough money to feed a family for a lifetime.

The unknown jungle has always been full of dangers. No one knows what terrifying monsters they will encounter, and they risk their lives in the process of hunting. After all, since the disaster, the wild has been completely out of human control.

As early as three days ago, Gao Peng had gone to the Monster Hunter Alliance to post a mission to purchase the leader-level thunder monster crystal core at a high price, bidding 301 credits.

A full 1 credit point higher than the normal average price.

Da Zi feels drowsy after eating the food, and Silver Leaf Grass has a certain sleep-inducing effect.

On the other side, Gao Peng repeated it, cut his finger, and put his finger on Ah Si's forehead.

It's not that you have to use a knife. Logically speaking, it's okay to use a needle to draw blood. But this is a contract after all. In essence, blood is just a medium, connecting the two souls together through the wound and blood.

If you use a needle to draw blood and then take the blood out and put it on your fingertip, this is theoretically possible.

But it’s too complicated,

Too many steps,

Prick a hole in your finger, then squeeze the blood out of the needle and place it on your fingertip...

It's better to just cut your finger, it's so simple and quick.

In a daze, Gao Peng, who closed his eyes, seemed to perceive a fragile space of consciousness.

The consciousness space of Da Zi was even smaller and more fragile than before.

There seems to be a timid soul hiding deep in the space of consciousness.

Gao Peng released his kindness, and the timid soul trembled, and then shrank tighter.

Like a child hugging himself tightly in the dark night.

The night outside the window makes the child feel uneasy. Only by hugging each other can they feel the remaining warmth.

Gao Peng tried his best to show his kindness, but he felt like a strange man who was preparing to abduct a child.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the end, Ah Si's soul was still hiding tightly in the corner of the conscious space.

The connection between the two was suddenly severed. Gao Peng opened his eyes and looked helplessly at Ah Si in front of him.

Ah Chou didn't seem to have reacted yet. It was floating in mid-air and waved its tentacles a few times out of habit.

Then it suddenly woke up, fled in panic, and hid under the table.

Rubbing his cheek, Gao Peng felt helpless. It seemed that he had acted too hastily.

After all, signing a blood contract is not just wishful thinking, but requires the consent of both parties.

Ah Cun's sense of security was very low. Gao Peng noticed this in the consciousness space. His consciousness was very vague, so his perception of Ah Cang's emotions was also relatively vague, and he could only feel deep timidity.

It seems that I need to stay in contact with Ah Si for a while.

Ah Cun's character is not too difficult to get in touch with, but he needs more contact to lower his defensiveness and grow in love over time. The foundation of his relationship with Ah Cang is not deep yet, and it will take time.

... ...

The next day, go to school as usual.

In order to promote his relationship with Ah Clan, Gao Peng took Ah Clan to school with him.

Then he asked Da Zi to take good care of Ah Si and then go to the teaching building.

When he came out of the teaching building after class at noon, Gao Peng was surprised to find Ah Si lying quietly on Da Zi's head, and Da Zi didn't resist.

It was clear that yesterday the two of them disliked each other, but now they seemed to have become close friends. Gao Peng suddenly couldn't understand it. As expected, I couldn't understand the relationship between the beast masters.

In the afternoon, the sun was scorching hot, and the concrete floor of the training ground was dry and hot.

Da Zi trained hard on the training ground, while Gao Peng stood aside and directed while wearing a colorful hat.

This hat is a bit conspicuous and radiant

Shining brightly in the sun.

It even attracted the attention of many people around.

"That man's hat is so beautiful (ugly)."

"It seems to be colorful and translucent."

Gao Peng turned a blind eye to the comments around him. There were thick tentacles hanging down from the edge of the colorful crystal hat. Gao Peng looked particularly ugly wearing this hat.

"Your hat is quite nice." Mu Tieying's voice sounded at the right time.

"Thank you, but since when did you like to speak without conscience?" Gao Peng looked calm, then took off the hat on his head, put his hand into the hat... and took out a bottle of iced green tea.

Mu Tieying: Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ

Gao Peng handed the green tea to Mu Tieying, "Would you like to drink it? This is iced."

Mu Tieying shook her head, "Thank you for your kindness. I like drinking mineral water."

Then Gao Peng continued to put his hand into the hat and took out a bottle of chilled mineral water.

Mu Tieying: Σ(°△°|||)︴

"Your hat..." Mu Tieying finally couldn't help it anymore.

"This is a floating jellyfish, a beast with space capabilities." Gao Peng smiled.

Mu Tieying suddenly realized.

She had heard of floating jellyfish.

"Is your Lianzi's injury healed? I see a big change. He seems to be a lot more courageous now than before." Gao Peng looked at Lianzi who looked boldly at him.

"The injury is almost healed. After the last incident, Lianzi's personality has indeed become much stronger than before." Mu Tieying gently patted Lianzi's big head.