Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 91: Aban's skin


After leaving school, Gao Peng first went to the store to buy a large amount of materials, put them in a black bag, and then put the bag on Da Zi's back.

Da Zi just followed Gao Peng, like a camel carrying a salute.

There is a green jellyfish floating on Gao Peng's left shoulder. Although it is green, it is extremely beautiful. The whole body is crystal clear, like a piece of green jade, with dots of light spots shining on the surface. It is extremely beautiful, and it can fly in the air, which is quite attractive. Many people looked at her.

When I got home and opened the door, I saw that the floor of the house was covered with Ah Ban’s old peeling skin, scattered throughout the living room.

Gao Peng lamented that it was not an option to lose this old man all the time, and it was too wasteful.

In fact, spider shedding is not unique after the disaster. In the world before the disaster, spiders had the function of shedding. Just like snakes, the size of spiders will become larger after each shed.

Spiders before the Catastrophe shed their skin more than once in their lives, and depending on the species, they would shed their skin at least five times.

Now after the catastrophe, this ability seems to have been strengthened to an unprecedented extent. Normally, Ah Ban's skin would not shed so quickly, but Ah Ban's performance was beyond ordinary. There were four old old skins piled up in the room, which meant that Ah Ban Madara grew four times in one day.

Yesterday it was only 1.2 meters in diameter. Now it is close to 1.5 meters in diameter and more than half a meter in height. It is unimaginable that a few days ago it was a spider the size of a millstone.

But it’s not the same thing to continue to transform like this. Gao Peng is a little worried. As these guys at home are getting bigger and bigger, they are taking up more and more space. According to the information in the data frame, the gray armored spider has grown to adulthood. The rear is fully three meters in diameter, comparable to a small car.

It will definitely fit in your home, but it will definitely be very crowded.

At present, Gao Peng doesn't dare to go over to the villa.

He admitted that he was a bit timid and would not take the initiative to seek excitement even when he knew that there might be danger. That is what the protagonist in the movie would do. Who in the right mind would be so stupid

No matter what conspiracies those people have, just ignore them. When these little cuties in my family grow up, I can reason with them again.

Gao Peng squatted down and gently touched Ah Ban who was lying on the ground. Ah Ban was still relatively weak because he had just shed his skin.

The skin on the body surface is very light in color, the exoskeleton feels a little soft, and the thin fuzz is a little itchy when scratched in the palm of the hand.

As the outer skin comes into contact with the air, the exoskeleton is hardening at a slow rate.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Peng decided to buy a parking space in the garage, where he could take turns placing the large monsters in his home to rest.

In this way, a difficult problem can be solved without occupying public spaces in the community.

The only trouble is that when neighbors in the community drive into the garage in the future, they will see a spider the size of a car or a four-meter-tall skeleton lying in the garage, looking at them through the window.

Picking up the old skins scattered on the ground, Gao Peng collected these old skins together with the idea of not wasting them.

I heard that spider shells can be used as medicine, so this thing should be edible. Even if it can't be eaten, the injuries he suffered will be transferred to Ah Ban or Da Zi if he has a contract.

Pick up a piece of spider skin and go into the kitchen, tear off a small piece of spider skin, clean it, mix the eggs and flour, then pour it on the spider skin and spread it evenly.

Heat the pan, use a brush to apply some sesame oil on the bottom of the pan, a faint green smoke will emit from the surface of the pan, and then place the processed spider skin on the bottom of the pan.


There was a continuous sound of frying in the pot.

A faint fragrance comes from the pot.

Gao Peng took a deep breath, and it smelled quite fragrant.

The scent attracted several guys in the room, and they all came running over.

They were all crowded together, looking at Gao Peng's back, their eyes full of longing.

Duan was in a daze for a while, then suddenly remembered his identity, turned around and left silently, took out a cedar needle from the refrigerator, put it into his mouth skillfully, put it on the edge of the window sill, and puffed away.

I'm not interested in your stuff. Snowy pine needles are the delicacy of the world.

Da Zi was the most excited. As the "old man" next to Gao Peng, he was also the first beast. Its identity was very special among all the beasts, and it had the highest status invisibly.

Da Zi is usually the first to taste delicacies like this.

Ah Ban stared at his master's back with greedy eyes, and then inadvertently saw the unused spider skin on the cutting board.


That spider skin looks so familiar.

It seemed like the skin had peeled off on its own, but why was the peeled off skin on the owner’s cutting board

With Ah Ban's current simple brain capacity, he is currently unable to think about such a profound issue.

The next moment its attention was attracted by the aroma in the pot.

Da Zi also saw the spider skin on the cutting board, but unlike Ah Ban, Da Zi had a better memory, and he had been at Gao Peng's house longer, so he naturally knew what was on the cutting board.

Usually only food is placed in that place.

so... ...

The way Da Zi looked at Ah Ban became strange.

Aban is confused,

Why does the boss look at him like this, and his eyes are so strange.

"Zhizhizhi." Ah Ban shouted loudly.

Da Zi nodded, turned around and continued to look at his master's busy back.

Fragile spider skins like this cannot be fried for too long, even if eggs and flour are added, otherwise they will easily scorch.

Turning down the heat, Gao Peng carefully pinched a little bit of the fried spider skin. The fried spider skin was very crispy. When he put it in his mouth, it clicked. The thick fried aroma filled the entire mouth and impacted the taste buds.

Well, it still lacks some cumin powder.

Gao Peng took out cumin powder from the spice cabinet and sprinkled it on the spider skin. Then he took another bite and the taste was indeed much better.

Ah Ban lost a lot of skin. After Gao Peng was full, he made several portions for Da Zi and Ah Ban.

Da Zi ate happily, and so did Ah Ban.

It's just that when eating it, Aban always feels that the taste is a bit familiar... maybe it's an illusion.

Ah Ban licked his mouth after eating.


Then Gao Peng turned on the TV and played the Armor Baby cartoon. The four monsters squatted in front of the TV and watched it with gusto.

Gao Peng took the opportunity to go downstairs and visit the real estate agency to see if there were any parking spaces for sale in his community.

After all, my community is considered an old community, and all the parking spaces have been sold out. If you want a parking space, you can only buy it from others.

After visiting two real estate agencies, Gao Peng was lucky enough to find information about a garage for sale in a community. Although it was not from his building, they were in the same community, and the distance was only a few hundred meters apart.

We made a phone call and the negotiation went smoothly, and the contract was signed directly that night.

The person who came to sign was a man in his thirties. After hearing that Gao Peng wanted to sign the contract quickly, he readily agreed and came directly by car.

Then the two of them took a car to the government real estate department for certification procedures, and all procedures were completed within an hour.

Gao Peng couldn't help but sigh at the high efficiency of the alliance government. Nowadays, the alliance government adopts a 24-hour day and night shift system and is very efficient in handling many procedures.

By the time Gao Peng got home, all the beasts in the living room had fallen asleep.

The cartoon continued to play on the TV, and several beasts were lying on the floor and on the sofa. They all noticed someone coming in, and continued to sleep after sensing that it was their owner.

Gao Peng sighed, turned off the TV, and then turned off the lights.