Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 104: Accompany me


Zuo Yueyao's dormitory was in an old building next to the hospital. When he pushed the door open, he found it was much better than he had imagined. Although it was simple, it was clean. There was a desk next to the single bed, and medical books were neatly arranged on the desk.

He is really a studious person. He never forgets to carry books with him wherever he goes. But he has not become a nerd. He is polite and knows when to act.

But Su Xian didn't really enjoy his politeness. Instead, he treated her coldly: "I'm usually very busy and don't have time to accompany you. This place is not suitable for you to travel. Have a good rest tonight and go back tomorrow."

This order to expel him was too inhumane. When Su Xian came here, he imagined many beautiful scenes, but they ended up being a tragedy.

Well, I can only say that she brought this upon herself.

"I won't go back." Su Xian simply acted like a rogue: "I came here with so much trouble just to see you, how can I go back tomorrow?"

"So when are you going to go back?"

"have no idea."

"Don't want to work anymore?"


Zuo Yueyao was silent for a moment: "If you haven't made enough noise, you can make more noise slowly. When you have made enough noise and thought it through, tell me and I will have someone take you to the station."

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Su Xian hugged him from behind: "I'm not making a fuss, I really came to find you, I told you, I want to be with you." He put his nose against Zuo Yueyao's back, greedily absorbing the familiar scent to dispel the longing for many days.

Zuo Yueyao stood there indifferently, letting her take advantage of him. When she had taken advantage of him enough, he slowly pulled her hand away, "Have you forgotten how I answered you that day?"

"Yeah, I forgot." Since I'm shameless anyway, I might as well be shameless to the end.

"I didn't forget." Zuo Yueyao still didn't look happy, but his tone softened a little: "There's a small shop next door. I'll go buy you some toiletries. You can stay here tonight, and I'll sleep with my colleague."

"No." Su Xian jumped up and blocked his way: "Sleep with me."

This shameless look, I wonder if the sisters would laugh their heads off if they saw it.

Zuo Yueyao glanced at Su Xian calmly: "I don't have the habit of sleeping with anyone casually."

Su Xian looked at Zuo Yueyao aggrievedly: "You know, I'm afraid of the dark. If you let me sleep alone in this strange little house, I won't be able to sleep."

"You can leave the lights on."

"I can't sleep with the light on."

Seeing that Zuo Yueyao seemed to be relieved, Su Xian struck while the iron was hot: "I have been traveling all day, and now I am tired and sleepy. I don't sleep well to begin with. If you don't accompany me, I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight. Even if I fall asleep, I will have nightmares because of fear. Can you really bear to see me like this?"

"You asked for it." Zuo Yueyao ran away: "Stay here."

Su Xian followed him quickly and took his hand: "I'll go with you."

Zuo Yueyao pulled his hand back and stuffed it into his pocket as if to protect himself from wolves. Su Xian was not discouraged and simply hugged his wrist and clung to him like a koala.

In the past, she always held her head high and had never been so shameless as to cling to someone. Now, she realized that her understanding of love was really superficial.

Since you like him, why not take the initiative? It's worth giving up this face in exchange for a good husband!

The two walked a certain distance apart, and Zuo Yueyao told Su Xian in a serious tone: "The people here are quite simple, so you should behave yourself."

Su Xian felt that what he said made a lot of sense, so he obediently broke away from Zuo Yueyao. Although he felt a little empty in his arms, he couldn't do any affectionate actions because he was in a plain place.

After picking out the things, the two went to the cashier to pay. When the shop owner saw Zuo Yueyao and the beauty beside him, she put away her usual loud voice, smiled and tried her best to show her gentle side: "Don't accept this money, just think of it as a gift from your auntie. Doctor Zuo, your girlfriend is really beautiful."

She had heard such compliments countless times and was indifferent every time. But this time, Su Xian felt complacent. Seeing that Zuo Yueyao didn't react much, she felt a little disappointed, but fortunately he didn't deny the word "girlfriend".

Su Xian naturally understood that there was still hope in pursuing her husband.

Zuo Yueyao never hesitated to smile to outsiders. He stuffed the money into the proprietress's pocket. As they left the store, his smile gradually faded, and he took the initiative to explain: "I didn't refute because I didn't want to cause more explanations. You should know that I am a person who is afraid of trouble."

The little spark of hope that Su Xian had just felt was completely extinguished.

Zuo Yueyao put down his things and was about to leave. Su Xian pulled his hand and said, "I'm so hungry." Then her stomach really made a protest sound of hunger, which proved that she was not lying.

After the bumpy ride, she was indeed hungry.

Zuo Yueyao made two bowls of noodles, one for each person. Su Xian looked at the noodles with a few vegetables floating on them and not even an egg, and he really had no appetite. However, Zuo Yueyao ate it with relish.

One thing Su Xian couldn't understand was why someone like Zuo Yueyao could remain calm in any environment. Although she had been traveling all over the country for many years, her material satisfaction allowed her to ignore the hardship. Over time, she became a little picky, just like this bowl of noodles with a light soup. In the past, she could eat it all up, but now, even though she was very hungry, she still couldn't swallow it.

"I usually eat in the hospital cafeteria. The ingredients are limited, so I just make do with what I have. This is not the North City, so there are not many restaurants nearby."

