Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 81: He's looking for...what?


The green tree snake was also found in the wine bottle tree area last time. Perhaps this snake has some special preference for the wine bottle tree.

There are at least dozens of green tree snakes active in this forest.

These green tree snakes usually disguise themselves as moss-covered branches and hang on tree trunks, motionless, waiting for prey to take the bait. Their food is small insects or small creatures such as birds.

Dui walked arrogantly among the wine bottle trees. For it, there is no such thing as a cold-blooded animal. Through its soul flame, as long as there are no special concealment skills, it would be as bright as a torch in the dark night in his eyes.

One after another, the green tree snakes were roughly torn off the branches by Ah-Dai, and then they smashed their heads in an unreasonable and unreasonable manner, and carefully took out the gray-green monster crystal core from inside.

To Dumb's huge size, the soybean-sized monster crystal core was like a normal person holding sesame seeds.

Ah-Dai carefully took out the monster crystal core, wiped it on the surface of his black robe, and then handed it to Gao Peng.

Gao Peng stopped and looked at Ah-Dai.

Dumb opened his mouth, wanting to say something but no words came out. Only the sound of the collision of his upper and lower jaws came out.

He tried hard to hand the crystal core to the owner, and pointed at the monster crystal core at his fingertips with his other hand.

After seeing the owner take over the monster crystal core,

Dumb tilted his head and smiled stupidly.

"Fool." Gao Peng put the Green Tree Snake Crystal Core into his cowhide pocket. He wanted to say something but couldn't say it for the moment. He turned his head and pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Dumb, stop these wine bottle trees."

Dumb nodded hard.

After other green tree snakes in the woods saw the miserable condition of their companions, they

They know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, turning around and hiding in tree holes.

They moved slowly, for fear of alarming the evil spirit below.

I thought I could escape by hiding in a tree hole.

Then the tree trunk made a loud banging sound,

Before some green tree snakes could react, they felt the world spinning. In an instant, they fell to the ground together with the big tree with a splash, which shocked them. Then they crawled out of the tree holes and disappeared under the dead leaves. .

Along the interrupted trunk, Gao Peng kept looking for wooden hollows. The area where the wooden hollows grew was the thickest trunk of the wine bottle tree, which is the wine bottle belly. He only needed to target that area to break it.

The broken "wine belly" will be hollow, with a hollow space.

Not every tree has a wood hollow in it, probably only one out of five has one.

Dui stood under the big trees, like the most courageous boxer, hitting the big trees crazily with his fists, and each punch could tear into large pieces of wood.

He clenched his fist, and with each punch, the slightly raised bone spurs on the back of his fist tore the tree trunk.

The bark shredded and the bottle tree shook violently.

In just a few punches, a wine bottle tree was shaken to the point of collapse.

The dull sound of boxing echoed in the dense forest and spread outward.

One kilometer away from here, there were three tightly wrapped hunters walking through the woods, carrying bulging packages behind them. It was obvious that they had gained a lot. They were followed by several beasts. One of the hunters had a hunter on his shoulder. Suddenly there was a squeaking sound,

A rat man with extremely large ears stood up on his shoulder, then turned around suddenly and screamed in a certain direction.

"Huh? Captain, what did Tutu notice?" A young man with a scar on his face asked in the team.

"I don't know, Tutu must have made a new discovery." The oldest person in the team pinched the mouse's ears on his shoulder and took out two peanuts from his pocket as a reward.

The mouse held the peanuts and gnawed them happily, squinting his eyes.

"Tutu said there was a loud noise over there." The captain licked his lips, "Let's go over and take a look."

"Okay, listen to the captain."

None of the other people in the team objected, they all agreed.

This is not the first time they have encountered this kind of thing.

They had met once before, and that time it happened to be a fight between two leader-level monsters. They experienced a snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman got the advantage.

Although one of the leader-level monsters finally escaped, they still obtained the body of another leader-level monster, and gained a lot of money after selling that body.

The scarred young man licked his lips. His beast master had already reached level 20, but due to quality issues it had not been able to break through to the leader level. He had also sought out a beast breeder, but it was a pity that cultivating a beast master was not so easy. It depends on the face.

After cultivating it several times, the quality has not improved at all.

Sometimes he was helpless. Maybe the goddess of fate had not looked directly at him.

His luck has not been very good since he was a child.


He's used to it.

When they arrived nearby, they noticed something was wrong with the sound.

It didn't seem to be the sound made by monsters fighting. The sound was a little low, a little dull, and full of frequency and rhythm.

What is this sound...

Several people looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

A taller, dark and thin young man in the team frowned and said hesitantly: "Why does this sound a bit like the sound I made when I was practicing boxing before?"

"Practice? Yao Huan, are you stupid for practicing boxing? How could there be anyone practicing boxing in this forest." The scarred young man laughed dumbly.

Practice boxing in this forest full of monsters? I'm afraid you've lost your mind.


Not far away, a big tree suddenly broke and fell. The fallen branches were broken and made a series of crackling sounds.

"Let's go over and take a look. Be quiet." The captain said cautiously.

After they entered, they saw a giant man-made monster wearing a black robe frantically punching the tree. The tree in front of it was crumbling and might fall at any time.


The big tree made an overwhelmed sound, and then fell down with a rumble.

These people looked confused.

In their eyes, all the trees in the forest look the same and have only one name, that is - tree.

As for what these trees are called and what their habits are...

None of their business.

The captain's eyes narrowed,

Among the broken trees on the ground, a wretched figure kept shuttling through the trees, seeming to be looking for something in the tree trunks.

What was he looking for in the broken trunk? The captain's eyes narrowed, and the hunter's sense of smell made him notice the difference.

"Captain, let's go." Yao Huan shook his head. He originally thought it was a monster, but it turned out to be someone else. The monster in the black robe looked like it was raised by humans.

The captain raised his right hand to signal others to be quiet.

This person is looking for...what

He was suddenly curious.