Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 103: Looking for you


"Don't worry, he'll be fine."


Coming here with high hopes and leaving with low hopes, one can't help but feel sad. Su Xian tilted his head to look outside and saw that it was about to rain, and his mood was as gloomy as his own.

"I'll take you there?" There was no jealousy or hatred. It turned out that getting along with each other was so easy. He Xinwan regretted that she only understood at this moment how people should get along with each other properly.

"No need, I drove here." Su Xian declined politely.

"Okay, let's go back now. It's going to rain heavily." Glancing at the coat in her hand, the familiar feeling reminded me of that person inexplicably. But at this moment, only simplicity and friendship remained. She joked, "Try harder. If you admit defeat, I won't be polite."

Facing those bright eyes, Su Xian smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, I won't lose."

Confidence, but not enough.

Huang Kaifeng was playing with Xiao Yunshu at home when the doorbell suddenly rang. He was wondering who would come so late. When he opened the door, he saw Su Xian with a decadent look on his face and smiling unhappily.

"What? You came to my doorstep and got rejected?"

Xiao Yunshu threw herself into Su Xian's arms, calling her "Auntie" sweetly, which instantly made Su Xian happy. She walked over and sat on the sofa without hesitation, holding Xiao Yunshu on her lap, "Can I take some time off?"

Huang Kaifeng squatted down and picked up the toys on the ground: "Have you thought it through?"

"Yeah." In fact, she had thought it through a long time ago, but she just didn't dare to face the reality.

"Let's not talk about the outcome for now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get past his mother."

There was nothing hidden between them, so how could Su Xian not know what Huang Kaifeng said? "If he can come back to me, it doesn't matter if he suffers a little. If it can't happen in the end, that's fine too, so I don't have to face that hurdle."

"Just once, fight for yourself once." His eyes were firm, causing Xiao Yunshu to stare at them curiously with her big eyes, "I'm just a little sorry for you."

"Why is that a little bit?" He joked casually, "I'm really sorry, okay? When you're not in the company, God knows how busy I am."

Su Xian felt even more apologetic, but she couldn't have her cake and eat it too, so she could only give up one of them temporarily.

"I have to remind you that this time, you have to complete the task successfully no matter what. Otherwise, if you come back, I will reduce your salary and demote you."

Threatening words have no deterrent effect at all. The two words "thank you" are not enough to express my feelings at this moment. I was moved and kissed Xiao Yunshu gently on the cheek: "Aunt, please find the handsome doctor uncle back to be your uncle-in-law, okay?"

Xiao Yunshu thought for a moment and said, "No, he bullied my aunt last time."

Su Xian rubbed her little head: "He didn't bully my aunt, it was my aunt who made him unhappy."

Huang Kaifeng carried Xiao Yunshu down and said, "It's time to brush your teeth and wash your face."

Xiao Yunshu jumped away. After the bathroom door was closed, Huang Kaifeng said to Su Xian, "I'm giving you this day off. When you've settled your lifelong affairs, come back to work. No one will dare to complain. You can go without worry. But when you get there, be careful about your safety and don't get carried away and reckless."

She didn't say anything, but he thought of everything. This is probably called a confidant.

"Okay." Su Xian nodded solemnly.

"Besides." Huang Kaifeng still reminded worriedly: "Don't take this shame seriously. You've got the girl, so what's the big deal about losing some face? You can pester her, cry, make a fuss, and even threaten her, and use all the 36 strategies. I don't believe he will remain indifferent. I bet that guy can't really forget you in his heart. I guess he just can't swallow the anger that you dumped him so many times. Let him vent his anger, and I think the matter will be settled."

So many times? Is that an exaggeration? She also has grievances, okay? But when I think about it, her grievances are nothing compared to what Zuo Yueyao did.

Su Xian was about to speak when she saw Huang Kaifeng take something out of a drawer beside her and hand it to her. She took a closer look and saw that it was a book called "Chasing My Husband".

"Take it and learn how others chase their husbands."

Su Xianle said: "Brother, what do you usually study at home?"

"I went to the bookstore especially to buy this for you!"

Su Xian was touched and couldn't help but smile, "Okay, I'll take it. I don't want your hard work to go to waste."

Huang Kaifeng sent Su Xian downstairs, and suddenly remembered something halfway through: "I didn't see Wen He at dinner that day. Could he have hidden away somewhere and been sad alone?"

Su Xian hadn't contacted him in the past few days, but she thought that he probably didn't want to contact her anymore, so she smiled meaningfully: "I promise, this second brother is definitely not hiding away to be sad. Maybe next time you see him, he will have a familiar brother or sister."

Walking downstairs and watching Su Xian leave, Huang Kaifeng's smile gradually faded. Seeing the figure getting farther and farther away, he sighed slightly. If she got what she wanted, he would certainly be happy for her, but did this also mean that he was about to lose one of his most capable assistants

Following the detailed address provided by He Xinwan, Su Xian dragged her suitcase and finally found the place. The hospital building was a bit old, but it had weathered the frost and was still strong. The person she was looking for should be in this building at this moment.

Su Xian took out his cell phone and called Zuo Yueyao, but it was turned off. With no other options, he could only ask the security guard at the door about the location of the department and then go there on his own.

