Monster Refining System

Chapter 87: Fair fight


"court death!"

Shen Chen opened his eyes, and a fierce intention shot out of his eyes.


Xia Fukun took three steps back.

"I just said you have an eye disease! Your eyes are so red and you still don't admit it! You have pink eye, do you know? Pink eye is contagious!"


After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Shen Chen clenched his fists.

He turned to look at the teacher and referee of Odin Academy beside him.

"Teacher, can we start?"

"But... that's ok."

The teacher from Odin Academy looked at Shen Chen's red eyes and thought of what Xia Fukun had just said.

Oh my god! Could it really be pink eye? Don’t infect yourself!

Thinking of this, the Odin Academy teacher quickly stepped aside.

"Chen Chen from Dige, please give me some advice from junior Xia Fukun from Tiange."

Shen Chen cupped his fists at Xia Fukun and gritted his teeth.

Xia Fukun will definitely not be able to imitate this master's style of bowing before the game.

He waved his hand.

"Why don't you call it a provincial capital? I'm still from the capital. Have you seen the five-star red flag? Are you pretending to be such a big-tailed wolf with me?"

Xia Fukun was not happy at that time.

Shen Chen: "???"

Did he really mean this to show that he was from the city? ah? !

"I mean... my name is Shen Chen."

Shen Chen took a deep breath and said to Xia Fukun.

"Oh, you should have told me earlier! My name is Xia Fukun."

"Haha, I know!"

Shen Chen sneered in his heart.

"Are you ready, junior? I'm going to start."

"Wait a moment."

Xia Fukun waved his hand.

"What happened again?"

Shen Chen frowned, why the hell should I fight

"Old rules."

Xia Fukun stretched out his hand towards Shen Chen.

"Since Senior Shen Chen comes from a provincial capital, he should have a lot of treasures, right?"

"No, I am poor."

Shen Chen's eyes twitched and he shook his head.

"Haha, you city people are really good at playing. You have no money, I believe?"

"Don't say whether these are available or not. If you want to take action, hurry up."

Shen Chen frowned, wondering what Xia Fukun was thinking.

And Xia Fukun thought that he had already wasted a few minutes. How could Shen Chen fight with him for a few minutes? So he nodded.

"Okay, then if Senior Shen Chen loses, I will take away your treasure."


Shen Chen sneered in his heart.

"I knew you would be like this, look!"

Shen Chen stretched out his fingers proudly. On his hand, the space ring had disappeared.

"I heard that junior Xia Fukun likes to collect other people's treasures, so I put the space ring in my residence before coming here."

After hearing Shen Chen's words, Xia Fukun was confused.

"Haha, you are such a clever little kid!"

Shen Chen laughed. This was the first time he saw Xia Fukun deflated. Not to mention, he felt a little proud in his heart.


Before he could finish laughing, he saw Xia Fukun walking to the ring and calling Yang Yao and Chang Yuxuan over.

"Shen Chen's space ring is at his residence. You two go and find it."


Yang Yao and Chang Yuxuan agreed and then left the venue.

Shen Chen was confused at that time!

"What do you mean? You don't let go of the things I put in my residence?"


Xia Fukun nodded and began to take precautions in his heart. If everyone who met him in the future hid the space ring, wouldn't he lose a lot of income? This is not possible! This kind of thing must be resolutely put an end to!

"Wow! Junior Xia Fukun is going a little too far!"

"Three minutes left."

Xia Fukun counted the time and said to Shen Chen.

"What, only three minutes left?"

Shen Chen didn't know what Xia Fukun was talking about, so he asked.


Xia Fukun waved his hand, thinking about using the Blue God's Eyes to sharpen it for three minutes. However, as soon as the blue light appeared in his eyes, he saw Shen Chen reaching out his hand.

Xia Fukun: "What's wrong?"

"Junior Xia Fukun, do you dare to fight me openly like a man? Don't use opportunistic martial arts like the Blue God's Eyes?"

"All right."

Xia Fukun thinks what Shen Chen said makes sense! So he put away the Blue God's Eyes.

Shen Chen himself didn't expect Xia Fukun to be so easy to fool, so he was about to laugh.

I felt the ground shake in the arena.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge monster with nine heads fell from the sky and landed on the ring.

Don't wait for Shen Chen's reaction.


Another roar came, and Shen Chen saw a flaming tiger monster appearing behind him.

Then, one monster after another appeared in front of Shen Chen.

Seeing these monsters appear, the entire venue was in an uproar.

Many disciples were even ready to run away.

What the hell is going on? !

Why are there suddenly more than a dozen eighth-level monsters in the arena

"Is it Xia Fukun? This guy is a summoner, but how can a summoner have so many summoned beasts?"

Many teachers from Odin Academy looked at Xia Fukun in confusion.

Xia Fukun yawned.

He was really a little rich at this moment, he just used up a few of his refining points. Even so, he still has 4,200 refining points.

"Junior Xia Fukun... what does this mean?"

Shen Chen was surrounded by one monster after another with extraordinary momentum, and his heart was beating "thumping" and "thumping" non-stop.

As for the eighth-level monsters summoned by Xia Fukun, it would take a lot of effort for him to deal with even one. Now there are more than ten of them. What does it mean? Does your family run a zoo

"Oh, Senior Shen Chen should know that I am not only a warrior, but also a summoner, right? Since Senior Shen Chen won't let me use the Eyes of the Blue God, then I will just summon some summoned beasts to fight with Senior Shen Chen Let’s have some fun.”

Some people may say that Xia Fukun, with his miserly character, would spend so many refining points to summon monsters

Of course it's impossible!

Xia Fukun summoned these summoned beasts because he had obsessive-compulsive disorder and wanted to collect all the refining points. Is it reasonable to have obsessive-compulsive disorder

Furthermore, Xia Fukun also hopes to completely establish his position in Odin Academy through this competition.

Don't worry, there will always be people in front of you like flies.

And most importantly, Xia Fukun also wanted to establish his authority and let the disciples of Odin Academy who had paid him protection fees before know about it.

Guys, you made the right choice!

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Shen Chen couldn't even cry without knowing why.

Why are you so mouthy? If I had known earlier, I would have asked Xia Fukun to use the Eyes of the Blue God!

"Then, how about you take back these summoned beasts? Let's still compete as warriors, right?"


Xia Fukun looked at Shen Chen and sneered.