Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 75: spot


Gao Peng was wearing a mask, and his whole body was covered tightly. Even his hands were wearing white rubber gloves, and he was busy preparing potions on the experimental table.

There is an alarm clock on the desk that will sound a beep at a fixed time.

Gao Peng then added the materials on time.

Next to the experimental table, there is a large container with a white oxygen pipe inside that continuously sprays oxygen into the body.

Dark green ** was dropped into the blue solution in the test tube, and dense clusters of small bubbles were produced.

Gao Peng looked deeply and gently shook the test tube, only to see golden-red particles slowly condensing at the bottom of the blue solution.

Okay, the solvent is prepared successfully.

Gao Peng walked to the edge of the container and poured all the contents of the test tube into the container.

At the bottom of the container, a spider the size of a millstone twitched and struggled wildly. Its slender limbs had festered and become swollen, and groups of extremely twisted muscles were squeezed together like tumors.

The limbs looked particularly thick, at least five times their original diameter, somewhat like a mutated crab.

"Your body color is gray, and you are a gray plate spider. After evolution, you are a gray shield spider.

Plus you and Dumb and Dumb are both from the same generation..." Gao Peng murmured to himself,

"So just call me Aban."

Gao Peng thought of a certain anime character. This might be the worst time he had ever been hacked.

Waves of painful sensations were transmitted to Gao Peng through his soul, and Gao Peng felt a little heavy in his heart.

But this is the only way to go. If you want to evolve from the Gray Disk Striped Spider to the Gray Shield Armored Spider, this is a process that you must go through.

Different from the previous evolution of Da Zi and the others, this time Aban's evolution requires simple materials, but the steps are extremely complicated.

Just like some top-notch rare goldfish can be sold for millions of dollars, while some ordinary goldfish can be bought for a few dollars. In fact, the difference between them is just the color, size, and body proportions.

So this evolutionary route is relatively simple and requires the least changes.

But if you want to evolve a goldfish into a crucian carp, it's a little more complicated.

Evolving a goldfish into a grass carp is a bit more difficult.

If you want to evolve into a shark or whale, it will be even more difficult.

Of course, this is just a metaphor of difficulty, not the actual situation.

It is quite difficult for the Gray Disk Striped Spider to evolve into the Gray Shield Armored Spider.

So the steps are cumbersome and require many complicated steps.

Gao Peng also made a special trip to the studio to borrow some of its tools.

"Little boss, a guest is here." Xun's ringing voice came from outside the door.

Gao Peng, who was observing the evolution process of Ah-Ban, heard this, looked outside the door, and then looked back at Ah-Ban who was soaked in the solution. It would take a lot of time for Ah-Ban to evolve successfully.

Now that all the materials needed for Aban's evolution have been added according to the steps, the rest is just a matter of water grinding.

Ah Ban's body is growing slowly in the solution, and the body surface is constantly forming a hard shell. Then the hard shell becomes more and more brittle, and finally falls off, and a brand new body emerges from it.

The body is slightly larger than before shedding the shell.

Then this cycle is repeated, the shell continues to condense and become hard, then becomes brittle, and continues to fall off...

This process consumes a lot of energy.

Gao Peng called Xun Quanquan to come in.

"Little boss." Xun Quanquan stepped into the laboratory with small steps. Everything here made her feel very mysterious.

Super amazing!

All the experimental equipment gave her a high-end and classy feel.

In the past, no one was allowed to come in without permission.

"Well, as soon as you see the color of the liquid in this container lighten, you can pour the liquid from the test tube on the table into it." Gao Peng pointed to several tubes of high-energy solution that had been prepared on the table.

Xun looked around at the silver-gray experimental table, with five milky-white solution test tubes inserted into the test tube rack above.

"Ah, oh, I understand." Xun nodded in circles.

Gao Peng had put away all the other materials in the laboratory, leaving only these tubes of high-energy solution.

This kind of thing is not difficult. I believe that as long as your IQ is online, you can do it.

Now that Aban has entered a benign evolutionary process, all it needs is time.

"Mr. Gao." There was a man with silver-rimmed eyes sitting in the waiting room, and beside him stood a bodyguard in a black suit.

The man was very enthusiastic. When he saw Gao Peng walking in, he quickly stood up and shook hands with Gao Peng.

"Hello." Gao Peng was a little confused that this man seemed too excited.

"I have admired Mr. Gao's name for a long time, and today I finally got what I wanted." The man with silver-rimmed eyes smiled, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Lu Xie. I am now a freelancer. I opened a small botanical garden before, but unfortunately it was destroyed by the cruel gray demon. The spider destroyed it and is now repairing it.”

"Chengdong Botanical Garden?" Gao Peng was moved when he heard this and looked at Lu Xie.

Lu Xie laughed, "Yes, I didn't expect Mr. Gao to know about my small garden. Lu is very honored."

"Mr. Gao should also know what happened some time ago. To be honest, he scared me to death that night." Lu Xie shook his head with a smile, but looking at his face, he didn't look much frightened.

"This is the beast I am going to use to strengthen it. Mr. Gao, let's take a look. The price is easy to say. I also know Mr. Gao's rules." Lu Xie said boldly.

This is also... too enthusiastic. Gao Peng is a little confused. He shouldn't be so famous. This is the first time the two of them have met.

After dismissing the bodyguards, Lu Xie stepped forward and said softly: "Mr. Gao, judging from your appearance, you may not know that the military developed the Red Fire Toad some time ago, which has made great contributions on the northern front. Whoever developed the Red Fire Toad We are you and Chairman Chen. Chairman Chen also said at the banquet that your contribution in the research process is worthy of being the first." Gao Peng suddenly realized.

President Chen invited him to a banquet some time ago. Later, when he learned that they were all celebrities and high-level people in Chang'an City, Gao Peng was no longer interested.

To be honest, Gao Peng really has no interest in attending such a banquet, especially after what happened when he was a child... Gao Peng has always been a little repelled by such things.

What Lu Xie brought was a black hound, but what was different from ordinary hounds was that this hound was three meters tall and had a circle of ferocious bone spurs around its neck, as if it were wearing a collar. It also had dark eyes and teeth. Sharp as a razor, the blood-red tongue sticks out from the side of his mouth.

It looks vicious.

Layers of terrifying pressure spread around,

Gao Peng narrowed his eyes,

This is a leader-level beast.