Monster Refining System

Chapter 122: A bit of deception


"What are you still hesitating about? If you miss this village, you won't have this store!"

After hearing Ziwei's words, Xia Fukun was in a daze.

Who is helping whom? Why are you so eager to help others

"Are you worried that after you take me out, the Dragon Clan people will hunt you down?"

Ziwei felt that she was smart enough to see through everything.

And just as Ziwei thought, Xia Fukun nodded.

"You don't have to worry about this. If the First Elder is still there, he will definitely send people to the outside world to look for me, but the Second Elder will not."


Xia Fukun asked.

"Because the second elder wants me to disappear! If this is the case, he will only have to compete with my eldest sister and second sister for power in the future. There is one less competitor, so why not?"

"But isn't the leader of the Dragon Clan your father?"

Xia Fukun asked again.

"My father disappeared a thousand years ago, right!"

When Ziwei said this, she seemed to have thought of something.

"Why do you know about the five-clawed golden dragon? I remember that a thousand years ago, when my father disappeared, a senior with the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared in the clan and took him away."


Xia Fukun's concern was not that Ziwei's father disappeared, but...

"So you're saying you're over a thousand years old?"

Xia Fukun looked at Ziwei in front of him. He was still a little girl of eighteen or nineteen years old! Why is it so big? Then I was shamefully hard just now... Damn it!

"Yes, the lifespan of dragons is much longer than that of humans. They are more than a thousand years old. Among our dragons, they are still children."

Ziwei said indifferently, and then continued:

"Stop talking about this now, hurry up, do you want me to help you steal the Great Elder's body? If you don't help me, I will go find other humans. I believe I will enter the Dragon Valley with you. Those people will definitely be happy to help me.”

After hearing Ziwei's words, Xia Fukun took a deep breath and whispered:

"What a grudge you have against your great elder!"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Xia Fukun waved his hand.

"Then it's settled, you take me to get the great elder's body, and I'll take you out of the Dragon Valley."

"It's a deal!"

A smile appeared on Ziwei's face, and Xia Fukun glanced at it, slightly lost in thought.

The appearance of a dragon woman is actually similar to that of a human being, but because she is a dragon, she is more fresh and refined. Coupled with the two slightly raised little dragon horns on the top of the head, it looks particularly cute.

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun hummed:

"I have horns on my head and a tail behind me..."

The rough voice reached Ziwei's ears, and Ziwei smiled awkwardly... She wondered if she had found the wrong person. Why did Xia Fukun look so dramatic

"How do we get out?"

Xia Fukun was serious for a second.

"Get out! How to get out?"

Ziwei rolled her eyes at Xia Fukun, and then walked out of Hanlong Cave.

Xia Fukun: "???"

Didn't it mean that there were heavy dragon guards outside as you said? Are we still going out so openly

Xia Fukun's guess was correct...

Ziwei really took her out in an upright manner...

Also when he walked outside the Hanlong Cave, several dragon guards came up to him.

"Third Princess..."

Seeing a few dragon guards looking a little embarrassed, Xia Fukun also expressed his understanding. They are just like security guards on earth. When you see a leader trying to do something bad, do you want to stop it or not

"I'm a little bored staying inside, so I went out for a walk."

Ziwei said.

"But... the second elder has an order to prevent you, the third princess, from leaving the Cold Dragon Cave... besides... you have only been in there for a day!"

As Ziwei said before, the lifespan of dragons is very long. To them, one day may be like one or two hours to humans. Is this boring

"Let me ask you, is my father the Dragon King, or is the second elder the Dragon King?"

Ziwei suddenly asked the dragon guard.

The Dragon Guard who spoke just now was stunned.

"Of course the third princess's father is the Dragon King..."

"Then why do you listen to the second elder but not me?"

Ziwei asked again.

The dragon guard was a little confused.

What you said makes sense!

"You should think about this problem carefully first, I will go out for a walk and then come back."

Ziwei patted the dragon guard on the shoulder and walked out.

"Third princess, walk slowly..."

The dragon guard was still thinking about this issue, including several dragon guards on the side who were also thinking about this issue at the moment.

Is that enough

Xia Fukun was stunned.

Follow Ziwei and go out. At this time, the dragon guards stopped in front of Xia Fukun again.

"What are you going to do?"

Facing Xia Fukun, the attitude of the dragon guards was not so good.

When Xia Fukun heard it, hey! Are they treated differently

"Let me ask you a question."

Xia Fukun pretended to be Ziwei and asked several dragon guards.

Dragon Guards: "???"

Why do you play so much? Ziwei is their third princess, so it's normal to ask them, "Who the hell are you?"

"Why can Ziwei go out, but I can't?"

"Aren't you asking nonsense? That's our third princess, who do you think you are!"

The dragon guard who was facing Xia Fukun said somewhat unhappily.

"Brother, you are treating each other differently. First of all, we are all dragons and should love each other."

"Secondly, we are all males. Why do you let a woman go out but not me? Don't you look down on the male dragon clan? Aren't you the male dragon clan yourself? You should reflect on this issue!"

Xia Fukun patted the dragon guard on the shoulder.

Those dragon guards were a little confused by what Xia Fukun said.


What you said makes perfect sense!

Xia Fukun quickly followed Ziwei without waiting for the dragon guards to react.

Also after the two left...

Only then did the dragon guards gradually come back to their senses.

"Why do you feel like we've been deceived?"

One of the dragon guards said...

"Isn't that just being deceived..."

"Then what should we do? Should we report it to the second elder?"

"What the hell are you saying? What did you say to the second elder? Did you say that we let him go?"

Behind him... there were several dragon guards talking quietly.

Ziwei noticed that Xia Fukun was following her, and she pursed her lips and smiled at Xia Fukun.

"It's not bad. I originally thought you would have to take action before you could come out, but I didn't expect you to come out on your own."

Xia Fukun chuckled.

I overestimated the IQ of your dragon clan...