Monster Refining System

Chapter 85: A different continent


Since the opening of the entire Odin Academy, Xia Fukun is probably the only one who dares to threaten his teacher so directly.

But unfortunately, Li Mu didn't dare to say no.

Firstly, he is irrational, so reasoning does not make sense. Secondly, he cannot beat Xia Fukun, so he is no match for his opponent who is bigger than his fist...

It was also because after solving Sabo, Xia Fukun no longer lived in Tiange. However, just like the previous few days, Xia Fukun still accepted the benefits from the disciples in the inner courtyard of Odin Academy.

Just kidding, who would think they have too much money


Xia Fukun was lying on a Taishi chair, with many disciples from Odin Academy standing under him. Chang Yuxuan and Yang Yao stood on one side of him and on the other. Xia Fukun is covered with a tiger skin that comes from nowhere...

It's a good Odin Academy, but he just created a copycat style...

"Your Majesty, I'm here!"

Chang Yuxuan ran to Xia Fukun's side in a hurry.

Xia Fukun: "???"

What makes you a king? Do you really think of yourself as the king of the mountain


A slap hit Chang Yuxuan's head.

"My name is Mr. Kun, do you understand?"

"Okay... Mr. Kun."

Chang Yuxuan didn't know what Mr. Kun meant, but he still called Mr. Kun according to Xia Fukun's meaning.

Xia Fukun nodded happily.

When he was on Earth, he was just an ordinary company employee, but when he came to Jiuyou Continent, he unexpectedly satisfied himself and became President Kun.

"How are you thinking about those pills I asked you to ponder before? Can they be summoned now? If this thing is summoned and mass-produced by then, the entire Jiuyou Continent will be ours. "

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Chang Yuxuan took a breath, and then said seriously:

"Mr. Kun, I have figured it out. I can already summon Brother Wei you mentioned, but I don't know what 999 Pi Yanping is. I have summoned it many times and failed to summon it successfully, but the summoning Got a similar one.”

"Oh? You summoned it and showed it to me?"

Xia Fukun was stunned, almost, what could that be? Dakenin


Chang Yuxuan nodded, and then, watching him raise his hands, he said "Hey!" and a long soft thing fell from the sky and landed on his hand.

"This is… "

As soon as Xia Fukun stretched out his hand, the thing summoned by Chang Yuxuan appeared in his hand. He took a closer look...

I still can’t figure out what this is!

So Xia Fukun unscrewed the cap and put it to his nose to smell it.


He was not calm at that time.

Chang Yuxuan, 999 Pi Yanping didn't summon him, but he actually summoned a tube of toothpaste? ?

People in Jiuyou Continent don't brush their teeth. Xia Fukun is very confused about this. If you don't brush your teeth, will you get cavities? And the teeth are so white? If this were done on Earth, it would definitely be unscientific. But who made this the Jiuyou Continent

"How many of these can you summon at one time?"

Xia Fukun asked Chang Yuxuan.

"It doesn't take much spiritual power to summon this. I can summon hundreds of them at a time."

Chang Yuxuan answered honestly.

Xia Fukun's eyes rolled around and then said:

"Okay, then you summon more and stockpile them. I'll find a way to get the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce to sell these things. As long as the market is opened, won't you have as many spiritual stones as you want?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Chang Yuxuan's eyes lit up. He finally proved that he was no longer a waste!

"However, we also need to customize a logo. Let me think about it, let's call it Kunshi Toothpaste. When you call back, put this logo on this thing."

Xia Fukun drew a black toothpaste logo in front of Chang Yuxuan. Only the teeth were particularly white and dazzling. He said to Chang Yuxuan.

"What does the logo mean?"

Chang Yuxuan was puzzled.

"You don't need to know so much. You can just summon it. Ask your father to help sell it later. The price will be set at one hundred spirit stones. Let's just say that after brushing your teeth, this thing will make people relaxed and happy. Less, and it has the effect of whitening teeth.”


Although Chang Yuxuan didn't know what he had summoned yet, when he heard Xia Fukun's words, he felt that he might have opened a new world.

Could it be that Chang Yuxuan himself has become a great inventor

"As for Brother Wei you are talking about, if you summon that thing, let Yang Yao try it first. If the effect is really good, summon more and auction them through the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce. It is said that there is a golden gun that will not fall down, and the bridal chamber will not fall down." The effect of defeat.”

Xia Fukun arranged casually.

After listening to Xia Fukun's words, Yang Yao on the side took a breath.

"Mr. Kun, we are both followers, why is there such a big gap between me and Chang Yuxuan? Why do you need me to do this kind of drug testing work?"

Xia Fukun laughed when he heard Yang Yao's words.

"How about you summon a family bucket for me?"

Yang Yao: "..."

After arranging the work, Xia Fukun looked at the respectful inner court disciples standing in front of him and smiled.

"You all want to enter the top twenty in the inner court competition. There is no problem with this, but there are more people here, and the three of me here, plus your sister-in-law Ye Qingwan, will definitely enter the top twenty, so Well, there are only fifteen places left, and even though we are all brothers and sisters, the fifteen places will go to the highest bidder."

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, a disciple not far from Xia Fukun weakly raised his hand:

"Senior Xia Fukun, you three, plus Senior Ye Qingwan, aren't that four people? Why are there only fifteen places?"

When Xia Fukun heard it, hey! You really have a point!

But what he hates most is being questioned by others.

"There is another spot that I left for Senior Qingkong. Senior Qingkong said before that he would give me one million spiritual stones. Why, do you have any objections?"

Upon hearing one million spirit stones, the inner courtyard disciples took a deep breath.

Qingkong Yulian, who was standing among the crowd, was immediately confused.

Dude, I never said that!

But seeing the look in Xia Fukun's direction, Qingkong Yulian nodded seriously.

"That's right, I am the one who spent a million spiritual stones, the different rain curtain in the sky!"

The clear sky and rain curtain were quite refreshing when I was talking, but when I thought about it carefully, my heart started to bleed a little.

It seems that the only option is to go back and sell the family space ship...