It was an old five-story building with no elevator. It was really tiring to climb up to the fifth floor with a suitcase. But no matter how tiring it was, I felt relieved at the thought of being able to see the person I wanted to see.

The young nurse at the nurses' station saw the breathless person at a glance, and besides that, she was also attracted by the fact that the person was very good-looking.

"Excuse me, is Doctor Zuo Yueyao here?" Su Xian asked politely.

The nurse replied just as politely: "Doctor Zuo is out today."

"Do you know when he will come back?" Su Xian asked again.

"We don't know about this." The nurse looked at the slim woman in front of her with envy.

It's been a lot of twists and turns.

Looking at the heavy luggage, Su Xian ignited a glimmer of hope for himself: "Can I go to his lounge and wait for him?"


Unexpectedly, he was rejected mercilessly. Su Xian smiled bitterly and said, "I am his friend. I came here specially to see him."

"That won't work either." The nurse was still firm: "Our Doctor Zuo has instructed that no one is allowed to enter his lounge, especially outsiders."

How could she explain to this little girl that she was not completely an "outsider" to Zuo Yueyao? Su Xian didn't want to embarrass the little girl, so she had to drag her luggage back. After finally getting downstairs, she looked around and found that there was not even a seat. She had no choice but to run to the doorman and pitifully begged the uncle to be kind and let her sit for a while.

Fortunately, the uncle was a considerate person. He couldn't bear to see her almost exhausted, so he cleared out his little place and made an empty stool. Su Xian thanked him repeatedly.

Being sweet has its benefits

"Are you here to look for someone?"


"Who are you looking for?"

"Zuo Yueyao."

"Doctor Zuo, I know, I know, it's the one from the big city." Speaking of this man, the uncle showed fondness on his face: "When he first came, we privately said that he would definitely not be able to stand the environment here and would leave after a few days. Unexpectedly, not only did he not leave, but he insisted on staying here after such a big thing happened. This kid is a good kid, well-born, good-tempered, and nice to everyone here. Every time I see him, he takes the initiative to say hello to me. He is so rare."

Su Xian felt as if he was being praised and felt happy too.

"Are you his girlfriend?"

The uncle asked the question naturally, and Su Xian replied frankly and shamelessly: "Yeah."

"Okay, okay, they look like a couple, and you're pretty good looking too."

Although this compliment was somewhat incidental, it did not hinder Su Xian's happy heart. As the sun set, the person he was waiting for should be back soon. Imagining him coming slowly under the sunset, it must be very pleasing to the eyes.

But Su Xian didn't see this pleasing sight. The way she slept without knowing the time while leaning against the mottled wall was something that people could admire to their heart's content. It would have been fine if Zuo Yueyao admired her, but the problem was that besides Zuo Yueyao, there were also his three colleagues.

As soon as Zuo Yueyao and his colleagues reached the gate, the uncle came to greet them. He pointed at the guard in the guard room and said excitedly, "Doctor Zuo, you're back. Your girlfriend has been waiting for you for a long time and is now tired and asleep."

The word "girlfriend" was quite sensitive, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the three doctors nearby. They all became interested in finding out the true appearance of Mrs. Zuo, whom they had never met before.

Compared to their enthusiasm, Zuo Yueyao seemed very indifferent. He walked slowly towards the guard room. When he saw the person who was sleeping soundly, he looked a little helpless.

"Girl, hurry up, wake up, your boyfriend is here."

Su Xian woke up to the uncle's scream. When he rubbed his eyes, he clearly saw the handsome man looking down at him, but his expression was too calm.

Shouldn't it be a surprise

There were three people standing behind Zuo Yueyao. They looked older than them. Su Xian nodded and smiled at them politely. After the three smiled back, one of them volunteered to make an opening statement: "It must have been very hard for you, sister-in-law, on this journey?"

Su Xian glanced at the mud on his white shoes and said, "It's not hard."

"Hurry up and take your sister-in-law to the dormitory. I think she looks very tired. It's not too late to talk about work tomorrow." Another person echoed with a smile. Their smiles were very warm, which reminded Su Xian of her hometown. Her fellow villagers also had such simple and honest smiles.

Zuo Yueyao looked at her and didn't say anything. Su Xian couldn't figure out what he was thinking at the moment. She even began to worry that he might be unhappy with her uninvited visit.

The uncle stuffed the luggage into Su Xian's hands and said, "Go back with your boyfriend quickly."

Su Xian stood next to Zuo Yueyao. He didn't speak, so she waited. Finally, she said, "Let's go."

Zuo Yueyao walked in front and Su Xian followed behind him pulling the suitcase. As they walked, the suitcase was in Zuo Yueyao's hands. His steps were a little quick and Su Xian followed closely, feeling very good.

"Why do I feel like this couple had a quarrel?" The crowd of onlookers still did not disperse, looking at the couple and sighing: "Could it be that Dr. Zuo came to our place and my sister-in-law is unhappy?"

"It's normal to be unhappy." Another person echoed: "We live in a remote area. Something like that happened a while ago. Although we didn't suffer here, everyone around us is terrified."

"I don't think that girl is unreasonable." The uncle actually spoke kindly: "She was chatting with me just now, and she was very polite. There are not many people who are so beautiful and polite."