Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 61: Melon-skin frog


There is a layer of mechanical lock on the safe house that is not too complicated. Pull it open and the camouflage alloy door will open.

Monsters basically don't have such a high IQ to open locks.

After entering the house, I found that there was a bolt behind the door, which could be locked from the outside and inside.

The environment of the house is very simple. There are only a few steel wire beds spread out randomly, with several layers of quilts placed on them. There are simple lifting partitions outside the beds that can be lowered into small cubicles. This should also be to take care of the differences between men and women.

There are not many beds in the safe house, which shows that the instructors do not want the students to stick together too much, otherwise the training will be of little significance.

There are less than 5% elite-level monsters in the valley, and there are no leader-level monsters. As long as they are careful and with the cooperation of Da Zi and Lian Zi, there will be basically no monsters that can pose a threat to them.

There is a certain amount of food piled in each **. Each ** has five boxes of compressed biscuits and ten bottles of mineral water. If you save food, you can basically last a week.

The raised partition on Mu Tieying's side lowered, revealing a figure fully wrapped in protective clothing. He even wore a helmet-type protective helmet on his head, and his eyes were protected by a layer of special alloy glass.

It looks like it's covered in a thick turtle shell.

Seeing Gao Peng not changing his combat uniform, Mu Tieying was a little surprised, "You didn't change? There are various mutated mosquitoes in the jungle. Although most mosquitoes have grown in size, there are still some small mosquitoes that are quite poisonous. It would be uncomfortable if you got bitten."

"No need," Gao Peng shook his head, then thought for a moment and took out some dark green grass from his bag. This is mosquito repellent ink grass, which has a strong repelling effect on mosquitoes.

Crush the grass leaves to squeeze out some light green juice, and then apply it to the outer part of your torso.

He did not waste the remaining crushed blades of grass. He took out a bag and put the blades in it and carried it with him.

"That's good. As long as I don't attack those mosquitoes directly, they won't attack me."

Mu Tieying paused, looked at Gao Peng, who was walking lightly, and then looked at himself, who was bloated.


In addition to mosquito repellent incense grass, Gao Peng's most important confidence is that he signed a contract with Da Zi.

Those mosquitoes biting him were equivalent to biting Da Zi.

The bites from these mosquitoes on Da Zi's body were completely painless and not itchy.

"Let's take a look around first. It would be best if we can catch prey. I don't want to eat compressed biscuits for seven days." Gao Peng greeted.

Mu Tieying nodded. She had no objection to this. She was not willing to eat compressed biscuits for seven days. Staying in the safe house for seven days would be a waste of time.

Leave the safe house and let the largest lotus lead the way.

After this period of training, the level of Mu Tieying's Lotus Seed has been raised to level 14. With its perfect quality, it is completely a jungle bully.

There are many vegetation and trees in the valley, which makes it difficult for lotus seeds to move, so the speed is very slow.

After entering the jungle, the air became cool, and the leaves on the canopy overhead shredded the sunlight, and scattered light spots fell on the bottom of the dense forest.

Every step on the dead leaves made a rustling sound, which was particularly eye-catching in the quiet jungle.

The air is filled with a strong smell of flowers and plants, with a hint of rotten leaves.

There were unexpected monsters running all over the ground. Maybe it was still daytime, or maybe all the monsters were hiding in the corner and quietly watching them.

"Water, water." The tentacles on Da Zi's head kept shaking, calling in Gao Peng's mind.

Gao Peng stopped and looked around. He was surrounded by brown tree bark. Finally, after careful communication, he understood what Da Zi meant. There was a strong water vapor not far ahead. There should be a pond or pond in front. A small river exists.

The presence of water means that monsters will come to drink from it, which also means a fixed "hunting ground".

"Let's go and take a look first." Gao Peng said helplessly. These monsters are very smart, or their survival wisdom makes them accustomed to hiding themselves. Unless they are truly fearless overlords in the jungle, most monsters will not walk openly. In the jungle.

"Wait a minute." Gao Peng stopped him.

Mu Tieying looked at him confused.

