Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 69: experiment


"President Chen, the reason for the explosion of flesh and blood seems to be due to the absorption of too much fire element, resulting in an energy conflict explosion. There is no fused fire element in the flesh and blood, so the experiment failed." After speaking, Xiao Zheng raised his head and glanced at Gao Peng, meaning Deep and long, but quickly hidden.

"Energy conflict." President Chen frowned. The energy conflict meant that the two energies were not integrated at all, which meant that the experiment was a complete failure.

Based on his experience from previous experiments, if the experiment is likely to be successful, a small amount or part of the fused fire element should be extracted from the broken flesh and blood. In this way, it only needs to continuously improve the formula and adjust the proportion.

"Xiao Gao's idea should be fine, let's continue the experiment." Chairman Chen waved his hand. He also had psychological expectations for failure. How could he be so lucky to succeed the first time.

Gao Peng looked at Chairman Chen's back and was silent for a while. He did not expect that Chairman Chen would trust him so much.

Chairman Chen did not simply believe in Gao Peng, but he thought carefully about Gao Peng's suggestion and thought it was feasible.

And when he called Gao Peng here this time, he also intended to train Gao Peng. If you have talent, you can't waste it. He accepted Xiao Zheng and others as students because they have talent in this area.

There is still a long way to go as a breeder, and it is difficult for him to go very far alone. He hopes to see the road of a breeder go even longer in his lifetime.

To realize this dream, more talented people need to participate in the expansion of this road.

Being able to become a senior animal breeder does require a certain amount of talent. This talent is difficult to describe intuitively in words. It is more like a talent that comes from the soul. People with this kind of talent can often have a flash of inspiration when raising animals and find shining points that others have not noticed.

Just like ancient Chinese medicine, there were obviously no modern advanced medical instruments at that time, and we didn't know about things like cells and nerves. Instead, we used yin and yang and the five elements as the theoretical basis, and regarded the human body as a unity of qi, form, and spirit. Treating diseases through the four diagnostic methods of "looking, smelling, asking, and feeling" combined with ginseng, in the theory of Western medicine, this is metaphysics!

"Yeah." Xiao Zheng hummed, but he wasn't very optimistic about it.

To be honest, as a student of President Chen, he was actually a little jealous that the teacher asked him to bring a young man like Gao Peng into the laboratory. The teacher had never valued them so much.

He had also heard about what happened to Gao Peng at the association's animal breeder assessment site before, but he also thought it was just a coincidence or good luck.

This high school student named Gao Peng should have some abilities, but the level of miraculousness mentioned by President Chen is still a bit exaggerated.

But since the teacher wants to continue the experiment, let’s experiment.

As long as the experiment continues to fail, this guy's true face will eventually be revealed!

The second experiment failed...

The third experiment continued to fail...

The whole afternoon was spent in failure, and the research progress made no progress at all.

Xiao Zheng and several other researchers communicated with each other through their eyes, with a hint of schadenfreude deep in their eyes.

Gao Peng's expression moved slightly, "President Chen, after trying so many ingredients, I feel that maybe just red-faced devil pepper as the main ingredient won't work. Maybe we can add another main ingredient."

"Double main materials? This idea is a bit bold." President Chen raised his head and glanced at Gao Peng.

Gao Peng looked sympathetically at the fasting Golden Toad, whose body was full of pits and had a lot of flesh and blood cut off. The wounds had healed, but the cut flesh might not be able to recover in a short time.

The fasting golden toad glared at Gao Peng and others angrily,

Turn your back,

Stop looking at these hateful humans.

On its butt, there was a large piece of flesh that had been cut off.

Fortunately, Professor Chen and others still have some conscience. Each time they cut off a small amount of meat, they can recover later and anesthetize them in advance.

"Which other main material are you going to use?" President Chen shook his head secretly. He was actually not very optimistic about this decision, but it would not dampen Gao Peng's enthusiasm.

"Black soft soil, black soft soil is a kind of earth-attribute spiritual object that is relatively moist and negative. It can be swallowed by the fasting golden toad to protect the internal organs. Then add a sprig of sparrow wood to the red-faced devil pepper. The wood makes fire, and the fire Raw soil.”

President Chen nodded with a steady expression. He had heard words like this a dozen times just now. They all use various attributes to complement each other. It’s just that there are so many materials with fire, wood, and earth attributes. It is really possible to combine just the right materials. Combining several materials is definitely not easy. Every time an attribute is added, the degree of difficulty increases geometrically.

"Let's give it a try." President Chen nodded.

The materials were quickly prepared and the next test was quickly conducted. Although the result of the experiment was also a failure, the fire element was successfully penetrated into the flesh and blood, and the amount was not large!

This path is feasible!

President Chen perked up.

Continue to fine-tune the ingredients, adjust the mildness of the medicinal properties, change the types of medicinal materials, and choose similar materials.

A few hours later, the color of the flesh and blood lying in the experimental vessel changed, from deep dark yellow to more vivid, and finally turned into eye-catching dark red flesh, at least it did not explode again.

It’s actually come this far! The researchers' eyes almost popped out of their heads, and they were incredulous.

At this time, they finally understood the gap between themselves and Gao Peng.

Gao Peng has never cared about these clowns from the beginning to the end. They are narrow-minded and short-sighted. He has never had any conflicts with them before, but he is full of jealousy towards himself. He is not the same person at all.

Gao Peng said to Chairman Chen, "How about directly conducting experiments on living subjects? Because many of the ingredients need to be swallowed raw to know the effect. It is not enough to conduct experiments on the removed flesh and blood."

Are you finally going to extend your claws to the innocent fasting golden toad? !

Xiao Zheng and other researchers secretly observed a few seconds of silence for the Fasting Golden Toad, sneering in their hearts, expecting Gao Peng to make a fool of himself.

President Chen did not agree directly. The military gave him certain death indicators, but as a beast breeder, he was responsible for the lives of the beasts.

"Okay! Let's start the in vivo experiment." President Chen took a deep breath.

Take out the high-temperature container and place the fasting golden toad into the container.

Perhaps because this is the reason why the military controls beasts, this fasting golden toad appears to be particularly obedient when cooperating with the research, which is extremely rare for a monster.

The ingredients are put into the container one by one according to the proportion and time, and boiled into boiling red juice. The pungent smell spreads in the air, which is a bit unbearable even if several people are wearing masks.

"Cough cough cough." Someone coughed and his eyes were red from the smoke.