Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 88: Fruity


Boom boom.

"Come in." The principal put the rag on the table and put on his reading glasses again.

"Principal, people from the police station are here." The dean of academic affairs said in a low voice after coming in.

"Yes." The principal nodded, stood up and walked to the window. Through the window, he could see the police car parked downstairs.

Sighing, the principal said nothing, turned around and sat back in his chair.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright.

Although this is a school, it will not protect a murderer.

He just doesn't want the same thing to happen again. It's not good for anyone if something like this happens. School should be a place to study quietly.

After class in the morning, Gao Peng left the classroom and left school for lunch.

At the school gate, I saw a large group of people crowded in front of the school gate. They held banners in their hands with red letters on a white background.

"Punish the murderer severely!"

"Where is the justice?"

They also parked more than a dozen cars at the school gate, blocking the school gate and not allowing anyone to enter or exit.

No matter how much the school gate security man tried to persuade them, the group of people remained indifferent. After getting closer, Gao Peng even saw a parent rudely pushing the security man away and yelling: "Get out of here, you old man, if you continue to be ignorant, I will I’ll kill you!”

The security guard was so angry that he was shaking all over. When had he ever seen such an unreasonable person? However, he still resisted the idea of lying on the ground and said loudly: "This is a school! If you want to make trouble, go to the police station to make trouble." The student who committed the crime has been taken to the police station! The school is full of innocent students, are you here to make trouble?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then became angry. If he had the courage to go to the police station, would he still show up here? ! "There is no such thing as innocence. Why didn't those students and teachers stop the murderer immediately?"

When meeting such a parent, the security guard is also drunk.

With these people blocking the school gate, no one outside can get in, and no one inside can get out.

Gao Peng sighed. He really didn't want to go to the school cafeteria to eat.

Everyone knows how scary school cafeterias are, especially middle school cafeterias.

Gao Peng didn't want to eat brick rice and hair vegetables.

Although he knew that it was the love of the aunts in the cafeteria, this love was too heavy.

In fact, there is another piece of news about this matter that has not been made public, but is only circulated privately among students in the school.

That was the student who asked the beast to commit the crime. He was always bullied by others in the class because of his weak personality.

The student who was sent to the hospital was the one who bullied him the most.

It's really scary when an honest person gets angry.

Gao Peng shrugged. He just wanted to go out of school to eat.

As more and more students gathered in front of the school gate, the people outside the school gate became more and more arrogant and domineering.

At this time, there was a sound of braking behind them, and several large camouflage convertible trucks parked on the side of the road.

A man who looked like an army officer jumped out from above.

"What's going on? Why are they blocked at the school gate?" An officer stepped forward.

Seeing the officers in military uniforms, the people surrounding the school gate felt guilty, and then moved the cars blocking the school gate away. "Our child was injured by other students in the school. We came to the school to seek an explanation."

The officer frowned. "Then you go to the police station. This is the school."

While the officer was discussing with the parent, Gao Peng took the opportunity to leave the school.

When he returned to school after lunch, the group of people surrounding the school gate had disappeared, and he didn't know where they went.

In the military region, Instructor Chen stood in front of a table and fed back the opinions of the principal of the No. 3 Middle School to the head of the military region in front.

"Indeed, school should only be a place for studying." The chief nodded.

Then the conversation changed, "But that was before."

"If you do something special in a special period, how should the student handle it according to legal procedures

Did you know that just last month, there were more than 300 incidents of beasts injuring people in Chang'an City, and because of the unusual lethality of the beasts, most of them were vicious incidents. "

The chief's eyes narrowed, "This is just a crime incident in Chang'an. Looking at the whole country and the world..."

The chief shook his head: "We in China have the lowest crime rate, and those countries in the West are even worse. The police there are overwhelmed and even need to rely on some strong civilians to maintain the stability of the situation."

"However, the coalition government will definitely not let the situation worsen and will take major actions soon."

Instructor Chen remained silent.

During the afternoon training, Instructor Zhang looked at the group of students and nodded, "Yes, you have become more capable. You haven't killed two monsters yet, but you started bullying other students."

"Starting from tomorrow, all of your beast masters are not allowed to step into the school! We will build a special gate on the training ground here, and you will bring all your beast masters to the training ground! Got it!"

During the afternoon training, Gao Peng felt that he was becoming more and more eye-catching.

A few boys training next door looked at him secretly with strange eyes.

Gao Peng silently pulled off Ah Chou from his head. Ah Chou kept struggling, and the tentacles were tightly entangled in Gao Peng's hair, pulling it like noodles like plasticine.

"Puff, puff." Ah Si made a series of sounds and refused to get off Gao Peng's head even to death.

"I heard that the jellyfish and wolfberry soup is very delicious." Gao Peng said to himself.

When Ah Si heard this, he was so frightened that he flew down and circled around his master.

Seeing that his master didn't respond, he carefully raised his tentacles and lightly tapped his master's arm.

Seeing that the owner ignored it, Ah Chou panicked.

The tentacles dug around inside the body, then took out a glass of juice and reluctantly handed it to the owner.

"Drink, drink, it's fruity."

Ah Chou seemed reluctant to leave.

Gao Peng gave it a funny look, then took the juice.

"Jiji?!" Ah Chou panicked, why did you really take it

Gao Peng drank it all in one gulp, and then smashed it in his mouth after drinking.

Ah Si was so angry that he grabbed Gao Peng's neck with his tentacles, and then covered Gao Peng's head with his whole body.

"Spit, spit, spit!"

During training in the afternoon, the enemy was a giant gray-brown locust, hanging quietly on the edge of the iron cage.

It was a locust with dead leaves. Gao Peng recognized this monster.

As the war situation continued to stabilize, the dead leaf locust swarm outside the northern border defense line was finally defeated, and the dead leaf locust king was also killed by the military's top beast master.

I heard that the dead leaf locust king's body has been made into a specimen and then put on display in the military museum.

Yesterday, the body of the Dead Leaf Locust King was broadcast on TV. It was thirteen meters long and five meters high. The edges of the translucent wings were as sharp as knives and emitted a cold light. The body was well preserved and it was unknown where the fatal injuries were. .

As the military defeated the dead leaf locust swarms, they captured a large number of dead leaf locust prisoners.

I heard from Instructor Zhang that the monsters they will challenge in the next week will all be dead leaf locusts...

Dead leaf locusts are not completely flying monsters, because they cannot stay in the sky for a long time, and their flying distance is not very high. They can only be regarded as airborne monsters.

Da Zi has never challenged an opponent who can fly. The dead leaf locust in the cage is not high level, only level 12, and is also of ordinary quality.

Just for practicing.