Zuo Yueyao's explanation did not successfully whet Su Xian's appetite.

"People here hate wasting food the most." Zuo Yueyao spoke again, "If we don't eat it, it will become mushy."

Su Xian picked up the chopsticks and rummaged through the noodles, sighing silently. The romance she had imagined was not there at all. This bowl of noodles only reminded her that Zuo Yueyao was no longer the Zuo Yueyao who she said would run all over South City to get whatever she wanted to eat.

Of course, this thought only flashed through her mind for a moment, and then after comforting herself, she slowly ate the bowl of noodles.

"Finish this bowl of noodles, and I'll keep you company tonight."

As soon as these words were spoken, Su Xian suddenly felt the aroma of the noodles and his appetite immediately came.

Zuo Yueyao seemed very satisfied with her performance. His expression softened when he took away the empty bowl. Su Xian snatched the bowl and chopsticks away like a dog: "I'll wash it."

The other party did not refuse at all and readily gave the task of washing dishes to Su Xian. Su Xian happily went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and from time to time he turned his head to see if Zuo Yueyao was in the room, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

Zuo Yueyao did not run away. Reading was the best way for him to pass the time at night. He sat down at the desk and opened a thick medical book. When Su Xian came back after washing the dishes, he was reading intently.

Su Xian didn't disturb him. She gently sat down on the bed beside him and looked at his profile in fascination.

He was fascinated by the book, and she was fascinated by him. The quietness at the moment was so beautiful that people couldn't bear to destroy it. Su Xian didn't know whether this love could be recovered, so the beauty of the moment made her feel precious.

It was not until she felt sleepy that she had to put away her infatuated heart. Su Xian tiptoed to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as she took off her clothes, her eyes suddenly went dark. She felt terrified that the bathroom without even a window felt like she had fallen into hell.

Su Xian's scream echoed throughout the house. All kinds of horrific images flashed through his mind quickly. He groped in the darkness with his hands, trying to find the exit by the door.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm, and his frightened heart calmed down instantly. Following this life-saving straw, he subconsciously crawled into Zuo Yueyao's arms, not even daring to raise his head. Zuo Yueyao turned on the light of his mobile phone, and for the first time today, he spoke in a gentle voice: "Power outages are common, and the call will come back soon."

The two people embraced each other in the darkness, or to be exact, Su Xian hugged the other person tightly, and the gentleman's hand did not even touch her. She realized belatedly that she had been stripped naked. She felt embarrassed and sighed secretly, thinking that if Zuo Yueyao was not Liu Xiahui, then he had completely lost interest in her.

After the shock, there was loss. These emotions were really complicated. Under the dim light, Su Xian's head slowly left Zuo Yueyao's neck and neck. She looked at him and said, "I'm like this now. Can you at least show some expression? It's like I'm not attractive at all."

Zuo Yueyao pulled Su Xian a little distance away, lowered his eyes to glance at her curvy figure, and couldn't tell whether there was a normal man's desire in those beautiful eyes: "I don't deny that you are very attractive." Su Xian was secretly happy, and then heard him say: "But the trick of seducing people with sex is useless to me."

A large towel wrapped around her naked body. Su Xian suddenly wanted to laugh. Since God had created such a convenient way for her, shouldn't she just take advantage of him and then, as Chen Biyu said, do it without consulting anyone first or something like that

But it was just a thought. She couldn't do those things in front of Zuo Yueyao. She was afraid that if she pushed him too far, he would disappear and everything would be over.

Su Xian was wrapped in a towel with her mind full of all kinds of random thoughts. Zuo Yueyao was standing next to her. He didn't abandon her in the dark, but he didn't hold her in his arms and coax her like he used to. This gentlemanly face-to-face interaction made Su Xian not know what to say.

The electricity came quickly, and Zuo Yueyao turned and left the bathroom. When he left, he closed the bathroom door and said, "Remember to lock the door."

Zuo Yueyao's bed was a single bed. Remembering what he said during dinner, Su Xian squeezed into the bed to make room for Zuo Yueyao. However, he just sat there motionless at the table, with no intention of getting on the bed at all.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Su Xian couldn't help but ask.

"I'll wait for you to fall asleep and then go sleep with my colleague." Zuo Yueyao replied indifferently, as if nothing had happened just now.

"You lied to me?" Su Xian was a little angry: "You said you would accompany me."

"I did say I would accompany you." Zuo Yueyao then turned around and looked at her: "But I didn't say how long I would accompany you. You sleep peacefully. I will be here until you fall asleep."

Should she be moved by these words? But this was not the result she wanted. It was all because of her lack of experience. Su Xian was at a loss as to how to take the initiative.

What should she do with this man

The sleepiness faded away, and as the night deepened and everyone was asleep, his mind became clearer and clearer. Su Xian leaned against the head of the bed, racking his brains but unable to think of a way to resolve the current embarrassment. The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he felt.

"Can't sleep?"

Zuo Yueyao at least turned his attention to her. Su Xian nodded weakly, and saw him move from the desk to the bed and sit down. Su Xian hurriedly moved closer to him.

Zuo Yueyao made a video call. When Lai Yun's chubby little face appeared on the phone screen, Su Xian sat up in shock.