About five meters in front of Mu Tieying's right, there is a green-brown branch sticking out. Perhaps due to the erosion of rain all year round, the surface of this branch is covered with moss.

When the wind blows, the branches sway with the wind.

"Let your lotus seeds hit the branch with maximum strength." Gao Peng said quickly in a low voice.

"Okay." Mu Tieying trusted Gao Peng and gave the order directly to Lianzi without asking why.

Lianzi snorted in confusion and made a questioning sound, "Hmm~"

Then he slowly stepped back more than ten steps, leaned forward, bent his head downward, and pointed the tip of his head forward like a spear.

In an instant, there seemed to be a motor roaring inside the Iron Rhino, and the blood all over his body ran like a restless flood!

The muscles swelled to a degree visible to the naked eye, the thick rhinoceros skin was stretched out, and clouds of white mist spewed out of the nostrils.

"Roar!!!" The Iron Rhino rushed out wildly.

The speed is getting faster and faster, as if an armored tank is running through the jungle, all the branches along the way are smashed, and the flowers and plants are trampled into sauce.

The branch trembled slightly, then held it back!

It can't see me, it can't see me...



The branch was directly knocked off the trunk, like a dead rope wrapped around a sharp corner, and then hit the trunk along the way, bang bang bang -


The sharp points wrapped around the branch and entangled it into a ball, piercing deeply into a tree trunk that could be embraced by two people.

Drop by drop of green blood dripped from the sharp corners that pierced the tree trunk, and then merged into wisps, slowly dripping on Lianzi's face.

After taking two steps back, a twisted branch fell to the ground with a thud.

Occasionally, he would twitch, and there would be a huge hole in the center of his abdomen, with green blood flowing out of it.

"Not dead yet, but almost dying." Gao Peng glanced at the green tree snake lying on the ground, and the status displayed was (fatal injury).

Unfortunately, the green tree snake's meat was not edible, and Gao Peng was a little disappointed.

The meat of this kind of snake contains trace amounts of toxins, which can be eaten by monsters, but not by humans.

Just treat it as a snack for Da Zi.

When Da Zi stepped forward to learn about Green Tree Snake's life, Gao Peng suddenly thought of something. He signed a contract with Da Zi. Theoretically, all his injuries would be transferred to Da Zi, which means that if he eats something poisonous, Will the toxin be transferred to Da Zi

This ability is a bit abnormal, and Gao Peng cannot understand its principle for the time being.

But being able to drive does not mean that he must understand how cars are made.

Gao Peng looked at the Green Tree Snake's body on the ground, his eyes gradually brightening.

Solving the green tree snake was just a small episode, and the two beasts continued to explore forward.

The movement just now seemed a bit loud, and they didn't meet any other monsters along the way.

A hint of clear color appeared in front of it, and the sunlight reflected on it.

"It looks like a pond."

After getting closer, I could see the whole picture clearly. It was a pond that was dozens of acres in size. The pond was full of living water and did not emit any stench.

There is a large lotus leaf planted in the center of the pond.

"Bah!" A very clear voice sounded at Gao Peng's feet. A head as big as a watermelon poked out from the edge of the pond, and then spat at Gao Peng.

It was said that it was saliva, but it was more like phlegm. It smelled bad all over his body and fell on Gao Peng's trousers. Most of the trousers were soaked.

Gao Peng looked over and saw that it turned out to be a monster. Not all creatures could be called monsters. Some creatures that were too weak did not meet the minimum standard of monsters, so naturally they could not be called monsters.

[Monster Name]: Green Frog

[Monster Level]: Level 2

[Monster Quality]: Normal

[Monster Preferences]: Likes to spit on other creatures.

[Monster Weaknesses]: 1. Thunder type 2. Earth type 3. Hates other creatures spitting on it.

Gao Peng was speechless. This melon-skinned frog was just a lunatic. He only liked to spit at other creatures and hated others spitting at him. The most important thing was that no creature would be bored enough to spit back!


The scheduled release date is May 1st, which is Labor Day.

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