Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 65: Locust tide


Gao Peng walked over casually, looked around, and found that classmate Mu Tieying had not noticed him.

Extend your right foot,

Stepping on that reflective white crystal,

He squatted down casually and pretended to tie his shoelaces.

[Material name]: Wood hollow (space material)

What Gao Peng felt was a pity that only the properties and name of the material were displayed, but not how to obtain it.

What makes Gao Peng a little excited is that among the many routes for the advancement of the floating jellyfish, there is an evolutionary route that requires the use of wooden hollows as the main material, which requires a total of three kilograms.

I estimate that the hollow piece of wood in my hand weighs only about half a tael.

In other words, I still need 60 wooden hollows of the same size.

All monsters have more than one evolutionary path, consume more materials, and use more than one method.

Generally, what is displayed at the front of the data frame is the most cost-effective and optimal choice. If you open the evolution route and read it carefully, you can see many evolutionary directions.

There is a method that is full of style. The whole process requires the use of a lot of utensils and tools, and then it is operated for half a day with a precision method that is almost scientific. It looks extremely high-end and cool. This method is purely used to show off to outsiders. It’s hard to watch.

There are also some more high-end methods, which allow the beast to cooperate with the refining materials to control fire, lightning, and ice. Even the temperature and refining time are accurate to every millisecond. Each material needs to be processed in ten steps. It's a pity that this method requires a spiritual connection between the messenger and the beast, and a very high level of tacit understanding. It also requires years and months of training.

Gao Peng has not been able to learn these techniques yet, because they are of the "do you think I can understand them after seeing them?" level of difficulty.

If you want to learn these advanced techniques, you will definitely need to consume a lot of materials and practice. His golden finger only provides him with instructions, and he has to do all the materials and operations himself.

He has no mysterious power initiation, and no system hangs up. It is impossible for him to teach himself without a teacher, and it is impossible to even dream about it.

Therefore, Gao Peng can only use some poor people's methods at present, which is similar to boiling a big pot of medicine. It seems that the price is a bit low, but it is actually very embarrassing.

No way, it’s high quality and cheap. The rich have their own ways of living, and the poor have their own ways of living.

Of course, these simple methods can only be applied in the early stage. As the level and quality of monsters increase, Gao Peng finds that the steps required to improve quality are becoming more complicated and cumbersome. By then, such shoddy work will definitely not work.

Later, you can think of ways to improve your hands-on skills. Maybe you can find some low-level beast control to practice your skills first. Gao Peng thought to himself.

After searching the spot for a while, he finally found two more wooden hollows in two broken tree trunks.

Together with the first wood hollow discovered, all three were found in the core of a tree called the bottle tree.

Moreover, these three wine bottle trees are very old and thicker than other wine bottle trees around them.

As its name suggests, the bottle tree looks like an upright beer bottle with a dense canopy overhead.

Gao Peng didn't know if anyone had discovered the secret of the wine bottle tree, but he had never heard of this material on the market, nor had he heard of wood hollows in any magazine advertisements, nor even similar materials. I've heard rumors.

What made him even more curious was that since no one had ever discovered Mu Kongxin, where did the name come from.

Bottle trees are not a unique species in the valley, there are many in the outside world. Gao Peng plans to go out for a trip to the wild to collect some wood hollows.

After picking up the mood, Mu Tieying and I continued exploring deep into the valley, and then found a brand new safe house in a relatively secluded place in the valley.

Use the safe house as a base to explore around.

In just a few days, I explored a lot of the surrounding environment and saw a lot of monsters.

Most of the monsters are not high-level and pose little threat, but this is the first time they have seen them in reality. They used to exist on TV and in textbooks.

This personal experience made them very fresh and interesting.

Among these monsters are the rustic wild boar, which is as timid as a mouse. Taking advantage of its rough skin and thick flesh, it hides in the black thorns full of thorns and burrows on the ground. It eats yellow-striped sweet potatoes and hides deep in the thorn bushes when it hears the slightest sound. Observe secretly.

There is also the violent golden swallowtail butterfly, which keeps hitting trees, trying to build up its muscles to beat the green-haired lizard next door.

And the Black Tyrant Ape, who always dreamed of flying into the sky, fell down from the tree canopy again and again and climbed back up, howling.

All living things are like this.

Each monster story could fill a book.

No one is the same, and no monster is the same.

Each monster is an independent individual with its own personality and unique character.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. Gao Peng's skin color was darker than when he first came in, and his clothes inevitably smelled a little bit.

The protective clothing on Mu Tieying's body has also increased a lot of wear and tear, and some fatigue can be seen between his eyebrows.

When he walked out of the valley, he was surrounded by crowds of people leaving the valley, and Gao Peng's spirit was lifted.

Although Da Zi's level has not improved, its combat experience has been enriched a lot in these seven days. It has added many wounds, some have healed, and some have not healed and are scabbing.

Gao Peng currently mainly trains its flexibility and explosive power in battle. Because Da Zi's toxin is very strong, all he needs is how to get close to the enemy and avoid enemy attacks. He can rely on the toxin to slowly consume the enemy, and relying on the toxin can consume Da Zi to death. Some enemies of the same level.

Before leaving the valley, Gao Peng suddenly thought of the group of people he had locked in the room on the first night, and he didn't know if they had been released.

I hope they can meet kind-hearted people.

"This training is over, I hope everyone can gain something." Instructor Chen said to the people outside the training base in the valley field. Instructor Chen's cheek has an additional scar compared to a week ago, and a few more scars have been added out of thin air. Divide into violence. "The next training session in the valley is tentatively scheduled for three weeks. Students who signed up this time can participate for free next time."

After staying in the valley for a week, many people were physically and mentally exhausted and looked sleepy.

The instructor also graciously gave everyone a three-day holiday and would come back to class three days later.

When I got home, Ah Si, who was floating around in the living room, quickly flew towards Gao Peng and slapped his head on Gao Peng's head.

Gao Peng was helpless. He didn't know what was going on. Ah Chou seemed to be targeting his head, and would cover his head whenever he could.

After turning on the TV at night, Gao Peng realized that a major event had happened in the past few days. A wave of locusts sweeping in from the north triggered a four-star alert for the whole city! Now a front line has been deployed thirty miles north of Chang'an City to isolate the locust tide. Now the front line is fiercely fighting!